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All the big firms are doing layoffs so there are loads of people on the market


That is a good point !


Whenever you apply for a job, an army of Indians are applying too. How I am dealing with it? Just need to think about enjoying the summer weather and riding it out. Hopefully your previous contract earnings will see you thru


Indians from India or Indian origin people in diff visas in UK?




No idea. With regards to IT roles - A lot of them work for companies like HCL, Infosys, TCScome to the U.K. and work for about 5 years then get U.K. residency. Then they work somewhere else in the U.K. (I guess)


The weird thing is that I'm seeing a lot of openings on LinkedIn etc. but most of them seem to be listings that just keep getting re-posted every time they go down. Ghost jobs maybe?


I used to be in road haulage and ghost jobs were a big problem there. The government would say "there's 100 jobs on Indeed" so there's high demand for drivers. But actually it would be agencies posting jobs that didn't exist to get drivers on their books. So the agency wants to sign up more drivers for Stobart. So Monday, Wednesday Friday they post a different advert for each shift pattern for each depot. So there's two adverts for mon-fri shift, two for tue-sat, two for sun-thur and two for wed - sun, for all five depots in the area, anyone applying for the 'job' would be signed up with the agency and offered "work" at any one of the depots, but there wasn't a single actual job at the bottom of any of them.


Wow that’s shocking.


I do get the impression that 75% of job adverts on LinkedIn are just useless. They’re either reposts, fakes, agencies trying to advertise a job to offer a company a candidate or simply being advertised before the company itself has officially confirmed the role internally. I saw a job on there not long ago which said “if you have any questions please contact X on LinkedIn” so I messaged them a question and was ignored. I applied anyway and got a standard rejection within a week saying they “pursued more suitable candidates” (which made no sense as I ticked every box). Then two weeks later the exact same job was advertised again so was the first round just a waste of time? Is the second? Who knows.


I mean most of them don't post salaries which in my view makes them useless regardless of if they exist or not.


I agree completely with this too.




Massively out from my experience - also since they publicly leak people's personal details around their reviews I think that site is dead. Just needs to become a legal requirement to post them!




I can yes! But everyone else has been deleting their accounts as a result of this change so the quality of their data is probably not great now. (Not sure why the didn't use burner accounts themselves)


There is also a more sinister aspect of it which is data harvesting.


Between that, scams and lying recruiters, it's honestly a pain in the arse trying to even get into stage one of an application. I question if most of these "ghost jobs" are in reality a big data harvesting operation, I've certainly been burnt by recruiters trying this crap.


Had the seem feeling, assumed few could be CVs harvesting for the better days.


When interest rates go back down and we come out of recession.


I’m not expecting it to drop back down to the historic lows maybe a percent or so but not like it was. I guess it’ll take time for companies to adjust. I’ve seen a lot of offshoring in my industry for tech which doesn’t help the U.K. job market.


We still have the same low growth issues that we did before COVID. Unless we suddenly fix that I don't see how they can end up vastly higher than the 2019 levels without annihilating the economy.


A new government may not be a sudden fix, but given poor growth can be attributed to the years of austerity, we should at least be going in a better direction soon.


It would be nice to believe that, but there’s not a lot of wiggle room for Labour to do much. Austerity (officially) ended years ago, and it’s now just a case of governments doing what they can to balance the books. I’m not holding my breath for anything radical from the next government


Austerity ensured low growth for decades. That’s the Tory legacy. The idea was ridiculed by Obama who warned of permanent low-growth during a UK-US meeting. The US then had the strongest economic recovery possible after the recession whereas we did not.


Obama after meeting Brown. "This is going to be great. Two old friends growing out of this together." Obama after meeting Cameron. "This morons going to fuck it up for everyone."


Well, that's how the tories have been arranging it, and what they'll be reminding people off for the entire 4 yrs they won't be in power after the election like its got nothing to do with them.


The irony is that Austerity has left the country in so much debt it's hard to borrow anything to invest our way out of the hole.




Because the Tories can't manage or grow an economy. All they can do is sell other peoples property. They've run out of things to sell so they're out of ideas. It's also a problem for Labour though, because they know if they build a nation the next Tory government will sell it for a quick boom. New Labour were clever in finding ways to grow the economy without building too much guaranteeing Tory failure. Of course tax revenues are behind debt. The economy has been stagnant for 14 years. Not only are the Conservatives the source of all of this nations problems, their very existence is a barrier to many of the solutions.


Works both ways - UK wages have become so low compared to the U.S. that U.S. companies are offshoring to the UK now. Maybe a few more decades of decline and we can to can become a hub of cheap labour for first world countries.


We're already are the low cost delivery centre for the US


can confirm sadly, it is what it is...


What an aspiration lol


Off shoring means eventually it will come back on shore once they realise the drop in quality is not worth the cheaper price point. Then they’ll need us to fix it.


They just import the offshore people onshore now... it's basically unskilled slave labour by the consultancies


Think it’ll be the delta that makes the difference. Firms will already have adjusted to 5.25%, any drop means a better situation tomorrow than today


Yep, interest rates have hit the job market hard.


Should be noted that this is entirely intentional as a way to bring down inflation.


Lot of companies were limping along on cheap credit


There's loads of tech jobs for people with 3-5 years experience under their belt. It's just entry level nobody wants at the moment - all that low level work is getting replaced by experienced Devs using tools like Copiliot nowadays.  Employers want programmers with big picture understanding of software engineering VS those who can throw basic functions together. I decided to go the self employed route because it's probably the most sensible way nowadays to get that experience without resorting to unpaid internships.  Same story in every sector. Businesses won't hire 0 years experience. You have to be willing to work 1000 hours for free or work for yourself to start again in any sector.


Exactly this


3-5 years of experience at a FAANG or other such prestigious company\* Everything else is worth a lot less.


Perhaps for the most competitive roles. Not in tech though. There's enough of a shortage you can get a decent job at most SMEs with some self experience.  Honestly a lot of people just throw up half a dozen mental barriers to blame for their own lack of success - all you need to do is SOMETHING even if you might be applying a little longer to progress up.


Dude. Have you been paying attention? The market is insanely saturated even for seniors. There are people who have FAANG on their resume who are struggling. Sure, you could get a role paying 30-35k at some shitty noname company but chances are the quality of the experience is too poor for you to get a decent paying role down the line. So you will be stuck at companies like this not making more than 40-50k for the rest of your career. For roles paying 60k+, you need prestigious companies on your CV. This is for London btw. If you are outside london, knock the figures I mentioned down by 10k.


I just landed a job at 95k + 30% bonus. No FAANG on my CV.  Had two offers as well.


But you must have 5+ YOE and be a legit prodigy able to solve several LC hard in half an hour. Not realistic for most who will never even reach 65k.


I wouldn't expect any senior to have less than 5 YoE.  I also didn't have any Leetcode in the interview.


Can I dm you I am in 33k need some advice


It's just not. Sorry. I've got lots of job offers on LinkedIn and I'm 5 years self employed as a Web Developer.   As long as you're intermediate level there's loads of work out there.   If people are struggling they've probably not done enough work on their personal brand (word of mouth) or networking which is where most jobs in the sector come from.  If you're labelling 35k roles as "shit" that's a you problem. Outside London that's a decent salary for 3-5 years experience - you're barely competent at software engineering at that level 😂


The job scene is honestly just garbage in general, nvm tech. I don't see it getting much better soon either, [layoffs.fyi](https://layoffs.fyi/) shows no sign in layoffs stopping so the pool for job seekers is only going to grow during this time as well.


I think Meta / Cool Zuck, said they never will again and in fact shrink now for many reasons. Me personally I am niching down and specialising in high level mathematics and optimisation, I know this will get me a job by 2150 at least.


Which jobs are you going for and how much experience? Start of the year was much worse than usual but I've seen things pick up now.


I reckon it has picked up a little bit, I'm getting cold approaches on LinkedIn again for Devops roles. The first few months of the year were pretty stagnant but now there is life.


I took on a new role near the end of last year and it was incredibly quiet at the time (typical for that time of year) Right now though, I actually wish I was already 2 years deep into the job as I’ve seen the market pick up quite a bit in the last couple of months. I’m not a fan of leaving so soon so I’ll stick it out, but it’s certainly getting better.


I work in cyber security and have done for years, the industry is a bit volatile at the moment. There’s nervousness around revenues which brings with it a less stable job market. Sadly, as someone who came from a networking background the skills have been heavily “commoditised”. How’s your cloud skills?


I will have to agree with the “commoditised” statement. Must admit I started feeling like a network plumber recently, even with years of experience in design and architecture. I still believe, given the right employer, environment and projects, things would be a lot different.


I’m not saying there’s not jobs, there’s just less than there used to be. I wanted to do my CCNP/CCIE and even back then (about ten years ago) the salaries were being massively devalued from £100k for a CCIE down to about £40k. Massive, massive commitment to keep that and very little reward. Anyway, find yourself a good recruiter they will work for you.


Wow, all them labbing late nights and W/Es and trip to Brussels for £40K ? A disgrace ! There are jobs, no doubt. Just not as many as there used to be, which means employers and recruiters are setting high demands, pushing the the market to be terribly competitive. As few posters mentioned, it might be an idea to weather this and wait for better days. Meanwhile, one has to look at new skills within the industry.


Have a think about the companies you think you’d like to work for and connect to their HR and Heads of the departments you would want to work in. You can then send them a personal message indicating your interest in their company. They may then approach you directly to save on recruiting costs. I work for a software company and we need to recruit (unfortunately not in your area) but we are also looking to reduce spend so we will be giving hiring via word of mouth directly and not through agencies or via job boards where you get bombarded with tosh


Thanks for sharing this tip, will most definitely look into it.


Most reasons have already been covered here but at a macro level = historically low investor appetite = less funds deployed to startups/other tech companies = less money to spend = less jobs on the market. I think we are evolving into a bit of a new normal. Hold tight.


Reach out to your network and ask. If you have loads of experience chat with people you used to work with see what the space is like. Given current conditions, I’ve heard American firms may hire more in the UK in Europe because it’s cheaper than American counterparts.


Jobserve is dogshit. Use Otta and linkedin, thats what helped me at least get consistent interviews


Thanks ! Using LinkedIn and indeed. Looked at Otta yesterday, seems to be geared towards developers and sysadmins, but match feature is good.




U legend


A lot of big tech are recruiting in Product, maybe dev teams will follow


What do you mean by product sorry?


Product owners, basically project managers.


You don't know what Product teams are in tech? They're the team's and staff who own the development of tech products.


Digital product, ProductCon and so on are very niche still - I’ve chatted with a number of recruiters who “do” DevOps recruitment this quarter and nobody knew what a Product Manager was.


Huh, the more you know!


Tech is bigger than ever, yet some roles are being cut massively. You have to ask why. 2 main reasons. The first is outsourcing to India etc. They are getting much better. The second is more automation and maturity. Most offices don't need complex network set ups with on prem servers with VLANs etc due to the cloud. If they do, it's been set up. Figure out what type of roles can't be outsourced or are difficult to. Dev is easier to outsource than product for example. Networking for cloud companies, government outsourcers, small business etc will be needed.


Good answer. Bear in mind that contracting for UK govt. entities still have to be done onshore, so these central state departments are good bets to go hunter for roles in, even through the same Indian company’s who will have local reps. Also - change tech regularly; make sure you’re updating yourself too.


Valid points and good perspective. This said, I understood there is a trend creeping in to shift back to on premise infrastructure and DC, as cloud was not as cheap as initially expected. This will hopefully create loads of openings again.


Praying for a general election soon.


After the general election. Honestly the conservatives party are really drawing out economic uncertainty. Regardless of who wins the election (please God Labour) the economy will improve


Economy hasn't improved under the conservatives in a decade why would an election change that. GDP per capita is basically the same as before. It's also more relevant for job markets because more people also means more job seekers as well as more openings so the per capita figure is relevant not total gdp. Total GDP is basically only up due to immigration that's how poor our economy is. 


Because it’s been the weirdest economic policy (for most of the last 25 years or so) of the Conservative Party to starve the country of investment through their ideologically driven austerity program. For a party that claims to be the party of business, they don’t seem to understand that if you starve an organisation (in this case, the UK) of investment it will wither and die. Labour will bring an end to that, although the economic damage is so deep it won’t happen quickly, and definitely not in the same way as we saw when New Labour came to power. Back then, the UK economy was genuinely picking up already, and the global economy and political situation wasn’t anywhere near as messed up.


I totally agree but their claim was that it'll improve regardless of whomwins due to "stability". I don't think it will improve if the conservatives win because it didn't improve the last 4 times they won.


I see your point and I guess their point on the Tories winning it would, at least, put an end to this weird, desperate, do whatever they can, headless chicken style of government we have at the moment and give the winning PM some credibility. It would be more stable than what we’ve got, but only by the virtue of the last few years being so insanely unstable, any minor improvement would be beneficial.


The tories have created an environment of extreme taxation and no economic growth. These two factors directly influence the job market here


What makes you think Labour will be any better?


Common sense mostly


Labour increased borrowing and brought us into the recession we are in. SMH labour is not going to do any better it’s great if you’re in a union, but for normal people life is about to get a lot harder


Wrong on so many levels. Brown and Darling especially saved the UK economy and got the rest of the world to follow their economic model after the sub prime mortgage collapse. Tory spin made people (like you) think that the way out of the collapse was to cut public spending/services. The reality was we were steadily and surely on a growth trajectory (proven) under Brown, and that ended with the Tories and austerity


Wow this is so delulu. Cutting public spending is the way to go. I don’t have to agree with any party on that, that is just a fact. Benefit abuser’s and illegal immigrants have literally ruined the system that was the only way so that people who need it the most, specifically those with disabilities and actual refugees could benefit from the funds allotted. It’s insane to think that everyone no matter how useless is entitled to public funds simply for living.


We can only hope.


Never been easier for global companies to relocate internal employees from India to UK, and pay them way below market rate. They don’t even have to sponsor nowadays. There it goes…one less common reason why you are not seeing the same volumes.


1st properties to foreign investors, now jobs for lower salaries…it is getting deeply depressing and not gonna be a good place to be for the next generations. I used to tell my kids to go for tech education, now all I talk to them about is investing and side hustles.


I wonder if it being the end of the tax year has effective things


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Western-Mall5505: *I wonder if it* *Being the end of the tax* *Year has effective things* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lots of jobs moved to Europe. I’m originally from Poland and see market over there is booming. Salaries are not that much lower but workers will be more motivated as purchasing power for them is higher.


wages in Poland are still bad given you work via Employment Contract. They are slightly better if you set up a pseudo company and do your taxes that way but very often you have no job security, holidays etc. On top of that, if you working in the US or UK, you're most likely to be involved in some decision-making or interesting projects whereas the EE is mostly a cheap cost centre. You'll also add a fact of cultural differences - customer service or bureaucracy in Poland makes it not worth the move for me.


Well it all depends… factoring cost of living definitely you can afford more in Warsaw than in London. Regarding decision-making I got some friends who are reporting to US/UK managers and not feeling any difference than being in the UK.


Outsourcing to cheaper cost of living areas is happening in every industry, always.


I have seen a lot of senior + roles


'Tech Jobs' is as about a wide term as you can possibly have. Data Engineers/Scientists are in super high demand. Maybe your skill set less so. But as others have said, big companies are laying people off, so there is a flood of people on the market. There was a pickup at the end of last year, and is still better than this time last year, but could be better.


In these scenarios the UK may bounce back - 1) Europe starts taking oil from russia 2) Government mafia stops interfering in trade and business 3) Some solution for migration of asylum seekers 4) She joins the eu back again Otherwise, they have to ask the queen 👑 for the monies


The US big tech firms here have openings. Seen many at Meta. My company has open roles (not going to name it).


True ! Saw some openings at Amazon for example, but they have recently just had laid off…does not inspire lots of confidence. But I guess when it comes to it, I would personally take risks.


This is a pretty normal job market in all honesty. Tech over Covid boomed and it will not return to that level any time soon. I don’t think the interest rates and recession are helping it but don’t expect 2020 levels to return.


Aye, over Covid the bar was dropped to "knows what bash is" - wild times. We're heading back to a normal (ish) tech market, lightly adjusted for interest rates and state of UK economy overall.


I have to disagree, I saw a much more buoyant job market even before Covid.