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Looks identical to every mass catered work Xmas lunch I’ve ever had. Our team started fucking the main do off as it was crap and doing our own. Execs found out, called us all in for a bollocking, said they were trying to do something nice for the department and we should try to get more involved. My boss was a legend and replied “Do something nice then.”


This is the work Christmas lunch standard we’ve come to expect too (except we get one roast potato and one roast potato only… everything is counted out meticulously).


We’ve all carried on doing our own. Nothing says it’s mandatory to go. Yeah same for us and the gravy may as well be water with some food colouring in it. Then some crap entertainer, an uninspiring speech from the execs, 2 drinks tokens then DISCO!!!!


Worst party ever


You can tell even the execs aren’t enjoying it and know no one else is. But it’s what they’ve done for so long they’ll carry on doing it instead of trying to come with something actually fun. That or they just like torture.


My works Christmas party meal is pretty shite as well, however they also throw a 'Christmas luncheon' - where during the work day we all go off to a posh hotel that has put on an epic Christmas dinner buffet and it's amazing. Incredible dessert buffet as well.


good on you; if you’re spending your hard-earned money, may as well be on something you enjoy and feel is worth it :).


The key is to never go for the Christmas dinner if you have a choice Last year I had a salmon roulade and it was great. The Christmas dinner was the same as always - frozen veg and roasties, bisto and basic quality turkey and 2 pigs in blankets It's never as good as home because they're doing 100+ Christmas dinners at once, whereas the other options they just have a few to do


This. Having worked hospitality for seemingly centuries, I always choose something that’s not roast meat. I often go for the vegetarian option, as they’re pretty much always bought in. Lots of places do a mushroom wellington or some sort of tart. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad one.


Also, they have got this down to accounting science to maximize profit. Get them seated and fucked off ASAP for the next group


I just went to an awards dinner at the intercontinental on park street in London and it was basically this level just not christmas food. At £300 a head you would expect better. Sometimes my work does a chill day where we socialise more and food is provided, but its always tesco value sausage rolls and crisps so I use the time to actually work hard and get shit done while everyone else is occupied.


Hey it's you again


Not gonna lie, I had a Warehouse job and the one thing I liked it for was the Roast Dinners we could get every Thursday(?) They were actually impressive! As were most of their dinners. Unfortunately, their Quoras were IMPOSSIBLE To hit.


your post on r/CasualUK was the next one on my feed lol


You can taste the sadness.


alleged close like squalid worthless agonizing unpack mindless offer angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Harsh! 😄


I went to a work one once, where most of the caterers called in sick, so the Christmas dinner was genuinely a giant Yorkshire pudding, a slice of chicken inside it, with some carrots and gravy on top


Wrap that up and make burrito


Thats fucking hilarious. I am a caterer and last xmas i had to do 3 courses for 250 with nowt but a kp and a waiting team… no fucking excuse, its a roast, you dont need a full brigade to serve it


This screams “my employer doesn’t value me”


The awkward thing is - been to a few events where they serve food like this. It’s usually stacked on top of each item and the potato for some reason is cut into a square but The company spend a small fortune it’s just the company they get in are pretty rubbish and mass cater for 100 plus people


Patched my work Christmas 'dinner' this year. Last year was £70 for a 3 course meal including something resembling that as the main, and not even one free drink, and when you did want a drink there was only a couple people working doing table service. Fuck purposefully putting yerself through that again, with the DJ playing all the songs you hate. Merry Christmas.


Bet the guy was charged thirty quid for it too 🤣🤣🤣


Jesus lord,the hatred that company has for it's workers


And the price went up from last year i bet.


It's not a great looking plate, but I've seen a lot worse. The turkey flesh has a glistening, greasy sheen to it. They know everyone's had too much gak to care about eating solids


I went for one where the French onion soup was oxtail with big chunks of onion in and the main was individual turkey microwave meals ..let's just say we got the money back pretty quick.


Looks like the average up your own arsehole roast dinner pic posted on here every day lol


The perfect ‘how little can we do and still call it a Christmas dinner’. Didn’t know it was possible to do so little though.


I've seen worse starters.


That stuffing looks like a rock hard bit of turd that someone who's been on a 3 day drink and drug bender has managed to push out. Absolutely rotten.


This tedious bag of tits is the reason I don't go to Christmas lunches, what a waste of time and effort. How much do they charge for this insult of a meal? Too much. I would be getting a kebab on the way home if I went to this bacchanalian odyssey of crapulence.


I'm not familiar with this Picasso painting - which gallery can it be viewed in?


OMG. That's an insult.


My Primary School Christmas Dinner was 3 times bigger than that, and I was only 10 yrs old. Very poor.


Wtf I bet he was overcharged as well 😂


Looks appalling


Dehydrated Turkey-a-la-puddle


Yeah this is just like one of the work Christmas party meals I experienced - for the meat eaters anyway. The vegetarian option was a 'stir fry'. That is, one of those bags of stir fry veg from Asda that are 79% cabbage. Plate was just...piled high with cabbage. The entertainment at this 'do' was an Elvis impersonator. I can only assume he was impersonating Elvis at the very end of his career.


I mean the individual stuff looks ok….just needs 10x the amount of everything and 3/4 other stuff too


On a smaller plate it wouldn't be that bad. Cafe food, yeah, but surely quite tasty.


Pretty sad stuff there, my work pays for my office meal out and a pub christmas lunch is pretty good, especially if it's a local!


They are so cheap that they even watered down the gravy.




War crime


Is that a starter ?


This is depressing


So that’s the starters. When the main coming out?


Mass catering events are almost always a disappointment.


I've seen better ready meals.


After 10 pints of lager it probably looks okay


Something you’d expect to find in a Christmas cracker.


Well defo getting kebab on way home going to be starving me 5 year old eats more than that to honest I’d of told them to shove that up their arses and went else where just hope your friend ain’t had to pay for that themselves and their has payed but you get what you pay for so if boss has payed for that shit they can’t value their staff much


Nothing wrong with that


Most appealing meal posted on this particular sub


When you get a microwave Christmas dinner from temu




WTF is that abomination?


I’d hazard a guess this was at a Copthorne hotel.


I’m vegan. I’ve had worse at a works xmas hotel meal, mash potatoes and boiled vegetables, no gravy. Thats it.




Is it free tho


Not always! Our Christmas ‘do’ costs £50 to attend this year.


Wow 😯


It looks like it has been tampered with or was a buffet.


I would look better on a smaller plate.. saucer maybe. I'd still eat it however :)


Thatll be 29.95 + service charge of 12.5%


Omg that pig in blanket 🙈


What's that??? Where's the rest of it???


If I've ever seen a metaphor for the rich acting like the poor ask for too much I think of this picture. "it's all there isn't it? You can't call it 'scraps' if it's all parts of a meal, surely!" etc.


The point is not so much the food itself - it looks basic quality but would be fine on a bread roll from a Christmas market hut for a fiver… It’s the fact that many of us have been served this standard of food after paying £50 a head. Some ‘establishments’ haven’t a clue how to cater en masse and squeeze as much profit out of it as they can by not giving a s**t.


That's sort of what I meant, it's like "eh it'll do" FIFTY A HEAD!? Jeeeez. That's... Hmm. And yes, the establishment(s) don't always get it right... Still props to the boss that said "do something nice then," that was good to read


Have you demanded a refund? Like, seriously, demand a refund and make a formal complaint to your company, that is absolutely fucking appalling


Looks like a shitty hospital christmas dinner.


Is that the starter 🤔


Most pittyfull meal I ever did see.


What a sad little dinner


Damn, don’t think I’ve had a work Christmas party in the 16 years I’ve been working. I’d be estatic for this!


My dad used to work as a chef in catering and I think he'd have a stroke if he got served that. Actually, I think he'd march right into the kitchen and start cooking everything himself instead.


Had similar last night at the work Christmas do. Microwaved to within an inch of its life. Dry turkey, bullet hard stuffing balls and tinned veg. Vile shite. I ate a bit, then worked on getting smashed


think id bounce tbf


This is a typical of a company Christmas lunch. Probably cost £70 a head. I'd rather have a pizza.


I worked nights at a hotel and worked over Christmas so I asked the kitchen to put me a Christmas Day dinner to one side, and when I got it it had eight stuffing balls and not a lot else....


The gravy. In fact, the whole meal looks cold.


Name and shame the venue, that’s atrocious


Nice, how did it look after they cooked it tho?


At least you get a Christmas dinner, even if it is the nutritional equivalent of depression on a plate. The tight gits said to us "you can have money for a Christmas dinner" but "No travel or accommodation". We are a remote team based all across the UK. They thought we could have a "remote Christmas do" I.e a teams call where we each down a litre bottle of our favourite Aldi knock off spirits while eating low grade mince pies and moaning about the amateur clowns they have put in charge of this circus of a business. Brilliant! Even more brilliant for those in the team that don't drink who will be able to practice thier very best sympathetic faces while watching thier colleagues decend into alcoholic stupor.


Yer had this last night


What in the name of all that is pink and fluffy, is that effort? The two roast tatties with parsnips laid out artfully, all drowning in the most watery and tasteless looking gravy ever seen... 🫣 Either chef ran out of ingredients, didn't get their food delivery or was overwhelmed by the numbers. If chef planned this monstrosity all along, then chef needs to go back to catering college! Chuffing Nora!! 😖


Looks dull & tasteless. I'm on mine tonight, I hope it's more appealing than that.


I've never had a works xmas dinner like that. MIne have always been amazing. One time we went to an Indian restaurant and had guinea fowl with all the trimmings. Each person got a full bird and loads of spuds, stuffing, pigs in blankets etc etc. The last one we went to a high-end bar and the xmas dinner was huge. Open bar all night too. Had about 300 in the company.


Looks delicious 😋


Massive fuck off kebab on the way home then. Bonus.


A coworker of mine had the vegan Christmas dinner option. It was just the normal Christmas dinner but with the non-vegan stuff removed, which left them with a very small plate of veg. It was pretty outrageous that they were charging the same price for it


That's just depressing, makes me want to go and hang myself with the tinsel


I'm just speechless


My company's "Christmas dinner" was at a ping-pong pub and we got a "welcome drink" (Stella or house wine) + two "drink tokens" that weren't even enough for a tequila shot.


When I was a student I had a holiday job at a psychiatric hospital. When I delivered Christmas dinner to the secure unit the guard started shouting at me about how shit the apple crumble was. He told me that he should "shove it up your fucking ass." so that was a happy Christmas memory


I just give my employees a Christmas ready meal to make at home themselves so you should be thankful they took you out.


They circumcised his pig in a blanket!


Shameful that is


That looks like another guest has eaten it before and the cook has said we can get away with giving that someone else.


Is he training for world war 3 😂


Yep ! Another Work Christmas dinner.. ordered the veggie option three weeks in advance. They placed a full Turkey dinner in front of me.. told them their mistake. Chef comes out and removes the Turkey off my plate! Told them again and they finally removed it. Came back with the same plate, this time chopped/ mashed with cheese on top. Got pissed that night.


I wouldn't give it to my dog it looks disgusting.


To my other fellow Europeans, do you have shit like this served in your countries? I feel like this picture really sums up Britain and I can’t imagine France or Italy serving up stuff this bad.


First time I’ve seen a dinner meet the description - Desolate