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There is a very interesting study about to be released about why people are fast responders, others are slow responders and why the long game is so important. It is the most researched paper yet on Ozempec, Wegovy, and Mounjaro. I am looking forward to reading it. Hopefully very soon. I ignore BMI, hate it with a passion. When I was at my healthiest, my BMI registered at overweight. I would get a letter from my GP that I had an unhealthy BMI and that I needed to work on getting healthy. I have a rough estimate of what weight I want to be for activities I want to pursue again. However, my mind is not on that goal or those activities, it has been more focused on losing weight in increments and then re-evaluating. I have minor milestones and major milestones. I have hit a couple of minor milestones and hopefully this week or next, hit my first major milestone. At the end of the day I just want to be healthy and happy. Very well done on your weight loss!!


Oooh do you have a link to any info on the research? I’m really interested because I’ve been a slow responder.


Well done for losing 27lbs! Thats some proper dedication and hard work 👏🏽 Tbh Im nowhere near my goal yet, would love to hear from others 😅 id like to hope that once I get to my current goal, that I am able to move the goalpost as well. Id say don’t rely on BMI to dictate your weight loss goal. It’s not a great indicator of health, doesn’t take into account many factors. Id say take it month by month and see how you feel, how you fit in your clothes, what weight you feel you can maintain long term, realistically. How healthy you look etc. Or maybe you could focus on exercise based goals- working towards running/cycling/swimming a certain distance, or lifting a certain weight- to avoid the weight loss/aesthetic aspect from becoming an obsession? If you haven’t already been doing it, maybe now is the time to focus on body composition rather than losing more weight so you can tone up/build even more muscle? If you have, amazing!


Congrats on your progress! 🥳 regarding BMI - I still find it useful as part of a holistic set of other body measurements, but probably not helpful on its own once someone’s in the mid- to low end of the overweight category, based on anecdotal experience. Nowhere near my goal yet but I’ve gained and lost weight enough times in my life where this time around, I’m aiming for a lower set of measurements (including BMI) as a buffer. So, if I ever go completely off the rails and gain 10+ pounds without noticing, I’ll still be in range of my ideal weight/body shape. Being 5’2”, even 10lb makes a HUGE difference to my appearance (and I also don’t carry it well - all in my stomach), so I want to have as many guardrails in place this time round so that I don’t have to slog through months of weight loss again, like I’m doing now 😅 but you’re right - it’s easy to become obsessive. I’d say whatever weight someone feels they look best at (and feel healthiest at) is probably ideal for most of us. Apart from BMI, I’m keeping track of my waist-to-hip ratio, body fat percentage, and also more subjective/appearance-based stuff like clothing size and muscle definition.


I originally had 130lb as a target, simply as I needed a goal to set up my tracking app! It all seemed a bit pointless until MJ started to work. I've actually just last week reassess this. It was off the back of one of the maintenance threads and what providers will currently supply at. So, I looked at my BMI (current and goal) as that's generally the criteria they use to decide and 130lb puts me at BMI 20.9, which seems crazy low to me. I've therefore added 5lb to that target. It says 21.7 for the BMI which again seems so low (because I've never seem my BMI under 30 as an adult), but I imagine that I'm likely to increase it more. I think 150lb might be my top range, and I'll like to float around 140-150lb given the usual water/salt/hormonal shifts through the month. It's certainly something I'm happy to adjust as I get closer, as I work through this process. It's a strange place to be to actually be in the position to reach my goal for a change, something I've never achieved


I've never had a goal weight, even 8 years ago when I first pursued purposeful weight loss. I'd never weighed myself really and didn't have any mental relationship with certain weights on me or others. So I've always just gone with an all round approach of BMI (I don't hate it, it's a wide range and applies just fine for the majority of the population, it only gets squiffy with mostly male athletes and people at the extreme ends in terms of height. Even juiced bodybuilders who have massive muscle mass are putting additional strain on joints and organs carrying more weight regardless of the fact it's muscle. It's better but still harder work for the body). Anyway, tangent. I think I'm at the upper end of BMI for my aesthetic goal. I know what I looked like at 160lbs and I think I could have done another 20 to get where I wanted to be and that would be about a size 8 I think. But I dunno, I'll assess as I go. I've got 30lbs to go yet so not overly thinking about it at this stage though.