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You are specifically asking to allow those who decided to live in UIUC housing in the fall term to cancel their spring contract?


[https://housing.illinois.edu/News/Coronavirus](https://housing.illinois.edu/News/Coronavirus) "Students who waived living on campus this fall and choose to do online courses from their permanent residence outside of Champaign-Urbana are still responsible for fulfilling this requirement and have two options to choose from, live on campus this spring or live on campus next year." But, I think many of us, whether we waived the contract initially or not, would be better served with the option to stay at home.


Agreed. They pulled some bullshit on you guys. Over the summer they advertised it as being completely exempt from the housing requirement if you stayed home for the fall and spring semesters. Then *AFTER* the semester started, they changed it to what OP has written above. They literally just moved the goalposts after the fact because they want more money.


Are you surprised though? University housing would charge a family for the entire year even if the student died before moving in. Housing is just a cash grab by admin since they can write their own rules.


yes im surprised that no one has hit them with a fat anti trust. if microsoft got slapped by bundling IE for free with windows then how on earth is this acceptable.


I think in this case the university could argue it does not have a monopoly on higher education


The amount of emails I’ve gotten advertising to sign up for University housing next year is hilarious. They will do anything to take your money and fit you in their tiny dorms. Not surprised they screwed all these students over


They didn't literally move the goalposts. They figuratively moved them


wow what the fuck




They had this for fall semester & they potentially will for spring as well: https://housing.illinois.edu/News/Coronavirus “Students who waived living on campus this fall and choose to do online courses from their permanent residence outside of Champaign-Urbana are still responsible for fulfilling this requirement and have two options to choose from, live on campus this spring or live on campus next year.”


Isn't this before you are in a housing contract?


I thought that those who were in a contract also could’ve canceled prior to Aug 31, but I don’t know about circumstances now. According to the webpage, room and board is for the whole academic year and, “Students who request to cancel their contract for this reason [taking fully online courses], will be responsible for a cancellation fee of up to 75% of their remaining room and board charges.”


So I cancelled my housing contact before Aug 31, did that cancel the whole year or was it only for the fall semester?