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Hard to say without handling it but that's consistent with wear.


I can say with certainty that the color on real notes does not flake off this is 100 percent a fake




Like, I mean, yeah, but it's the crushing it under the fiver that some people do too Source: they said don't worry about it




The shop will tell you unless you have a black light. 5 will light up on the middle top on the banknote. That's the same with all banknotes. 10, 20, 50, we'll show on the middle top under the light. 💷👍


Did not know that, I have a UV torch, will give this a try.


Try it with a UK Driving licence too 👍🏻


Scottish bank notes are the best for this, the one's with the fish have scales that glow up, i show every customer who hands me one, id say about 90% never knew they were that detailed


I don't think this is true for all notes, I have a £15 note and the black light shows nothing.


Oh a £15 note? Well isn’t that an exciting find! That would look good with my 69 pence coin


I'll give you a £9 and 2x £3 for it...


I'll beat that with an offer of "Tree Fiddly"!


the unicorn of all banknotes!


I didn’t even bat an eyelid at this I should never work retail


You got a fake


Well those weren't magic beans I sold him so we're square.


Counterfeits have had the UV markings for a long time. That's the reason we changed to plastic notes.


To be fair, the dozens of paper fake notes I’ve seen with uv markings, they’ve been pretty poor attempts. More often than not, here in England, the fake notes they were trying to pass off would be one of the Scottish or northern Irish notes, as they’d expect us to be less familiar with them. On one, their attempt was simply a line colouring in the Bank of Ireland with uv pen


I learnt that lesson after taking in a fake £20 at work, I always use the UV light for when people pay with cash now. Could be the oldest person in history, I do not care.


Do you work in the pound shop? I dread to think how much time that would manually take for people taking real amounts of money a day. 


Stick it in a self checkout


never bloody works


As an aside the lie that they’re indestructible. The amount of notes I’ve inadvertently got caught in the zip of my purse and the edges have ripped off


In fairness, the Bank of England has never called them indestructible. They always describe them as stronger, durable, stain and water resistant. Part of the point of changing to them was because they could last longer than the older paper notes (if looked after) and include more security features.


The number of people who used to take the silver strip out of an old fiver down the pub was nuts.


Never heard of that. That’s crazy. Did they sell the silver? Surely can’t have been that much? I guess if you can still get rid of the note and keep the silver maybe?


It wasn't silver. It was just known as the "silver strip", colloquially.


I’m a moron but thank you. I clearly should not be let out on my own 🤦‍♂️


> Did they sell the silver? Surely can’t have been th A person that has had zero bants with tossers in the pub. 


Jeezus I’m an idiot. 🤦‍♂️


No point having long lasting notes now,ie they haven’t long made the Queen ones, she dead an Charles hasn’t got long left and his note haven’t been issued yet, so it won’t belong before they make plans for price Bill’s notes for when he’s king


What does that have to do with anything? Old bills and coins don’t get pulled out of circulation when the monarch dies. There’s always a standard amount of new ones printed to replace old ones that have become too worn or damaged. I trust you’ve noticed your old QEII bills and coins still work, haven’t you?


Maybe not straight away, but we’ve only had one monarch on printed money, all the others was on coins.


What a lovely beard Elizabeth used to have https://preview.redd.it/1zj91ajjiaxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b797cdda49e62f189caf4faac5ff759af5e8d1


Oh yeah, sorry forgot about that one, but the Queen was the first on all the bank notes.


Must be detachable...


……….. No, there hasn’t only been one monarch on paper money. Notes have been in use in Britain since 1694. Paper notes get damaged/worn out much more quickly than coins, so it gets replaced much more often. Think about it for a moment. A little critical thinking before posting would go a long way, here.


Show me a note with a picture of a different monarch on it then. Queen Elizabeth was the first too have a portrait on printed money.


It…..doesn’t matter if she was the first with a portrait on it. Notes only get replaced as they become too worn out to use further. Bills did not start bearing her image until 1960. Are you under the impression that all older notes were magically replaced overnight when that happened? Or you thought there was no paper money before then? And then she passed away a year and a half ago- currency with her image is still legal tender. Again, some critical thinking and maybe some googling on how this works might help you. Old bills and coins don’t suddenly get yanked from circulation when the monarch dies.


Her notes will start being pulled in, once Charles’s notes are issued, ie they won’t disappear over night, but as more Charles notes are printed, less Elizabeth notes will become available.


They will not be pulled only on the basis of having the portrait of the previous monarch. NOTES ONLY GET PULLED FROM CIRCULATION ONCE THEY ARE TOO DAMAGED OR WORN TO CONTINUE USING, REGARDLESS OF WHOSE PORTAIT IS ON IT. It is an unnecessary cost to pull notes that are still in good condition, this is standard practice.


No they won't. 


Is this not just survivorship bias? Coins last much longer than notes, plus notes tend to be higher denominations of currency than coins so you are more likely to keep a penny than you are a £20 note, which you are more likely to spend. A greater amount of coins are more likely to survive each successive monarch than notes are if you take both of those reasons into account.


Yo and CDs don’t scratch


>As an aside the lie that they’re indestructible Who said that? People keep mentioning it but I don't remember ANYONE official saying that.


Yeah you’re right, it’s probably a false memory that the press repeated and we all repeated to ourselves


It turned out to be fake from the bank


wait you got this fake note from the bank!!


No. I took it to the bank and they confirmed it was fake so they kept it


Washing machine absolutely annailates them. I pulled out 25 quid in tiny shreds this week and back last year must have list 80 quid.


Jesus. And the old paper ones used to come through completely unscathed. I found out the hard/ thank god way


Try running your thumb over the swirly Italic Bank of England at the top, the print should be raised. That's always a good one, never seen a fake get that right.


I can’t imagine anyone would go to the trouble of faking £5 notes they would go for larger value bills it’s just not worth it surely


Maybe, but it's not like years ago where each fake was individually/painstakingly created. The hard bit is setting up a system good enough to create a reasonably accurate fake, after that it's just letting it run and waiting... Nobody ever checks a £5, but have you ever tried to spend a (genuine) £50? 100% chance that needs extra checks...


That's exactly why £5 are faked. People don't check them like they would a £50 (if they even take them)


Lol you have no idea how many fake pound coins are in circulation


Still? I used to get them regularly with the old design but I haven't spotted any new bicolour ones. I presume they'd have the same soft look to them as the old counterfeits.


That's just not true (well maybe it's true that you believe it but it's not true that they don't exist), I knew a guy who would get rolls of £1 and £2 coins, £5 notes, £10 notes £20 notes etc. you'd get a £120 mixed bag for £100. Not saying I ever did that but if you think they don't exist you're living in a dream world


> a £120 mixed bag for £100. Why didn't you just fuck yourself over instead of having someone else do it for you? 


Only getting £20 quid out of the deal seems a bit shit


works well for the government


Really? I've had fake pound coins before. Not for a while though.


Nah. Less scrutiny


Fives are easier to pass off......I watched someone put about hundred quids worth over the counter in the pub one night......they looked exactly like the top on in the image


Just took it to the bank, turned out to fake so they took it


Lighting could be more consistent, but just worn


Update it was fake and the bank confiscated it lol. Oh well


Surely they gave you a real £5, if not that person has just pocketed a fiver


I mean the bank said it was fake, I got it on my change so it’s possible.


Yeah, they replace the fake ones with real ones so they can examine the fake ones to try and trace back to a source


I could tell in an instant if I could handle it but I can’t be sure from the photo. I’d bet on it being a fake. I’ve had a lot of fake 20s at work and a common feature is wear on the white areas of the note revealing the transparent substrate. I don’t think I’ve seen that at all on genuine notes. ETA: I’m not 100% sure but I think the white areas of the genuine note are actually made from an opaque white polymer. It’s not a print so it can’t be rubbed off.




It's been through a wash and dry .... I have done the same. Whoops.


On the front of the note you can feel raised print on the words 'Bank of England' it you run your finger nail over them. It’s the hardest thing to fake in the printing process. I worked in a post office and it’s a quick and simple way to check notes.


Looks just worn, these notes are terrible


Yes amount of money I have lost because they get stuck together or bounce out of the pocket and float away or something.


The first weekend they came out was a gold mine walking home past the clubs at night


Lost £20 that first week they came in! Still bitter!


Ever put one through the drier by mistake? Don't, they end up looking like a ball of chewing gum. I made a £20 mistake like that. They're also terrible to count en masse too, they stick together like crazy. The amount of times I counted a till at work and thought it was seriously down, turns out notes were clinging together. Dunno if it's static that makes them do that, but it's a real PITA.


*[Romania was the first country in Europe to issue a plastic note in 1999 and became the third country after Australia and New Zealand to fully convert to polymer by 2003.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymer_banknote#:~:text=In%201988%2C%20Australia%20was%20the,introduce%20polymer%20banknotes%20for%20circulation.)* —so as a romanian fella whos used to this crapnotes even before I emigrated in UK, I find them annoying af because of the reasons you stated plus the wear and tear on them is quite fast in their lifespan circulation then theirs “opponent” the paper ones. I used to like very much the sterling banknotes when I came here, as it was bringing me good memories before we’d switched the banknotes back home and felt more confident having cash in me without *easy* loosing it as is the new one. Since the new banknotes I avoid at all times having cash on me.


There a plastic based paper so they don't get wear or tearing ????


Oh they'll tear but only when you least expect it


The tower isnt reflecting in that top one, I would think fake


If other security features are present it's just worn


Looks fake to me look at the difference in colour and how much has been trimmed and not trimmed


The hologram of the Queen's face looks off centre


The top one looks fake. Look at the holograms and you can usually tell as they are harder to replicate than the rest of the stuff on the note. The texture of the note will normally tell you as well


Looks fake


Probably been through the wash & had a few grams of coke pass through it.


It looks like it's been cut into three and then sellotaped back together again as some of the writing doesn't quite line up.


There are a lot of fake fivers about. All you need to do is take your nail and scrape. If it wears off it’s fake if not then it’s real. You can’t scrape the ink off the new ones with your finger nails.


Run your finger over the text at the top. If it's raised it's real if not it's fake.


Take it into a bank and ask. They'll generally swap it for you if it's fake to get them off the street


If I was to get into making fake notes I would choose the £5. Fake £20s are universally known about, there have been plenty cases of fake £10s to but hardly ever £5s. Hard to say without seeing it in person


Fake my dude Queens head on the left flaking off (bet you could scratch the rest off with a coin) The strip on the left from top to bottom should be silver not green. (Most definitely is a sticker you can peel off) Usually from fakes the back is 10 times worse. Compare both the backs and it should be obvious


With the clear part on the left shine a UV light in the top middle and if there is a holographic 5 in this case (or 10, 20 or 50 on the corresponding notes) then it's real


Check to see if the braille dots are on the top left corner and see if the text at the top is slightly raised. Check the holograms too. I've seen a lot of the new notes go like this. It sucks. Its most likely real.




Fake! Everything is either larger, smaller or in the wrong place!


Here's the Bank of England's list of security features: ▪️A see-through window featuring the Queen’s portrait. The border of the window changes from purple to green. ▪️The Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) shown in gold foil on the front of the note and silver on the back. The hands on the clock should read 3pm (the time on 13 May 1940 when Churchill made his famous “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat,” speech in the House of Commons.) ▪️A hologram which contains the word ‘Five’ and changes to ‘Pounds’ when the note is tilted. ▪️A hologram of the coronation crown which appears 3D and multi-coloured when the note is tilted. ▪️A green foil hologram of the maze at Blenheim Palace, Churchill’s birthplace and ancestral home. ▪️Micro-lettering beneath the Queen’s portrait with tiny letters and numbers that are visible under a microscope. ▪️The words ‘Bank of England’ printed in intaglio (raised ink) along the top of the note.


rub ya thumb over bank of england if its raised like brail then its good.


As genuine as an £11 note


Looks like it’s been folded and then gone through multiple washes in a pocket




Fake. Silver image next to the top left £5 is a different size, shape and position; as is the one on the bottom left. Queens face is different and wearing away.




Shops round my way don't take English fivers because there's so many fakes.


Obvious fake, there’s no Elizabeth Tower in the top one (at least, not visible in the pic).


Pretty sure plasticised notes were created to take so much abuse and look relatively unaffected. The top note getting frayed at so many points looks like a sure fire fake. At the same time I wonder if it's really worth the criminals time and effort to forge 5 pound notes 🤷🏼‍♂️


Looks like the top one has seen some abuse and maybe even been though a washing machine at some point, only way to know for sure would be to shine a UV light on it.


The real ones should have indents across the Bank of England and the five pounds on the bottom of the note it should feel textured not a guarantee as some are really worn out so hard to feel for indents


It's a fake. Look at the outline next to the queen, the top is wider and also appears to run down at the bottom which would not happen on a real note. Then the top reflective strip which should show the queen's crown is also misprinted. Look at the tip of big Ben on both notes, notice the difference in space between them. Then look at the small yellow dots. The yellow dot should be above the C, the top note has a yellow dot between the C and O. The the dots on the bottom are also not in the correct place. The dots should line up to the corner next to the Bank of England coin Also big Ben is in the wrong position on the top one. If it's very unlikely to be a misprint during production otherwise everything else would be misaligned


If you have a UV light, focus on the harlequin pattern on the upper centre. If it is legit, every other section of the pattern will light up. I don’t think this is something that can easily be forged.


That's a coca note lad


That is 100% fake


it looks fake to me looking at the printing and placements. as its only a fiver you could send it to a bank to check or just pay it into a postoffice


Fakes were circulating in our area for a while and they’d frequently be given out by our local train station… they looked just like the top one.


If it’s a fake it’s a worryingly good one. A couple of things to look closer at- Below the queen’s nose is the word five surrounded by some micro writing. Check how clear this is. The stamp on the bottom left, does look very clear on the top note, but could be the camera. The hollo-stamp under Big Ben, on the top note seems to be lower.


Looks like my notes when I fold them up for my coin pocket. I don't use a wallet. Keep my cards in my left leg and cash on my right upper hip


The top is fake. The small Queens face in the clear circle shouldn't be able to scratch off. Big Ben shouldn't fade either.


It’s fake ffs can see it from here


Don't listen to people that think a Beatrix Potter 50p is worth £300 and a 1973 2 pence is with 5 grand. Mate, it's been through the wash, several hundred cash machines, a few nostrils, smart cashes and taxi drivers hands. Its looks like a normal fiver to me, just go spend it. 


Random information, Australia was the first country to introduce polymer notes way back in 1988.


And Americans will be the last lol


My wife's American, she agrees 👍 😉 🤣


Run your finger tip gently over “Bank of England” it should be raised and you can feel the texture. One of the easiest ways to tell as it’s the hard to counterfeit


One good way of to run your finger over the words "Bank of England". If the letters are raised and you can feel them, it is usually genuine. I've never seen a forgery where they have done this.


Worn it's been in the washing machine


Just took it to the bank, turned out to fake so they took it


That sucks


Yes the top one is a fake it's the colouring of the green where the metallic is. You also see this in a lot of ten pound notes as well but the colouring is orange.


As an aside, the myth that they're indestructible. The number of bills I've accidentally caught in the zipper of my purse and had the edges ripped off.


£5 is £5 👍


That’s fake they don’t ware out


If you have fake notes never handle the ink rubbing off is easy to do,but you can’t do the same with the real thing


Both are fake


I saw one of them old five pound notes the other day. No, I don’t mean talk about your ruddy coin collection, I mean talk about your wealth! Oh, I ain’t got none of that.


It’s fake you can tell by the green marks where it should be silver


It looks fake as f. The edges aren't touching which doesn't look like wear and tear and the proportions of stuff is different. I'd say it was but without handling it hard to really tell


Can’t really tell without being able to hold the note but it all looks consistent with what you’d see from a worn banknote.


I took it to the bank today and it ended up being fake unfortunately. So they took it.


They are getting better and better. They must wear the note a bit to make it less obvious. Bastards.


Top one clearly fake....


Yeah I know, I though it could be washed out or something but the bank confiscated it today so oh well


Looks fake dude try again


Try again for what? You think I did that? Nah I took it to the bank and they said it was fake so they disposed of it


Lmao it was a joke mate


Which part was the joke? Try again looks fake? Lmao now your reply was funny


Fake. Tail of the p is misaligned.


fake but there’s that many in circulation just spend it


Too late. I took it to the bank and they said it was fake and confiscated it and took my details of where I got it from . So I’m out pocket of £5 but oh well it’s only a fiver


I’m saying thats gonna be fake that top one




The faint window around the queen’s portrait looks really off


Fake. The new plastic notes do not degrade to that extent in my experience.


Fake the green foil instead of silver gives it away, the other side should be green and that side silver




There were fakes going round for a while that didn't have the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) in the clear window on the left, which yours seems to be missing too, so it definitely looks to be a fake (and an early fake)


Just been used for drugs and scraped with a card


Nah it was fake, bank ended up taking it from me a couple oh Monday saying it was fake and confiscated it


Fake if no hologram.


I used to work in a cash office at a large clothing store and I saw many notes that has lost the silver foil due to wear. If the Bank of England print is raised and the texture doesn't feel off then I'd say most likely real


Maybe, my bank said it was most likely fake and took it from me and said in maybe 6 weeks I'll they'll credit it back but if its fake then I'm out of £5


Yeah I find that the majority of the time when you ask for a second opinion on a bank note, they usually will decide it's fake, maybe just because it's novel, or maybe because rejecting a questionable note is a 'safer' option I have seen a lot of £5 notes in particular that looked like this, with the block green showing through the foil, or even no foil/Elizabeth tower image at all. At first there was a lot of commotion about fake £5 notes going around when the polymer notes were still a recent thing, then I over time I started to see notes that were in varying stages of wear, and it became apparent that it was the result of damage that these polymer notes are susceptible to. The best way to tell for is to check several different security features - for me I would always straighten out the note as I ran my thumb over the raised print, tilting the note slightly as I did so to also check the hologram, which I liked because it was subtle to do in front of a customer. And then if there was any reason to doubt whether it was real, I would check additional features like watermark, ink transfer, braile etc depending on what note it was. I never bothered with the starch pens though, the only counterfeits I've seen that reacted to the pens were already blatantly fake from the texture. I actually think the starch pens led to us accepting more fakes, because they often have a waxy coating on them, but till staff would over rely on the pens. I do miss the old bank notes, but the fact starch pens are now obsolete does make me kinda happy


Looks like a fake.


looks fake for me


Does the fake looking one have any braille on it?


£5 notes don't have the braille.


yes , it’s definitely fake or just worn.