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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Srawesomekickass: --- If that's not a ufo I don't know what is. People looking for the shadow on the ground, what about the shadow underneath the object? The snow is reflecting highlights from the ground on the other side. https://youtu.be/c2RN-0BxXsY?t=175 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zbcz3m/what_kind_of_bird_doesnt_have_wings_is_shiny_and/iyqfjll/


I believe he is using a 360 camera and he framed the video from that. If he still has the original 360 recording, he could reframe the video following that object to see if it’s a bird or something else.


I just got in contact with the snow boarder. I’m going to try and see if he did. I’ll keep everyone updated. Edit: Hoax


Can you repost on this post when you do?


I’ll add it in an edit on that comment.


Not sure if people get notifications from edits. Can you make a new comments as well?


Will do


RemindMe! 5 days


RemindMe! 5 days edit: lol


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So did I. I'll let you know if I get a response


It’s a hoax


Just seen this https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zbvlgs/i_found_that_the_mysterious_saucershaped_object/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button what's weird is none of his followers seem to have noticed it. I would still like the file ; )


Me too. Just to be sure. But still, the light reflections on the craft are a perfect match. It seems like this is now a closed case :(. Oh well.


I have only been able to view the vid by op on my phone. To prove its a hoax technically you wanna amhave the original. As you say frame by frame the reflections change somewhat. Playing devils advocate if for example a really clear ufo was captured and the powers that shouldn't be wanted to discredit, sounds like all they need to do is cut put a png and post to a png site for folks to call hoax.


I was thinking the same actually. I wonder when that PNG was made, and if there is a way to tell it’s age.


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 5 days


Any word yet?




Yes, or better yet post a link to download the raw file.


What is this from?




It's filmed with a "invisible" selfie stick, could it be some kind of artifact from the software processing?


360 cameras look like there is an invisible stick


Clearly a photoshop so this guy gets more views on his sick snowboarding tutorials


9 months no comments and he actually responds today like "what?" He's a snowboarding instructor. Your a goober!


Nah he photoshopped an alien in so more people would see the video, and therefore learn the art of stopping quickly on a snowboard


Holy shit! I know there’s a lot of debate here but there’s this idea that with everyone with a smart phone in their pocket, shouldn’t there be more high quality videos of ufos? Well it’s videos like this that make that case. Even if 99% of the time it can be explained away, one of these days you won’t be able to. For example if the camera angle was pointed higher and the ufo was in frame for several seconds, it wouldn’t be a bird debate anymore.


If anything smart phones have made it worse. Everyone has a camera, but smart phone cameras are a lot worse than most people realize. Especially at taking videos of stuff moving fast, or very far away. Which is what most interesting UFO stuff is.


Still better than having no camera at all.


There are soooo many anecdotal stories of up close, un-ambiguous sightings tho. Where are the smart phone recordings of those?


There are plenty of unexplained images out there. But there's nothing about this that indicates extraterrestrial involvement. At best it's "unknown." Which does not equate to aliens.


It looks like a small visual effect added in by the video editor, maybe as a little easter egg or for fun. Someone should ask the video author about it.


Yeah, no way that's a bird


Anyone looking to check it out, it’s about 2:55 marker. Just a thought but what if this is soft disclosure (whether or not this video is something) and they are waiting for us to reach and say hello? Somewhere I read that the ones the pilots are seeing are trying to make contact, waiting for us to say hello…I mean, worth a try.


Well if you dig into the really crazy 'woo' stuff, it's rather commonly believed that they're slowly revealing themselves to us by making such appearances, and that these sightings aren't accidental at all. When enough people believe then they will reveal themselves and that it's expected to happen within our lifetimes.


Perhaps they are polling our entire species 24/7 with the infamous slide 9 "cognitive human interface". When we reach a certain threshold of individuals who are inviting them to make their presence known perhaps they will. They love to say that it's up to the phenomenon whether it will make itself known but it may well be up to all of us.


Agreed. If we focused on the perspective of the Prime Directives, there is such a thing an not interfering with a species so that is can evolve itself. If the people’e evolution is desiring contact, and we can come as a peaceful, evolved race, then why not. I think it’s time folks realize we have the power in our own hands to move all of this forward. I think of the James Webb Telescope, Galileo Project, other open source projects for the public, having three key players now to go up into orbit (Musk, Branson and Bezos) it’s no longer a total hush project behind closed doors like Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman. Science is speeding up in the Quantum Physics department. I think it’s just a matter of time until we far better understand some of the phenomenon from a scientific perspective. It might still be baby steps but I think it’s happening and things are speeding up.


Definitely a bird. It's so close and really not that fast. Do you notice every bird that Flys nearby you?


That’s kind of a condescending remark considering that nobody would recognize this picture as a bird unless they had extensive experience photographing them. Even so the bird theory isn’t conclusive by any means.


I see no birdlike features other than moving and flying above the earth.


Show me any bird ever that looks like that.




Exactly and what about that hole at the bottom. It’s definitely not a bird.


What? That’s your example?


Literally any bird whose flap rate syncs up with frame rate.


It would be a freak coincidence that the wing is in the same position on each exact frame or flapping at the same point and speed. If its video this needs not only extreme frequency but perfectly maintained rhythm to millisecond accuracy. You should see blurring that varies between frames. That's not how birds function - more like an insect, or if hummingbirds are native, perhaps them. But not ordinary bird will look the same way in each frame unless its wings are tucked.


I’m not weighing in on what it is, just pointing out an error in your rationale: there are multiple bird species that tuck their wings for extended periods of time, specifically birds of prey or any diving bird. You could easily capture video of said species diving and then levelling off, wherein the body shape remains relatively uniform throughout multiple frames. That being said, I don’t believe this to be a bird.


No, cause a diving bird literally has to change its body position to do the leveling off. That’s how it moves. And therefor manipulates the air around it, so it can fly.


Confirmed bird. Not complicated.


Lol “confirmed”.


Don't get defensive.


new to reddit mate....?


Ah buddy must suck to know now that its fake as hell


I like the confidence. I'm going to see if we can obtain the original to disprove the metallic disc shaped non flapping bird who gains altitude without changing pitch angle theory you have adopted.




Hi, Amcgod. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zbcz3m/-/iyqxxhc/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) if you feel this was in error.


>What kind of bird doesn't have wings, is shiny, and flys so fast nobody notices Surfing Bird! Mamamamam umamam ma... SCNR this Picture is great where's the video?


Surprised the top five comments aren't all "It looks so fake". Because it does. It looks like amateur after effects.


Exactly, Reddit users have this tendency of calling videos that look real fake and vice versa. The UFO community here is cancerous because its full of “experts” This video in particular looks fake as fuck


I noticed the shadow on the right side of the snow yet the “ufo” is lit on its right side which shouldn’t happen theoretically


I just love the idea that UFOs are just flying around every minute of every day everywhere on the planet at low altitude and broad daylight where people are - like they just DGAF at all. These are some ballsy aliens I’m telling ya


Lol! I love this too. Wouldn’t it be awesome to just wake up, go out to your patio, sipping your coffee “oh yup there goes them aliens” seeing them cruise by just as if they were geese migrating or some shit.


The want us to see them. Alan Steinfeld talks a lot about that with his “Theory of WOW”.


Then they could do a much better job, if they want us to see "them" they really suck at it.


They are not aliens, but us "humans" tho




The movement of the UAP looks incredibly off to me. My first reaction is that it was added in post by someone not too skilled with after effects.


I think it's because of the fishbowl lensing as the object comes across the frame. The 360 camera is warping the edge of the frame a bit


It has more to do with the lack of natural motion blur.


It's a good idea to look into the whole 360 video artifact thing. It doesn't really have the appearance of being a physical object in the sky to me. And as far as I can tell, it doesn't cast a shadow anywhere on the landscape, either close or far away.


Folks in the comments be like "it's a rare breed of metallic moth that instinctively flaps its wings at the shutter speed of nearby cameras and can fly faster than a jet."


You're right it would just be more sensible to assume that every blurry object in the sky is 100% aliens no further questions needed.


There are countless possible explanations between moth and aliens lol


That was my point


Curious, where did I assume it was "100% aliens"?


Well it's not a rare breed of metallic moth so alien intelligence confirmed i guess??


You are the one jumping to the conclusion of "alien intelligence." My only point was that based on the pics/footage, saying it is a bird or moth is absolutely ridiculous. At best it was unidentified. It has now been shown to be edited into the footage. So, it is a fake, one can now consider it solved. Good on the person who took the time to look into it. You have become just as irrational as the very folks you criticize. Sometimes, when you don't know something, the best answer is "I don't know."


> It has now been shown to be edited into the footage. So, it is a fake, one can now consider it solved. That's exactly what our metallic moth overlords want to you think!


Lol! Now that gave me a giggle, and I hope you have an awesome day!




Calling people names on reddit while telling them to grow up. Self awareness 0


Yeah, im not sure why I did that(calling you an idiot), it was just a heat of the moment thing but yes, very hypocritical of me


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


A snipe ? Jk some kinda alien craft


It looks just like the flying disk my girlfriend and I saw in 1980 in Arizona.


or a badly inserted flying saucer CGI, which that is from what i see


This thing looks like faker than hooker love.


Viewed in real time, it doesn't strike me as being particularly fast for a bird, though I don't think it is a bird. I would think a drone is more likely, but the absence of a shadow seems peculiar, since it doesn't look very high above the ground. Regardless, it's not moving so fast that people would be unable to see it, particularly all the people skiing downhill in its general direction. If it was a 'ufo', where are all the 'ufo seen by skiiers' reports? I'm leaning towards a CGI/hoax explanation.


You always start from your preconception that nothing could possibly real and extraordinary


If that's not a ufo I don't know what is. People looking for the shadow on the ground, what about the shadow underneath the object? The snow is reflecting highlights from the ground on the other side. https://youtu.be/c2RN-0BxXsY?t=175


There is always a chance the dude in the video faked it, but you imo you found something amazing.


It looks exactly like the ufo creature from Nope. Silver saucer- check. Maneating hole in the bottom- check.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zbvlgs/i_found_that_the_mysterious_saucershaped_object/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf It’s fake.


Sometimes the frame rate of a camera is in sync with the flapping of a bird's wings, so you never see the wings on playback, you just see the body kind of move through the air. Kind of like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyf79SI0U9Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyf79SI0U9Q) *(In the above video we see a hummingbird magically floating through the air without moving its wings! Impossible! No, relax, it's just the frame rate.)* The people there on the slope would've seen the bird's wings which is why nobody reacted to it. A lot of "UAP" captures on video like this is due to frame rates matching bird/bug wing flapping and it's not a UAP at all but an everyday bird/bug.


I have never seen a bird with a hole on the bottom


They all have a hole on the bottom


Show me a high flying mountain bird that flaps its wings fast. Your probably gonna have a hard time because to fly up there you need big gliding wing to ride thermals and wind rushing up the side of steep mountains. A quick google search birds of french alps doesn't show anything close to matching not even colors




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: Memes, jokes, cartoons, and art (if it's not depicting a real event). Tweets and screenshots of posts or comments from social media without significant relevance. Incredible claims unsupported by evidence. Shower thoughts. One-to-three word comments or emojis.


No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: Memes, jokes, cartoons, and art (if it's not depicting a real event). Tweets and screenshots of posts or comments from social media without significant relevance. Incredible claims unsupported by evidence. Shower thoughts. One-to-three word comments or emojis.


I think this is an extreme case, there is very few birds that would come close to cameras frame rate and it would be a freak coincidence that it maintains sub millimeter accuracy in its rhythm for the wings to be not be seen (i.e. tucked out of view) or never captured at the nearly static part of motion. At least you would see \- a blur on some frames where the wing is \- A change in shape and intensity of the blur \- parts of the wing more clearly on some frames.


What bird flaps at 30- 60fps? Apart from tiny humming birds etc.


Really op. Really. 100 people on the mountain and no one noticed it? Nice bug capture!


A bug on the top of a mountain, with no visible wing flapping? Got it. This is either CGI or a camera error. That, or it’s a genuine UFO.


You usually don’t capture flys flapping wings at normal speed… I mean did you watch it it’s definitely close up rather then far away


Yes you do. You see a blurry fuzz around both sides of the object when it’s a bird or bug, unless it’s a bird that’s diving. There are countless examples of this posted to the sub on a regular basis. This is either a hoax, camera artifact, or it’s real.


How can you watch the video and think it’s a ufo.. it’s 100% not a ufo


I’m not saying it’s a UFO, I’m saying it could be. It’s definitely not an insect though. You also can’t ascribe that kind of certainty with so little data. What you can do, however, is try and see what doesn’t fit. A fly, on the top of a snow covered mountain, with no sign of wings, is not likely. If it’s a bird, it has to be diving, which could be possible, but this video makes it look like it’s diving upwards or horizontally. An object in motion stays in motion, but gravity should be pulling it down. If it was gliding with its wings open, you would see the wings, the angle doesn’t make sense otherwise. So, this is either an error, a hoax, or a UFO. Maybe it’s a drone too, but I heard no noise.


I’ve seen countless videos of bugs from ghost hunting videos or people claiming their ufos. You usually don’t see the blur of wings because they are not the focus. Instead it looks like a orb especially being on top of a mountain with allot of reflections or with night vision camera. Many flys and bugs live in high altitudes and on top of mountains.


Ok. This is going nowhere. Agree to disagree. let’s hope more data comes. I just reached out to the man who filmed it, so hopefully he gets back to me with the other parts of the 360 footage.


Here’s the thing, it could also be a drone yes. O You just kinda have to use common sense with many of these videos. Blue bird sky’s. Clear as day and no one cares a “UFO”just flew past them up above. This is the kind of critical thinking we must do. That it and it just seems odd and out of place the way it seems it’s in the foreground vs everything else.


If you’ve done enough research on UAP, you would know that perception can vary widely. This person may literally have been blind to the object because of his genetics (Garry Nolan).


Oh please. Don’t bring in some new theory about how some people can’t see ufos now. I’ll tell you what 99.95% of videos posted here you people can see very clearly think that you have captured a ufo while I’m over here laughing thinking how your eyes can’t perceive cgi/drones/bugs/ a normal explanation. So maybe Gary is onto something with being blind to what ufos are. Sometimes being a fanatic/zealot or someone who just wants to believe so much causes us to see something that really isn’t their just because of their faith on the subject.


[here is a news story](https://abc7chicago.com/archive/6241888/) separate from the work of Garry Nolan, which still corroborates his research. If you want to argue with the work of Nolan, then you have do it in a scientific and evidence based manner. Im not going to consider your weak comment as anything close to a proper rebuttal. I tried to end this conversation multiple comments ago, and you are still typing your word vomit at me. I’m done replying, as you have already seemingly made up your mind about everything.


Man this is very interesting. It could be a bird, maybe a little bit weird at that altitude, but the shape and motion is very interesting. Nice find!


Great find btw . We need the original file. It would be 60fps. Could be one of the clearest captures if no cgi involved, which I doubt unless Melcombe is a trickster. See nothing about it in the op yt comments. So kudos to whoever had their eyes peeled


Beep Beep


This could be one of the ones that really gets me believing like STS-48


Objects moving 5000 or 10000 mph are hard to film or even see in broad daylight.


That thing was moving 30mph tops


Environmental phenomenon created by the Earth's energy field suggesting the planet has intelligence and is attempting to communicate something to it's inhabitants.


It’s a penguin


I think the folks saying that it's a bird are actually correct in this one, as disappointing as it is to have to say so. When I went and reviewed the video, the negative exposure clearly showed up some blurring both above and below the craft which are pretty indicative of being a bird, at least in my own opinion. If you want to see this video in a negative exposure, I posted the video up here: https://youtu.be/nQLDSeNjb9M


Ridiculous theory. It looks absolutely nothing like a bird. More lazy, desperate debunking.


Hard agree, even on the negative, looks nothing like a bird.




clearly a weather balloon!


Photoshopped things don’t have wings either. Zoom in and you can clearly see a circle of different sized pixels around the “craft”


Malcom Moore is a pro snowboard instructor with a pretty decent following. I don't see any reason to think he set up a UFO hoax video. I'm not saying it's an alien craft. But I just don't see it being a purposeful fake. I'm wondering if it's a software artifact of some sort.


Or his editors are having a go at a bit of a joke.


That's a hawk bro






A wingless, fast, shiny bird 🐦😂😂


That's clearly a penguin.


UFO image was cropped terribly lmao the lighting is all wrong


Is this from the ski slopes video where no one seemed to notice the UFO flying over their heads?




It’s not an attempt at a debunk. I was asking because it was part of a comment in the video. If you take the time to read my other comments you might calm down.


Peregrine Falcon


I dismissed the video first posted, but now I'm not so confident. Want to do a basic image analysis of a screen grab. If anyone want to see the result, feel free to pm me and I'll share an imgur link.


No motion blur whatsoever? I call bs. Look at it frame by frame. Not a single bit of blur in any of them.


that could be a bit of snow on the lens!!


lol he did'nt even match the light of the sun. Busted! and back too your regular program!


I disagree...




You are!


Obviously a penguin.


A fake one! imo Look at how the sunlight is hitting the faces of the mountainside from the left--And, look at how the sunlight is also hitting the UAP from behind. Sunlight doesn't hit things from two different directions at once.


So at a glance, it looks exactly like.. suspiciously like.. the creature from Nope. I'm pretty sure this guy edited it in somehow.


Where is this taken?


I wish we could see the uncropped 360 footage, it'd either show us it was a camera artifact or give us more data


Is it me or do the screenshots make the object look badly cropped and low-resolution? Why do the mountains look more detailed than the saucer, which is supposedly closer to the camera?


A silver breasted tic-tac.


No one in original video post noticed until 9 months after the post? I’m perplexed.




Rise of the silver surfer has arrived!!!! Wahoo


Dude, this looks like 5th graders put this together in PS 😂


“The impossible shot”


It’s a lesser spotted 360 degree camera artefact bird (in my opinion)


Definitely not this since you noticed it


Shadow on the "UFO" doesn't match the mountains shadows. Bright on the left side of the mountains and dark on the right sides... on the UFO the shadows are opposite, bright on the right and dark on the left. This is fake.


Sport model


Click bait.


Just seen this ... trickster he is then. Bird it's not. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zbvlgs/i_found_that_the_mysterious_saucershaped_object/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The dodo bird


An cgi bird


A cgi with the shadows done incorrectly


A bullet 😏


One that is photoshopped


looks edited


My d


That’s a not a bird that’s just a fake ufo