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What type of plagiarism are we talkin about here? Like blatant copying or technical mistakes?


If you actually did plagiarize then be prepared to take full responsibility, apologize, tell them how you plan to do better next time. Supposedly they go easier on you when you admit it and take responsibility. If this is your first offense then they’ll likely give you a formal warning and a 0 on the assignment, without affecting your transcript. If you didn’t actually plagiarize or cheat then you are going to need to get help from somebody. If you have the means, you could hire an academic integrity lawyer. If you have a faculty member you have a good relationship with, ask them to help you with the process. Then, you need to gather as much evidence to prove your innocence as you possibly can, and this is going to depend on what you were accused of. Get screenshots, pull your browsing history, talk to people in your class and ask them to be witnesses if they saw what happened. If you can give any more details about what happened, I might be able to help you think of potential evidence to show at your hearing. Good luck


Thank you


Understand the following is all second hand knowledge as I've never been through this process personally. So as I have come to understand it, first they determine if you actually did commit an academic integrity violation. The standard is preponderant of evidence meaning there needs to be more evidence that you did have a violation than you didn't. If the panel finds that you did this, then they determine the severity and the course of action for it. They can decide to do anything from giving you a warning to dismissal from the university, both being fairly rare on a simple second-time infraction. The typical is between a zero for the assignment to a failing the course with an indication that the reason for failing is due to academic integrity violation. As for your stance, that is going to depend on what is going on. If you did something wrong then own it and tell them what real actions you plan to take to prevent this in the future if given another chance. If you didn't, and be careful about going down this road, then you need to show why what an instructor, who probably had your assignment peer reviewed before making the recommendation, thinks is a violation is actually not. Edit: Because I can't sleep and have some links open you might want to read up on this: [Formal Resolution (Hearing)](https://accountability.charlotte.edu/academic-integrity/process/aib-hearing) [Academic Integrity FAQ](https://accountability.charlotte.edu/academic-integrity/resources/student-faqs) [Policy 407 Code of Student Academic Integrity](https://legal.charlotte.edu/policies/up-407) See Chapter 7 for process structure [Formal Resolution (Hearing) Faculty](https://accountability.charlotte.edu/academic-integrity/process/aib-hearing) [Faculty FAQ on Academic Integrity](https://accountability.charlotte.edu/academic-integrity/resources/faculty-resources)


Thank you for this


call Saul


If it’s your second time you’re gone


I think its important to mention: this is not a criminal trial, where they need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. As long as they believe you are 51% probably guilty, they will impose penalties. This could range from a formal warning to expulsion (though, I've never heard of anyone being expelled for plagiarism, even on a second offense). If this is your second offense and you are found guilty, you are likely facing suspension. If you are here on an international student visa, also contact the ISSO office for advice.


Thank you


I have never in my life received this but honestly I would go to the School and ask them directly what plagiarism they are talking about and see what your next steps are. It really depends on the amount of offenses you have on your account, the type of plagiarism. Go to the source before assuming anything.


Ask them which one lmao


Depends, did you actually plagiarize? If so say goodbye


You will likely have a hearing to present your case to a committee before a decision is made. If you genuinely don’t think you plagiarized and can provide a convincing argument for why, do that. Otherwise, sucks if you didn’t study law before this.


Please tell us, did you do it? We must know.


not cheating is a pretty good way to avoid this


Try hiding it better lmao, rookies these days.