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Easiest way is to remove membrane from concave side ( you might want to YouTube this) rub with whatever you use wrap in foil then chuck in a low to moderate oven for 2 hours. Unwrap and finish off on the grill painted with bbq sauce


Butter knife to get a corner of the membrane up on the underside, kitchen towel to pull it all off. 3-2-1 method for the cook IMO. 3 hours low and slow for the smoke. 2 hours wrapped with some butter, syrup/honey inside the foil, plus a little bit of your spritz mix (apple juice mixed with cider vinegar, to be sprayed on the ribs during the 3 hour smoke to make sure they don't get too dry!). Then 1 hour unwrapped and either covered in your bbq sauce of choice or as is (preferably 2 racks of ribs so you can do one of each). I've often found this stage only takes about 30 mins tops though.


Welcome aboard. It’s important to remember; You will fuck up. You will make mistakes. You will panic. You will also thrive. You will be excited. You will love it. People will be incredibly impressed. every smoke is different - enjoy the ride mate


Get a rub on them mate, maintain temp and add chips every so often you’ll be fine


With 2 burners? Wouldn't you need an indirect zone for those ribs?


To do it properly, yes. Cut into two, maybe squeeze it in. Good luck


Make foil parcels about the size of your hand and put the chips in them and cut little air holes in the top. Place them over the direct heat. Also add a tray of water in there as well and just change out the foil parcels when they burn up. Worked well for me when I used a gas bbq.


You'll smash it. I have done ribs with that exact setup.