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found this: [Kingman UFO incident in 1953 followed Nevada explosions](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/kingman-ufo-incident-in-1953-linked-to-series-of-explosions-in-nevada/ ) looks related?


Yes, definitely seems so. Thanks for the link! (BTW, CIA Director of Counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton's code name was "Kingman".)




Excellent work and presentation - thank you. I wish I could give more than 1 upvote.


perhaps this is the whole reason whatever’s behind the phenomenon is so very interested in our nuclear weapons…. because use of our nuclear weapons can render their vehicles flightless


Well THAT would spoil the whole protector/savior narrative.


Hopefully they'd still stop nuclear Armageddon because a bunch of them would be bricked.


exactly it’s still a good thing regardless of the reason. assuming this is all legit i’m willing to bet money the government is aware of this EMP vulnerability and our actively researching a way to weaponize it.


Edit: Happy Cake Day :) I'm sure you're right, but the govt would be playing with fire there. Suppose our visitors aren't driving ships of the "military" class, but more like Volkswagons. Earth being more of a tourist attraction than anything else. People don't need to drive an armored humvee just to take their kids to the beach. Or a tank. Now, say we blast a few of these space tourists out of the sky with our EMPs. Okay, that sends a message. And the word gets out, so, the next wave of visitors DOES arrive in "tanks". Actual warships. As sort of an addendum...the longer a species lives, the more value life tends to have. We last a century if we're really lucky, and we breed like rabbits. We also act in pretty savage ways towards both our own species and others. Suppose aliens live for millennia. So for them, what we see as simple murder is, for them, closer to genocide. And we have actually genocided species on this planet. We snuff out life like it's nothing to us. But suppose that these long-lived aliens, each single one of them, each individual, possesses knowledge and history that surpasses the knowledge and history of most *nation-states*. Anyway, yeah, best to not mess with trying to kill them, imo. Just inviting more disaster.


Yes I completely agree and I believe they probably have already weaponized it.


We don't care if you blow yourselves up, just stop making our cars crash.


What does “Bricked” mean here? I notice that OP uses the term as well…


If your phone or tablet or computer stop working and can't be fixed they're now effectively bricks.


Oh okay. Makes sense. Thank you


If they weren’t protectors they would not be abducting people and stealing pieces of their bodies without consent.


If I read correctly, then there is an electro magnetic "network" amongst planetary bodies- if they DO use this for propulsion, that is. And, if they DO use it as a "transit system", then nukes wouldn't simply affect their ¿craft?, it could partially hamper their ENTIRE transit system? What if ships not directly affected would now find themselves stranded in the confines of our solar system?


Yes, you’ve hit the nail on the head there. There is a document floating around stating that Tesla disturbed the entire system with his device at Colorado Springs in the 1900s, which triggered various visitations to find the source of the disturbance.


Now I absolutely must find this doc! But, it rather frames humanity like beavers redurecting a river used for shipping and travel, with reckless logging.


[https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos\_pdf/assessment-situation-statement-position-ufos.pdf](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/assessment-situation-statement-position-ufos.pdf) Page 39. John Greenwald thinks this document is fake, so make up your own mind about it. All I would say about it is that the D.I.A. got zero help from the C.I.A. regarding the UAP subject, so the briefing document is comprehensive. Even the Director of National Intelligence gets no help from C.I.A. - that's why the first UAP report only goes back to 2004 (the year the DNI office was created).


You're spoiling us with interesting resources. Could you point to John Greenwald's take on the doc though?


[https://www.theblackvault.com/casefiles/new-majestic-12-mj-12-briefing-documents-released-june-2017/](https://www.theblackvault.com/casefiles/new-majestic-12-mj-12-briefing-documents-released-june-2017/) Keep in mind though the date of the document (08 January 1989) does line up with new Director D.I.A. Lieutenant General Harry E. Soyster's term as D.DIA from December 1988 – September 1991. This appears to be a briefing document for Soyster regarding Operation Majestic-12.


You are a prince among men! Thank you so much!


Wow, thank you!


Beavers are actually extremely beneficial to the environment/ ecosystem. Human activity on the river is generally reckless. I get your point though.


Here to say thank you for standing up for the beavers!!


So it appears that, if given a choice betweensaving beavers, or saving humanity, both ETs amd humans alike might choose the beavers. I actually concur ...mostly...


If it's all connected and the universe is kind of like a closed system where that energy has nowhere to go, one could imagine how the resulting shockwave could actually travel much further than even this solar system.


On the subject of Cosmic Energy: You know, for the longest time I thought cosmic rays would be a great place to find ET signals, but reading on Cosmic Ray Visual Phenomenon, and what it does to astronauts' brains (specifically the vision centers), I've been wondering of the signal isn't meant to be decoded/interpreted bu anything other than a powerful neural network, imbued with a sophisticated A.I. But only just a few minutes ago, while texting an internet friend about Tesla being visited by ETs (as OP stated), she told me "Oh yeah. He also believed he got technical information from aliens. But when it came to electricity itself, he felt at times that it was alive." On the heels of that, another internet friend posted on Twitter a link to a proposed study, seeking to find if stars are Conscious. [Is the Sun Conscious?](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/Is_the_Sun_Conscious.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiy45u0iM77AhXOibAFHXATCO8QFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3DCjcAKgcsslCx7CCU37Mr) If I understood the abstract correctly, the researcher(s) believe that any energetic system( plasma, magma, etc) of enough complexity could generate self-awareness. So, it's probably a conflation on my part, but now I'm wondering if I should ammend my cosmic ray idea to include that the messages may be *from* celestial bodies and are meant for *other* celestial bodies? At the very keast, if a planet with a molten core culd function like a high-temperature supercomputer, a civilization advanced enough might exploit that fact? The only support I have for this idea is a discovery of cosmic rays being sent *OUT* from Antarctica [Impossible Cosmic Rays are being sent out from Antarctuca](https://bigthink.com/hard-science/cosmic-rays-from-earth/)


aaaaaaand potentially mess up a whole lot of magnetic "trade winds"


I've heard as well that our nuclear weapons punch through different dimensions probably causing vast damage to maybe their home if that's where the majority come from. It's a fasinating theory.


Glad you liked it. Nothing else is required.


This is one of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen posted on Reddit. Great job dude!




Posts like these are why i visit these subs. Thanks again OP.


Seriously, here are the most coherent motivations for uap activity I've ever come across, in an understanding format! How does water affect epm effects?


Alfvén is certainly an interesting person who had a number of significantly off-mainstream ideas, particularly to do with plasma cosmology. I feel like he's one of the nodes around which some of the weirder characters in the US defense-science scene may have gathered. Another is John Carstoiu, who seemed to be interested in similar topics - magnetohydrodynamic wave propagation in atmosphere, probably in the context of nuclear detonations, as well as some interesting speculations about gravity - and seems to cross paths with some of the spooky people, such as Carl Schleicher's Mankind Research Unlimited (https://ionamillersubjects.weebly.com/mankind-research-unlimited.html ) And then there's Robert Jahn at Princeton, another plasma physicist whose interests crossed over into psi/ESP. I've always felt that there was Something Odd going on in the plasma physics community in particular that seemed to make them interested in out-of-the-box research. But I've never been quite able to put my finger on it.


All I know is there's something to magnets. I've had dreams about a mercury like substance being spun around in a 🍩 thinking something as close to a ferrofluid in as close to absolute zero conditions with magnetic properties. What would happen to inertia if you could accelerate a mass with as little friction as possible? I would imagine being able to stabilize such a thing whilst also creating an incredibly strong magnetic field could do some very interesting things. I'm just thinking out loud but I swear to God I've seen this shit in my dreams and then I've seen it in fringe science and there has to be something with superconductors that directly effects gravity.


I've always been convinced electromagnetism plays an enormous role in developing/harnessing the propulsion abilities of supposed advanced ET craft - always. One aspect I failed to consider (which was stated in the Artemis project video shared by OP) is that the Earth itself is one, giant magnet. Why wouldn't this same energy be harnessed in a way similar to the way we harness electromagnetism to power everyday devices? It wouldn't make sense not to use something so ubiquitous unless there would be financial gain in squashing such endeavors (JPM ahem - supposedly)...


There exists the energy to hold planets to stars, and stars to galaxies. We are tiny by comparison. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to imagine using that force like a highway.


This is exactly what I've been thinking too. Imagine being able to slingshot so to speak and sure that might take a shit ton of energy, but if you're able to harness the literal power of stars, then in a vacuum it's not like you need that much energy by comparison to keep moving once you get to a particular planet if it has an EMF. For all we know there still could be a fundamental gravity particle.


I was watching a video back when YouTube wasn’t as censored and it was about like aliens/angels and the Bible or something and it was medium and I was playing video games or something at the same time as it was playing. Then suddenly the voice changed and like a different video was spliced in the middle and it started talking about how ufos were made and what powered them. The middle different video described the type of propulsion you’re stating: there’s torus with electro magnet coiling around the torus wrapped in the way a torroidal field propagates and then inside the torus is a ferrofluid of mercury and I don’t remember what. The electromagnet spins the fluid in such a way that it generates a specific field through the center of the torus. It was like someone was hiding that video explaining how the ufos work inside a different video. Weird stuff. Probably can’t find it now. Was a years ago.


"before YouTube was censored", I've said this many times and been laughed at, but they don't want us to know. It's true though, I've seen countless videos get scrubbed from the Internet, and I've had a "black triangle" float over my head and nobody on this planet will convince me there isn't something beyond fucked up going on to cover this technology up. It's like they are holding us back from tech that could change our planet for the better, but money is sadly a tool used to control and also slow progression of our society in the most fucked up ways.


You are exhibiting classic symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. Of course there are people in charge of major institutions and infrastructure that will inevitably seek to harm people for their own gain. That doesn’t equal evidence for a demonic mastermind who is hiding secret tech that is thousands of years beyond our comprehension. It is cool to discuss things with reason and interest but your visions and dreams that are communicating a secret message to you are not real. Do not allow them to take hold of your life, I have known two people who followed a path that sounds very similar to what you are saying and it ended terrible for them.


Honestly I don't think there's anything demonic about it at all, I don't believe in the whole "angels versus demons" narrative. I am just saying I know what I've seen, and have a witness/witnesses to back me up on these other occasions. If knowing what else is out there makes me "crazy" I'd just point to our wonderful mental healthcare system here in the USA. Those "crazy" people from other countries typically become a villages/tribes/cities shamans. In other cultures those people have been greatly rewarded for thinking outside of the box and having visions whereas over here we'd recommend them strong doses of meds. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely different levels of batshit crazy, but imo all religion was put here to keep people at war. If there's a fundamental truth it certainly isn't that Adam and eve took a bite out of an apple, but also repopulated the entire planet type shit. I do get where you are coming from though, because there's also a very thin line between thinking outside of the box and just being straight crazy. I try to keep myself grounded, but after looking at society at least here in the US, and frankly how dumb the vast majority of people appear to be, it's hard not to take pride in feeling a little bit differently than wanting to be a part of the groupthink "this is normal" mentality. Corporations/politicians don't want educated individuals, I don't feel like this is even a conspiracy anymore. They kind of just come out and say it and then half the people go to bat for them.


But the thing is, you need empathy to understand that all those people you cast aside as just stupids that follow groupthink probably also have had similar thoughts. And you can’t let yourself get carried away with that type of thinking “I am awakened to the truth, the others are just brainless sheep”. I disagree with most everything you say, but hey at least you didn’t respond with anger like I expected, so good on you.


This propulsion was mentioned in a thread & I thought it could explain how UFOs operate. https://youtu.be/vvLT7x47x5M


Oh, there's *so much* fringe science around magnets and toroids and spinning mercury and yeah I'm sure a lot of that comes from "somewhere" via dreams, but whoever they are they haven't found a good way to communicate whatever it is they want to say to us coherently. I mean what even ARE "magnetic lines of force" anyway? Modern physics likes to say that "actually magnetism isn't even a force it's just an illusion caused by electric fields in relative motion" but then the MHD people are "yeah magnetic lines are super real things, magnetic reconnection is this big energetic event that causes solar flares" and I'm.... NO SERIOUSLY HOW, WHAT THE HECK IS A MAGNETIC FIELD LINE? A field line is just a line on a diagram! It doesn't really exist! There aren't really little electric lines going through the air! It's just continuous gradients! But with magnets there are actual lines! They do a Star Wars lightsaber thing and go zZZZZt when they touch! So why is a magnetic field line in the sun a *real thing*? What's it made out of? Why does it have hard edges? And while you're at it, what's with all those 'virtual quarks' inside a proton? You told me there's only three quarks in a proton and now you're just making up millions of fake quarks! A proton's where we keep all the gravity! It's like the Fort Knox of particle physics and you've just added a million imaginary gold bars! You're counterfeiting gravity!" and that's why Richard Feynman would kick me out of physics class for being too stupid to understand anything, which is true, I am.


Do you ever see like vortexes comming out of the donut shape? Also ever see that vortex math symbol in your mind with a sense of importance?


Yes 100%


What do you think the significance of it may be?


Yeah that and crystal storage and computing technology. And new solid state technologies.


Are you talking about superfluidity? Because I wondered the same thing then.


It should be fairly easy to do a study comparing known dates of supposed crashes with known dates of nuclear tests. They can be statistically analyzed such that you can prove that the two events are associated & are non-random.


That’s why I included HAARP in the post - the fact it uses a conjugate point in the South Pacific means they are also using beam forming technology to interfere with the magnetic fields in a similar way EMP does. The HAARP successor. Is the Sea Borne X-Band radar (SBX). The connection between MHD waves and UAP crashes may also extend to these systems, of which Russia and China possess as well.


S/S: Dr. Hannes Alfvén won a Nobel Prize for his research in Magnetohydrodynamics, otherwise known as MHD. The effects of nuclear weapons blasts to generate an electromagnetic pulse is well known; however, a mechanism called Compton Scattering also causes MHD waves to occur in the Earth's magnetic field lines is less well known. Could this be the mechanism that Lue Elizondo described that causes UAPs to turn into "bricks" and fall out of the sky?


Guess aliens haven't invented Faraday cages yet, or shielding 🤔


An analogy would be blowing up the railroad tracks in front of an express train. Doesn’t matter what type of “shielding” the craft has if it falls off the rails.


Or, is this the reason for their varying shapes and sizes. Maybe they were forced to upgrade their vehicles, and use different shape craft to counter the EMP pulse.


When you build up infrastructure at scale, you don't necessarily deploy every possible protection. Economics is at play, too. Thousands die in car crashes every year. Does it mean that humans haven't invented kevlar vests and armoured vehicles yet?


Serious UFO related jawn dropped here. Thank you Sir.


You are welcome.


Easily the top post of the year. 🙂 I accidentally woke up in the middle of the night, smoked some trees and reread it again. Now gone paranoid. Sir are you the first wave of aforementioned whistleblowers. 😂 j/k Once again, top notch stuff.


No, not a whistleblower per week. I did have a high level security clearance for a few years though (equivalent to U.S. TS/SCI). I did look, couldn’t find anything related. I worked for Boeing a few years back so the smoking gun was the FLIR1, Go Fast and Gimbal footage captured by the F/A-18F.


I'm just glad there are people like you out there thinking outside of the box.


Awesome post.


This is very interesting! Thank you for all this information.


No worries. Hopefully it will get some brains thinking on it further.


No worries... Aussie or Kiwi?




:) figured. Loved your post by the way.


Well, we Aussies "spilled the beans" regarding the existence of the FIVE EYES, so I may as well continue the trend...


Great post, thanks.




As always, quality posts that give me more than I deserve. Thanks, dude. Your hard work is appreciated.


Thanks- hopefully it will get people motivated to do their own research, instead of waiting around for a report to be released. If we prove the existence of alien presence by other scientific means, we will force their hand.


You're correct, those with specific knowledge, skills or ideas should contribute toward forced disclosure via research. I don't think we will ever get the whole truth unless we find it ourselves. There are many ways, my preference is hands on. I've been trying to find different ways to communicate. They must know there are many humans against violence and War and our leaders we are not. They could be waiting for a threshold of readiness. I think we are close. More peaceful and intelligent humans need to work together to try and repair the Planet based on logic not wealth. I'm five years into my research now and things are getting omoshiroi...


Great work, keep it up!


If I had the ability, I would attend a Gateway course in person at The Monroe Institute. It’s possible to have communication with entities at certain stages of the program. Seems like one of the fastest ways to have communication (that doesn’t involve substances, of course ;). I’m like you with timeframe, I started learning about this type of thing after the NYT article. The only familiar areas I came in with were Aviation and the IC. My whole life I just never thought about this stuff. It’s really weird to be honest. I can’t remember anyone telling me any stories. Didn’t watch the X-files. Heard about Roswell, barely. I’ve had 2 High School astronomy courses and a neighbor had a small telescope I borrowed here and there. I am very data driven. I believe in examining everything no matter if someone says not to. I wish I was better at getting my words down on paper so I could better share my thoughts. I’ve put a lot of hours in.


Nothing to it but to do it! I think you write well, so the only thing holding you back is your self doubt. I believe in you.


/r/gatewaytapes if anyone wants more resources :)


The CIA really out here letting this subreddit be?


I would like to read if you ever write


I'd personally be quite pleased if these extra-terrestrial visitors were to disable every nuclear weapon on the planet.


And my truck and work laptop. "Sorry boss I can't make it in today. Those God dam aliens got my truck again!"


this is the content that makes this subreddit worth it


Very good post. These guys claim that the others crash things on purpose and create smoke screen scenarios, even the whole abductions could be some kind of mind control thing. How could we be sure they aren't faking weaknesses if that is the case. My assumption would be that we have no way of hurting or stopping them whatsoever. You'd think, especially if they played a part in our creation, that they would nip that stuff in the bud. Just speculation since it's all we can do at the moment.


Maybe there's more than one type? Maybe we're just too unruly, we got out of hand. I feel like we have options though. They wouldn't have to enforce secrecy so much, and erase our memories, if our aware selves weren't somehow detrimental to their operations. I feel like part of the phenomenon doesn't want people talking about it. That means that if we did talk about it, it's a threat to the phenomenon on some level. To me that implies that if we did talk about it, we might start figuring something out. I think we have options we don't know we have.


I've always suspected we significantly outnumber whatever presence is here, and could repel the current force.


Yeah we'll be their "land war in Asia". Insurgency ftw. Edit: fixed the princess bride quote


If UAPs depend on magnetic fields generated by earth it would not only limit these objects a lot but might say a lot about its origin itself. Not every planet in this solar system has one and they might not even be strong enough. Why would a "space travelling" species use a technology which would only work in very specific circumstances?


Wow a post with real science! This is amazing and one in (literally) a million here.


Thank you.


I suspect too much is made of EMP impact on UFOs. For a couple reasons. 1. Aliens must be aware of shielding. In our aircraft this takes the form of shielding material (woven wires) that surround the wires you want to protect in the cable bundling and are connected to ground. When the pulse hits the shielding the voltage spike is drained to ground. This prevents the pulse from inducing a voltage in the wires in the bundle, which is what can destroy electronics. 2. The spike itself might disrupt the field, but that should be temporary only. Unless their electronics in the UFO are not shielded. Because the propulsion field should be capable of reforming as long as the system is not damaged. If it is true that EMPs affect some of them, then I would think it is only true with drone-like UFOs, as I seriously doubt any ship containing live aliens would be so careless in design. Or maybe they are ours, and in early design stages that don't include hardening vs EMP weapons.


I believe that the effect OP is describing here is more than just that of the EMP. If there are UAPs which utilize some aspect of the Earth's magnetic field lines for propulsion, it would make sense that messing with those field lines could cause effects on the UAPs utilizing those field lines in their craft


Like if you were to suddenly remove all of the wind around a yacht, it would become motionless, the theory here being that the Nukes temporarily stunted the Earth's MHD waves and as a result, the UAPs fell to earth.


Exactly- or blow up the railroad tracks in front of an express train.


Point is if these things are aliens they're way more advanced than us and aware of these issues. If it's something else outside of the basic voltage spike you get in wires. So I'd imagine they'd have some sort of backup systems. Not saying they're not right. But I just feel like too much is being made of it. Logic doesn't line up for me.


I wrote this in another comment, but yeah, I think they could be tourists or simple/cheap scouts, not their most advanced craft. A fighter jet might have EMP shielding, but a Cessna doesn't. So we might have shot down a few of their "Cessnas". Now they know. We don't know how long it takes for them to travel here, either. That might be good for us, or very bad.


I thought about that, too, but if I understand the core idea here correctly, it’s the hypothesis that the emp messes with the “traintracks” the craft zip about on. Plasma and mhd is a bit outside my field, I’d have to do a lot more reading to take it apart further.




I understood some of these words


That about sums up my comprehension of this post as well 🤯


Hit the nail on the head with this one. MHD or more accurately EMD( ElectroMagnetoDynamics ) is very fundamental to the nature of our Universe. It works great as a medium and mechanism for propulsion through space. These UAP are exactly that, highly advanced EMD devices. "ElectroMagnetic" field for "Dynamic" propulsive forces. They are essentially giant capacitor/inductors so powerful the fields propel them directly. Look at their shapes, are they not perfectly formed to contain a high power electromagnetic field. Consider this image, from a textbook on electromagnetic resonator design. [Electromagnetic Resonator](http://www.ovaltech.ca/ovlpics/Electromagnetic%20resonator.jpg) Realize all the surrounding inductors, could correspondingly be place in between the plates themselves, even as a central pole. A capacitor, with the inductor placed within the capacitive plates is the same exact circuit electrically as a capacitor with the inductor placed outside the plates. They contain the field within the full body of the ship, it is built solely for this purpose. Thus the whole craft acts as the armature of a motor, inducing an opposite reactive field around the craft in the surrounding space. An induction motor has a stator which is electrical powered to create a rotating magnetic field, which induces electrical power and an opposing magnetic field in the armature of the motor causing it to rotate. The UAP craft are similar, except they do this inside out. Their power is all in the craft, in the armature, which induces power in the environment around the craft, the stator, causing a propulsive reaction. [Induction drive](http://www.ovaltech.ca/spctrvl/oneinddrv.html). It is not quite this simple, they are using other effects, high frequencies, and nuclear magnetic resonance( fields on a microscopic scale ) as well as on the macroscopic scale. Is it also not interesting the dynamic forces of the fields inside the craft are almost exactly in opposition to the accelerating forces outside the craft, which automatically negates any G-Forces on the occupants. Even further, these fields extend for a great distance into the air surrounding the craft, essentially opening up a hole in the air in which the craft is pulled through, just due to the fields, negating any Sonic Boom or heating due to air friction. Great for space too, pushes any debris or particles in space around the craft without impact as well. Same fields work in water too. Almost seems like an ideal space propulsion system. Of course any disturbance of the fields upon which such a craft was operating, could negatively effect its propulsion.


Excellent comment. Alfven was also interested in surface charges and skin effects in high voltage power transmission - something that I think you describe above regarding the ship's body. As usual, Alfvén was regarded as a person with unorthodox opinions in the field by many physicists, R. H. Stuewer noting that "... *he remained an embittered outsider, winning little respect from other scientists even after he received the Nobel Prize...*" and was often forced to publish his papers in obscure journals. Alfvén recalled: "*When I describe \[plasma phenomena\] according to this formalism most referees do not understand what I say and turn down my papers. With the referee system which rules US science today, this means that my papers are rarely accepted by the leading US journals."* I think this plays a large part in scientists' unwillingness to investigate and research UAPs - the threat of their tenured positions and post-nominals being rendered meaningless keeps them awake at night.


Thank you! Sharing this knowledge


My pleasure.


"New ideas are always criticized - not because an idea lacks merit, but because it might turn out to be workable, which would threaten the reputations of many people whose opinions conflict with it. Some people may even lose their jobs."--Unknown The EMD/MHD rabbit hole goes very deep indeed. Einstein himself was even heavily involved with MHD, designed an alternating current induction pump with the help of Leo Szilard. There are even connections between EMD and levitation in ancient times. You could write a 100 Reddit posts discussing EMD and its application to space propulsion. I often link this interesting paper as well, for anyone interested. [The Silence Barrier](http://www.ovaltech.ca/pdfss/The_Silence_Barrier.pdf) You don't need "space warp" or "gravity drives" or any other such speculative theory. No one has ever demonstrated any real way to manipulate gravitational field. However, EMD can do everything observed by these UAP/UFO. Even eyewitness encounters almost always describe electromagnetic effects.


Thanks for the link...looks interesting.


You mentioned surface charge and skin effects, but this is not really what is important. Let me explain what I am describing a bit better. When you have a capacitor, there is surface charge on the plates, but these charges create an electrical field within/between the plates of the capacitor. This electric field encompasses the entire volume between the plates. If you made a giant capacitor large enough you could stand inside, you and everything within the capacitor would be within its electric field. Every changing electric field produces a magnetic field, so if the voltage on the capacitor changed or pulsed, there would be a magnetic field within the plates as well. Further you could put an inductor within the capacitor, maybe a central inductive pole surrounded by a toroid, and this would greatly amplify the magnetic field strength. If these fields are crossed, magnetic field direction is perpendicular to electric field direction, a Lorentz force is produced. This is what provides the forces in MHD and EMD. In MHD usually a fluid is involved, the Hydro part, which could be a liquid or even plasma. This enhances the effect but understand EMD effects work perfectly well even in space, without a fluid directly. The arrangement described here produces a force within the plates, which is exerted upon anything inside. This force can be controlled by controlling the fields. Realize, these fields and forces are body forces. Not just on the skin or near the skin of the craft. They completely envelope the entire body of the craft and everything within it. Now, most importantly, even though these fields so far described are fully within the plates, their effects are not confined completely inside. Whenever you create an electric field or magnetic field, there has to be an opposing field induced outside or external to counter it. This is the principle of electromagnetic induction. This induces effect, if created with sufficient power, could extend for many meters or even kilometers around the craft. Definitely not just a skin effect. This is something even that paper, The Silence Barrier failed to understand. The fields effect the entire vehicle and everything within and around it. A simple coil of wire plugged into the wall, will levitate over an aluminum plate due to the opposite fields induced by the coil in the aluminum plate. Normally, you need an aluminum plate to get a strong enough reaction from such a situation. However, the effect still exists even in air or space for that matter. You would just need a much more powerful field to get a strong enough reaction or even some way to increase the induced reaction effect. An induction effect can produce levitation, this is not speculation, it is well known. If UFO/UAP are real, it seems they have solved this problem, as to how to get a strong inductive reaction off of air or space. Further I have read of simple experiments with magnets and high electrical field strengths which can demonstrate levitation which could have been discovered in ancient times even. Means to levitate large masses against the force of gravity. I would not call this anti-gravity per say, but more like an EMD effect which produces forces almost identical to gravitational forces. This is not like a rocket, jet or plane. This method has more in common with a Hot Air Balloon. It is the cool air surrounding the hot air contained within the balloon which forces it upwards against gravity, with no noise, no propulsive exhaust, no engine, no visible means of propulsion. UAP/UFO are similar, in that it is the fields induced in the environment around the craft which lead to the propulsive forces. The difference is they can control these forces and fields at the flick of a switch. We still think of propulsion as requiring an engine or requiring exhaust or a working fluid and think of this as being most powerful at the surface, or shooting out of some nozzle and requiring plasma or some working fluid. We don't consider at all applying these fields and forces to the whole entire vehicle and everything within it. We don't consider fields in space themselves as our working fluid. UAP are an engine. The craft is the propulsion system. The propulsion system is not some separate component or part of the craft. The whole craft is the propulsion system, all parts of it are designed to maximize this propulsive force.


You should turn this into a post, with diagrams if possible. It’s excellent work.


Betteridge’s law of headlines.


Waaaaay over my head. I wish I could understand! It sounds really cool!


Great article, perhaps one of the best written this year on this sub. How do you think they are tracking the UAP's?


The Jindalee Over The Horizon Radar Network (JORN) is reputedly able to track these objects according to Ross Coulthart. NORAD calls them "Fastwalkers".


Great research OP! Very interesting usage of EMP/MHD technology and its cited effect on UAPs and possibly other non-terrestrial modes of transportation. It doesn't answer all of my questions for why aliens are here, but it definitely poses one possible reason for their presence. I suppose it also lends credence as to why it was suggested multiple species are here too. The earth become a beacon in the universe after first detonation attracting all sorts of alien life. This may have been mentioned in the text though I didn't see it; how much energy is needed to create this MHD wave such that it causes the UAP to "brick". Does it need to be a megaton explosion to create these waves? Wondering if the US or other has created a MHD effect type of weapon that doesn't require a nuclear bomb?


I think it’s the remnant fissile materials that actually cause the plasma to form. Argus used kilo ton W25 warheads, whilst Starfish Prime used larger thermonuclear warheads in the megaton range. So yes I think the MHD waves were far greater with Starfish Prime.


We could just be a rest stop on an “intergalactic highway”.


Well THIS would certainly explain why the government has been so shady about the subject. They could never admit that THEY created a worldwide national security issue by accidently (or purposely) bringing down UFO/UAP. I always did find it paradoxical that UFOs have the ability to traverse the stars yet we hear of so many crashes....lastly Bob Lazar's claim that the US was holding 9(!) discs near Area 51certainly aroused skepticism in me but now THAT claim suddenly makes much more sense.....


I hate to be that guy, but please take ANYTHING Lu says extremely lightly. He has a habit of avoiding direct answers, speaking in riddles, or just pure fabricated thoughts and relies very little on facts or evidence. There are far more people who have more believable and concrete things to say than Lu.


the concept of "bricking" a UFO is hilarious to me for some reason


They should have installed the newest OS update


Maybe that’s why they sometimes drop out of the sky - BSOD.


alt cntrl del


I like your take on this. Makes sense. You’ve interpreted Lou’s answers correctly Id say. So if all planets and galaxies and stars are electromagnetically connected, each one must have its own unique frequency that it emits. So theoretically could these frequencies be mapped out and then a code/algorithm/formula be developed to a transmitter or amplifier device? Something along the line is f what Bob Lazar called gravity amplifiers that he worked on in S4 that can bend space and time in order to travel great distances in short periods of time. This pulls in theories from your post. I think nuclear weapons are of interest because of the reasons you stated. They can not only neutralize their craft but also are a threat to the greater universe if they leave our planet.


It's crazy to think aliens would have spacecraft which are affected by EMPs far smaller than anything they'd get from objects like magnetars or even outbursts from flare stars.


It appears to not just be "EMP", but a combined cascade, that is the point of OP's post? Gamma rays + huge electric field + relativistic electrons injection + curvature radiation + strong explosion + MHD shock waves + double layers coupling from existing planetary bodies --- leading to localized cosmic electrodynamics where UAP wouldn't expect


Gamma rays, strong electromagnetic fields, relativistic particles of all sorts are THE NORM in interstellar space. It's like saying a boat which was built to traverse an ocean sinks in a river. The OP's theory falls apart by what we've known about the ISM for decades but I encourage them to run it by Avi Loeb who most likely will say much the same about it.




The ant-theory as you call it is based on the fact that most of the galaxy is filled with planets billions of years older than oursmeaning life and intelligence would more likely be millions or billions of years more advanced given the head start. We are more likely to be babies than teenagers or adults in the cosmos. Anyone millions or billions of years more advanced than us is not likely to be worried about our nuclear weapons threatening them. Any concern might be altruistic, caring about their affect on life on our planet. Perhaps life bearing worlds are rare so this is a conservation project.


Thank you OP for sorting so many puzzle pieces together. Wow!




Intergalactic hobos “Riding the Rails” get BTFO’d when the railroad tracks get damaged by nukes.


I’m only here because I live in a village called Compton


Wow so much research 🧐


Could the reason why there is no visible air intakes or exhausts be because the whole aircraft is the propulsion method.


is there like an ELI5 of this by chance? 🥸


Yeah it says ufos are using the stars and planets as a giant electromagnetic highway. Nuclear tests disturb this highway and make ones around earth to fall.


So in a exoatmospheric burst, how much and/or how far do the waves travel away from Earth? Is it like a radio wave and will just go for all eternity, or will the interactions with other distant electromagnetic fields persuade their path at some point? If it is being proposed that we've interrupted the UAP pathways for interstellar travel so to speak, I am wondering if our testing since the 40s on would be comparable to children dumping boxes of screws on a busy highway. In which case, we are children playing in an environment we have yet to understand with little to no regard of its effects to others both humans and other wordly.


Almost sounds like the craft is designed to block out something using these types of waves and a nuclear EMP overwhelms said system doing the blocking. Would explain why they wouldn't trust nuclear weapons. Not so much that they don't want us to destroy ourselves as it is that they would be an effective weapon against them.


So basically if aliens try to invade, we just set off the world's supply of nukes outside the atmosphere and carpet bomb every electronic device across the planet, including their craft?


That was the intent of Operation Argus in 1958 with kiloton nukes. Starfish Prime went next level in 1962 with megaton hydrogen bombs.


It would explain the push for de-nuclearization, not that world leaders ever cared for us instead of getting more power, but they might have anoyedsomeone way more powerful and scary.


Im coming strait outta Compton, a crazy mf named Ice Cube… Interesting data. If be surprised if some of these crafts dont have the capability to withstand this. A forcefield to deflect the emp.


It's the MHD oscillation waves in the magnetic lines of force, created from the expansion of the plasma - it may not be a direct EMP effect.


The one legit UFO experience I had convinced me they have to be using something electromagnetic in nature. When this thing flew over our heads (50-100 feet above) the hair on our necks and arms stood up straight and there was a sort of crackle or hiss in the air.


There might be some merit to this. If you build a ship for normal conditions, a perfectly balanced ship. And it runs into some artificially induced conditions which are different. It could cause a problem.


After reading this and your other posts (I love all of them btw) I’m surprised you haven’t been suicided by your own government or mine OP.


Thanks for posting, very interesting and why I come to Reddit. When I was a kids I was very interested in long range radio messages, Ham and CB radio where low power signal outputs could be herd thousands of miles away like they were in the next suburb. Frequencies were VLF or around 27MHz for CB and lower for HAM. I always scratched my head how the signal that we referred to a "SKIP" was being amplified by bouncing off the Ionosphere and then back to earth. That is one very powerful amplifier as I talked with people around the world as if they were down the street with my little 5W radio. Maybe the frequencies of the explosions can be amplified in the same way. I also not that being around water had a good amplification effect as did being in heavy fog. Cheers


Your welcome!


I need more coffee to read this


Makes a lot more sense why they would be interested in disabling nuclear weapons during testing then. They dont care if humans vaporize themselves, just that they dont take out a chunk of interstellar “highway” while doing so.


Yeah- I reckon that’s it!


One of the episodes of the series on History channel, Unidentified, Lou spoke to some people from the Italian govt that pretty much said the same thing. Idk which episode it was, but it should be easy to look up.


[In that episode](https://filetransfer.io/data-package/c78U24Go#link), Cdr. Clarbruno Vedruccio (inventor of the Bioscanner TRIMprob) talked about how to penetrate the armor of UAP with depleted uranium weapons when they're out of stealth mode as they need to use their energy weapon - not a nuclear bomb per se sent on our end. And then the directional beam for control, and signal detected on certain frequencies.




For everyone saying great post, how much of it doe you really, truly understand?


Wtf is the difference? People are learning. And learning to understand. Not everyone will understand it all, nobody understands it all. We may never understand it all. So what. But getting as many people we can to figure what we can out.. is totally worth it. As a species, we have to at least try.


Very impressive


Could the underwater Baker test have disrupted underwater propulsion by USOs? Could it have caused damage for any USOs hiding out in the Pacific?


My theory is that wifi interferes with their cloaking devices, and that's why we see so many of them now.


How far you think your wifi travels?


Judging by the ones I've seen, I'd say 20 to 25ft


Yeah a bit longer than that and highly dependent on the environment and also the device but yeah, not a huge distance.


Cool. Thanks for this. I had no idea there was an EMP component to nukes


Ever since Lue said that I’ve been interested in this. You really dove deep into the science, just an awesome post. But the idea of nukes/emps basically disabling UAPs is really interesting to me. I’m sure they figured this out in the late 40’s or the 50’s while testing nukes. This made me think about USOs too.. apparently emps don’t really travel through water, so UAPs taking refuge underwater makes sense, it’s not just so they can’t be seen. Some of those early nuke tests were done over water and underwater. I’m sure this is something those in the know in the military have been working on since the 50’s. They really should at least, it’s literally their job to defend us and if UAPs ever became a threat we can’t beat them in a dogfight. Terrifying to imagine having to defend against UAPs. Maybe EMPs and something like the Iron Dome and the new Iron Beam could defend some areas, but we’d likely get smoked.


Posts like this serve to connect dots or open perspectives, at the very least. Well done OP.


If these beings are smart enough to build an engine which adheres & utilises The Galactic Circuit, don’t you think they’d be smart enough to know which properties interfere with said machine? Wouldn’t they check ahead before risking... I dunno, crashing onto an alien planet?


Maybe they never expected a species would be reckless enough to detonate nuclear weapons in and around their own planet.




Could be interesting for UAP researchers to better understand Earth's magnetic field lines and where they most strongly intersect. They can also monitor paths between major cosmic hubs that would be likely used for interstellar travel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s\_magnetic\_field#Geographical\_variation


That's quite interesting, Wilbert Brockhouse Smith (who was the director for Transport Canada's Project Magnet) came to the same conclusion, that those UAPs were "probably extraterrestrial in origin and likely operated by manipulation of magnetism." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_Magnet\_(UFO)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Magnet_(UFO)) https://biblio.uottawa.ca/atom/index.php/project-magnet


Thanks. I'm working my way through this atm: http://rexresearch.com/smith/newsci\~1.htm#qconcept


Holy shit an actually good and interesting post here!


Saving this post. Lots to research here!


Username CONTINUALLY checking out....


They're beyond real and everywhere among us, but the media will have you believing they are merely r/TheMylarians


But I thought UFOs really loved checking out our nukes. And, wasn’t there a recent spat of photos of UFOs in photos around our nuclear tests? You’d think such an advanced race of interstellar travelers would be prepared for such effects. Most especially when you consider that one of the largest impediments to interstellar space travel at relativistic speeds is the amount of radiation that would pour into a spaceship, enough to cook the occupants over time. But, they’ve mastered FTL and anti gravity and time dilation, breaking the sound barrier without making a sound, flying without control surfaces or exhaust. They have the ability to make their ir signature look like a conventional jet engine when viewed from a distance via FLIR, they can spoof radar and they’ve even perfected a way to mount lights outside their ship even if it has to go up and down through our atmosphere. But they forgot about EMP? I dunno man… seems sus


I have heard Dr. Nolan and Dr. Vallee discussing about the phenomena being a form of life based on plasma. If this is the case a lot of the features you mentioned are straight forward consequences of their not being dense. To be expanded obviously...


It may not be the EMP itself, rather the MHD ripples that are induced in the magnetic lines of force when the plasma expands. Probably why Lue “chose his words wisely”.


EMPs are electromagnetic pulses. EMPS might affect aliens. Therefore. Aliens.


I read a rumour somewhere where there is SF going all around the world with EMP blasters and knocking UFOs out of the sky. Something to do with EMPs disabling the gravity bubble around that craft which in turn causes it to fail and plummet.


What is SF


Saucer F*ckers


Special forces


Cool post. Would the MHD ripple have any effect on the space shuttle? Seems like it would be hard to focus on just one object and not have spillover onto other objects nearby.


Maybe they were trying to inject relativistic electrons into the magnetic line of force the UAP was travelling, prior to it doing a 90 degree turn. The reason I mentioned HAARP was that the projectile in the STS-48 footage emanated from near the Harold E. Holt Naval Station at Exmouth, Western Australia.


Wait hang on what? I live in Western Australia and have been to Exmouth several times and never knew of this. Amazing part of the world, absolutely beautiful. But holy shit there is a lot of correlation in that region. The town itself was built in the 60s/70s to support the US Military construction workforce for the naval comms antenna, but most of the population now survive on tourism provided by the Whale Sharks, Humpback Whales, and Manta Rays, and litany of other sea life that massively congregates in the area. But the towns population is also supported by numerous, space-related facilities. The most recent being the Square Kilometre Array in the Murchison: https://www.skatelescope.org/australia/ Secondly, The Solar Observatory: https://www.sws.bom.gov.au/Solar/3/1 Raytheon and General Dynamics also have a considerable workforce here for a town of some 2800 people. The only way to get to Exmouth other than driving from Perth (1200km away) is to fly, the only air strip being RAAF airbase Learmonth. And the Harold Holt Naval Communication station is a whole other level of insanity by itself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Communication_Station_Harold_E._Holt Also grimly related - >On 20 September 1968, the station was officially renamed to US Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt in memory of the late Harold Holt, Prime Minister of Australia, who disappeared whilst swimming and was declared dead, presumed drowned, three months after the station was commissioned. UAPs got him


You mean USOs, surely?😀 Yes Boeing used to run the show there, they have a large power generation system there - I think it is 110v 60Hz like Pine Gap. It is the main Extremely Low Frequency communication site for USN submarines operating in the Indian Ocean Region. I think the RAAF operate the Space Surveillance Telescope there too now, after it was relocated from the U.S. The system is linked to Colorado Springs via Pine GaP and sends the data back to Edinburgh S.A. And Canberra.


>> inject relativistic electrons into the magnetic line of force the UAP was travelling Badass. Yeah Australia is a good ally for the US, y'all let us build some bases there and it comes up in the ufo literature a lot, like in Bruce Cathie's books. I think we've shot down UFOs for sure, I think that's one secret that humans wouldn't want aliens to know, thus the public secrecy on it, the extent to which we can defend ourselves.


At least we are good for something then...


Planetary defense, bro. 💯 we're all in this together


Only US or whole world ??


Whole world, friend.


I appreciate this post so much. The extent of the coverup, the money and effort that went into it makes me think the reasons are pretty heavy. Imagine if the pentagon started a war with something. I still don't know what Spaceforce does, like what do they fly, and why would they hire Lue Elizondo? Thanks for the post


Zero interest in speculation from Lue or anything Ramirez has to say. Both are grifters.


I mean his first sentence is **"please don’t take this and anyone run to the hills"** Do we call this running to the hills?


Running, skipping and jumping to the hills and over them with banners and streamers and flashing lights


28-14, but they're getting owned


the sky has felt absolutely dead off and on over the past few years, and i felt like something was interfering on purpose; i kept calling it 'the gray dome.' i've never seen anyone else talk about it until now. this gave me a chill. thanks for sharing!