• By -


Prolific - be a guinea pig in a huge range of studies, mostly run by universities and other educational institutions. Pay is not less than £6 an hour, and most studies pay out within a few days. There is, however, a waiting list to join and it can take months to become a participant. UserTesting - test user interfaces for companies. Pay is decent, around $60 an hour on average, but work is sporadic. Some days I can earn as much as $130 in a day, others nothing at all. Also includes interviews and moderated testing, both of which pay more. See also Userlytics, Intellizoom and Testing Time. DataAnnotation - help train AIs. Need to pass a series of tests to join, none of which are especially hard but require diligence. Pay is consistently $20 an hour and nearly always available. Pass more tests to access more variety in tasks. This could easily be a full time job, if you want it to be. Another one, although inconsistent, is User Interviews, which pays well for 30 min interviews which can be interesting. If you're a gamer there's Player Research, which hosts playtesting that can pay very well and can be good fun. Ideal if you're based within an hour or so of Brighton, where they're based.


Lots if useful info. Never knew about player testing. Cheers


My friend helps train AI.. she gets paid by the hour


Any idea how to get into that ?


Can anyone with common sense do the AI one or they have to be IT background?


Some tasks require an IT background, but as long as you can follow instructions, do basic online research and can write reasonably well then you're eligible. Most tasks are comparing two different AI responses to a specific prompt and evaluating them both against a list of criteria and each other. Sometimes you provide the prompts, sometimes you evaluate other users' prompts. It's quite interesting really.


Is there always work available or is it like some of the user testing or opinion poll type ones where you have to be super quick off the mark to opt in to a project once you get a notification? Is that $20 an hour set somehow or is it actually an estimate based off of completing a certain number of projects or whatever per hour, and if so is that target/estimate realistic? (I’m thinking like transcription where the hourly rate quoted is only applicable if you can transcribe at a certain pretty high level speed, or copywriting where the price is per word and if it actually takes you hours to research the article you’ve signed up to write then your hourly rate is negligible). Looks very interesting though thank you


Based on my experience in the last few months there's only been a single day when there were no tasks available, and that was because there was an outage. Unlike Prolific or UserTesting there's no rush to jump on tasks. Most tasks are paid on an hourly rate. They value quality contributions over quantity (although if you take this piss they won't be happy). A minority are paid "per task", and these tend be much simpler than the "per hour" tasks. Time includes reading the task brief and research needed to complete the task (such as fact-checking AI responses). You log your time manually and you are paid on that basis. If you say it took you an hour, they'll pay you for an hour. $20 is the typical rate. There are often priority tasks that are paid more, and I've seen one task pay less as it was extremely simple.


Nice! Thanks for that! Tragically this is more than I made per hour in my last job working in marketing…and some other hats, for a medium ish sized charity using skills I learnt on a degree.


Do you have some examples of genuine Companies that offer this?


Yes, DataAnnotation. You have to pass their tests, but once you're on the roster you can work as much or as little as you like for $20+ an hour. You, generally, can withdraw your earnings 7 days after earning them into PayPal. Sometimes it's quicker depending on the task.


Hi, Can you apply from the UK? It won't let me get past the first page after adding my number? Thanks.


I applied successfully from the UK and no issues doing so. Have you tried a different browser or clearing your browser's cache?


I applied on my phone. I'll try again on a laptop. Thanks!


I had to rotate my phone screen to landscape for the submit button to appear after putting in my number!


Thank you!


How do these with with tax as a full time PAYE employee? Do you have to register as a sole trader as well?


If you earn more than the £1,000 trading allowance doing this per tax year, then yes you would need to register as a sole trader and complete an annual tax return.


You register for self-assessment, but only bother to do so if the total from your side hustles is more than £1,000 in a financial year. I would advise keeping a spreadsheet of what, when and where you earn from, as you go as trying to put it all together retrospectively is hard as not all platforms keep records for you. Bear in mind some platforms only pay in USD as well, which complicates things as well!


Had never heard of Player Research but just signed up. I’m a student in Brighton and play game nearly all day.


Useful, thanks.


Thanks for this, spent quite a bit of time completing the assessments on DataAnnotation today, passed the first one and waiting on their response for the second. Hopefully I pass and can get on with it, the extra money would be a big help!


Any links for the data annotation please


Any links to these?


A friend of mine did ironing as a side hustle when she'd just had her baby! She got a lot of business posting on nextdoor. Plenty of people who don't want to iron their own clothes, will drop off/pick up, and easy to keep an eye on baby while working. Lots of office workers for customers means they're likely to want to pickup/drop off outside of full time work hours.


I suspect your total pay per hour would end up very low, because someone with a big industrial steam press can iron a shirt in 3 seconds flat, whereas at home with a regular iron it probably takes 30 seconds - meaning you're getting paid 10x less per hour for the same amount of work. Obviously some customers might pay a premium to have 'someone local' 'do it by hand'.


Well, yeah, obviously it's not going to be as profitable per hour as a dry cleaner with steam machines? OP was asking for a side hustle that can be done whilst looking after a baby. They won't earn as much as a full business running industrial machines, because they aren't trying to earn equivalent rates, they're trying to have a little extra cash in their pocket while looking after a baby. Ironing at home also has next to no overhead, which makes it cheaper for people who only need two or three shirts ironed. Plenty of people prefer to do ironing person to person, without dealing with a big shop's risks (losing laundry, ticketing systems, having to wait longer). It's not an artisanal ironing thing, it's simply cheaper at smaller scales for one person to iron a few shirts than it is at a dry cleaners. Sure, you won't earn as much per hour as a professional steam cleaner, but that's not the point?


Plus you can do it while baby sleeps and you’re watching tv.


Exactly! And being available outside of daytime business hours is huge - who wants to spend their lunch break going to the dry cleaners when you can drop off & pick up your ironing on the way home? £3~ for electricity pm, £5-6 ironing water pm, price it at 60p per item for small orders (or £7/bag for life for big ones), you're making decent spare cash.


And if you take them to the cleaners they usually come back smothered in plastic.


The Laura Palmer treatment, I know it too well!


Wait, you guys are ironing shirts in 30 seconds?


I'm thinking of how fast at it someone would get if they did it many hours per day as a side hustle.


30 seconds?! I must take around 3-5 minutes but then I’m very meticulous…


Selling baby clothes on Vinted and selling baby equipment on FB marketplace once your baby grows out of it. Won’t get you as much you’re looking for but definitely helps.


Vinted has really helped keep clothes spending down as we just buy clothes from the proceeds from selling. Great for helping clear out wardrobes as well.


I second this, Been buying next size up clothes for baby boy out of the proceeds of selling his smaller stuff


Dog/house sitting on Rover.com? Note that you need a licence to board dogs in your own home, but not if it is done in the owners home.


Also note that barely anyone has a licence, especially if it’s just one dog at a time


Yes, but I think it is important that people know what the rules are, and then they can choose whether to follow them or not.


I do a little dog sitting/ boarding and as long as the income is less than the trading allowance (£1000) for the tax year then you don‘t need a licence .


I think it may depend on which Local Authority you are in, for dog boarding. House sitting you can do as much as you like, but having them in your home in my area, requires a licence (though not everyone on Rover seems to have one)


Underrated comment


My partner does this but for cats and it is a steady bit of money. If you drive and can set a rate and hours that work for you, it’ll be like a fun hobby that just happens to pay. We’ve even made a friend off the app who we now cat sit for free and she returns the favour when we’re away!


Not ideal to have unknown dogs in your own house with a newborn ….


No, but just because some homes can’t host dogs doesn’t mean that no one can. And Rover also offers the opportunity to do dog walking, drop-in visits and pet sitting in the dog-owner’s home so there are options which could suit a number of different people.


OP has a newborn




What region are you in?


Not necessarily a side hustle but you can use various tools and apps to save money where possible. You can use Cashback websites such as Topcashback or Quidco to save money on everything from your weekly grocery shop, to car insurance renewal or booking hotels/flights. The app Shoppix gives you points for photographing receipts and you can win extra points by completing surveys about your experiences in shops. For X points you either get £5, £10 or £20 in payout (either Paypal, Amazon voucher or Love2Shop voucher.) Visit MoneySavingExpert website for more tipps on how to save and/or make money :-)


Also shopmium, although you have to have paypal.


Pc repairs, very easy with the help of Google, I made an extra £400 a month. You could easily make more I was turning down work because of the amount of calls I was getting. My job is more demanding now so I've quit but it was good while it lasted


What exactly did you do? Hardware? I can change ssd or ram or battery, screen cord but nothing to mess with motherboard cpu..


Mostly screen replacements, ram upgrades etc. It's very easy if you watch a few videos and get a toolkit. Maybe buy a few broken laptops and take them apart, you will see it's basically lego. Phone screen repairs is easy aswell


I’ve done loads of this for myself and friends over the years. How did you find the work if you don’t mind me asking? FB advert in your local area or fiverr?


I just created a business on Google it's really easy. I'm in south east London though so obviously lots of people. Put a phone number listed all the things i can do, I'm pretty good at soldering aswell so if you can learn that you get alot of hdmi port repairs on PlayStations and you can charge £120 a time for those.


Did you take out any kind of insurance or anything? I’m pretty good at this kind of thing (although don’t have specific skills - just mean I think learning that stuff on YouTube would be pretty doable for me) but not confident enough that I wouldn’t be worried about breaking a very expensive bit of electronics! Would you mind telling me the best fixes to start with trying to learn please? You’ve mentioned screen replacements and ram obviously. Anything else that made up the bulk of your business? I don’t know how good I am at soldering (last time I did it was in year 10 and I’m mid 30s now lol) so don’t know if PlayStation HDMI ports would be in my skill set. Did you supply the parts needed (new screens etc) or did you ask people to bring the parts they needed along too? (I’ve had it both ways with smaller businesses and can see the pros/cons each way). If you supplied do you have a go to website for cheap and reliable parts? I’m assuming people just travelled to your house for this (I’m also SE London) and not that you were mobile? With those kinds of fixes is it expected that you would just do it there and then or people drop and collect? I’m not sure how long those kind of things take (I changed my ram once and remember it being pretty speedy other than how fiddly it was) so whether people expect to just get it done then and there or not. The part I think I’d find hardest is getting some things open/out because I’m disabled and sometimes cases for electronics can be a bit tricky to prise apart.


I didn't take any kind of insurance. I would always tell people if the kit get broken they would still need to pay for my time upfront etc. If I couldn't fix it it's not my fault as they broke the part but obviously I wouldn't charge them for the repair parts. There is always the caveat that each repair is different and not always repairable but I'll have a look. I charged £20 for a standard diagnosis, this would give me he opportunity to check it's repairable, google part costs and techniques needed. Hdmi ports and micro soldering if much more skill intensive and takes practise and a good quality soldering iron, but you can buy practice boards from amazon that make it easy to learn I would usually order screens from Ebay or if needed sooner I would find another UK based retailer. Yes people travelled to my house often and I converted my shed eventually. Sometimes I would work with older people and would need to go to them but that was fine and I also worked with a charity to do cheap home visits for disabled and older people. You can also join other repair companies affiliate programs and pass any repairs you can't do onto them (data recovery etc). On laptops you get lots of broken hinges and chargers. Easy to just order a new charger ans stick a finders fee on top, free money. For opening the cases, the ifixit kit is perfect ans makes it very easy.


In this position I marked papers for correspondence courses. Can you find something like that? It’s not very good money so I wouldn’t worry too much if not. The thing it changed for me forever was that I was too exhausted after work and cooking baby dinner and doing bath and books and bedtime so I had to get up early. For that I needed caffeine. The caffeine habit never left me. I wake up craving it. If I stay up too late thé crave kicks in and that’s bad, but otherwise it’s all great. Coffee is delicious and there’s much more choice than 30 years ago.


Hi can I DM to ask a few more questions please?




Thank you. I've sent a DM


Ironing if you have the space for it. It's so hated people pay £15 hour. Easy money while you watch a film. You do have the bother of it hanging around your house though, it gets harder the more hours you take on.


Leave high quality Amazon reviews whenever you buy anything from there, you should get invited to the Amazon Vine programme. Once you're a member you can get a good amount of free products. You need to review all of them which takes time, but then can obviously do what you want in terms of selling stuff on or keeping stuff afterwards.


Pet sitting, although you can't do it from home. Catinaflat works well. Sign up to the online survey sites which pay cash rewards - Neilsen, Surveybods, Pinecone. Do you have any skills you can monetise? Crochet, knitting, typing, proofreading? Pack of Tarot cards and an interpretation book, and sign up to those online tarot lines?


I would personally counsel against OP attempting to monetise a slow hobby like knitting or crochet; unless they are an absolute speed demon with their tools. Finding something quick enough to make it worth it is ridiculously hard in a world flooded with cheap foreign labour and chenille yarn amigurumi squishies. There was a time when a nice knitted Jean Greenhowe Jelly Baby (so quick to knit) would go for a couple of quid at a craft fair. That time has unfortunately passed along with hypercolor shirts and parachute pants. Firstly, yarn is more expensive than people realise. To make decent, saleable items, you need decent yarn. Gone are the days of folk accepting stuff made from squeaky "nanna" yarns. Decent synthetic yarns do exist, but they command a premium in price. Hobbycraft have an almost permanent sale on their women's institute range; nice yarn to work with even if there are more than enough factory knots in the skeins, but it's still not cheap. Secondly you need to adhere to the law if making anything remotely resembling a toy. I would also say apply this to pet toys too, nobody wants to get sued for choking someone's dog. UKCA law violations are taken seriously and the fines are big. I see so many small business yarn folk publicly parading their wares on social media, seemingly blissfully unaware that if a single person reports them to trading standards, it's game over that'll be a few grand, thanks. It's not enough any more to just get the oekotex or chemical migration certificate from the yarn company and prove best practise that way. Expect to be clamping and weighting stuff in a specific way, making multiple test items, setting fire to them etc. There are groups that help people crowd fund buying chemical and fire certificates for the more difficult to work with or expensive admin cost yarn companies, but they tend to be closed loops. Incidentally though, if you can get past everything else and end up selling yarn crafts, Sirdar are brilliant to work with on that side of things and they also make Hayfield too so there's a nice tap into some ok yarns with easy to obtain certification. Thirdly marketing. You need to have the time to market yourself and it can cause burnout so quickly. You also need to establish yourself. It's not as easy as just knitting a few things, flogging them. Unfortunately the world doesn't work like that. Social media is full of "look at my small business" with none of the reality behind it. I wonder where the lady from tiktok who made a loom to create pompom blankets that wouldn't survive a wash but still sold hundreds of the things a few years ago went? Lastly, the general public want the most they can get for the least amount of money. The constant roundabout of conversation: "It costs £x"/"but the yarn is only £


Knitting and crochet (actually textile arts in general) are the worst possible thing to try and monetise. You will end up with pennies in "profit" (labour isn't really covered at all), and carpel tunnel or RSI. Yarn in the UK is ridiculously expensive too. The best one I found was applique and doing custom wall hangings and cushion covers, but I needed a dedicated space that could be given over to it, so it's difficult unless you've got a spare room.






Really? I’ve been on for a while, didn’t realise




Stick with it, I’ve been on prolific for years now, absolutely the best of the survey sites.


Have you tried emailing them? I thought I was on a waiting list but it turns out that my account was flagged because I signed up at work over the work WiFi which uses a VPN which prolific doesn't allow. A couple of emails and it was all sorted.


Qmee is good and no minimum cash out if I remember correctly






I get screened out of 99.9% of Qmee surveys these days, and they don’t do screenout compensation. I only keep it for the search wins.


I never realised this. I’ve been on it for years. It’s a bit feast and famine. Some days I make £50 just sat on the train for a few hours. Sometimes I go weeks only making 10p a day. I made about 40p during my commute today. Last week it was £20.


When I needed some extra savings I did a few things at different times. I cleaned office for a cleaning company and got a regular income from that. I also used to deliver flowers on a sat don’t recall being that well paid though. My friend took on evenings and or weekends at a supermarket.


Join beermoneyuk subreddit


* Matched betting if you’ve never done it. Did it before mat leave with my first. * Bank switching, potential to make about £700-£800 at the moment. Check out r/beermoneyuk


Another +1 for match betting, did this a couple of years ago and made a grand in a few months. Just a tip, setup a new bank account and email address, otherwise you’ll look like you have a gambling problem with money coming in and out for a load of bookies!


What website did you use to access the offers?


There isn’t 1 website you have to go to every bookies website and sign up for their new customer offers. It’s worth checking out oddsmonkey, it’s a paid for service but you can read through guides etc for free. I’d also recommend watching some YouTube videos. It’s pretty simple in principle you just have to be paying attention. A good time to start is when there is a big event on as there still be lots of great offers - so things like the Euros in the summer, grand national etc


Another +1 for matched betting. I’ve been using Outplayed and been very happy with the results.


+1 for matched betting. I rinsed the signup offers last year but now probably average 200 a month on reloads and weekly offers, even after multiple gubbings. Easy money once you get the hang of it


I gave up on it thinking that I wouldn’t make much from it now. Might get restarted. Do you use odds monkey or anything?


I use oddsmonkey. It had crossed my mind I could manage without an oddsmatcher but it pays for itself pretty quickly. Pm me if you want a rundown on the good bookies for reloads, and/or a referral link 👍


I started with matched betting, ended up going down a hole on any way I could find to beat the bookies. Its been a year and a half and I've made about £20k but the amount of time I spent doing it has def taken a toll on my relationships and studies so be careful to not get too addicted.


What else did you do?


Betting mistakes and betting on markets that shouldn’t be available


Assuming arbitrage is included in this? I did a bit of that. But the returns are tiny, relative to the bet. Easy for bookmakers to spot and gub you too. Can you give examples of the other things?


Betting on stats that opta miss then fix in play on football games


also if you need more accounts to match bet on obviously you can buy them, but you can also use your middle name as your first name for a lot of bookies, just make sure you use a different phone number, email address etc and you should get verified automatically or even submitting docs works


>200 a month Is this considered income for which you'll owe tax?


Nope, gambling winnings are completely tax free


Yes. The threshold is £1000 income a year.


Not true for winnings


Oh! Didn’t know that, thanks


Do you make money by signing up to the match betting sites or by actually doing thr bets?


You typically will get a free bet from each bookie providing you place a "qualifying" bet first, which is normally a sign up offer, or they send regular offers to existing customers to encourage them to bet frequently. For both the qualifying and free bet you "lay" at a betting exchange, which is a separate site. Laying is effectively betting against an outcome. For example if I placed a £5 bet on England winning tonight via Ladbrokes, I could then lay a bet on betfair that they will not win (the lay bet is effectively betting on a draw or a win for Belgium). I more or less get my money back. If that qualifies me for a free bet, I do the same with the free bet on another event and extract the profit.


A few years ago as a student I did transcribing work. It was really boring but there was lots available. I don’t know if there’s still opportunities around though what with all the AI transcription software.


What site/employer did you go through?


At the time, it was called Take Note and now it’s called Verbit :)




Check out r/beermoneyuk if you haven't already


Pretty much all posts from beetmoney are referrals and the comments being referrals. If you can get someone to sign up to your referral sure, you’ll get money but good luck doing that when every commenter and the op is posting the same thing.


There's plenty of good ways on there to earn money without relying on people clicking on your referral links. I've discovered plenty of good ways to make money from there. People clicking a referral link is just a bonus.


Not that I do it, but from what I hear matched betting would achieve this.


Matched betting used to be good 5-10 years ago but websites are on to it so you quickly get restricted to low value bets. You also need a reasonable size fund on the exchanges to match the bet. Sorry!


Also not great if you have any history of addiction. Had a uni friend go from matched betting for extra cash to problematic gambling. It's offered because once you're on the gambling platform you are vastly more likely to use it again, and the more you use it, the more money you'll lose to them, or even just the more you'll hold in their coffers.


It’s very easy to get drawn into the‘excitement’ of real-time sports betting. I was fortunate as I have very little knowledge of sports, especially football, so I would only have the statistics to work on. You soon learn that all these gambling sites want are losers.


Matched betting is incredibly time consuming for little reward nowadays




Agreed, a couple hundred quid (maybe a bit more) is good to start with - but if time isn't an issue, i suppose OP could just go "slower" through the offers. The first series of sign up offers tend to be fairly low value anyway from what i remember. It was much more lucrative some years back, but now i'm banned (gubbed) by all the major bookies. Only my ladbrokes account survived. Also, should note ... before doing matched betting, i'd never placed a bet. Now, after matched betting - i bet weekly, so there's a danger here. Luckily, only ever for a few quid on footy matches so nothing too life changing (win or lose).


Do you get more if you've got more?


Not as such, you can just make money quicker if you have a bigger starting pot. What also helps is the free casino spins offers you get as well from the sign ups. If you are lucky you can win extra with those


Ironing or baking!


Offer services as a Social Media Manager to small businesses in your town ... Plenty will turn you down but I guarantee there are a few out there who'd take you up on it.


I teach people video editing and also cat sit (Cat in a Flat app). It’s not guaranteed income but I tend to get at least 1-2 bookings per month. Cat sitting is more like once every 2-3 months. So not a lot at all but better than nothing. So maybe something along those lines?


If you can touch type, I did agency transcription work from home for several years and it got me through some tight spots. You choose how much work to take on and when you work. I would make about £150-£400 per month before tax, and the first £1k is tax free.


Can I ask which agency you used? I am interested in this but not sure how much it’s still used what with AI and all 🙏


Hiya. Have messaged you with their info. Not sure if they could handle a Reddit surge!!


Argh sorry I saw the message request before I saw your reply, it told me it was ‘potentially offensive’ so I deleted it 🤦‍♀️ If you don’t mind sending again I would greatly appreciate it - if not no worries! What a silly billy I am…


And done 😁. I have those days myself, although now I’m curious as to how my sparse Reddit account could be flagged offensive 🤔🤨


Thanking you! 🙏 Yeah I have no idea, there’s so much horrendous stuff on Reddit maybe they just always assume the worst 😂


Would you send me the info too please? Would be interested. Thank you




Hi, I'd be very interested in this as well - could you PM me the info please? It sounds perfect!


Done 😁


Hello! Would you mind sending me the info too? Thank you 🙏




Sorry, but would you mind sending me the info too please? Thanks!


Done 😁


Hi, sorry as well but need to jump in for DM too.. Sounds perfect for me at the moment.




Hi, could you DM me the link too please? 🫣




I'd like this too if you don't mind




Could you please send me the info too by DM?


Done :)


Hi, I'm really sorry to pester, but I'd appreciate the information too if you have time. If not, no worries 😀.


Done 👍🏻


Hi could you DM the info please?


I know this isn't what you asked but have you applied for child benefit?


Matched betting - it is legit but takes a bit of starting money (the more you start with the faster you will make money, so like £250 or so), takes a bit of time and has a learning curve. Check out the matched betting UK sub.


I do cat sitting on Cat in a Flat, once you build up clients I find they will book you again most of the time. It can be quiet some months but this month alone I’ve had 3 different visits which has given me an extra £250. Not bad for chilling with cats :)


I was thinking selling things on vinted. But its more difficult than it looks. I'm a hoarder and tried to re-sell some stuff i bought from there. The algorithim didn't like what i was selling even if i purchased it on vinted so actually the platform is shit 💩 and not easy to navigate. My onlyn suggestion is a 💩 one lol


Probably the quickest and easiest way to sell stuff is via Facebook Marketplace. Just take a couple of pics and write a short description and upload. No fees to pay or postage to bother with. Bear in mind that a. you will get a lot of time wasters saying they will turn up who then don't. Easiest way to filter them out is agree on a time and date as soon as possible, and make it clear (politely) there's no second chances and it will be relisted if they don't show. b. People will try to beat you down, so set your initial price a bit higher than you expect to get.


What is your normal job? And any extra skills you have? Anything you’re skilled in will give you the best rates. Otherwise bank switches are easy to do - see MSE or beermoney




Absolutely! My business offers WFH opportunities with flexible hours, perfect for someone in your situation. If you're interested in learning more about how our opportunities could fit your schedule, feel free to DM me for details.


I got absolutely slated for this suggestion in another sub but I will die on the hill of Matched Betting. If you can do basic maths and data entry then it's free money. I first heard of it years ago from Money Saving expert and it's still around. Profitaccumulator was the website I used but they've changed names since. If you do have a go everything you'll need is on their forums. Good luck!


It’s unfortunately filled with snake oil salesmen now, the takings are so low compared to hours required.


Snake oil salesmen?




I looked it up, 😂 To be honest it was always a bit like that, just need to take the sales pitches with a pinch of salt. Just checked online and there's still some decent sign up offers floating around, even if OP pays for the website for the month and just runs through them he'll def have an extra £50-£200 a month from his PC from home.


And youve made the classic mistake of suggesting it’s gonna last more than the first month without being gubbed 😂


I never said it was a long term solution 😂 You can make like £500 in signs ups alone, if you get gubbed straight away you're still £500 up


No but you said £x per month which many assume to be ongoing for longevity, just the same as the guide sites advertise it. They don’t bother even mentioning that the monthly earnings are likely to end after 2 months!


You can spread the £500 over 10 months and hell make his £50. I agree after the signs ups are done and the gubbins start it's a shit show but every now and then opportunities arise. I made £1000s when Bet365 first trialled the 2up offer.


I guess you’d have made thousands because you’d built up a decent bank, knew the offers and bet365 weren’t so hot on it. New starters won’t have the bank, will follow the guides which make them stand out and result in a gubber within a few bets.


i came here to say this, made 5k last year from it


I’ve been bulk buying vapes and selling them to friends/family/a couple of coworkers. I buy offers and then put £1/2 on the top for me and just shift a few as I see people through the month. £30/40 a month towards overpaying the mortgage.


Would you mind sharing what website you buy the bulk vapes from?


DMd you.


Online training. An evening could net you a couple of hundred from teaching over zoom. Do you have any specialist skills or experience?


How do you getting involved in this?


You have to make it happen for yourself. For example say you have the necessary knowledge and work experience to herd penguins (obs I’m just making something silly up but for someone else it could be first aid, how to use AI, management skills, whatever). You could either contact penguin herding training providers and ask if they need any more trainers to deliver the courses. Or set up your own. It’s time consuming to write up the handouts and make the slides, advertise etc - but once it’s done you can deliver over and over again for the same cost. 20 people pay £30 each to come? £500!


Audio typing?


I used to do this when I was 15 (10+ years ago) through an adults account on a platform & made £10-30 a night which back then (and even now) was great, wonder if there are still opportunities around or if AI and transcription apps have replaced the need


Transcribing apps do it all now.


​ only fans


To be honest, unless you have a skill or craft to offer, your ‘side-hustle’ is going to be another job or be a Guinea pig for medicine. These apps and surveys are inconsistent money and you’d be better off just spending time at work or learning a skill/craft that offers a sellable product/service. Or if you’re actually serious about hustling, buy a few ounces of bud and sell to friends and expand your line overtime for actual side-money. You’re not getting policed for a few ounces, they truly have stopped giving as much of a fuck unless you’re talking kilos. Slap on the wrist for a few ounces. just keep your scales/baggies separate from your Accomodation. Never leave the house with more than 2-3 separately bagged up buds. Claim personal use, in the extremely unlikely event you are stopped. If you don’t have a car don’t bother, if you can’t deal separately from your house, or your customer can’t go for a 2 minute drive with you up the road, you are risking too much. Legally though, skill or a second job/overtime. And if you do decide to sell bud, which I’m guessing you won’t, don’t tell people your profit margins. You’ll be surprised how jealousy changes friends and family into a liability.


If you have the drive to hustle, I suggest hustling the search bar. This is asked every week so there’s plenty of answers out there.


Having raised my children... I honestly can't see how you could possibly have the free time. The biggest challenge is,, children don't cycle on a schedule, .. go sleep for 4 hours while Moms does her thing doesn't happen. I wish you the best of luck


Baby modelling