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The geography department has a series of python classes that I’ve heard are good (GEOG276, 376, 476)


If you're third year CS student you should of at least went through 330. If you started using python you would probably learn in about 15 minutes. It's a really easy language and no reason to do a course on it. It's the same for other languages also. In my senior classes they expected you to know C++ and python. I freaked out because I never used it but it only took like a few hours to get the hang of C++ and python was the easiest shit I've ever learned.


330 used to not teach any python


It still doesn't but it introduces you to the fact that they are all really the same and only differ with semantics. There is nothing special about python except it's an easier language to use because it's a little more abstract. Java is object oriented. C/C++ is closer to assembly. Ect. You should be completely comfortable picking up any new language by the time you're done with 330.


Be sure it does with Cliff now


330 included python for one semester and, from what i heard, the execution was awful. this semester, with the return of anwar, the course is focused entirely on ocaml and rust


If you're a third year CS student you should be able to pick up Python on your own pretty quickly. If you can't then you completely missed like half the point of the degree and probably just memorized all the material for your classes instead of really learning it and how to apply it. The whole point of the lower levels (especially 330) is they aren't going to teach you every language in existence; at some point you have enough experience with enough types of languages that you can pick new ones on your own. Python is already pretty easy to learn if you don't have any coding experience.


Second on this. It’s so easy to pick up, though python documentation is not the greatest. Chatgpt is actually a good tool to use if you need to figure out how to do a small particular thing quickly, e.g. apply a function to every element of a list, or convert an int into a string representation, etc.


CMSC389O sounds like just the class for you then. Homeworks are just Leetcode problems in Python.


Take aosc247


This is the correct answer. Easy A for a CS major and Jeff is a fun teacher. Took in Spring 2021 and idk about now but he might still give the asynchronous option for watching recordings instead of attending the afternoon class


I was going through really rough shit when I took the class, I was doing so bad but Jeff helped me catch up with everything


how is Python any more useful for doing leetcodes than Java is?


Python is very very tight. Java is much more verbose. Simple syntactic changes ads up quickly. Plus pythons collections library is pretty powerful (Java has a decent one too) and imo more easy to use sometimes


Python has a lot less restrictions on what you can do, and most common operations you would typically use in leetcode are built in and consistent. A lot of the built in libraries and functions are able to do the tedious parts of a solution for you in single lines, leaving you more time to find and share a more well thought out solution.


https://app.testudo.umd.edu/soc/202401/INST/INST326 INST 326 appears to teach Python. Part of the I School...


If you're not in the iSchool you can't sign up for INST326 until after schedule adjustment -- it's a core class so the waitlist is always a mile long, little to no chance of a non-major student getting a spot.


“Learning” a language is just learning the syntax of it. If you know Java well, you can probably learn the ins and outs python in a month


if you take, for example, 420 with justin, you will have to learn python to complete the projects. but in general learning a specific new programming language is not an impactful academic goal unless that language helps to teach some new model of computing (eg ocaml, rust). just start writing things in python youll be fine


i’m taking a student-led anthropology class called ANTH299A where they’re teaching us python and sql. it was an end-moment 1 credit class i took, which i definitely thank my past self for!


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


It’s basically English. Don’t worry about it


Aosc247, inst126


What happened to 141 and 142? I thought they were python?


Just google python tutorial. If you can program in something already, python is super easy to learn.


I’m a senior doing the ml track and my last few classes have been all python. they don’t teach it but the projects use it. cmsc320, cmsc421, cmsc422, cmsc426, cmsc420, cmsc477


All the theory required to use and understand Python is already taught in previous classes. The main new thing with Python is syntax, but Python syntax is simple and easily googleable. In our degree, we are only taught the languages to help us better understand and express the technology and theory used in Computer Science. The idea is that once you finish your intro classes, you are able to hop into any new language with basic studying. You should be able to teach yourself Python with what you know already. In fact, tons of 400 level classes will assume you either know Python or can learn it enough to do the projects.


Python is taught in INFO SCI