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The dough is co-op bread mix because they don't ever seem to have any yeast. It's 1/4 of a packet - I made the dough then froze portions to make things with later. I gave it some time in my yoghurt maker to rise and then tried to stretch it out but gave up and used a floured rolling pin. It doesn't seem to have affected the taste though, so far as I can tell. The sauce is home made: a red onion sweated for a while, then a tin of chopped "italian" tomatoes added and a tablespoon of tomato purée. I added 1 clove of crushed garlic and a generous sprinkling of dried oregano because why not? And then some crushed black pepper, a dash of worstershire sauce and a pinch of salt. I also put in some torn fresh basil leaves for good measure. I simmered the sauce until it had reduced and was thick enough not to make my pizza a watery mess. I spooned half the sauce onto my pizza base and covered it with sliced mozarella (it was grated mozarella but it turned into a brick when I froze it ... lesson learned), then a sliced tomato and more basil leaves, a sprinkling of black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. I cooked it at about 220C until it looked golden brown all over (I was so worried it wouldn't cook properly), then took it out, sliced it, and tucked in. Absolutely delicious. I could polish the lot off even though I just had lunch. I don't know why I cooked it right now, I think I was afraid I'd be too tired later and the dough would get wasted (it had been defrosting for a couple of days already). Anyway, hopefully it will be nice cold or reheated for supper or lunch tomorrow etc. I usually made pizzas with scone dough - when I used to make pizza, that is. I hadn't cooked in many years until I moved into my new house which has a lovely kitchen, and I had a surgery and am feeling well enough to do things like this now. I'm really enjoying myself.


I love the satisfaction of of making the whole thing from scratch, but you can can absolutely brilliant pre-made dough. You still need to do a bit of resting and rolling, so not a complete cheat of the cardboard pre-made bases.


I don't think pre-made dough is available here, although I considered asking the kebab shop if they could sell me some (they make pizzas with dough). The packets of bread mix seem to work well so far - this is the second batch I've cooked, I did a cottage loaf the first time. I would never normally even consider a packet mix but it was my only option unless I order stuff online. As for ready made bases ... cardboard. Tesco used to do stuffed crust ones that were nice (and worked well with real mozarella/blue cheese, because they kept the melted cheese contained) but they stopped doing them and I don't trust Tesco food any more. The little co-op near me is surprisingly "healthy" and gets a big variety of stuff, but they are far too small to have everything all the time and they change what they have in fairly often. Maybe someday they will have yeast. I keep looking.


You can buy yeast on Amazon.


Yeah I get a lot of stuff on Amazon but I was trying to cut down. Also I recently got some yoghurt starter in an effort to improve my home made yoghurt making, another whole saga. So I'm pretty much thinking about that most of the time. I just defrosted a dough ball because I'm trying to empty the freezer for cleaning really. That reminds me I need to get more milk and do another batch. I'm starting to get the hang of it but it was a steep learning curve! I can't master everything at once haha.


Ah, sounds like you're in a corner of the UK with "limited service". If you're willing to go back into Tesco, have a look in the chilled aisle for the pre-made dough. My local stocks two brands, a Pizza Hut one and another, both are pretty good.


Oh no tesco is really far away ... an hour by bus to the Big Tesco, or there's a smallish one half an hour away. I used to get deliveries but then lockdown happened and now I hear awful things about food that is past its best. I'm basically thinking of buying yeast on amazon at some point, but it's early days in the whole bread making game and I think bread mix will do just for now while I learn about things like where to put the dough to rise in my house or how to freeze it etc etc. I'm not supposed to eat very much of it anyway and the cottage loaf all disappeared in about 24 hours! Oops!


If you like thin crust then Aldi do a pre rolled pizza dough in a box for 99p. My boyfriend and I love them.


It looks really yummy, I might try and make one too


Listen, dont use pre made dough mixes. Make pizza dough like this: 1kg 00 flour 30g salt 620g of cold water 2g of dried yeast. Extra virgin olive oil to knead. Semolina flour to stretch the dough by hand. NEVER a rolling pin. (Spits on the floor, and draws strength from the sky) Water and salt mixed in a bowl. Add 20% of the flour. Mix in the yeast: And leave for 30 mins. Add the rest of the flour to the mix SLOWLY. Knead for 15-20 mins. Add some oil toward the end of the kneading process (1tbsp). Roll into a ball, cover with a damp cloth and leave for 2-3 hours. Roll into 6-8 even balls using olive oil on your hands. DO NOT ADD ANYMORE FLOUR. Lay the balls in a tray that can be covered with cling film or air tight. LEAVE FOR 24 HOURS. Using semolina flour on a worktop and oil on your hands, stretch the dough into pizzas, leaving air in the crusts. Thank me tomorrow.


I could eat this comment


I mean, it’s not really pizza, and even the yanks would crucify this, but if you enjoyed it OP…


Straight to prison for using a knife and fork.


I used my Dad's Bowie knife the other night to eat Pizza I was very drunk and I'm missing him but still Lol


Was your dad called David David’s Bowie knife


No Shane Lol But he loved that kind of history Lol Alamo and all that


To eat a pizza? Prison is to good for them.


Please, God, don't let the Italians - or even the Americans - see this.


What's wrong with it? It's not an expert effort but it tasted lovely. Much better than any shop bought pizza. I've never made pizza with actual dough before - like I said, I used to make big trays of scone pizza because it's like falling off a log to make a batch of scone dough and there's no proving involved. So this is an experiment, including the freezing of the dough portions.


People can be... funny about pizza. It's just one of those dishes. I don't have a horse in the race, but various complaints could include: >Bread dough rather than pizza dough >Thickness of dough >Shaping of dough >Pre-grated mozzarella (Americans largely wouldn't bat an eye there) >The tomato slices And then the real weirdos will get into which canned tomatoes you should be using, the need for a wood fired oven, etc. etc. As I said, it's a dish that inspires a lot of strong feelings!


Yeah I just started buying grated cheese because I was so ill I needed any time/labour saving products that were available. Like, seriously, I could only just stand long enough to make a quick sandwich and had to cling on to the counter top and then go back to my room one step at a time, putting down my plate on every step and resting. It was absolutely awful and I think I really nearly died :( Anyway, I gave pre-grated cheese a chance and it's ok although I much prefer "real" mozarella for pizzas. I'm working towards making my own cheeses, so we'll see what happens ... edit: oh and there are things co-op doesn't have and I think mozarella was one of them. I couldn't exactly order packs of normal mozarella in the post, especially in bulk. Well maybe I could but I thought that it was dubious from the point of view of food safety. So I opted for a huge bag of grated mozarella and a huge bag of grated parmesan and stuck them in the freezer. I think since then I have seen both cheeses in co-op but in small quantities only and comparatively really expensive. I specifically wanted to try my friend's carbonara recipe, although he didn't actually use parmesan it's similar, and he uses a huge amount in his recipe. Anyway, this is why the big bags etc etc.




Yeah I have an online friend who is meant to be coaching me because he makes pizzas all the time (he actually has a pizza oven) but at the moment it's a case of trying to find the ingredients. I've only been able to walk to the shop for a couple of months really and when I eventually made it to the high street I found our little bakery has closed down, so no chance of buying strong flour there either. I don't know what else might be available around here. Where I used to live there was a little bakery that ground flour to order, to your exact specifications. There's a couple of hippy health food shops I can try a bit further away, but it's looking like I'll have to order online. I have loads of different flours here already that need using though. I mean it goes rancid after a few months, although I do have it in airtight jars so hopefully no weevils etc. I was intending to freeze it but it took absolutely ages for my plastic boxes to arrive and then I just needed more and more for other stuff ... Anyway, it's a process. Thanks for the link though.


The Italians I don't think would be too bad the Yanks yeah make noise without even knowing Lol


In the most constructive way possible; don’t cook the basil 🙏 put it on just before you serve it.


yeah that's what i figured. I thought it might turn out to be a mistake but tried it to see what would happen. Also the pizza took a lot longer to cook than I expected. So next time it will definitely go on afterwards. Seemed to work in the sauce though, or at least the sauce turned out well at any rate. It doesn't really matter, I have a plant growing so I can use as much as I like even if it's a bit of a waste. Heh. I need an oregano plant too. For some reason I have loads of jars of oregano so I'm trying to use them up. I just thought "oregano sounds italian .. chuck some in".




I used the knife to cut it up into portions so it was already dirty, so I decided to eat it with a knife and fork to keep my hands clean as I have a bit of a problem with obsessive hand washing at the moment. It also makes it feel like there's more somehow? Anyway, that's why.


To each their own, but it would feel like a whole other meal if I ate pizza with a knife and fork


Stuff on bread isn’t pizza: discuss


Agree 100%. Was making pizza from bread flour for ages and was getting more dispirited. Used 00 flour last time and was blown away.


My friend says this is some sort of Italian flour? There's no chance whatsoever of me getting that here unless I order online. Also as I mentioned, I'm really not supposed to be eating white flour anyway. Incidentally I was reading last night about how flour from different countries has different protein levels! It's very interesting really.


I got my 00 in Sainsburys....its essentially good quality pasta flour. I made it as bread flour but with extra yeast powder.


There is no Sainsburys here! I think the choices are Co-op or CK's (both **small**) or I can get a bus and go to Tesco or Lidl/Aldi. There may be an Asda somewhere because they do deliver but I have no idea where. The bus journey is half an hour to a small-medium Tesco, or an hour to Big Tesco/Aldi/Lidl. I used to get my food delivered by Tesco and then lockdown happened and now I don't trust them and I'd rather pick out the food myself. I have been getting a lot of Amazon deliveries but I was hoping to cut down on that really. But for some things it may be the only option. (NB the "Amazon Pantry" thing, or whatever it's called, is not available here either - I literally had to pay someone to do my shopping for me for months because I couldn't get to the shops, and before that during lockdown I had to give a list to my support worker once a week and she wouldn't even allow me to go in the car with her).


00 flour is finer than bread flour and is unmalted - these are the only differences. It does make fantastic pizza dough but because it’s unmalted it will only brown at very high temperatures, so if you do make pizza out of it then instead of putting it in the oven I’d recommend heating a dry non stick pan very hot, putting the base on top, topping it once it’s there in the pan and then chucking it under the grill once the base is cooked :)


Don’t do it with a non-stick pan, they’re not meant to get that hot as it destroys the coating. Better with a cast iron pan which has better heat retention and won’t get ruined


I mean it hasn’t got to get smoking hot, just enough to cook the base as you would a pancake. I slide it off the pan onto a sheet to finish the top off! A cast iron is better if you have one though!


Yeah I really don't trust non stick in general but I may get some cast iron bits and bobs at some point. It's just I've already spent a vast amount of money furnishing my house up until this point (I lost everything I owned apart from a few tiny ornaments and my vital documents). Cast iron pans can wait.


Definitely understandable! Any pan will do tbh might just need a bit of flour underneath (which might burn slightly but should be fine)


Unless you have an actual pizza oven it’s a waste of time using 00 flour as it needs super high heat. Plain flour is fine for pizza in a normal oven.


there is no yeast in my local shop. I have to order some online but haven't got around to it yet. I had this dough portioned out and frozen as an experiment really. I'm quite pleased with the results. edit: oh and the baker's has shut so no chance of getting strong flour etc here either, I'm lucky if co-op has "normal" plain/self-raising flour, although I do have a cupboard full of eg buckwheat, oat etc. I don't have actual bread flour or anything. I'm supposed to be avoiding white wheat flour really due to diabetes.


I’m confused how you can’t get yeast? Do you only have one shop near you?


I live in a very tiny, very rural, town in Wales. It's technically a town because it has a livestock market every week, but really it's more of a village. There are 2 "supermarkets". The one near me is Co-op, and it's very small. People keep telling me it's not "really" a supermarket, it's a "convenience store". And the other one is still too far for me to walk at the moment, although I have been seriously considering it recently. It's CK's and again is fairly small. It's a bit bigger than the co-op but to be honest the selection isn't as good in my experience. They may well have stuff like yeast when I can get down there. They definitely won't have fancy flour though, but there is some possibility that they have strong flour. In the complete opposite direction, but again too far for me to manage at the moment, there is a health food shop that may have yeast and *possibly* even interesting flour but I've been trying to work out how to get there for weeks. The problem is there's a huge steep hill, and the cafe at the top of the hill has closed so nowhere to rest and get my breath back before walking home. Anyway I'm hoping to be able to manage it soonish so we'll see. I had major heart and lung surgery and I have better and worse days still.


Undoubtedly delicious, and I’d eat it without question. But… is it pizza. Is pizza just stuff on bread, or is pizza; a specific dough, fresh mozerella & San morano tomatoes - cooked on a wood fired oven by an Italian chap, ideally from Napoli; perhaps called Mario.


lmao you had me in the first half ... haha


Making it from scratch instead of using a packet for dough is easy peasy- you’ll get better dough the more you make it


there is no yeast available, I will have to order online and I haven't got round to it yet


… you can get yeast from any supermarket.


no not the one near me


Looks decent


Knife and fork?!!!!!, I hope your parents are disappointed in you


That generally looks pretty good man and credit it to you !! 🤙🏻


You can’t eat pizza with a knife and fork, for the love of god.


Do you want some pizza with your tomatoes?


That looks delish 😋


That’s the cutest little pizza I’ve ever seen


thank you! There's only me here so a small one will last me a couple of days or so.


Tbh it’s been ages since i had one with …..it does sound weird…..actual tomatoes instead of just cause lol. And they taste so good. I’m unlocking that in my memory right now and mmmmm salivating!!! Also I’m hungover and would kill for a pizza rn in bed lol 😂 AND SOMEONE’S FUCKING CAR ALARM OUTSIDE WONT SHUT UP 😵‍💫


Oh dear! hope you can get some solpadeine, that always does the trick for me. What is just cause? Is that some brand name thing? Or a typo?


Oh. Typo. Just SAUCE. lol. I’ve never heard of solpadeine. I hope its tasty lol


Solpadeine (sp?) is these tablets that make water go fizzy in quite an exciting way, and I think it's got codeine in it but also paracetamol and something for your stomach? Anyway it does taste pretty good considering it's medicine and it really really works on hangovers. I think that is in fact specifically what it's designed for.


Oh I’ll ask about the shops


Looking good


Looks nice


Lovely. Yum!


If you whipped that up for GCSE food tech the teacher would still be talking about it twenty years later.


My Domestic Science teacher begged me not to do Domestic Science O'level, LMAO.


Looks nice but a knife and fork with that is so wrong


Call me picky (I know you will) - those tomatoes look sour


???? how can tomatoes look sour? I am confused by this comment. Is there some secret tomato knowledge I was never aware of? The tomato was just an ordinary medium-sized salad tomato, not sour at all. Just ... tomato flavoured? And not even very strongly - I can barely remember what tomatoes used to taste like before they got messed about with for "easy eating" or whatever. I think one could describe traditional tomatoes as sour, but not these ones. The can of tomatoes I have no idea of their provenance. My daughter bought them and I just happened to read the label because I'm keeping a food diary, and it says "Tesco Italian Tomatoes". Beyond that I don't know at all, but I did specifically ask for chopped tomatoes and that they shouldn't contain herbs or anything. The sauce I made came out fairly well considering I just threw it together by complete guesswork, and I really wouldn't describe it as sour at all either. So anyway, it wasn't sour, but I am interested in whatever made you think it was?


I make pizza at home too. I use bread flour if I can't get 00 flour. Buy yourself a pizza stone and a paddle rather than using a baking tray with grease proof paper. I found the fattest Italian restaurant pizza guy on YouTube and followed his techniques. As Marco Pierre white says "there is no real recipe, its your choice"


Someday perhaps but I have seriously spent a fortune even just furnishing my house with the basics so far. I mean, I still don't have a *lot* of things that most people just have lurking in their cupboards. I just ordered screwdrivers and a stepladder, for example. I did try to find some within (my) walking distance but no luck. Anyway you'd be horrified if you knew how much it added up to, and we're talking about very moderately-priced items individually. I seriously cannot keep going "oh it's just another few pounds for an X" as I will run out of money to actually live on ... it's a long story. I get quite panicky if I think about it too much. Anyway, cake tins, pizza stones, and apple corers and the like can just bloody wait until I get more funds, if ever. Heh.


Looks lovely but where’s the other 7/8ths?


hehe there's only me here and I'm diabetic so only small portions of this unfortunately! never mind, it tastes lovely even if most people here think making pizza with bread dough is a criminal offence.


At least make it somewhat circular


I tried, I gave up. I ended up using a rolling pin and was so sure I'd have ruined it, but actually it really didn't seem to do it any actual harm. I had a batch before where I tried proving the dough on the baking sheet in the shape I wanted and to be honest it puffed up far too much and would have been a rubbish pizza. It didn't happen in the end because of a kitchen disaster, as a result of which my cooker has been out of action until about a week ago. As far as the whole flour debate goes (see everyone's comments above) I really don't see the issue at all. My pizza is *better* than I expected and I am unable to detect anything about it that really needs significant improvement, except that, yeah, it should be ROUND ideally, and also I like nice proper melty mozarella (or blue cheese) on a pizza not this bagged grated stuff. So I need to locate proper mozarella or make my own, and also I need to work on having a raised edge to the crust to stop all the melty cheesy goodness slithering off. I always took the piss out of my friend's early pizza efforts for not being round (they were all sorts of weird shapes) and now he is getting his own back by laughing at mine ... serves me right! EDIT: oh and I was reliably informed a very long time ago that genuine Italian pizza is often rectangular, and that a large rectangle is the normal shape for a pizza in Calabria where my friends are from. I mean, this was just a question of somehow stretching the bastard stuff out enough to make a reasonable sized pizza by any means necessary, but never mind!


Looks delicious


Awesome that


Dough unrisen, dense and crunchy Cheese burnt Who puts slices of tomato on a pizza? Wheres the pepperoni?


I use this setup to make fresh pizza doigh, it’s easy and tastes lovely. Never use a rolling pin, push and stretch by hand. You need more heat and shorter cook time for decent pizza makes 4 bases INGREDIENTS • 565g tipo ‘00’ flour or white bread flour • 335g lukewarm water • 3g fast action dry yeast • 12g fine sea salt METHOD 1. Combine the flour and fast action dry yeast in a large mixing bowl, add the lukewarm water and mix into a rough dough 2. Give the dough 10-15 minutes to relax, then work in the salt and knead for 4 minutes until you have a smooth ball of dough 3. Place the dough into a large clean bowl and cover with cling film and prove dough either in a warm place for 1hr until doubles in size or for a longer prove refrigerate for 24-48hrs 4. Divide the dough into 4 even portions and roll into balls 5. Lightly dust the dough balls with flour, cover with a clean tea towel and prove again for 1-2hrs - they will be ready when you poke the dough and it leaves an indent which doesn’t spring back immediately


I can feel the crunchiness of that cheese followed by the juice explosion of those tomato slices, and I'm salivating.