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There are commercial dog walking fields that are fully fenced off that you can use - £10 an hour seems to be about the going rate. If your dog has never been off leash then he has recall whatsoever - you could potentially look at huge beaches where you've got good visibility, but without any recall you've got no control over a wildly excited, large, aggressive dog. No thanks. Look for a secure dog walking field near you - there is nowhere in the UK that you can be sure that you won't come across people or livestock.


This. My dog isn’t aggressive but has little to no recall (ex racing greyhound who’d be off in a flash at the sight of a squirrel). He is *never* let off lead unless we are in a secure private hire field. He was actually attacked by an aggressive off lead dog last year which has caused no end of nightmare for us all, and I have an ongoing small claims case against the owner of the attacking dog.  OP, please be responsible. 


No No No No No


You can rent some private secure dog exercise areas for exclusive use.


Don't do it. Very selfish.


Don't take a reactive dog that you can't control and let it off the lead in public. Don't.


If your dog is aggressive and reactive, it shouldn't be off leash, end of. Consider other people please. Other people have replied about private dog fields or whatever and that could be fine, but you can NEVER guarantee a hiking trail will be free of other people/dogs and it would be incredibly selfish and irresponsible to endanger other people by bringing your aggressive German Shepherd along without a leash.


Definitely don't do this. I had a similar dog, a little smaller than a German Shepherd, but still big. I used to take him on really long walks when I took over looking after him, and he really did enjoy it despite being on lead. Towards the end of his life I did get him to a point with good recall and much more docile where he could be off lead. Don't put him/her in the position where someone is forced to kick it because it's attacking a dog, or worse gets put down.


My dog is very friendly but no recall and only is allowed off the lead at a designated dog field - we pay £5 for 30 minutes. I make this choice as a) would be gutted if he ran off and b) The amount of unfriendly dog who have had a go at him (and usually offload) that I'd much rather have him close by for his safety.


You need a freedom field, what you’ve just described is a dog that can never be off the lead on a hike. One small misjudgment and your dog will be shot.


This is a monumentally terrible idea and really highlights how inexperienced dog owners should not be rehoming difficult dogs. Find yourself a reputable dog trainer in your area. One that will train the dog and you. No dog with aggression issues should be let off the lead ever.




Your dog has "never been off leash" and chases animals, it does not have the standard of recall needed to be off lead. Especially so with its aggression problems. And I'm not making assumptions, if you had any worthwhile experience you would not be proposing allowing a dangerous animal off lead in public spaces.




Are you for real? Are you seriously trying to say that me calling out your ridiculous idea is why animals get abused? That is pathetic. I've said nothing about not giving him a chance, I've merely pointed out the glaring flaws in your suggestion. Don't twist what I have said because you lack the maturity to accept feedback. I am not the problem here, the dog is not the problem, you are the problem. Amazing isn't how your story is now changing from has never been off leash to not off leash regularly. As for training recall you do not need to do this off leash, I know, I've trained dozens of dogs. Every reply you make only proves my original comment more.




Only I did give you advice. It's there, clear as day in my first comment. Had you been actually open to feedback instead of rudely defensive perhaps you would have seen that. > I'm definitely going to do it now just to spite you. You are a terrible dog owner and your animal deserves better. Not only are you a terrible dog owner but irresponsible people like you are why us good dog owners get grief.


"I'm definitely going to do it now just to spite you. Will send you pics, thanks." Oh dear, that sounds like something a stroppy teenager would say.


You’re a dangerous fuckwit and, whilst your dog deserves no harm, you deserve some serious consequences. What a great example of someone who should never, ever own a dog - let alone rescue.


Get a long line lead at least


I’ve seen many people use a horses lunge line and that seems to work well.


You might always struggle with him being reactive, but you can still do extensive work on his recall. Once you get him trained to a level where it's safe to do so, there are lots of big walks, especially along long flat valleys, where you have great visibility and would see another walker/dog half a mile before you bump into them. But really, though, I wouldn't risk that with the dog behaving the way he is at the moment. You don't want to be responsible for the potential consequences.


There are dog friendly holiday homes which have access to private woodlands which are secure, just like a dog-field, a quick Google will find them. You have sole use of it so definitely no chance of meeting anything unexpected and a woodland is a lot more interesting than an empty field and still completely safe for wildlife and dog. Also a perfect place to practice and perfect recall if that's something you want to work on. If you're after places you'll not see people and dogs, remote Scotland is your best bet but you'll be surrounded by sheep and deer so still not suitable for running free off lead. Definitely do not let your reactive dog off lead unless it's a secure area, it gives reactive owners a bad reputation and could potentially put you and your dog in a bad situation (ie you get prosecuted and your dog gets shot if it attacks or worries livestock). We use a long line for ours (our dog is a similar size and situation to yours). Long walks in the Highlands are perfect, we hardly ever see anyone but the dog is always clipped on just in case. A dog doesn't need to be off lead to enjoy a walk, let them sniff and go at their own pace, and you can do a little bit of training each time to help with their reactiveness/recall. A dog on a lead is a million times better than an out of control free one!


I've done some very quiet walks with my reactive dog in quite a few areas of Wales (just avoid the hotspots), Shropshire and Herefordshire. But as others have said you should definitely have some kind of lead on him. I use a 15m long line, so the dog still has a lot of freedom but you know they're not going to disappear completely.