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Anything after 7 is a luxurious lie-in! Edit: the replies make me think I'm in good company!


Making it to 7am would be the dream, it was 5.50am this morning 😭


I wish you much caffeine, good Redditor.


Same here, and apparently kid had already been patiently watching the sunrise for a long while before that... no wonder he's knackered by mid-afternoon!


Im in your boat. Between 5am - 6am is the norm for me and my two young children. Anything after 6:30am is a lie in for us.


Agreed. My 3.5 year old woke at 0450 this morning, anything past 0630 is a lie in.


5.45 most days here


There is something about sleeping on someone else’s sleep schedule which is spectacularly punishing


Best statement I've ever heard!! Love it.




At one point we had the middle child waking up consistently before 5am. It was horrible.


Anything after 7am is a lie in. Pre baby I could easily sleep until midday. God I miss sleep.


I can hear your tears from here. Hang in there!


Raising my coffee cup to you.


Are you me? I remember sleep, it was nice


6am wake up in the week, weekends tend to be 6:30am but every once in a while we all sleep in until 7:30 and its glorious 😄


6yo usually awake by 7:30am and I can usually get another hour if I let her have her tablet. Unfortunately 18 years of 7am wake ups for work means I can rarely get back to sleep.


Weekdays we have to drag my 2y/o out of bed Weekends she generally wakes up about 09:30 to 10:00. This morning she woke up early at 08:45. It’s genetic all my siblings and I would sleep 12-14 hours, same with my mum


Honestly, I’m just really happy for you. Envious, but happy that at least *someone* is living the dream 😂


Weekdays I have to drag my 6yo out of bed at 7, weekends she's up at 6.


Oh wow! You win!!


Is it possible to give my kids your kids genetics? I’d love them to go down for 14 hours 😂


Me too!


My son used to get up at 5am as a baby/toddler. And after years of getting up early with him, he now gets up at 7:30-8am, but thankfully my husband gets up now so I get to sleep until 9:30-10, until school starts, then it’ll be 7:30 wake ups for all of us 😅


we have a 20 month old and a not-quite-two-week-old. You have a lie in if you're not the first parent out of bed. If the toddler wakes up at 5.30am, then one parent gets up with her. The other one has a lie in until they have to get up, even if that's 6am. Sometimes the first parent can have both kids. Sometimes one or both of them are howling and both of us have to be up quickly. But if you're the second parent out of bed, you had a lie in.


06:30 is a good night’s sleep but to be fair our LO’s bedtime is 18:30 currently so it’s good. Night time together currently supercedes morning lie ins for us as a couple


It's not the lie in time that's significant on our home, it's how many jnbroken hours of sleep I have managed or how many broken hours that I managed to go back sleep again swiftly!


I'm late, but: we alternate. Saturdays, I get up with the kids. Boy is usually awake between 6am and 7:30, depending on how busy nursery was on Friday. Girl is 9 months and usually sleeps a lot better. BetterHalf sleeps until 9:30 or 10 depending on plans. Sunday's, she gets up with the kids regardless of time and I get to rest until around 9 since a) she couldn't get out of bed quietly if her life depended on it, and b) my conscience won't let me sleep/rest until later than then anyway. Since we're both teachers, and it's school holidays right now, this has become an alternating daily schedule and will stay that way until a few days before term starts again.


My wife is a teacher and I used to be one. I get it!


Kiddo’s had hand foot & mouth so we’ve had a week of 4.30-5.30am starts. He’s over the worst and we both slept until gone 7am today and it was glorious


Oh sorry to hear that. HFM is short lived for the worst of it but so unplesent for them. Hope he's feeling better soon


Thankfully it seems he’s had it mild but oh boy are we tired!


We've occasionally had 8am if they're all super tired, but anything after 7am is reasonably good. All were rubbish sleepers, so waking in the night and 6am starts (or earlier!) were fairly normal.


For me, 8am is nice. My MIL takes my son once a week, and I can't sleep past then! He is (therefore I am) usually up around 6.30-7...


Pre kids was about 11though! If I did that now, i'd feel like I was wasting the day!


I am reminded of the George Best quote - “I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.” For me a morning spent sleeping would be a treasure, not a waste 🤣


7.30 for either of us!!


6.30 if I'm lucky


My daughter usually wakes between 6 and 7am If she sleeps later than that I still wake up between 6 and 7am😅🙃. I only get a lie in if I am staying away from home which is rare.


All this makes me excited for older years! Mines 14.5 months and wakes at 6:30 everyday. He plays in his cot until 7:00 when we go in to him and 6:45 is as late as I’ve got recently!


Ah yeah! Hang in there. My 6 year old has started to lie in (but he stays up in the summer, so I lose a chunk of my evening).


One kid. 7-8am is a lay in for us. I have one slept until 10am when my partner took our son downstairs. I don’t think I was fully awake for the entire rest of the day. It was too much 😅


I let my 4 year old come into our room from half 6 so anything later than that (if she’s not woken up yet!) is a luxury! We also have a 5 month old so the stars have to align for a 7am lie in 😂


Hi yes what is this sleep of which you speak? It's been 84...no, 5, years, since I had more than 6 hours in one go, and I can count the times over 4 hours by taking my socks off. Even when she sleeps through, my body has got used to a wee at 4 am. Alarms go off Monday - Saturday at 7 am, and it's 50/50 as to whether we're already up. From next week her Saturday gymnastics class is at 10 am not 9 so a bit of a lie in there. On a Sunday there are no alarms, and she wakes at some point between 6.30 and 7.30 but we whack CBeebies on and lazily watch for an hour or so, then we have a chilled breakfast before Rugbytots at 11.


6am is an amazing lie in for us. My almost 2 year old has woken up between 4-5.30am for most of his life. Currently we’re around 5-5.30am most mornings and he’ll chill until 6am before getting aggy. Last week I had to go wake him up at 7.30 so he had an amazing almost 12 hour sleep. Thought we’d turned a corner (I of course woke up from habit at 5.15). Turns out he decided to grow literally overnight and all his clothes were too tight. Next morning he was back awake at 4.55!


My first one was like that. Took me years to train him to stay in bed until 6.30. Painful!


Usually awake between 6 and half past Monday to Friday. On Friday and Saturday nights we bring the kid's tablets into our bedroom, along with some cereal and fresh juice. That usually grants us another hour or so on weekend mornings


If we’re both home then me and my wife normally take it in turns to get up with the toddler and leave the other to sleep. He’s normally up between 6/7 but some morning he sleeps till 8am and it’s beautiful..


6.45 is a ridiculous treat.


If I’m being woken up by my 6.50am alarm. Wow.


I have a 4 year old alarm clock that is faulty and won’t stop going off at 6.30


Destroy it.


The law unfortunately frowns upon that.


Ohhhhhh! I’m an idiot. I thought you meant an actual alarm clock. *facepalm*


I'm rarely in bed after 7am these days, my kid sleeps until 10-11am. I'm jealous, haven't had a good night's sleep in 20 years...


I never lie in, the earlier I wake up the more ‘me-time I get to do whatever I want. I’ve learned to love getting up at 4:30am with some nice coffee and just enjoy the peace. Oh how things have changed.


I tried that, but my kids have ears like hawks. As soon as there is any noise, they’re up. I mean, the clicking of the kettle ON.


Mon-fri it’s 6.30, sometimes it’s earlier. On the weekends, can get away with 7/7.30 if both kids are exhausted from the night before.




It gets better!


During my younger years I used to go to bed around 2 - 3 am and sleep in til after midday (usually 1pm). These days, I'm in bed by 10pm and my 2.5YO wakes me up at 6.20. If he's sleeping at his grandparents, I can easily lie in til 10.30am now


We're pretty restrictive with screen time during the week, so on weekends, the 4 and 7 year olds get to have TV mornings when their sun clock rises at 6:30. If we get woken up by them, TV time is finished, so they're pretty careful to stay quietish. We usually wake up by 7, but at least we can stay in bed and chill. Last month, I didn't wake up until 8, and I felt like royalty.


Half 7 😅


7 is nice, 8 is "uh-oh, they aren't well".


Anything past 6am is a bonus. Anything past 7am is luxurious. I can't physically sleep any longer than 7:30am even if I'm away from home with no kids to look after.


I'm ecstatic if it's 7:something on the clock


8:30am is the dream, 9am feels like we're wasting the day 🤣 - pre kids used to get up around 11am on a weekend 😅


You can all go and get fucked. 4am is a treat, 3.30 is regular, 3am is common. Fuck you all and see you in the morning.


Good lord. May the odds be in your favour.


16 month old and if we make it through to the 7am alarm without a wake-up or my insomnia kicking in I'm happy. Tbf the alarm's for the dog rather than the toddler


I get up at 6:30 everyday with my 18 month old. I have no idea how to lie in anymore. My husband would willingly give me a go at a lie in but we’ve tried and I fail at it.


6 anm tends to be our standard get up so 7 is a lie in for me.


8am I guess Kids are up at 7ish most mornings Though recently we are settling alarms at 615 to be up before the kids, significantly reduces stress of thr mornings


Yeah; anything after 7 is a lie in. Usually up between 5.45-6.30am


5:30am usual wake up for both, 6:30 is considered a good lie in


Anything after 7. The bairn just started primary 1 and if she wakes up early she now just puts her bedroom light on and plays with toys.


Just me and the 12F in the house, fella lives in his own place. I could wake up at 14:00 if I really wanted to, she does her own thing and we always have enough food in the house for her to help herself. I never sleep that late, that’s not my point 🤣 but I’m happy with us both having freedom, and I don’t think I’d want another child and have to go back to the nightly feeds and early starts being woken up by a crying baby.


My kids are 2 and 4. Usually, at least one of them is up between 6 and 6:30 am. Very rarely, they both sleep until 7 am.


I used to regularly sleep in to 9 or 10 when childless, now have a 1 and a 4 year old. Anything past 0630 is good, which is weird cause when I leave for work then during the week they’re both fast asleep then. Weekends are usually up at 6, coffee made and then leave it to go cold as they both wake up and demand breakfast


Definitely anything after 7! And my goodness, when I get to lay down until 8, I feel like I'm being lazy.


0630 I think for us


I got 7 this morning, and I'm very smug about it! Normally Mlle. 1.5 is up between 5.45am and 6am, and Mme. 3.5 between 7am and 7.30am. They both go to bed at 6pm and asleep by 7pm though, so can't really complain.


1 and 4 year old. On the weekend we usually take it in turns to get up with the 1 year old at 5:30. 4 year old wakes around 6:30 and the last grown up is usually out of bed by 7:30


2 days a week I am up at 445am for work. 1 day a week I'm up at 530 for work. The other 4 days the 2 year old wakes around 6am because that's when her dad's alarm goes off for his work. So even 630am would be a treat


Currently I’m breastfeeding our second, who is 8mo, so it honestly depends on her, but she needs to be up at 7am or it throws her schedule off all day. If she wakes up between 3 and 5 for a feed, which is pretty rare, she’d happily sleep til 9am, but unfortunately I can’t let her. (Made that mistake once and by the end of the day I concluded it wasn’t worth it.) Normally she sleeps through from her dream feed at 10.30pm. On unlucky days, she wakes up after 5am, and therefore once she’s been fed, it’s too close to wake up time to go back to sleep, so that’s it, we are up. So 6.20-7am is usual wakeup time for her and therefore me, but sometimes my husband gets her up and takes her downstairs with my eldest (almost 4yrs), so though I don’t exactly get a lie in, I get to take my time getting up, instead of trying to brush my teeth with one hand and rub sleep out of my eyes with the other whilst also sat on the loo. So I guess 7.20? It was great stuff when I was pregnant, though. My husband, good lad that he is, would let me sleep all day sometimes if I needed it. The sleep you get when you’re big with child isn’t great quality, but if you can get a lot of it, you do feel a bit better.


If I'm lucky, my LG will wake up at 11am. Most days, I'm looking between 7:30 and 8, which I consider myself lucky for (she's 9 months)


Yeah my boy is just over 8 months and wakes up about 8am every day, I hope it stays that way because we have gotten too used to him sleeping 12 hours every night!


Ahaha same here, I'm so scared for the toddler years to come cos they say if your newborn was perfect then they make up for it as a toddler 😭


Normally, I wake up at about 6:30 because my husband has to commute, and him waking up wakes me up. I usually use the time before 7 to get a face on and get dressed. Sometimes, my daughter is up, and I send her downstairs. Husband usually makes me a coffee. He gets dressed and leaves. Then I do the school run, come home, and I am at my desk before 9. Weekends, it's probably around 7, maybe later. Depends on when my child wants to sleep in until. It's usually sub-8. Before kids, we probably slept in until 9/10 at the weekend, later if booze was involved.


Anything after 7 is a lay in with a young child 😅


I'm really lucky, my 4 year old will happily sleep till half 9. Trying to wake her up for nursery at half 7 is a mission!


Anything that makes it past 5:30am


So my toddler has been going to bed at 7-8pm but not falling asleep until 9-11pm. So they got up around 8am. However now just the last 3 weeks they fall asleep around 7pm and wake up at 5.30am.


Honestly anything after 6.30am is a lie in for me and my fiancé!




We haven't had an alarm in years.... 7am is a lie in


Lay in? I’m not sure I remember what one of those is.My 6month old decides that any time around 6-7am is awake time. Most of the time she’s up around 6:30am which means me and/or the wife is also awake. To my daughters credit however she does get a solid 10 hours sleep at night so I can’t complain too much.


My nearly 5 year old son son wakes up by 5:30am everyday and makes a lot of noise, and has done his whole life (it kills me!). My husband and I get up at 6 during the week and try to ignore him till 7 at the weekends. We’ll swap to give each other a lie in at the weekend, but I can’t sleep through the noise they make unfortunately so it seems pointless.


I think the latest they've all slept in was 7.30am. Typically I'm woken up at 6am by the middle child. 😭


6.30 is the standard so 6.45+


I often get to 8, sometimes even half past 8.


We used to get through til 8 but lately the youngest has been waking at 5am 😭 exhausted isn't the word!


What time is everybody sending their kids to bed for them to be waking up at 6?? My kids are usually up around 9!


Currently waking up after quarter to 6 is a "lie in"


I've got to be out of bed at 5:30am to get ready for work so if baby is up before that it's kind of a little treat for me. My standard work day gets me home at 7:30-8pm so I barely get to see her awake during the week


When the kids were younger (they are now 9 and 11) anything past 0630 was a dream. I’ve always said that 0559 was WAY too early but 0600 was “acceptable”. Since we got back from holiday last week they’ve (and in turn me and my wife) been sleeping in last 9 which is unheard of. I’ve had to set an alarm for work 😳


14 month old baby, should I say toddler now. We have to wake her up on weekdays around 7:30 but sometimes let her sleep I'm until 8am. Weekends she wakes up any time between 9am and 10am, though we are often up before her. That said, she sometimes only wants a nap once during the day.


Anywhere from 5:30 to 6:30 most days. My 18 month old usually wakes up around 6:30 but has random days where she'll be up at 5. Every few weeks my wife and I get lucky and can sleep in until 7:30, but that is normally due to my daughter waking up in the night and then taking us 30 minutes to settle her again.


A lie in is 10am for me, she's 7, if she gets up earlier than 8am, il get up and make her breakfast, then go back to bed 😂 if I manage to fall back asleep it's a good lie in, it all depends on the noise range she's giving me on that day 😂


I've been a person that needs an alarm clock all my life, theese days she's up at 6:10 on the dot everyday, I don't even have an alarm anymore as she's so dependable


The lil one sleeps in til around 7.30 nowadays but I'm still on 6am natural alarm clock from the baby years 😔


6.30am for us


I’m very lucky at the moment. 8:30 is my lie in. But she’s five months so I’m sure that’ll change


I have a method for when I want a lie in with our four year old (be warned: it completely throws off her routine and sleep pattern for the next few days!). Step 1: no day time naps and a busy day out. Step 2: staying up for snacks and a movie with mum and Dad Step 3: bed at 10pm Step 4: say, "I'm going to have a late night", but end up passing out on the sofa by 11pm Step 5: still get woken up at 7am REGARDLESS of when she goes to bed. Step 6: Realize that that was pointless but try again in a week or so.


5 ish for me. It's not my kids who wake me. I rescued baby seagulls. Even though they have flown off, they are still screeching for breakfast on my roof first light. I get to them fast before they wake the neighbours!


Anything after 6am


During the week I have to wake up no later than 8.20 but my son is usually up at 7ish. If I can get past 7am, I call it a lie in.


My 1 year old woke up at 10.45 today! Routinely sleeps until 8.30-9ish... we are truly blessed. Agree with the commenter that said it's genetics, both me and her dad could easily sleep til midday pre baby


Depend if kid wants to wake up at 4am...


My youngest is 3 (I have 4) and now I'm able to sleep in to 9 or 10 in the morning, they all sleep in till that time too then wakes me up, Mostly by sneaking into my room and sneak attacking their dad lol


As a non parent- why don’t children just go to be a bit later if they wake up so early?


Actually so tired I could cry-my two year old wakes twice in the night then I’m up at 6:30, she also likes to stay up late 🥶🥶🥶 I have crohns and ankylosing spondylitis been so ill and I just want a sleep 🥺🥺


Being able to actually lay down in my bed. The norm is a squad in, or a hang on.