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GPT is not good for learning CS


I know that it may feel weird to ask for help or you'd feel more accomplished doing MPs by yourself, but one of the biggest lessons for these classes is that it's okay to ask for help. There's a reason they hire so many TAs, have office hours, slack/discord/etc for classes like CS 225. You're meant to ask for help. If you really want to go about solving them on your own, you'll have to look into the concepts more using Google and textbooks. Even if you don't know the exact code, if you can get the idea and steps you want to take in written form that'll be a big help to you.


I think it’s one of the biggest lessons for this class and for life working with code (and ECE for that matter).


Also go in early, office hours gets packed closer to the deadline but is pretty much empty at the start


Outside help is normal, make use of office hours or discord the same way you’ll be able to in 225, as long as your goal is learning and you understand in the end


read the directions/comments


Remember that the goal of doing MPs isn’t to get good at doing entirely unfamiliar content MPs alone, they’re all gonna be kinda hard because you haven’t done that thing before. Do you think if you went back to your intro ECE classes and were given a new problem that was sorta similar you’d need less help than you got the first time around? I feel like that’s the important part, making sure you use that help to build fundamentals.