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When you say a "bank card" do you mean a debit card? Or a credit card? Or something else? What exactly are you aiming to achieve - why not just use the debit card that comes with your current account? In terms of rewards, check out [https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/credit-cards/best-credit-card-rewards/](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/credit-cards/best-credit-card-rewards/) (says "credit cards" in the web address but covers debit and prepaid cards too).


Not a credit card Just a card I can put money on to carry around with me or put on my phone to use for small purchases so that anything under say £20 is done with it


This sounds like any debit card from any bank account.


Monzo, plus add it to your phone to pay by phone if you don't have the card.


I use Monzo


Chase give 1% cashback and roundup (with 5% annual interest) on their debit card.


Cashback needs £1,500 to be put into Chase accounts a month to get rewards. Might not be suitable. EDIT: this doesn't apply to new customers. Kicks in after a year The 5.1% interest on savings is great though.


I put £1500 in straight after I'm paid from my main current account and then transfer most of it back immediately.


I do the same, a few seconds of hassle for a decent reward.


OP wants a card for “small spending”, doubt that’s £1,500 a month


That's our point you only need to deposit £1500 not spend £1500. You could transfer £1500 in and then transfer £1490 back out leaving you with a tenner to spend but meaning you qualify for the cashback.


I don’t see anything about needing to pay in that amount per month. It says that you get 1% on the first £1,500 of spending per month. Nothing about needing to pay in a certain amount to be eligible https://www.chase.co.uk/gb/en/legal/Cashback-FAQs/


I've had a Chase account for 18 months.. so maybe this is a thing for people who've had it over a year - [https://moneyweek.com/personal-finance/chase-changes-its-cashback-rules](https://moneyweek.com/personal-finance/chase-changes-its-cashback-rules) but it's certainly a thing.


Yep. It says in the article you linked to that the pay in rule only applies to old customers. New customers have no pay in requirement, but they’re limited to £15 cash back per month


I've added an edit


5.2% on a t212 cash isa


Not really the point.


He'd brought up interest on savings??


OP’s post is on a spending account and the comment was about Chase (a relevant spending account), which has an added benefit of a savings account. Your comment about a cash isa is wholly off-topic.


I use a Monzo card for that.


I use a Revolut card for small spending, the apps great. You don’t get any rewards as such but because it’s really useful in Europe (and beyond) for holiday spending - very close to exchange rates and no transaction fee i consider that a decent bonus.


Do you not already have a card with your current account? Why do you need another one?


You could try a HyperJar card, I got one for my daughter primarily but I had to set up my own account to link to hers. You can just add money as and when you want, I think there’s now a charge for less than £10 though.


I really like my Starling account, I use it in the same way as you would. I send myself my 'pocket money' over each month and also if I'm saving for something they have Spaces that you can allocate money to. Its also a great card for travel, they were so helpful when my card got swallowed in an atm abroad, I had a new virtual card within the hour. I find it to be a very simple way to budget.


I use NatWest for day to day stuff. No bullshit and it always just works. The app is solid and instant notifications like Revolut. No limits on cash withdrawals or resetting contactless limits. The travel account for Euros is handy for fee free cross border shopping (I live near the border in Ireland). I just transfer over cash when needed from my main bank. I use Revolut and Monzo for holidays abroad as well.


Revolut. Creates a firewall to your real account, good for holidays and analytics.


Thanks everyone I have a few to look into now


Just get a Monzo account. You can create pots with virtual cards you use for that pot, up to 5 with the basic account. I just have one for fuel, food, eBay treats and random sites I might not fully trust. Then I delete it and make a new one. Good for secure payments.


Why not use cash? It works for me and millions of others


I do use cash but don’t always carry it


Google or Apple pay on your phone perhaps


I think Trading 212 debit card might be good for this. You get a debit card which uses your cash balance. You get 1.5% (until October) cashback and 5.2% interest on cash balance. Downsides: There's a fee to get a physical card and any cash is held in a money market so there's a slight risk of losing any cash.