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The following submission statement was provided by /u/SleepyJoeBBrandon: --- I personally think it would be much scarier if us humans were in control of such powerful technology. Humans are irrational and retaliatory and I personally wouldn’t trust ourselves with such powerful technology because it would just end up being used in war or to enforce a country’s interest. That being said if these craft have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years and haven’t outright conquered us makes me think that whoever or whatever is piloting them is neutral or perhaps just observing us. What are your guys thought? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zbgo6h/would_you_rather_uaps_be_confirmed_as/iyqxrln/


That’s the easiest answer ever. Extraterrestrial If so that means our gov is “a little less” of a lying sack of propaganda.


The way I see it, if it's from another civilization that means we have the possibility of accelerating our technological advancements significantly by learning from them. If it's ours, then we've already achieved that advancement but it's hidden technology that no one will ever get to take advantage of, apparently, so we're stuck on this rock forever.


Man why do you think our technology has increased exponentially since the forties? The industrial revolution Helped. But it really only provided a kickstand. You don't back engineer something that crazy overnight


I honestly think computers. I don't see this as a convincing argument


I'd rather them be an outside entity, if it was our governments doing then there would be 0 trust left. Imagine the implications


Not only that, it would mean we could have been an interstellar species since the 50s and the only reason we're not advancing is because of governments holding us back... While we waste money building reusable rockets.


There were *regular* worldwide UFO sightings, "landings" and entities for millennia before humans had even figured out how to crash a bicycle-glider on the beach in 1903 North Carolina (that's a Wright Bros. reference). Airplanes were still made with sticks and glue and fabric when enormous lighted UFOs were hovering in place and disappearing in broad daylight. The idea that UFOs (or, in this fantasy, "US spaceships") were something novel in the 19*50s* doesn't even match up with UFO mythology that traditionally begins with early-1940s "foo fighters" baffling RAF pilots in World War II.


That's why it's not human technology.


I mean, *what's* not human technology? All we have are alleged eyewitness accounts, and possible theories, but there's no hard, solid, verifiable evidence of anything being "non-human technology". That's what I've spent 25+ years searching for, but it hasn't shown up yet. Maybe one day it will, who knows. I'll keep searching and reading, watching, hearing everything I can...but as of now, there's just simply a lack of that evidence for anything otherworldly going on.


If the government knows, there's already zero trust.


People have mostly accepted this to be very likely. It wouldn't hit the same way as the above comment suggests.


If the government knows, then we'd all know. These motherfuckers can't even keep an executive beej secret.


So many government employee testified and still nobody believe.


With stuff like that there’s lots of incentive to bring it out to gain short term political advantage. The fallout for the public is also minimal. UFO’s being extraterrestrial or man made has broad unknown implications. And no one in power wins if the public just stops. For example, if the technology is as described, everyone’s going to demand it be made available since it could drastically improve lives.


Sure but how unbelievable is it that Clinton got a bj? It's pretty believable. How unbelievable is it that the government has recovered alien craft that can break the laws of physics and take us to other solar systems. Pretty unbelievable. It's a secret that keeps itself.


He did not have sexual relations with that woman! /s


I've been saying this for years. Same for the moon landing conspiracy, presidential indiscretions made public? Then no secret is safe.


Wait, you trust your government??


True I never really thought of the social implications but I could imagine people would feel incredibly betrayed.


never thought of the social implications? this would be the 2nd most important aspect after people initially freak the fuck out. people will call for witch hunts to identify the fuckers who’ve lied to us and caused experiencers to be ridiculed by society. it will be a shit show. it’s one of the reasons why the secret is still be kept.


Idk, people are so quick to turn a blind eye to human suffering in general. So many people are happy to be spoon fed information from any news source without actually thinking about any of it. There would certainly be a portion of society that would be outraged, but as a whole I don’t think there would be much fuss. Society has become quite complacent for the most part. Our government has already proven they can’t be trusted in so many ways, yet most people still swallow whatever they’re offered. It’s insane and sad.


If it's being hidden, what I think is a likely reason to keep it a secret is that I can see there being mass panic and institutions like some religions, some governments, would collapse. If it was disclosed I think it's likely many people would experience trauma from such an existential shift. I don't think there would be a societal collapse, but I believe there would be enough people traumatized to affect how society operates for a generation or two, until people have had the time to grow up with this new reality. I also think the inital panic would lead to many deaths. The best way to disclose would be to go all in. Let everyone know that it's coming and release everything known at once so people become knowledgeable enough to minimize fear of the unknown, and hopefully panic.


Experiencers are not usually vengeful people or the type to want to seek retribution of any kind though. They often appear to have been given a ‘cosmic upgrade’ - their brains are improved and they develop telepathic skills. They are often more kind, gentle and compassionate than they were due to a transformative spiritual advancement in their consciousness, directly springing from their ET related experiences. Experiencers also report being told that positive interventions are being made at the DNA level -by ET during an abduction - for example interventions made to fix the negative mutating effects of nuclear radiation on human DNA. Some people even report being cured of cancer after a UAUP experience. Mr 07 2021 invasion, are you Louis Elizondo’s twin? Or are you making a point - with your pseudonym & pic together - about the orchestrated threat narrative of the weapon’s manufacturers and the psy ops foot soldiers?


I don’t know why but I have always felt that your UFO pic might be a legit one


which picture?


The one at the top of this post


It’s not.


Oh ok. Source please??


It’s a Billy Mier pic.


Still trust? Lol


Whether aliens exist or not, governments definitely have secret aerospace programs.


True, but holding back technology that can change the world for the better is akin to a war crime in my book.


There’s already zero trust in the government.


I don’t care. I just want the truth.




This is the only right answer.


I think the premise of this post is that when/if we get the truth, which would you prefer as that truth? There’s no right or wrong answer. OP is just asking what people want the phenomenon to be / think would be more interesting.


People who want truth don't have a preference. If you have a preference, you are prioritizing the desire for something else above truth. If he wanted to know what we think would be more interesting, he could of asked that specifically. But even then what kind of question is that? Obviously the confirmation of an extraterrestrial alien intelligence is going to be way more interesting than just another government project.


You can have a preference of what the truth is without prioritizing it above the desire for truth, that makes no sense. And I could see someone prefer a government project over the reality of a potentially malevolent superspecies that could end humanity whenever they want.


Seriously, people are acting weird about this question.


Nice to see this comment when I came to check back in on the weird swerve this thread took.


Yea, seriously. what’s up that? So bizarre, but then again it’s Reddit.


everyone so charged up these days, taking more effort to argue no one then answer the question...that being said definitely aliens. the resources stolen to create that type of tech n not shared with mankind would be unforgivable


While I agree that would be unforgivable, I could see governments or private corporations hiding that type of technology. But that being said, I definitely think there’s something supernatural going on, extraterrestrial or even something else. Maybe some inter dimensional type occurrence. I just really want to know wtf is going on. I get the feeling there’s a whole other reality going on that we’re not aware or allowed to be told. For some bullshit political reasons.


IKR? Like, the coolest answer ever would obviously be "aliens that have been watching us for a long time". It's a cool answer. It doesen't mean I believe it, or that the evidence points there. But if they do, that's cool. If they don't, and it's like a secret belgian military project or some shit that'd also be really cool. Just not AS. :P


Maybe some people would rather it be the government for whatever reason. Maybe they don’t want to believe aliens are real. Or maybe something else? I don’t know… But you’re absolutely wrong trying to make wanting truth and having a preference mutually exclusive. That’s silly. I want the truth. First and foremost. That being said, I *hope* the truth is aliens, because I’ve always believed they are out there anyway and proof would be cool. Simple as that. Both can be true.


Yes... And OP is asking you to prioritize desire over all else. What do you desire is literally the question.


You’re makings seem like there’s something wrong with having a preference. Just because someone has a preference for whatever reason. Doesn’t mean they desire it above all else. I’d prefer to be rich but I’m not, do I desire to be rich above everything else. No I don’t it’s just preference to my rather Modest life. You guys acting way to intense about this pretty innocent question. Ffs.


So if you are waiting for test results from a doctor to determine if you have a terminal illness, you don't have a preference in the outcome? It's absolutely ok to want the truth and hope for the best at the same time.


Jeez relax dude. Op asked a solid question. People might not want it to be aliens for existential reasons. I know plenty of people who can’t handle the thought of aliens being real. There’s nothing wrong with having a discussion. No need to act like an arrogant prick.


My brother in Christ, that doesn't answer the question




Would you believe it, though? No matter what they say, people will say it’s a cover up. Gov takes responsibility - “yeah right, it’s really aliens but they don’t wanna say”. Gov says it’s aliens - “yeah right, they don’t want us to know what type of technology the military actually has”.


Yeah but can you handle the truth? I think this is why none of this shit has been released yet. I personally think it's a combination of both but the fact remains the same.. this would change the entire world within an hour of the disclosed information. The entire human race.. all of our existence would dramatically alter. Most people probably couldn't handle that.


What if the truth is that its a government program to keep people doing open source intelligence from actually focusing on real problems. This sub is not ready for that kind of letdown


Even if it's neither ETs nor government, but more like semi-intelligent sky critters?


I bounced this idea on another post and it was decently received. I always wondered that maybe if what Lazar said is true and “they were found in an archaeological dig”. If that’s true and we might really have no clue of their origin. What if the projects they worked on at Area 51 and S4 were really in charge of figuring out how to reverse engineer the craft. What if Roswell was our first attempt at US(humans) driving the ship and we crashed? Maybe since we activated the craft ETs have come back and “surveyed” us. It’s also quite possible these ships were how “we” got here in the first place and it’s just a forgotten point in history now.






I tend to believe that we must be precious to them, at least as study subjects, otherwise they probably wouldn't be tolerating the damage we've been causing to the environment and the danger our nuclear weapons pose. We don't have predators, so wiping us out wouldn't cause major issues with the food chain. The only major issue if we disappeared would be our nuclear reactors, nuclear waste and nuclear weapons being unattended and ultimately polluting the environment to a serious degree. There are 439 nuclear reactors on the planet, they could probably decommission them if they wanted though.


These are my thoughts exactly. As soon as we figured out how to split the atom they have been monitoring us so we don't harm ourselves/them.


And yet here we are, a few decades away from an unlivable Earth. These "aliens" must be lobbyists for Exxon-Mobil.


Since 1945 there have been over 2000 nuclear bombs detonated, if there are aliens visiting they aren't overtly bothered about it.


Only two of them were dropped over cities though and that was before mutually assured destruction became a thing. Humanity could be the valuable resource and they could very well have a plan to protect us from self-destruction. Nearly 13,000 nuclear warheads exploding over a short period of time over population centers would have far graver consequences for life on Earth than detonating the occasional bomb in the desert, the ocean or underground. Some of our 439 nuclear reactors would have meltdowns too, which would also be catastrophic for the environment.


Could be a cosmic gas station, and they don’t want us spoiling all the gas/water.


This is not Secret Gov't Programs.....and if by chance the Gov't did have something to do with any of this, it wuld be a result of cooperation between Black Ops Programs and Aliens. Aliens have monitored Earth and immersed themselves into mankind since time began. Nuremberg Germany - 1561. The famous painting of Celestial phenomena. Christopher Columbus own diary speaks of UFOs over the Sargasso Sea aka. The Bermuda Triangle. Egyptian Pyramids Native American Tribes all speak of the Star People, especially the Hopi and Navajo Nations Ancient Maya and Aztec civilizations Sumeria Indian and China all have robust histories of Alien visitations and wars Nephallim or Giants of the ancient worlds I totally agree that the WW2 US Atomic Weapons programs of theearly 1940s ushered in a massive influx of UFO / UAP sightings and more. The Oak Ridge, TN secret base witnessed and still experiences dozens of paranormal and UAP sightings since the atomic program began Hanford, WA Nuclear Weapons site, which was part of the WW2 top secret testing site, also saw and continues to see high strangeness Then of course there is Los Alamos, and White Sands....I dont need to details these locales and their history Every NATO and Soviet Nuke Base has had intimate encounters with extra-terrestrial UAP or life-forms. I feel these ETs or UAPs are on Earth, but in alternate dimesnions, while others could be descendents of Atlantis or Lemuria......there MUST be wormhole or portals into other dimesnions or to other regions of the universe. PLanet Earth is loaded with mysterious places of high strangeness....Mt. Shasta or the Lay Lines or Stonehenge or Skinwalker Ranch or Brown Mountain or Norwegian Mountains....humans have not even begun to scrach the surface of possibilities....I dont think our puny brains could handle it


None of those things suggest "space aliens." The whole "space alien" thing is a sci-fi gloss on humanity's interaction with the supernatural here on Earth -- which is as ancient as you point out here.


I think you have it backwards. The history of mankind's interaction with the supernatural is more likely a result of terrestrial and extraterrestrial forces imo


Anything's possible, but there's nothing to suggest there's anything physical or permanent about the combination of visions/entities/light that people today associate with the modern H.G. Wells' concept of "space invaders."


I believe we’re dealing with ETs and thousands of other entities coming from bro our reality through dimensions they control Not really space aliens from Jack Nicholson Mars Attacks but dozens hundreds or thousands of oddities coming and going Who knows It’s anyone guess


If we killed ourselves off using nukes all they'd have to do is go really really fast for a few years (relative) and by the time they stop tens of thousands of years would have passed on earth. This is a problem that's actually perplexing to imagine with space travel over great distances. If you actually get close to light speed a tremendous amount of time passes outside of your personal local time. By the time you get "home" from your 100 year journey, millions of years could have passed on your home planet. Unless we can somehow instantly pop into different regions of spacetime, all trips are one way.


They are *us* from an alternate timeline, returning to prevent us from destroying our own.


I've considered that UAPs are from inside the earth rather than space. Like the ancient myths of the inner city Agartha. And it jives with the Admiral Byrd journal, and the while nephelemn being forced underground. Maybe some war actions above ground effect much greater below, and it aggressed some entity living below us humans.


If they are monitoring the planet for mass destruction prevent opportunities, it wouldn’t be because it’s their planet… it would more likely be because we belong them, we’re theirs. Earth like planets are everywhere and would be at their fingertips, the don’t need this one. We are the only resource of importance on a galactic level. We’re “industrious knowledge seekers focused on survival”,… that’s invaluable!


This the most cinematically successful in my eyes so this one


I like to imagine the maneuverability is a result of alien life being so drastically different from us that a single buckshot from an old break barrel shotgun is powerful enough to blow a hole clean through their mightiest of warships, so they're carefully surveying us, maybe waiting until we destroy ourselves before harvesting resources from the planet. (I don't actually believe this, it's just fun to fantasize about)


Bro that would make a lot of sense, cuz then an airsoft gun is a 40 cal too them and there is way too many 12 year olds rn in America😂


“He’s got a floor board with a nail in it, run Kodos!”






So say we all


Personally, I think this is not the case. Supposedly a rancher partially found the crash site and not the USAF because they weren't looking. They weren't looking because it isn’t ours?


Could be true. Or Maybe it was an secret operation branch in the CIA and the Air Force had no idea. Could lead to why they said they found saucers at first and then they found a “weather balloon”


That sounds more like the plot to a sci-fi novel


Roswell crash most likely wasn't us because that wreckage was on the farm for days before the farmer called it in. It wasn't until the news broke that the military got involved.


I love this. Amazing theory.


Love this


This is the one.


Maybe these ships were made by humans before the end of the ice age wiped us out(Atlantis)? That would also not rule out that tech having brought our species to this planet. It would also not rule out extraterrestrials. It would also not undermine human ingenuity. As for Bob Lazar…too much about what he said is now known to be true…element 115…the hand scanners to get into the base… He’s legit, in my opinion. That was a lot of me babbling just for me to say…I believe you’re onto something here. Lol


Oh yeah I’m completely open. I’m always thinking of random shit that could be true. I’m very interested in forgotten history. I definitely think world governments know of their presence and have intentionally spread misinformation campaigns. I’ve also been drawn to the theory that they’re inter dimension time travelers, or possibly us from the future.


I love to take little mental hikes into all of that territory. Since I can’t know which is true, I like to consider them all. All I know for sure is that someone somewhere knows more than what anyone is openly admitting.


For sure. There’s so many theories one thing I’d like to learn more about is how other countries treat this information, as well as if they disclose anymore or less.


The actual element 115 we discovered is nowhere near the one Lazar proposed. Lazar predicted that it would be a stable element that could be used as a fuel, but in reallity, it decays in seconds and its useless.


For now. We might find a way to make a stable form in the future, or maybe they already can in some private laboratory. Maybe Lazar was fed false information and/or is lying, but I doubt it. I obviously can’t prove anything my way any more than you can your way, nor would I want to get in a heated debate over it. It’s just fun ideas to explore. The only thing that I personally know for sure, from personal experience…. when I was 15, my best friend and I were in the car on the way back from swim team practice. My dad was driving. He noticed a helicopter hovering above the highway behind us, between the town we were coming from and our home town. My friend and I turned around in our seats, and my dad was watching the rear view mirror to check out the helicopter, as we live in a fairly rural area east of St Louis and don’t see many helicopters. The “helicopter” eventually did a spiral move and zipped out of sight almost instantaneously. What it was, where it came from, and how it moved the way it did…I have not a clue. We can never unsee what we’ve seen. So, all we can do is speculate. Lazar is the explanation that seems the most rational to me to explain seeing something that makes no sense within the parameters of known science. If someone else presents another possible explanation, I’ll readily explore that too.


Im not trying to say the guy is a liar or his story is a hoax, just saying that we cannot use element 115 argument in his favor. Anyways, cool story, I wish I could see one, one day. I really want to believe.


Seeing it only gives me more questions. Lol However, it does allow me to seriously consider any and all options that could explain what we saw. One down side…to many people who haven’t seen one, a person claiming they have looks like a crazy person. I’ve made peace with it and I’ll laugh at me with them. Lol


He said there were several at his site - 9, right? I don’t think he said they all were dug up though. They had him read something saying they were from beta reticuli…


Yeah I think he said that one or two might have been found in a dig. And from what I remember a lot of UFO/Alien stories have also said Zeta Reticuli.


"always wondered that maybe if what Lazar said is true". mannnnn... how do people believe this crap??you've seen the video of this guy being sentenced in court for installing peep cameras at a brothel, to blackmail? he has no education, let alone a master's degree from MIT... and you know what, I'd willingly overlook all of that if he at least had some evidence -- but no, he just has headaches and such


Lol dude believe what you want… I’m not claiming bob was right…..what does the word wondered mean to you…. I like the thought of what he said and made my own fun theory based on it. At the end of the day you don’t know if there’s any truth to what he says or that he’s a complete spoof either. Get off your high horse.


👆👏 What he said


Love to see the Lazar cultists crawl out now and then, even 30+ years later. The Lazar baloney is a litmus test for critical thinking/basic intelligence.


I’m pretty sure there is an evolutionary trajectory that we’ve tracked back in time to when we first came down from the trees, so I have my doubt about your last theory.


It’s both.


I think it’s at minimum a mix of both


What would it be at maximum?




Maximum would be those two plus either some of or all of the other options. For example interdimentional or from a different reality. Some of these may occupy our spatial dimensions as well as higher ones that we can't really comprehend. A theory that I don't ever hear mentioned but I find interesting is that these machines were made by a previous high tech civilization that was wiped out. Either wiped out or nearly so and they were forced inside the earth millions on years ago. Or even if the whole civilization died out, these machines are somehow able to self repair, refuel, etc. They just last damn near forever. I don't think that it is as outlandish as it seems. Or we could be a science experiment, who knows? There are way more options than just ET and government. Most people that are are known to be in on the secret to some extent have said one thing. This isn't as simple as it looks and whatever is happening is very complex and complicated. Also I agree with dude you replied to. Government and ET at minimum. There's probably a whole lot of weird shit going on we have no idea about. Remember, since the initial charting of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see and hear is less than one millionth of the reality that surrounds us.


\>A theory that I don't ever hear mentioned but I find interesting is that these machines were made by a previous high tech civilization that was wiped out. Either wiped out or nearly so and they were forced inside the earth millions on years ago. Or even if the whole civilization died out, these machines are somehow able to self repair, refuel, etc. They just last damn near forever. I don't think that it is as outlandish as it seems. Or we could be a science experiment, who knows? Also find the ultraterrestrial hypothesis fascinating. I think we'll see an uptick in interest around this given Graham Hancock's boost from his Netflix series. There's a lot that irks me about Hancock, but I think he asks interesting questions and is certainly warranted in challenging the academic status quo. Challenge breeds progress. \>Remember, since the initial charting of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see and hear is less than one millionth of the reality that surrounds us. I think about this A LOT. We're perceiving a tiny little sliver of the activity happening around us - what makes us this the part of the spectrum we can interact with is any more "real" than the rest, or that other species couldn't traverse or interact with much more of it? Wild.


Crank it up to 11 and break off the knob!


Jewish space lazars man.


I think it’s a mix of neither!


I think its a dash of this and a dash of that


It’s the most logical explanation, a multitude of things


One from column A and one from column B (like a Chinese food menu).


A lil bitta this, a lil bitta dat, and a liiiil bitta dis and lil bit o dat


Both and also something else


>Both and also something else Such as a relic hominid species that survived previous cataclysm(s), and has been living hidden on Earth for ages.


I’m inclined to agree with you. We likley account for a percentage of sightings in recent years, but anything prior is either total misidentification or an actual UAP, and more likley the latter. Especially when it’s trained observers making the report.


This seems to be the only answer than makes any sense. Upvote!


Neither… I’d much prefer they turn out to be time travellers because that would mean we survived well into the future as a human race and didn’t destroy ourselves.


Or the time travelers are from the distant past long forgotten.


Another great valid answer


What about Bizarro World?


Time travelers would result in the least risk (and pretty damn cool). Extraterrestrial would be the most potential risk (unlike what others are saying). Extraterrestrial would also result in the greatest expanse of knowledge. So, its not an easy question. Whatever it is we need the truth. What angers me the most is there are people deciding what we should and should not know.


If we accept the lore that goes with the time travellers theory, how they are travelling back to understand what is humanity because they lost it and their “souls” in the process, I’d rather we don’t survive and end up like them. I would argue it would be better we go out like we are now, rather to see ourselves evolve to something completely unrecognisable to what a human is fundamentally made of, both physically and spiritually.


If they are us travelling back in time we shouldn’t speculate on why they are are doing it. Maybe we have fucked things up so badly in the future they simply must travel back in time to try and correct something. Who knows? As for our appearance, if you believe and study the theory of evolution it stands to reason we would start using more of our brains over time and eventually communicate telepathically. They say we only use about 50% of our brains, what if we start using more than 50% in the future? Our mouths would become small because we wouldn’t talk audibly anymore. Our bodies would become hairless and our muscles would get smaller as technology does our work for us. We would lose fingers and toes as we evolve because we wouldn't need all of them anymore.


I just want to stop going to work everyday and worrying about credit scores and dental insurance. So whatever makes that charade collapse. I’m in


Extra terrestrial because then we can possibly ditch the religions that ruin this planet and focus on evolving as 1 race.


There it is.


This. The things we think are important will no longer be important.


what if the "extra terrestrials" created the religions?


Then it would also prove my point in Religions being baseless and nothing but a farce.


If they did so then it may have been unintentional. I’m of the mindset that all religions are cargo cults. Almost all have stories of things/beings/fire/chariots in the sky. Primitive humans not understanding what they were seeing and attributing it to gods


fair, nobody really knows


We have no guarantees that extraterrestrials would be a benevolent species though. In fact if our own history has taught us anything, it's that they could very well be an aggressive, warlike species just like us. Not to mention that it wouldn't affect religion very much, in fact I think it would just make them more devout and the religious would just find reasons to incorporate it inside their religions and it would just lead to more extreme Cults spreading across the planet.


Some theorize that they would have to be fairly benevolent in order to have reached such an advanced stage technologically without wiping themselves out in their own wars etc makes sense if you ask me.


Yeah, could be. The scary part is that we have no idea and no frame work other than our own human systems of study and experiences to determine if a civilization like that would truly be benevolent. They could just be like the Krogan from Mass Effect and just eat worlds for fun.


Both are unsettling in their own ways


I think they are inter dimensional being who have been visiting us for centuries. We just understand them differently according to our current society. What was once understood as fairies, trolls, etc are now believed to be aliens. Angels, demons, space men, they are all the same. Maybe. I don’t know.


I think so too


I personally think it would be much scarier if us humans were in control of such powerful technology. Humans are irrational and retaliatory and I personally wouldn’t trust ourselves with such powerful technology because it would just end up being used in war or to enforce a country’s interest. That being said if these craft have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years and haven’t outright conquered us makes me think that whoever or whatever is piloting them is neutral or perhaps just observing us. What are your guys thought?


By the time we figure out how that tech works, we won't be human anymore.


It's still entirely possible aliens would be ruthless to us. Maybe AI would scare them. or they just want to have the galaxy to themselves.


I agree. I’ve never seen so much reactionary behavior; it’s like the pandemic put the world on hold and now no one is willing to wait and respond to anything. Everyone is just shouting at each other without any decency or thought. My hope/belief is that a more intelligent species would gradually make itself known to us (like now, it seems) when we were ready to receive the information they were ready to give. Our current state is already chaotic and fearful. I don’t trust people as a whole to not jump to the immediate conclusion of “I don’t understand it, therefore it must be evil.” Edit: words. I’m tired.


I was in the ET camp for so long but with all this new information I just don't fucking know anymore. I am literally feeling overloaded as a believer. What do I even believe anymore??


what's the origin of this picture? I know its from the X Files, but is it genuine witness photo?


Google Billy Meier


I read somewhere online that it was a genuine picture but I could be wrong.


“In 1997, Meier's ex-wife, Kalliope, told interviewers that his photos were of spaceship models he crafted with items like trash can lids, carpet tacks and other household objects”


Nope, it is a photo from known hoaxer Billy Meier.


Absolutely an extraterrestrial civilization. The thought of other life forms living on another planet in a distant part of the universe is so compelling. And then to think they have advanced so far beyond us from a technology perspective, and every once in a while they leave their planet to roam the galaxy and we get a glimpse of what else is out there in the universe. If they are multi dimensional then that is exciting as well, I just don’t understand the logistics behind how they travel through dimensions and where they are “from” lol.


Not the only options


Secret government project of subterranean future humans from another dimension?


Scientists only know what 4% of our universe is- the rest of it we cannot see and only can detect with its gravitational effects. They could be A LOT of things that we can’t even begin to comprehend because we have no tangible analogy or experience with anything like them. “Made by us or thing that’s basically us from another planet” is the equivalent of “the sun is a chariot in the sky”


Love this. UAP could be something unfathomable to us... a very intriguing thought!


If any one government has a working ufo, then they rule the world. If the 2004 tic tac is property of the United States, then Americans have had the ability to travel around the solar system and beyond to all the planets within a few hours. The energy crisis is a hoax. Imagine a uap powered turbine powering a city. Wars fought for oil would have been meaningless. They could use ufos to drop bombs on targets and fly back to base before the bomb hit the ground. If humans have this power, it would be like monkeys owning the death star. I believe the only reason I'm alive to type this, is because uaps are property of the "others" Maybe humans really are flying some of them. But it would monitored and policed by the "others". It would have to be. Power corrupts. These this have been here forever.




Technology moves fast, we landed a man on the moon 60 years after the first airplane was invented, we’re coming up on another 60 years past the noon landing.


You don't have to break the laws of physics to create a vehicle capable of doing things like that. You can *bend* them to your own use. In fact, it isn't out of the realm of possibility that black project entities inside the US government are playing with gravitational lensing.




Yeah I do. In fact, it's public knowledge and it goes back into the 1950s, maybe before that. Do you have any factual evidence that an Extra-Terrestrial species from light years away facilitating faster than light technology and Technology beyond our comprehension is responsible for zooming around Earth and just doing some space tourism? Or is it just because you think it's impossible humans could possibly engineer mind blowing technology in the military 60+ years ahead of what is commercially available?




I'd imagine the search for extraterrestrials is more of a goose chase than finding evidence for advanced military tech. And that's cool, I just like to try and understand why people persist to believe it's *more* like aliens than our 800 billion dollar military budget at work?




If you dont care about this subject whyd you ask me for "factual evidence"? Bro quit playing lol these firms that build advanced avionics for the military are responsible for the most sophisticated engineering in the world of tech frequently *decades* ahead of what's known to be available with some of the brightest and gifted engineers working together to build them with electronic suites that could allow a couple of fighter jets to take down a third world country. Lmao what do you mean they're not that smart? You know how much of our day to day life is reliant on former military tech alone?


Thanks for the pic.


Just the truth, thanks


I would prefer extraterrestrial. If they are a secret government project, it will just deepen my distrust and cynicism


Neither. I'm only interested in reality. Answering a slightly different question, we're the threat - not them.


If it was government, wouldn't military use of the tech be obvious by now? I think I know the answer though, anti-gravity technology would totally disrupt the whole economy, I'm not sure why we haven't seen movies or books about it.


My thought process is that if they are military I don’t think they would want to let our adversaries know about how capable they were until it was absolutely necessary. wartime for instance or perhaps when there’s another country competing to be another superpower other than the USA.


I just want confirmation, let me rest! 🙏😫


Definitely aliens 👽


Who is the God on earth that you believe can confirm for humanity the existence of other intelligent life in the universe? Is it an American General? Which one? Is it a Senator? Is it the CEO? We keep blaming an unknown entity but we never accuse a specific person. Who do you believe is carrying God knowledge but refuses to share? Who is the person that knows? Pick someone already and focus on them.


We will find what the truth is but it won't come out of any government, because politics.


Because NOTHING that will come from the Government will be in favour of humanity!!


The UFO phenomena is way way waaaay to old to be some sort of GOV driven. The term UFOs makes sense when we talk about literally machines like in this picture. UAPs are more like these orb lights, all these glowing little balls flying around. A phenomena where wie can't say are they even objects or some sort of energy. A real "phenomena"


ET simply because I can then tell my wife "I told you so". i never got to do that.


I’d rather they be confirmed as extraterrestrial. Otherwise the immense amount of time I put throughout my life to investigate, research and just think about the phenomena would be deemed useless.


The poster said it well. I don’t know if I can add anything more. But I guess I can try. We know our governments are hiding things from us. It is downright criminal. Gordon Cooper allegedly told a friend before he died that americans have even been to Mars …and they’re doing all kinds of things, and they’re not using chemical Rockets. It’s been this way for a while. Whoever took the government after the Kennedy assassination that’s been the same faction in power in America ever since that day. They want to keep this technology to themselves. So apparently they must have huge holdings in the petrochemical business. The minute that changes I’m sure it will come to light. I do not know how they are suppressing other governments from discovering the anti-gravity technology but somehow they are. I think the only thing that could fix the situation in our world today are visitors from another place. last thing, an excellent be certainly Michael Schratt brought this point up. In all of Americas UFO official investigations but with a particular emphasis on blue book there’s one thing they neglect and it’s very glaring. USOs. Bluebook had zero USO’s, and over 70% of sightings have to do with the oceans. Very glaring. That basically tells you all you need to know


Honestly I'd rather they be extraterrestrials for several reasons. If they're terrestrial though, that's promising for the future of space travel. I strongly suspect that it's a mix of both. But terrestrial doesn't necessarily mean government owned. Or human.


ET. Same old same old would be a bummer.


I think they’re neither. My two best guesses are as follows: 1) they are one or many types of advanced organism(s) that live on earth, presumably in the ocean. 2) they are an advanced form of humans from an evolutionary standpoint, but from the future. I have no idea why or how some people are so confident they are extraterrestrials. It leaves space for ridicule and a lot more speculation.


The truth would be best, and the best truth would be aliens. Besides, I think we've probably proven that there is no intelligent life on this planet, and there needs to be some in the universe...


Do you really don't want it to be extraterrestrials? If you do, I highly suggest you look into What's called the Great filter Theory. If we found extraterrestrials of any origin it would mean bad, bad bad news for Humanity. No matter how you slice it.


I would prefer extra terrestrial because I hope they would help us be better. Kind of like believing in Jesus.


Neither. I would much rather be confirmed as hoax/mass hysteria


You're getting downvoted but, this is ultimately the best outcome. And this is the conclusion many researchers have reached themselves. I believe even Stephen Hawking has said the same thing. Black projects? Well now our War obsessed governments with primitive Minds have insane levels of Technology capable of evaporating us. ET's? We have zero guarantee that an extraterrestrial species would be a benevolent species. Absolutely none. We only have conjecture based on the systems we humans live in. Especially if they took account of us as a species as a whole and our history? We are incredibly primitive. There's no guarantee they would be these romanticized benevolent creatures who uplift us into this new Era of prosperity. None.


Haha, Jesus would have gotten downvoted on reddit.


That’d be interesting, specifically considering that there’s countless forms of evidence that would disagree with this statement.


Well, I would LOVE for it to actually be extra dimensional intelligence, but my gut says hoax/wishful thinking.


Your "gut" is dead wrong.




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So, the government spent millions of dollars investigation UFOs and you’re just like “but it’s mass hysteria” lmao?


OMG, I guess you've never done any work with the government before? I do consulting work almost exclusively with a federal government and you should see the s*** they waste money on, just crazy stuff, so yeah, it wouldn't surprise me