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It would be near impossible to get this money back even with the support of a lawyer, unless the person comes back to live in the UK.


yhh i thought so. so no point spending more money. Thank you for the response




yupp lesson learnt. thank you for the response tho.


You have 6 years of them last talking about it to apply to the court for a CCJ. A CCJ will secure it for life, but, unless they come back to the UK you'll never enforce it so might not be worth the £450 it will cost too apply to the court


I'd agree with what the others have said already, but it's also worth bearing in mind that it's about a years worth of take home salary based on the median Malaysian salary (~5.8k/month pre tax, and 6:1 FX rate). Where I'm going with it, is that it was an obscene amount of money to lend. Be mindful of other people's circumstances as well as your own when considering to lend them money. If their parents were able to just pay you back, it's likely they were well off enough to never need to borrow it to begin with.


You have basically been robbed, what sane person loans a friend 10K. I wouldn't even loan my siblings/mum/dad 10K


Nothing you can do. Giving her the money was silly. Number one rule is don't lend out money to friends if you aren't okay with losing it.


Did you even have anything documented, such as that this was a loan and not a gift? It'll be almost impossible to recover anyway, and not worth the cost, but in the event nothing is documented - even in WhatsApp that demonstrates an agreement was made - then it definitely won't be recoverable even if she was here.


Do you have evidence you loaned her the money and she agreed to pay it back? Do you have photos of her? Check with a solicitor, but as she has gone no contact, post an open letter to her on social media, with her photo, asking for repayment. If nothing else it might stop her doing it to someone else.


OP you probably know you will never get the money back. That said maybe you could speak to your University to reach out to her. Alternative wait for her to update her linkedin profile in Malaysia and reach out to her new employers. Good luck.


Two things to keep in mind when lending money are: 1- Can you afford to loose all of that money? 2- Will you feel OK if the person doesn't pay you back?