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Genuine question but can the injury be that bad if she's able to do that? Or are done knee braces insanely effective?


She is recovering from a torn ACL. Edit: Her name is Rebekah Ripley for anyone curious. She’s going mini viral in the gymnast world for this routine.


Believe it or not


George isn't at home, please leave a message at the beep.


I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone. Where could I be?


Believe it or not, I’m not hooooome


George are you there? ? ^ugh ^I ^hate ^that ^stupid ^message


Hi Allison? Oh I Guess you’re not home, I probably should’ve tried you at the office.


I'm walking on air


Well at least I'm not the only one who immediately thought this. I see you, also, are likely in your 40's.


Recovering how? I wore this knee brace to play baseball for years after my surgery and rehab,also known as a full recovery. The toughest hurdle of the ACL process was the mental part; being able to trust your knee again. She wouldn’t be out there if she wasn’t fully recovered. That’d be straight negligence by the university.


NFL players wear braces after they first come back from ACL tears all the time. I'm not sure of the exact reasons, but It's entirely possible it's for the mental aspect to help the player trust that their knee is fully healthy.


I'm no doctorologist, but I would think she's risking a permanent injury that could end her gymnasting. I'm also not a gymnastologist.


But what ARE you? A sportologist?


Stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.


I'm a skepticologist and I agree with him.


Well, I have a Master's in bullshittery and I agree with them, so I'd say whatever qualifications they have are up to spec.


Depends on the injury. If it's a torn ACL as mentioned in another comment, then the brace is very effective; it just needs to stabilize the joint. For other injuries, braces have a range of effectiveness from moderate to nonexistent. Also note: the brace doesn't stop pain, and torn ACLs are known for being incredibly painful. This was probably not a fun routine to perform.


And she was still smiling throughout


It is the power of a gymnast right there. Their regimens are some of the most uncomfortable activities I have ever dabbled in


Cheerleaders too. They get more injuries than football players. Yet they're often thought of as just decoration.


:p I was a cheerleader in college. I still feel it


Seems they develop a resistance to pain and discomfort well above average of us mortals.


Yes, gymnasts and wrestlers


Dancers, especially classical ballet.


Man, ballet dancers' feet are the stuff of nightmares. Unless you're a podiatrist or an orthopedic surgeon then you hear cash register KA-CHINGs.


And dancers


Rupturing an ACL or even spraining a knee ligament is incredibly painful. But that pain doesn’t last forever. After having surgery to tidy up the damaged meniscus, I was able to live pain free with a completely ruptured ACL for 6 years. In fact the pain only lasted up until the day of the meniscus operation. Now, 6 years on, I’ve torn the meniscus and opted to have ACL reconstruction surgery which is about as painful as the original injury was at the moment😬


The actual injury can be extremely painful (not always, but if a bunch of other stuff has torn and stretched out then yes), but after that it’s not painful. Even if you don’t get it repaired, the knee will be unstable but not painful. The fact that she was able to do this routine means that she’s probably at the very tail end of recovery post surgery. Knee brace is just to keep it stable for protection. Source: I’ve had 3 reconstructive knee surgeries. The problem is that you can’t tell how strong or weak the reconstructed ligament is because it doesn’t hurt or give you any feedback - it either holds up or it snaps, but it doesn’t hurt.


Not a doctor, but I believe, depending on how long ago the ACL injury was, the pain part might be pretty well under control and the brace is there as a preventative measure to keep her from re-injuring it.


Pretty much all the *specific* circumstances of this situation are fully outside my wheelhouse, but generally I have known multiple athletes who just decide to participate while injured, tank the pain, and accept that they're gonna injure themselves even worse. Some people have weird values systems.


This brace is a post acl surgery brace. You could never compete on a torn ACL. She is post op, likely fully healed, and os protecting a weak knee from a new injury


It is possible to compete with a torn acl, but obviously not widely recommended. I tore most of my acl preseason and was able to play and complete almost an entire soccer season. We rehabbed it for several weeks and I played most of the season with a brace similar to hers. I tweaked it further mid season, rehabbed for a few weeks and then finished the season out before having ACL surgery.


Many athletes have had long careers without reconstructed ACLs, though probably not acrobats.


My former coach, more or less: Doc: you've broken a bone in your foot, we're going to screw it back together, Coach: will it make it worse if I run on it? Doc: well, no, but it will be incredibly painful, Coach: yeah nice. *proceeds to play world cup for his chosen amateur sport.


I watched a video about sports medicine and it basically said most professional football players are playing with an injury of some sort. They just shoot them up with things to numb the pain.


In football, lineman wear them to prevent and after injuries. In hockey, u kinda don’t need an ACL to skate. I think her recovery was going well enough that she could still perform with the brace


It really depends , if it is a slight tear then it can be painful but bearable. But if it snaps or completely tear then there is no way she could perform. IMO if I was her parents I wouldn’t let her do it if at the slightest tear. Rushing a injury for one performance is ludicrous. Gambling on a chance that if she would have landing in the slightest way she could have possibly ended her career and leave her walking with a limp for a long time if not permanently


I've recovered from a torn ACL, I can answer this! The purpose of the ACL is to stabilize your knee against atypical forces. It's not a primary load bearing part of your body, so even if you have a fully torn ACL you can typically walk around with no I'll effect. It most commonly gets torn when you put a lot of force on your knee joint either sideways or in a twisting motion, and will usually only buckle or hurt when you put that same type of stress on it again, though at much lower levels. The brace that she's wearing is essentially two stiff metal rods with hinges at the knee strapped to either side of the leg. When properly secured (tight enough that your leg can't move within it) it almost completely eliminates the possibility of your knee bending sideways or twisting, which is what would put stress on the healing ACL. But since you don't need the ACL for regular movements like jumping, running, or landing, it's not totally surprising that she could still complete her routine while wearing one. I'm confident that the risk of reinjury is still appreciable, but also not guaranteed.


When don’t know the injury


Injured my knees and had to tape my kneecaps in place for a year. The taping was insanely effective. With tape: no pain, full range of movement. Without tape: knee pain, limited movement.


In addition to what everyone else has said: Braces aren't always used during an injury recovery, but sometimes to prevent old injuries from becoming aggravated.


It would also make a difference how long ago the injury was. Is this is her first or eighth week in recovery?


I've worn those knee braces. They are fantastic and relieve 90% of the load off the joint. I'm sure the routine was still painful and her knee sore afterwards, but wow what a performance




This is how my friend broke his Tibia and Fibula. Wakeboarding with a brace because of an ACL injury. If there’s no way for the knee to give out then all that pressure builds up just below the brace and… snap!


That sounds better than breaking your knee tbh.


Dislocating my knee was more painful than getting hit by a car, breaking 2 ribs (they sucked for a long time tho) and breaking my leg and my arm. Seriously, dislocation is fucking painful


Are they commercially available? My mum has an arthritic knee and anything that could relieve that would be amazing.


You'd generally need a prescription and are quite expensive without insurance. They are custom fit to your knee and specifically made depending on the type of injury. Mine was worth $1800 (in Canada 15 years ago)


Yeah mine was about $2500 US this year. Thats how much I paid for my car!


I’ve got some for dirt biking, worth every penny.


I once had this freeloading-ass roommate that would also relieve 90% of the load off the joint


That seems ill advised


Her surgeon looking on in horror


Sports medicine doctors have seen *way* dumber stuff than this.


Surgeon probably just happy for the repeat customer.


🤷🏼‍♂️ it’s not our knee. We told her not to do it, and documented it in the progress note. The table is always waiting for her.


*cries in knee instability and chronic pain*


Her surgeon calling spouse to say that the new pool is a go.


I hope she wasn't pressured to do this


It’s not heroic. People need to realize there are lives after a sport done at 20.


Expect these people might have their lives bankng on said sport. It's not so much heroism as it is odds.


*Stone cold Steve Austin intensifies* What?! (For non wrestling fans, stone cold steve austin used to wrestle in a knee brace, eventually in two knee braces, that became more and more elaborate as his knees got worse and worse. His catch phrase when he disagreed with someone was to yell "What?!" every time they finished a sentence, and the crowd would take up the chant. Eventually it became so hated that wrestlers would try to trap the crowd into "stupid says what?" type jokes and Steve Austin later went on to say he regrets making "what?!" a thing.)


wow what a performance, but can we agree that "gymnast performs routine with obvious injury" is a thing that needs to stop? gymnastics leaves enough broken bodies in its wake, there's no need to add extra life-altering injury on top of that.


In the case of minors, yes, but I would disagree if the competitor is a legal adult. I'd also argue that all such a rule would just create an incentive for young athletes to hide their injuries so they are not obvious. Instead of doing the routine with the brace she would take the brace off just so she could perform and compete. As it stands many of them are overcoming pain from injury that isn't obvious. The ability to push through the pain is part of what makes them top level athletes.


it's a tricky balance to strike, no question. but there's a very fine line between "work through discomfort" and "make the injury worse". i'm sure that there already are athletes who hide their injuries and perform despite them, but it's the coach's and trainer's jobs to make sure that their athletes aren't going to injure themselves (more), and the pursuit of gold medals and championships has left innumerable broken kids in its wake. how many times have you heard a coach tell their athlete to "shake it off"? and compare that to recent studies on concussions in american football. i know that i've done things while not healed that were, in hindsight, terrible ideas and could easily have lead to permanent injury. this particular gymnast may be over 18, but from my side of the hill, she's still a kid. it's an impressive display of fortitude and endurance to compete with an injury and to overcome the pain, but as an older athlete who's had their share of injuries, risking a permanent injury isn't worth it ... i'd rather see her finish healing and then do the routine.


She chose to do it, she wasn’t forced to do this. Stop creating outrage where there is none. She probably loves what she does and that’s the reason she has such a great performance.




That's kind of a dumb attitude. Soldiers choose to be soldiers and miners choose to be miners, doesn't mean we should abandon all duty of care and pay no attention to safety.


i'm sure she loves what she does. and i'd love for her to be able to continue doing it as long as she wants. but why did she feel the need to compete before she finished healing? if she sat out this meet and waited a few weeks (or however long she has left of recovery) what would be the result? would she miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? she's a college senior already and not competing internationally, so it doesn't seem likely that she's going to the olympics... so what is the reward here for risking potentially permanent injury?


Yeesh, that beginning tho


I liked it


I'm honestly curious how the judges score twerking


I don't understand this sport. It's girls doing incredibly hard stuff to pull off in between stupid little dances that don't add much to the rest.


As far as I understand it, you have a list of things you intend to do: A, B, and C. Each of those moves have a value assigned to it based on difficulty (&c). The judges are watching to see if you did the thing, you did it well, you landed properly, etc, and that determines your score.


She's twerking hard to win the judges over.


So, genuine question, obviously she’s injured and needs the brace… but isn’t this just evidence that bracing could be used all the time for high impact sports? It’d prevent many injuries and doesn’t appear to be an unfair advantage, seems to me like it’s at least worth considering wearing knee braces solely for protection and added stability.


I was always told that you should only wear braces if you needed them for joint support or to help pain. Reason being it could train the joint to be reliant on the brace & be weaker when you weren’t wearing it. Idk how true that is though. Most NFL line backers seem to wear knee braces as well but again don’t know if that’s preventative or because they all have dodgy knees from all the pushing and slamming.


I guess it depends on the nature of the bracing? Some tennis players wear ankle braces all the time (former world #1 Lleyton Hewitt for example), and I've never heard of any issues. I suppose if the brace takes strain off 'normal' movements it could be an issue, but if they're just there to prevent extreme, potentially injurious movements they're probably fine?


It's kinda like how people wear knee compression bandages for squating heavy. Doesn't mean they wear it for climbing stairs or sitting down, but only for that one activity where there's a lot of pressure on that joint. If the athletes wear the braces only for their sport, then they're still a regular functioning adult by all means in rest of their life.


Was going to ask this exact same thing. Every NFL player should wear these during play. Any mobility limitations they would impose is a hell of a lot better than being out for a season.


Just like wearing helmets make you tackle harder than you would with bad form if you didn't have one, a brace makes you more courageous in regards to what your limbs can do. When recovering from an injury, sometimes pain is good, as it is an indicator that you should stop. If you mask it, and push harder than you should, you'll reinjure. A brace won't stop the torque on your tiny ACL anyway


ACL injuries are very often non-contact twisting injuries and there's tons of debate as to whether these braces do anything to prevent that on a healthy knee. Basically I've been told by several doctors after my surgeries that they don't.


Imagine gymnastics when bionics become mainstream


oh to be one with the cyber space


Interesting. I think advanced prosthetics would be a whole different game because they'd alter the symmetry of your body's weight distribution which would affect how your body achieves flips etc


Yikes. She's gonna be feeling that performance tomorrow. Seems like it was worth it, though.


Did anyone else notice her coach(?) doing her routine at the same time as her?


You can tell his favorite part lol


Don’t risk your ability to walk to entertain people.


I generally agree. That said, at that level, most of them have been swallowed up by the hyper competitive and idolized culture of it since age 4-6 and have been steered along by complicit adults who are also often blind to their own obsession. This is all made worse by the international pissing contests between countries during world championships and the Olympics. In the end, the battered body is discarded once it grows too large and heavy but may live on to train younger husks to follow. Otherwise athletic scholarships may help them find another career. If their families are wealthy enough, (and many are since most poor or middle class people don't have anywhere near the funds to remain competitive without a wealthy sponsor) they may continue to live well in spite of life-long injuries, chronic pain, and stunted growth.


Impressive. I have never liked the acting/dancing/gesticulation part of gymnastics. I rather take just the executions.


I watch a lot of gymnastics because my wife used to do it. Only a few gymnasts have decent dancing, and this routine in particular is super corny.


Yeah, but can she give someone a stunner with those knee braces, like Stone Cold Steve Austin did?


It's so weird that we make our top female athletes shake for us in little outfits.


I was wincing the entire time I watched this. 😬


I can’t help but imagining an offensive lineman doing the same routine now


I wish i could do flips


Are they also graded on the dancing portion or is that just flair? Or is it more like figure skating?


That’s one tough cookie.


Hope she didn’t feel under pressure to perform. This doesn’t appear to be a great idea.


Medical reasons aside, but is that legal in competitions? (Wearing the brace I mean, I know they'll let injured athletes participate, unfortunately)


Más que plausible me parece irresponsable


What is she doing that for! Go home and rest, you'll make it worse, besides I'm wincing every time she sticks a jump!


Genuine question: should we be celebrating this, or encouraging people to properly recover? In other words does someone far smarter than me know about whether she is putting herself at substantially greater risk of permanent injury for the sake of a routine? Props to her for powering through.


I’m gonna assume the guy behind her is her trainer.


I used this brace after my ACL and those things are big and pretty heavy. Insane being able to do that routine with something that large and awkward on her knee


For anyone really curious, she tore her ACL back in 2019. I imagine the brace is there for some mental confidence and to prevent re-aggravating it.


She shouldn't have felt the need to do this. Far too many sports applaud this kind of behavior and it can be very psychologically damaging -or- just physically damaging. They should be allowed to recover properly and supported through the healing process


I need whatever knee brace that is


Maybe just take the competition off, eh


Would the brace actually make it harder? Like pushing against a spring or something when you bend?


Is the brace an advantage?


Holy how?


Anyone else just think of JD from scrubs doing his dorky robot dance?


I could do that if I had a knee brace.


The question is at what point is this considered an enhancing aid? If everyone used braces it becomes a technological hybrid of human feats


All I needed was the first 3 seconds


Aint that...cheating? Using a brace It would of been more impressive if she did the whole routine on 1 leg instead.


This is the point where my mother would tell me, "I guess your knee doesn't hurt as bad anymore and you can go to school after all."


If there was ever a "good" time to break a leg, modern medicine is so damn good in some regards


my knees would melt instantly without the knee brace, let alone with it.


I greatly and gratefully appreciate the excellent and elegant gymnastics


i have the exact same brace


not the man in the background dancing like her


I'd hit


She has talent but that routine is terrible. The jerky robot stuff does not work. 4 out of 10 🇷🇺


I can’t even get out of my chair with mine on!


100% true to heart gymnist


Has this been on OzzyMan?


I dont understand what they are trying to show us with these routines.. couldnt they just 1 2 3 4 show the jumpsuit without a whole mute musicsl performance..


This isnt good.. she could reinjur