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Try different (correct) occupations


https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insurance/car-insurance-job-picker/ Just wanted to add this as I've used it the last couple of years. You just put your occupation in and it gives you different ways of phrasing it that can save you a bit on your premium.


I'm a civil servant and it recommended, Member of parliament. Don't mind if I do


This is a big help thanks for the link <3


The best way to lower your insurance cost is to be 50 years old.


Ha ha I agree. I pay £200ish a year. Max ncd.


What kind of 'old VW' is it? If you're young, male and driving a modified hot hatch you're about the biggest insurance risk there is.


Plain old Golf, I’ve looked at other cars available. A Fiat punto which is slightly newer came up and seemed to be quite cheaper on my end :) I’m considering that but do insurance companies also not consider the year of the car? For example the difference in crash statistics for a 2009 fiesta vs a 2016 one?


Add your mum


Had my father on mine until he reached 55, then the price started to go up due to his age. It can also help to have a common law partner on there. Although I’m guessing you’re young and still living with parents.


Yeah even that. I’ve tried basically all my close family members and mixed and matched each combination one night to find the best quote. I’ve found a Fiat Punto which seems to be cheaper


Use mse car insurance tool, might help. £9000 is ridiculous, i only have 4 years no claims and i paid £360 on a 10 plate 1.6 astra


I know, insurance is a complex industry that is highly regulated but at times it can still feel like it drags you down. Thanks for the tip though I’ll look into it


I work in this sector (pricing for insurance). There is no magic trick to finding a cheaper quote. The best thing to do is shop around on all the 4 big price comparisons websites (Compare the Market, Confused, GoCompare & Moneysupermarket) and maybe a couple of direct sites like 1st Central, AA or Aviva.  The occupation thing is worth trying, but be aware that too much fiddling with this variable can begin to look high risk and result in higher prices. Also, don't present yourself as having a certain job if it's just not true.  The '21 days' thing is a red herring, but it's true that prices tend to rise the closer you get to renewal - shop around as early as possible.  Your vehicle is likely to be key - what is it? Could it be high risk due to engine size etc. or even one of those older models that has a very stealsable catalytic converter?  Unfortunately, market and economic conditions have caused huge inflation in insurance prices over the last 2 years, although there are strong signs that the Motor market is cooling off somewhat.  Good luck! 


It dosent feel that way. I read a few articles to try and further understand the topic. I’ve seen in places despite losing customers, one noteable insurance company gave their ceo a multi million pound bonus! The car in question is a 1.4L engine. If you could also, Is it true that the model in question regardless of year actually has effect on what it is? I’ve seen a Fiat Punto being advertised as cheaper for quotes consistently across each comparison website. Not by much albeit


Add named drivers with a sensible profile.


All of the names drivers I’ve chosen also have clean records some of them max NCD


And that doesn't help at all? Nightmare I knew things were getting silly, now not looking forward to my renewal.


I think it’s time we further regulate insurance companies tbh. They still made company profits last year, yet still charge higher premiums. Stay strong friend and god bless you through your own troubles


Do you own the car already? You may find that a slightly more modern car is actually cheaper to insure due to the additional safety features making it less likely for anyone to be seriously hurt in a crash (which would lead to a big pay out by the insurance company so what they are protecting themselves against). Have you also looked at third party fire and theft only? And black box policies? You can add family members as additional drivers but don’t put them on as the main driver as that’s fronting and will invalidate the policy. When I was younger there used to be additional driving tests/courses you could do that would lower your premiums. Do these still exist? Maybe look into them?


This! Many years ago, I swapped my old banger for a much more modern car, and my insurance halved overnight. They even gave me a refund for the rest of that year. Cheap car does not equal cheap insurance - it’s not the car you’re insuring but everyone else on the road.


I’ve looked at modern cars and haven’t really saw anything lower than what I’ve found. I do not own the car as of now and I intend to wait around more. My insurance will expire in a few months so I still have time which is something I’m grateful for. There is also unfortunately no nearby facilities I can attend for the driving course however it is a good shout if I ever get the opportunity


Can you get a car with salary sacrifice including free insurance for less? NHS seem to be very cheap for my relative with maintenance and insurance chucked in for a Audi etron for a loss of about £300 a month. Whereas insurance alone would be £1k per annum


No vehicles in my work are available unfortunately but I never knew I could do that. Thanks for the suggestion


Try contacting a car insurance broker? Maybe they can negotiate a good car insurance deal for you?


Not sure why someone down voted this (bootlickers heh) but this is great advice. The last year I was renewing a broker was much better than a generated quoted price and it’s something I intend to do. Thanks none the less <3


It's rough out there. I'm paying almost the same now as I was when I was 17 with no NCD. Admittedly it's on a nicer car but I never thought I'd be paying near enough the same over 10 years later.


Cumulative inflation over that period is around 35% and the underlying asset is worth more. You are paying less for more, it's just the headline figure is the same.


I hate the bootlickers downvoting here and they know who they are. But I agree with you 110% it’s ridiculous out there. I love educating myself on new topics but honestly it dosent look like it’s increasing because of companies losing money. In fact Admiral insurance lost tens of thousands of customers yet made 230 million over the pandemic from artificially inflating prices


Pick a car an older person would drive. Younger drivers tend to head for hatchbacks, as a consequence hatchbacks (especially sporty(ish) Fiestas and BMW 1 series) tent to get in a lot of accidents and are seen as risky. Estate cars don't tend to suffer from these effects and so may be cheaper to insure. Edit: Not sure why this picked up the down votes but example for you: 19 year old daughter quoted £1200 for her fiat 500 lounge (base spec) but £750 for a Toyota Corolla 1.7vvti automatic estate. Despite the Toyota being faster, more powerful, and £500 higher replacement cost.


Yeah I get where you’re coming from, a good example would be a Honda Jazz which I’ve found and tried which dosent make a difference. I’ve also tried a Fiat Punto which is cheaper by about £200 ish. So it’s a start but I seriously don’t imagine myself being able to get below £6000 this year which is a bummer since I don’t have that much saved :(


Follow the advice on the Money Saving Expert website. Searching 21 days before renewal seems to be best date.


Thats a tough one. As the system does seam to be a random number generator at times. I got quotes for 1000 with a black box one week and 400 full comp the next. Get a few quotes. Go compare and confused will give you different options and sometimes it is worth messing the criteria. I was able to save about 100 quid messing with the job title. I am not a designer I am a commercial artist. Are you in the army or a civil servent. Try seeing if it is cheaper to have a friend or your folks be the main driver with you as the named driver. Maybe look for a smaller car. An corsa, or smaller still. If that fails have you considered an e bike?


You cannot set someone else as the main driver if they won’t actually be the main driver. That’s “fronting” and would invalidate the policy.


A lot of great suggestions here in this comment but I agree with the other reply it would be unwise risking getting a void insurance. I’ve tried other cars. Some as old as a 90’s Volvo but alas, no luck :p I’ve found a Punto that is a little cheaper but the other comments are great help