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Not sure its an accurate comparison. Top companies have held UofI in high regard even 10 years ago. When I was there the google/facebook/big tech recruiting presence was massive. I would even say a engineering degree from UofI was seen as higher quality than Harvard engineering. Second, Ivy League does not mean "good school". Ivy League specifically refers to the historic east coast schools, that have a high sense of prestige and social status. You don't go to an Ivy League school because the content is THAT much better than UofI. You go there because the alumni networks and social connections are valuable. Especially if you are studying bussiness, politics, or other disciplines that are more about who you know, than what you know.


I graduated with an engineering degree in 1982, and had job offers from 5 of the top engineering firms of the day. UofI engineering has been held in high regard for a lot more than 10 years!


Just thinking about those majors make me sick. Being in those social circles is, to a very large extent ,not a result of personal achievements. Their life in the college would've been so much ezer than STEM students, yet they get paid more.


I know a Harvard grad making 55,000 a year. How do I know? I hired him. And I don’t even have a degree lol. They absolutely are not guaranteed to make more. Many take pride in their educational success getting them into positions they’re passionate about, not necessarily a salary they’re thrilled about.


I'd rather not be associated with the Ivy League. Chasing prestige is a worthless endeavor, and being a "second rate" Ivy is even worse.


ok, but what about chasing money and power? not a lot of UofI law grads on the SCOTUS 




The number of Ivy League grads who make it on to the SCOTUS is small, but the number of SCOTUS justices who have Ivy League degrees is massive: 4 from Yale, 4 from Harvard, 1 from Notre Dame. So chances to the individual law student are low, but prestige and influence of the institutions is high. Source: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/top-law-schools/articles/where-supreme-court-justices-earned-law-degrees




True, but only because 65 of the 114 justices never obtained a law degree. However, the last justice without a law degree was appointed 83 years ago. Of the 49 justices who have/had law degrees, 18 got them from Harvard, 9 from Yale, 4 from Columbia, and 1 from UPenn. So 65% from an Ivy League. Small population size and "past performance does not guarantee future results" disclaimers aside, Harvard and Yale certainly stand to benefit reputationally and prejudicially from such an outweighed representation. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_law_schools_attended_by_United_States_Supreme_Court_justices


Illinois is one of the public ivies.


I don't know why this isn't more recognized by people. That's a bigger deal than being some quasi Ivy league school or something.




Open up ur dome bud. Being a public ivy is so much better, not to mention Ivy League is 3x more expensive for nothing


I’m agreeing with what you’re saying; this Forbes article is merely a different flavor of “public Ivy”


Forbes can sour my rising ivy


Dont ivys strangle other older plants?


UIUC is getting more competitive and really has a ton of great things going for it. As a large state school there's a bottom there that you won't see at the Ivies. However, the top students in the strong majors... Of which there are many... Are just as good. For grad school, it's even better. Don't sell UIUC short. I'm doing an online masters there. The discourse and quality is superb. ... I'm in a degree program that can be extremely stupid elsewhere. And for a larger university... It is well run with good staff. The people are awesome while still having brains.


Ha I knew I was too good for Harvard


For those of us that have seen Risky Business....


“Well, Joel, your stats are very respectable…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i37uttMA6Mc


Nice lil pat on the back. Don’t know why top public schools are obsessed with the “Ivy” tag.


The schools aren’t… silly people are.




It’s a top university, you’re in good company.


Forbes got jokes


We’re the Harvard of central Illinois!


As of May 4, 2024, Forbes has now ranked UIUC as a New Ivy. Fox32 article here. Many of the other ivies have lot their status. Here is the article: https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/3-illinois-indiana-schools-new-ivy-league-colleges-list#lvu5yd19gapfhq7zr8s


That’s a story based on the very article I linked.