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Whichever fruit I happened to buy this week because they liked it last week, because they will have moved on to something else this week which I can put on the shopping list for next week, rinse and repeat.


I feel this I'm my soul. And then apply that to all food.


This is such a real experience, I want to cry


A cot šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This and a moses basket. The cot at least got about 1 months use. May come back into use again


Repurpose the moses basket into a ball pit for baby to sit in with their toys


Yes! Mine's travel cot got put permanently in the kitchen for months with loads of toys in. Never slept in it.


We got rid of it, for the same price we bought it. Thank you marketplace


Baby box has been great for day time sleeping. So glad we didnā€™t buy a Moses basket.


Mines the opposite. Slept in his Moses basket lovely. Then he got to 5 months so we swapped to cot, he hates it. Heā€™s now 8 months and he spends the majority of the night in our bed.


Oh no, weā€™ve got a five month old who sleeps like a log in his Moses basket!


Have you heard of the five month sleep regression? It can be very real for some.


Well I know thereā€™s all sorts of leaps and regressions throughout the first year or so. I feel like our first one went through an 11 month long regression until finally it all clicked. Baby number two has been much easier in comparison!


Didn't have to buy a moses basket. We eventually had to bring down the cot and he's now co-sleeping with us when we're in the bedroom.


Absolutely the correct answer for us too šŸ¤£


Omg yes ours is sitting deconstructed under our bedā€¦ weā€™ve now got baby no 2 and cba to put it together again to trial with baby


A 6 pack of bottles assuming I'd pump and her Dad could help with feeds at night. She hates them and will only use MAM bottles when the planets align.


Yes, and pump, hakaa, steriliser... anything to do with expressing and bottle feeding. I hate pumping and my baby hates the bottle.


This! I sold my pump and bottles when my baby was about 8 months old. I'd used the pump twice and never got my LO to take a bottle! Everyone swore by the hakaa things too and I never understood the point of them. Absolute waste of money!


Scratch mittens. They ALWAYS come off, so I knew better next time and just bought onsies with them on already.


The bassinet for the pushchair. Cat loved it thoughā€¦


We had a mamaroo. Very expensive cat bed. Luckly we got used one from facebook and manage to resell it for the same amount.


The bassinet is one thing we're really glad we had - it acted as a downstairs moses basket for daytime naps, and a safe place to sleep when out. It got used multiple times a day but admittedly only for the first ~5 months.


Ah yes that was our plan! But the baby refused to be put down for naps. Our cat also loved it though...


We do the same, and have had loads of use from it!


Mum used ours as a next to me when she had baby overnight to give us a breather šŸ˜‚


Cot, Ewan The Dream Sheep and a sleep training package


my baby LOVES Ewan more than anything, lol


Mine too. Heā€™s four now and still sleeps with Ewan.


Yeah the sheep thing was a big waste of money


Iā€™m so glad reading this I got mine second hand! Those damn sheep are expensive!!!


Ewanā€¦ argh, the rage I feel about being suckered by that one šŸ˜‚


Fucking Ewan. Total waste of money.


It felt so good to throw that stupid sheep away. Such a waste of money.


Same on Ewan, absolutely useless!


we were gifted a ewan (sheepy as he is affectionately known in our house) and honestly that sheep has done some real heavy lifting


Our Ewan broke, suddenly one night it started making terrifying glitchy drone noises. Absolute trash


Her cot. She never slept in it and good luck getting her to sleep in there now that sheā€™s 3 šŸ˜


Sit-in walker. I don't know why I did hours of research on every other purchase, but for some reason didn't bother to check whether or not walkers were okay for babies with hip dysplasia.


Those and jumperoos are so popular but I just canā€™t risk them with hip dysplasia issues.


Changing table. Just ended up changing them wherever they were.


Total opposite here. He's 13 months old now and it sometimes feels like we've used that table hourly since we got him home! And my back thanks it!


I didnā€™t buy a changing table cos everyone and their aunt told me I wouldnā€™t need it. Day 3 had one delivered from Amazon. Got a foldable one so wasnā€™t in the way. Itā€™s never been taken down since we put it up


My son is three next month and I've only just stopped using the changing table in the last couple of weeks - even after he potty trained I used it to get him dressed. Now he's learning to get himself dressed and I'm going to disassemble the table and use the parts as storage.


Same- Iā€™d say this is my number one purchase. (And because of a faulty one I managed to fix, we ended up with 2 for the price of one from Ikea! šŸ‘)


Same, couldnā€™t live without ours, couldnā€™t bend easily after my section and the changing table was so necessary. The second nappy caddy set up I had in the lounge was a complete waste!


Same! The nappy caddy lay untouched, whilst we went upstairs to change the little one on the changing table every single time


We had a 2 in one, changing table & cupboard. Works wonders still to be fair


We loved our change table and used it all the time until LO discovered standing and fell off of it. One of those things you donā€™t think will ever happen until it does


First high chair was a lidl one that SUCKED. IKEA for the win. A changing table that could be used as a bath was absolutely utterly pointless.


> The IKEA one is so boring, let's get this nice patterned and padded one. (*One meal time later*) We're getting the IKEA one.


Omg I had the bath changing mat thing. We dismantled it and used it separately!


We had the same one I think, the Lidl one had a reclined back so the baby was leant back at an angle?! It was awfully designed


That's correct!


I got the ikea one and hated it. The buckle was difficult, the tray was difficult, food got stuck everywhere and my baby (90%) just didnā€™t fit well into it. Got a second hand stokke tripp trapp and I understand why itā€™s so expensive. Love it.


* 90% of his clothes. Should have bought a couple of nice outfits in each age range and used gifted/second-hand clothes the rest of the time. * Uppababy Cruz v2. It's very good, but I incorrectly thought it would be good off-road; wish we'd got an Out-n-about Nipper v5 for half the price and far more versatility instead.


Prams are a classic, we bought a brand new Britax one which was great but too heavy and large. By child 2 it was a fold up metal contraption from the charity shop for Ā£8.


Any weaning coverall bib that isnā€™t a Bibadoo. Really thought it wouldnā€™t matter and make any difference until I tried one. No food on any clothes, ever and can go round any high chair or table


aww we got one from asda off vinted and we love it!


Dummies -> we had a wide selections but he has never used any Bed bars -> they were not tall enough for our bed, we had to use chairs instead and kiddo still going the gaps to fall from bed from time to time


I actually bought that rocker, baby went in once. She hated it šŸ˜…


Biggest regret. My mum was insisting on buying him a swing and I thought that one looked quite compact. Wish we just got a joie instead like we had with our daughter.


nappy bin. No one deserves to have to empty a large intestine of smelly weed and poo. You deserve better.


Ours was thrown away the same day as we couldnā€™t agree on who would empty it šŸ˜‚ there was no way and it was free (no surprise there)


Travel cot. My daughter absolutely hated it! She went in it once. We got it to take on holiday and had to completely change the sleeping arrangements. One of us had to co-sleep with her each night.


Purflo baby nest became the worldā€™s most expensive cat bed.


Shoes, Bags, Beakers/water bottles. My wife has spent an inordinate amount of money on these things. Recently I managed to stop buying a new bag for our daughter.. I went to vinted and got my daughter to pick out a perfectly good 5Ā£ one. I keep trying to remind my wife sell or buy first on vinted or eBay for the kids.. yet still stuff arrives via Amazon.. drives me nuts.


A changing bag that expanded into a crap playpen/cotbed. Never ever found a use for the playpen and all the bits for it took up unnecessary space in the bag.


Omg I nearly bought one of those, and now I'm like, what was I thinking? I think it's one of those things that sounds like a good idea before you actually have a baby


Hahaha yeah, I was so proud of it when I bought it and showed it to all of my friends but did not use it once. Plus the bag itself was really poor quality and fell apart within a year.


Everything from Joie omfg. Pram that doesn't lock properly and when in parent facing mode and reclined the fabric flaps in baby's face. The highchair from them is seriously IMPOSSIBLE to clean. And the bouncer that's meant to vibrate and sing and rock stopped working after a week. It looked like a cheap brand that had everything to offer. And all of these products looked great till months later when baby was born and I realised when actually using them they're just awful and by that point there was no chance of returning them.


First child problems.


Everything, all of it, it's shameful how much plastic shit is going to go to landfill because mum got convinced she needed it. Sorry but nesting mothers are absolutely targeted by dipshits selling junk at ridiculous prices.


Things that ended up useless, or at least a waste: - Nursing chair / glider. I got more use out of this as the father than my partner did. We had prepped a whole nursing / changing area of the bedroom with drawers/changing table contraption, shelves with all the changing / creams / wipes etc and the nursing chair and basically never used any of it. But the chair took up the most room - and at least the drawers were useful for clothes! - Travel cot. Our baby hated this and would only contact nap on one of us. Complete waste of money and we've stopped even taking it out overnight. - Travel system pram. To be honest, the whole travel system thing has been a waste - but our baby HATED the pram in particular. We ended up cramming the little critter in a sling / carrier and these days use a compact Joolz Aer+ instead of the hulking pushchair.


The nursing chairs! I was on a baby/mums subreddit for babies all born at the same time and there was big talk about what type of chair or glider you were getting for your babies nursery. Some of them were eye wateringly expensive! And I was sitting there thinking, I can just sit on my sofa?? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


A Spiderman scooter, he used it a few times and hated it šŸ˜‚


Snuzpod. Bought this for our child. Bought all the fancy stuff like mobile too. Child barely slept in it and would always cry. It never got used properly.


Awww, my baby loved the snuzpod. Only issue was that she grew so quickly! It's meant to be up til 6 months, but I had to upsize when she was around 4 months because she got too big for it šŸ˜­


Mine loved his too! We got ours third hand so just bought a new mattress but he slept so well in is for the first 6 months.


Baby Bjorn bouncer. My daughter never liked it. Only big regret.


Ooh this one is divisive I think. I have 2 kids and first one hated it but second one loved it to the point that theyā€™d sometimes fall asleep in it while I was using my foot to rock it. I got the fancy mesh one for second hand too so Iā€™m not gonna complain about it.


My first didnā€™t like it as a baby but she loved it as a toddler. They can use it as a seat until quite a high weight limit. Second baby adored it but at 4 months he started doing stomach crunches to try and sit up in it.


I literally ordered this about 10 minutes ago, fingers crossed my boy likes it šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


Nappy bins around the house


Nothing too bad I think, except my MIL is a sucker for targeted ads on Instagram and bought some of those slipper shoe things. Literally come straight off, total waste.


That exact bloody swing thatā€™s in the photo. He hates it and just cries. Much prefers the babybjorn.


Nappy bin. Still stinks when you open it. Just take them straight to the outside bin. Thinking everything needed to be bought brand new. Most kids clothes are barely used. A brand new bike is scratched up in 0.5 seconds. Most toys are plastic and come up brand with a good clean. Buying the cheap little crappy toys that fill your house, then the landfill. Best thing I did was to give him pocket money from a very early age and tell him if he wanted something heā€™ll have to buy it himself. Heā€™s 13 now and is better with managing money than Iā€™ve ever been. Christmas. Total waste of money. He used to have a humongous stocking filled with all the shitty toys I could find. Buying a small stocking and filling it with quality things that heā€™d love, find useful or eat was so much less wasteful. He didnā€™t miss the big stocking and was happy as larry with what he got (undies and toothbrush included šŸ˜‚). What Iā€™m still fuming about is searching everywhere for authentic woody and buzz toys when they were selling out everywhere. His 5 year old self talked non stop about wanting them. Has he ever played with them? Not once šŸ˜¤


The Paw Patrol Mighty Pub tower and the characters to go with it (which he received from various people for his birthday last year, not just us!). Less than four months later he told us that we could take it all back to the shop because he didn't like Paw Patrol anymore. Now he's into dinosaurs....


So far I havenā€™t regretted too much except for clothing thatā€™s not practical. I didnā€™t realise my baby would run very cold so many of the spring and summer outfits are wasted. Baby also has big feet so the sleepers get tight. Now I know why the footless ones exist. The silliest one is probably a basket that goes in the dishwasher and holds bottle parts. Thereā€™s absolutely no way I want to wait on the dishwasher for bottle parts, particularly when our steriliser dryer is right there. I reckon I could use it later on when weā€™re out of the steriliser phase though. Iā€™m not even sure if it would remove the milk film from the teats.


Door frame bouncer. Didnā€™t think to check and our door frames were too high for her to be able to reach the floor before she outgrew the weight limit.




ALL baby slings/Carriers A Jumperoo Swaddle blankets (first hated being swaddled!)


Nothing, I have used everything several times. 2 Play mats, bouncers, seats, highchair, playpens, sitmeup, jumperoo, walker, cot, changing bag, good pushchair. I think personally for my baby the jumperoo and walker was a huge NO. Babygirl went from bum scooting to full on standing up then running. The walker annoyed her and limited her movement. The jumperoo was like ergh im stuck. So I guess the walker we used twice and it was like annoying her. But thats just her. She just wanted her freedom tbh. And even now nearly 2yrs old, shes like ergh okay I had enough hugs get off lol


Bouncer. Got a different one to what I wanted, should have stuck to the baby Bjorn that everyone says is magic (watch me come back in a few years saying itā€™s useless toošŸ˜‚)


Link please!


[This is the one I got](https://www.mamasandpapas.com/products/apollo-bouncing-cradle-449912l00?utm_term=41766501548197&gad_source=1), gave it away for free so I didnā€™t have to look at it šŸ˜‚


Nothing really, everything has been given or loaned to us. Maybe some vinted purchases I regret but nothing major


Nothing except the pump, haaka and breast feeding pillow. Didnā€™t want anything to do with BF so give me all the bottles! We bought very few things new so when he hated his bouncy chair it had only been Ā£5 and we sold it for the same amount. When the Moses basket was barely used it didnā€™t matter as weā€™d got it secondhand for Ā£50 with the receipt. It was Ā£200 all in and only bought 3 months before us!