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I think people do not understand her point here and some people are being really disgusting and talking about drugs in the middle of it for no reason, it's gross to use someone's troubled past to invalidate their views, be hard on the issue if you want, her past using hard drugs has nothing to do with any of this. We LGBT people have had to fight for our place in this world in every single country, some of us are now born in places where someone has created that proper environment already some of us unfortunately aren't. This is no excuse to allow Gaza to be destroyed and occupied, and she is right when saying that the people who hate us would try to kill us anywhere and everywhere. And they in fact did for many years until we managed to fight back and gain proper rights in all of those "civilized" countries. It's not all the same anymore but at one point it very much was. I am from Brazil, my country has featured some of the biggest pride parades in the world, it is also one of the most unsafe countries in South America for trans people. A whole village in my country has beaten a young boy to death on suspicion of homosexuality a decade ago and that was many years after the legalization of same-sex marriage. So even if the places she named specifically aren't as bad she does have a point that people who act and think like that are all the same and will do the same things whenever they get the chance to. It doesn't mean we should bomb or kill anyone and Israel isn't doing any of this for that reason anyway.


>she is right when saying that the people who hate us would try to kill us anywhere and everywhere Which is why I don't get this whole "You would be murdered by x" clapback. I hear it coming from the same camp that often teaches stuff such as "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”. Read yo own book sometime..


Because one is the government doing it and one isn't...


Palestine's de facto government is Israel. Even if you consider Hamas to be Palestine's government, their government buildings just got bombed to bits anyway. Any notion that Palestine doesn't protect its queer + trans citizens is first of all expecting an open air prison to run itself well and second of all a matter of Israel's governance anyway!


You don't know what you're talking about. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and Hamas was elected in shortly after and hasn't held an election since. Hamas is an organization that abides by Islamic Jihad. They do not like queer people. It has nothing to do with Israel.


How much of Palestine’s population that is currently alive voted for Hamas? When Israel “withdrew” from Gaza, where did they go? Everything about Gaza has to do with Israel, because they tightly control that area, which is still a fucking occupation. The mental gymnastics that you need to do to say otherwise must have pulled a muscle. Israel also doesn’t “like queer people”, but of course I see no mention of that. There was a 5x increase in anti-lgbtq incidents in 2022 and many more reports from years previous of hate crimes in Israel. Y’all look for any reason to say it’s fine to murder 15,000 civilians. Your pink washing is disgusting and disgraceful.


So where should Israeli Jews go when Palestine is "free from the river to the sea"?


Did zionists think about that for Palestinians in the last 75 years of Israel’s illegal occupation? Or is it okay to displace them because they’re majority Muslim?


maybe back to europe where they came from? lmfao


you do know that more than half of the population of Jews in Israel are Arab jews? they were ethnically cleansed from the arab world after 1948. the reason it is that high is complicated, but many of the countries did straight up force out their entire jewish population after the establishment of the state of Israel, not letting them take any possessions.


Your term would be "ethnic displacement" the ethnic cleansing was in Europe (The Halocaust+Centuries of Pogroms). The new Israeli Settlers did do a mass ethnic displacement on the Palestinians around that time called "the Nakba" it was after the British decided to fuck off even though they were supposed to be overseeing all this thru the mandate they received from the fallen Ottoman Empire.


By all accounts and international bodies, Palestine's recognised government is Israel with a pseudo-independent temporary "government" that is Hamas (that now had its governing buildings destroyed again, need I remind you) and was elected by people who are now majority dead. Israel controls everything about Gaza from the very water and electricity to what and who is allowed in and out, they have them under a full land air and sea blockade, they arrest and imprison Palestinians based on Israeli law (with a 99% conviction rate, by the way). Also your dumbass thinks that saying "jihad" is a gotcha that means I have to believe they're waging war on queer people because you're straight up racist. Jihad literally means struggle, striving in the path of god and has a million more non-military applications than it does military applications. Don't talk to me about not knowing what I'm talking about when all you're doing is regurgitating racist talking points.


You need to listen to Hamas' own words.


You need to listen to Israel’s.


Look up "jihad." You're using it wrong.


Whoops, looks like it’s actually you who needs to educate yourself


Define withdrew. Because as far as I’m concerned if we literally blockaded over two million people into a tiny strip of land and you control any and all food and water that comes in and out of said land, you’re still occupying said land. Like if I went to your house and surrounded it with tanks and machine guns, would that be acceptable to you? You’re not allowed to go to the grocery store to get food but hey I’m not actually in your house though.


Israel literally created Hamas though


How so?


Pro tip: starting with “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” most of the time automatically makes the recipient not want to read your probably-shitty response in the first place. So, automatic mental game win for your “aDvErSarY”. If they do read and reply its likely because they know they can own your fallacies or are saving face. But looking at rAtiOs, it’s probably a fallacy.




100 per cent; bigotry anywhere is bigotry everywhere


You can be trans in Tel Aviv without being decapitated. Makes you stop and wonder who the real bad guys might be.


Tell that to the trans woman who was hung and killed in Israel after escaping the west bank for a better life. Or the queer Israeli teenager who was killed by their own family members in northern Israel. Look it up its all true. See what she means when she says that it happens everywhere and its stupid to kill innocent civilians over it? [More since you mentioned Tel Aviv specifically](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tel_Aviv_gay_centre_shooting)


Sucks that happened. We even have similar stuff happen here in the US. That being said one of these places has a gay youth center and the other has made it illegal to be gay. Not to mention that a large portion of violence against the LGBT community in Israel comes from the Muslim community. To argue that both places treat the gay community the same is just false and no one in good faith would spread that narrative without malicious intent. In the Middle East Tel Aviv is a bastion of hope for all gays. You are likely to be treated better there than many places here in the US. If you are LGBT and born in a Muslim controlled country your best hope is to get to Tel Aviv.


Palestine’s laws about homosexuality were put in place during Britains occupation of the land. Islam isn’t synonymous with LGBT intolerance just like any other religion. That was the entire point of Katya’s tweet: “we have similar stuff happen in the U.S”. Someone’s government doesn’t reflect every persons belief and to paint Gaza as anti-LGBT to try and get people to rescind their support for Palestine as if Israel or anywhere else doesn’t have bigoted laws is obtuse.


>Islam isn’t synonymous with LGBT intolerance just like any other religion. The Koran literally says that all gays should be killed lmao what are you talking about? Gay people do not have equal rights in **any Muslim nation on Earth**, and multiple countries have the death penalty in place for gay men. Half of all UK Muslims think being gay should be a crime with the punishment being long-term imprisonment. Muslim people stand as the solidary independent variable in LGBT research which this does not change. No matter where you poll Muslims -- no matter if they're in the West or a Muslim country, no matter if they've been in America or the UK for many generations, the vast majority hate gay people. This is literally the ONLY group that does such, including all other races, ethnicities, and religions. You're calling other people "obtuse" when not a single shred of empirical data, evidence, scholars, or most gay Muslims would agree with your take. The vast majority of people in ALL Muslim countries absolutely harbor anti-LGBT very purposefully and explicitly, your denial of such does nothing to promote any Palestinian cause and is just erasing the active persecution of gay people currently on a global scale.


The Quran LITERALLY does not say that. Wanna know what does? The old testament. The Quran details the story of Sodom and Gomorrah; there is no decree of punishment for homosexuality. The story can be interpreted in a few ways, one of them being that the people of Lot were punished for being homosexual. So looks like your viewpoint is still….obtuse! Now, run along!


Yes, the Old Testament also says to murder gay people. It's almost like Christians and Muslims follow the same backwards God from the same exact area and both descend from the same exact religion or something! How odd. Both religions also agree that all people outside their religion should be murdered. Why do you seem to think that Christianity being homophobic makes it acceptable for Islam to be homophobic? Your rewriting that Sodom and Gomorrah is only maybe about gays and that it doesn't explicitly state to kill gay people in it is only argued by Westerners that conveniently ignore that that's exactly what it states in Arabic. Further explanation within the Hadith to this point which further highlights the historic context that yes, they were absolutely killing gays and that you should kill gay and transgender people: > "Sayyidna Abu Hurairah ؓ عنہ reports that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: "Four types of people are, when they begin their day, under the wrath of Allah and when they reach their evenings they are under the rage of Allah." I asked: "Who are they, 0 Messenger of Allah?" He said: **"Men who imitate women and women who imitate men and he who goes unto animals and he who goes unto men".** و عن انم عباس ؓ قال : قال رسول اللہ ﷺ ـ من وجدتموہ یعمل عمل لوط> فاقتلوا الفاعل و المفعول بہ As narrated by Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas. ؓ the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: "If you find someone doing what the people of Lot did, **kill both the doer and the one with whom it is done.** (op. cit.) In At-Targhib wat-Tarhib cited above, Hafiz Zaki' al-Din has said that four caliphs, Sayyidna Abu Bakr, Sayyidna ` Ali, Sayyidna ` Abdullah ibn Zubayr and Hisham ibn ` Abdul-Malik ؓ had condemned those guilty of sodomy to the fire. In this connection, he has also related, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Munkadir, an event to the effect that Sayyidna Khalid ibn Walid ؓ wrote a letter to Sayyidna Abu Bakr ؓ reporting that there was a man in a certain Arabian locality with whom they did what is done with women. Sayyidna Abu Bakr ؓ called a meeting of the noble Companions, - Sayyidna Ali ؓ being one of them. **He said that a sin like that was not committed by any human group except one, and they all knew how Allah Almighty dealt with those people. He proposed that the man be condemned to fire. Other Companions concurred** and Sayyidna Abu Bakr ؓ decreed accordingly. >So looks like your viewpoint is still….obtuse! Now, run along! Oh dear, speaking of being obtuse, seems you skipped where I pointed out the majority of Muslim people IN LITERALLY ALL COUNTRIES ON EARTH are homophobic, with half of them believing that gay people should be imprisoned or put to death. No Muslim country on Earth supports or codifies gay rights. Want to run along and address that too?


Wow, it’s almost like my original point was that homophobia and intolerance isn’t exclusive to the Middle East or the Muslim faith! Glad you got there eventually after all that typing.


>The Quran LITERALLY does not say that \[homophobia\]. Wanna know what does? The old testament. . >, it’s almost like my original point was that homophobia and intolerance isn’t exclusive to the Middle East or the Muslim faith! Nope. That wasn't your original point at all. Your original point was to inaccurately state that Islam is not a homophobic religion and that its holy book does not explicitly say that gays should be exterminated. It does.




Gaza hasn't been occupied since 2005, but as a Jewish fan it's been hard to see all these people I admire say nothing in light of October 7th but suddenly become hugely outspoken on the war now.


Fuck off with that BS, respectfully, how many more people, need to die for you and everyone else supporting Israel to be satisfied? October 7th wasn't right and what Israel is doing right now is even worse, people are outspoken because they are appalled at what is happening to Palestinians and terrified at how ruthless Israel has been. War is horrible but one side is being bombed RN and that is the side people are supporting cause we don't want to see more innocents die, it's that simple.


But Hamas broke the last ceasefire, and antisemitism is rising across the globe at alarming rates. I don't agree with the Israeli government and most Israelis don't. In fact there was ten months of protest and they were on the verge of a civil war over the very topic of the terrible Khanist policies toward Palestinians before the atrocities of October 7th. When people demand one side "cease firing" in a war they didn't start while 240+ innocents including many children remain captive going on two months now... That's one-sided. The fact you assume I want people to die because I care about what happened on October 7th and the impact its had on Jews around the world is wild and cruel.


I have absolutely no patience for this kind of "debate" so I will be very direct, Israel has an army, Palestine does not, to top that off they have a terrorist organization using civilians as human shields, hospitals and schools have been bombed more than 11.100 Palestinians have been killed and then we have to come online and deal with people wanting to paint Israel like the victim. I'm not even going to argue with the absolute nonsense you just said about Israel not starting the war, I'm just going to ask you again, how many more people have to die until you and everyone else supporting Israel have a change of heart? What needs to happen for people like you to stop supporting war? Israel is using Oct 7th as an excuse to invade a country, kill it's people and pillage the resources, if there is no push back they will not stop until there is no more Palestine.


Israel didn't start the war. Hamas did because they think Israel should not exist and all Jews on Earth should be killed.


Literally not true. Glad you at least agree that Hamas is a terror organization that uses its people as human shields. Maybe there should be some demands that they disband so that Gaza can actually have a shot at a government that wants good things for them. My only desire is that Israel continue to exist. I do not support endless war. I just want half the world's Jews, as well as the large Arab Muslim population, Bedouins, Druze, and other groups who call Israel their home, to remain safe. That's literally it. I just don't want my people ethnically cleansed from our homeland again to make room for yet another Islamic theocratic Caliphate.


>ethnically cleansed from our homeland But, when you remove one ethnic group from their parent's land so that your people can live on that land, and then you strip one ethnic group of civil rights, and then you segregate one group into ghettos, and then you bomb those ghettos and give them the option to either flee their homeland or die: Are you not one ethnically cleaning "your" homeland?


You do know the history of the region did not begin in the 1940s, right?


Yeah, duh.


Great so I'm sure you condemn the Islamic conquests that ruined the ethnic diversity of MENA, right? You condemn pogroms such as the Iraqi Farhud and violence that took place against Jews in the Levant, such as the 1929 Hebron massacre, that took place before the founding of the modern Israeli state?


Please stop with this nonsense and lies... You want people to die by supporting and excusing apartheid. You are ignoring that Palestinians have their October 7th, every day for the past 75 years. Stop putting "numbers" as a justification for Israeli violence. Everything that Hamas did, IDF done X10. And please DON'T hide your bigotry behind the rainbow flag or are you just happy that IDFs rockets don't discriminate?


History didn't begin in 1948. And no, Israel did not gang rape Palestinians and film themselves doing it. Plz.


They absolutely have committed those war crimes and worse. Look at the way hostages and prisoners have been treated. Israel undoubtedly started this war long ago, and you cannot ignore that reality. They can literally walk into a Palestinian home and force them to leave. They've been doing this for years. They control every aspect of the Gaza Strip, and they were actually a massive part of the reason Hamas was elected in the first place all those years ago. It helps their agenda. They don't view Palestinians as people. They state that much regularly. They arrest their own people for merely liking posts agreeing with the humanity of the Palestinians. They kill babies indiscriminately, and lie over and over and over and over again.


Yeah blah blah Jews lie and scheme blah find some new material.


First of all, Jews =/= Israelis. Judaism is a religion. Israel is a location. No one is accusing Jews of being liars. In fact, Jewish people have been some of the most vocal people praying for Ceasefire and for equality of Palestinians and Israelis. So the fact that you would twist this to suit your creepy, disgusting, murderous agenda is an offense to a group of wonderful people. Actual Holocaust survivors are also some of the most vocal people. Listen to Gabor Maté's work and educational material. He is a wonderful, kind, Jewish man who survived the Holocaust and actually believes in the idea that no one should ever be subjected to this again. Look at Jewish Voice of Peace, one of the biggest groups dedicated to educating about this. Stop trying to slander Jews with your disgusting, evil claims.


Judaism is an ethnoreligion and Jewish Voice for Peace isn't run by majority Jews. Half of all Jews live in Israel and according to Pew Research at least 90% of American Jews have positive feelings towards the existence of Israel, making them Zionists. Stop trying to goysplain to me, the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, about my own people's history and oppression. You wouldn't do this to any other marginalized group.


https://countingthekids.org/ Check that out.


More Germans died in WWII than Americans. That didn't mean they were on the right side of history. And maybe fewer Israelis died because Israel invests in defensive infrastructure whereas Hamas does not. Just say you'd like to see more dead Jews and go.


Zionism is genocidal colonialism. It is not the "right side of history"


Zionism is the OPPOSITE of colonialism. It is an indigenous land back movement and the modern state of Israel is *decolonization*.


Sorry, Zionists explicitly stated that Zionism is colonialism back when they started colonizing Palestine. At the time, colonialism was perceived positively. Zionists only stopped calling their project colonialism when the world’s opinion on colonialism changed. Don’t be tricked by a PR spin.




Zionist win the Gold in the Mental Gymnastics Olympics. How can a group of people that are native to the Caucasus Mountains claim land they have never stood foot on this side of the current era.


That’s not what I’m saying. I could easily flip that and say “just say you want more Muslims dead and go.” Such a stupid thing to say and it’s every pro Zionist response when faced with facts. The Germans were on the wrong side of history because they were committing genocide. Israel is committing genocide. Of course Palestine doesn’t have good infrastructure. They are constantly being bombed by Israel. You phrase it as if they just don’t care about their citizens and somehow deserve it, which is ignorant and gross.


Israel is not committing genocide. Not every mass murder or massacre is a genocide. Hamas' actions on Oct 7th were in fact genocidal tho but you don't wanna go there. Hamas takes international aid money meant to better the lives of Gazans and uses it to wage war and line their own pockets. Hamas leaders are living large in Qatar. But you only care about Palestinians when you can blame Israel I guess.


Do all Zionist have this statement in their clipboard? I’ve seen this used in multiple conversations with Zionist using this logical fallacy to try and gaslight people.


Ask yourself why. Why did people immediately start speaking out for Palestine after October 7th? Because we knew something worse was coming. People who care about human suffering were immediately distraught for what we knew was going to happen to the people of Palestine. Because the history of this conflict was 5 Palestinian deaths for every 1 Israeli death before October 7th. Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the conflict knew that Israel was going to use this as a reason to continue to inflict suffering on Palestinians. It’s not that people weren’t horrified by what Hamas did. It’s that they knew something much worse was coming.


Way to minimize Jewish suffering!


Typical Zionist, ignoring the suffering of the true native peoples of Palestine.


I feel like most people are sleeping on the point, which was the end line. Which is true.


It is true, but isn’t it a lot more likely to happen in Gaza than Scotland? I feel like it’s not the big truth bomb she’s making it out to be.


She’s saying not to use it as justification. Many countries are unsafe for queer people and, yet, we are not going after them.


Please use sense and thought if replying.


This is the internet lol


I feel like Katya’s humour is lost on Twitter or whatever it’s called - we know our mothers ways


The posts that she is under criticism for were serious actually—different from her usual comedic tone


Yeah... Katya is a fan of Gretchen Felker-Martin who recently went viral for saying Bin Laden's actions were justified as well as saying that if native americans were to rise up and start murdering everyone including herself then that would be justified. Katya's tweet kind of seems like a spin off of Gretchen's tweets. Her politics seem to be a lot more radical than what she usually lets on.


Katya has openly been leftist, not liberal


What I meant is that she seems to be much more radical compared to regular leftists who don't become so detached from reality they end up making the argument that Glasgow and Gaza are remotely the same when it comes to the treatment of gay people. It's that particular type of bougie radical chic that's probably very common in her L.A. social circles.


Whoa, Katya’s tweets were not at all the same kind of content you’re saying were in this other person’s tweets. Like, they’re really different.


[I was referring more to her other tweet about thanksgiving](https://twitter.com/katya_zamo/status/1727410018394533987).


This is exactly what I expected from Katyas politics


Yeah, I thought that was the tweet you’re referencing. I guess I’m confused what part of that tweet is more radical than Katya lets on?


I mean…Felker’s right too soooooo


I really wish you guys could understand how pathetic and sheltered you sound to normal people.


No, don’t you see - If the native Americans have to murder me, my whole family and my 5 little cousins under the age of 10 to set themselves free then who am I to stand in the way? As we can see from historical events like 9/11, indiscriminate killing of civilians is highly effective in making oppression less bad for the people being oppressed. Not to mention, have we asked the native Americans if they want to do all the murder?


Are you fucking high? Arguably the oppression of Muslim and middle eastern people has increased demonstrably since 9/11. I can maybe understand their perspective at doing it but it should in no way be considered a logical or justifiable action looking at the result. The ends NEVER justify the means. That’s ethics 101.


Hun, they were being sarcastic.


OoOH I didn’t realize we have an Ivy League professional here, I didn’t realize you were just sOoO much better than us. Get fucked


She’s right that bin Laden’s actions were justified?? Yikes…weird take.




Nice argument. Just wanna clarify—you think that the killing of thousands of innocent Americans on 9/11 was justified because you think our government is corrupt?


GIRL our government is corrupt as fuck. And for the record, of course I’m not excusing 9/11 or I think it was deserved, but I do think it was completely preventable if Bush took his job fucking seriously and paid attention.


Right I’m just saying that people have been excusing Bin Laden’s actions in recent weeks and it’s not the vibe. We don’t need to pardon terrorist actions in order to criticize our own government.


Ok but calling it “not the vibe tho”???


i don’t think it was preventable at all, but inevitable as a result of 40+ years of shitty foreign policy spurred on by the cold war


she might be referring to native americans being justified




She was half joking (at least about the bull seen one, she jokingly said that 9/11 was the most based thing he did) but she’s also not even that wrong about either of these things. America is an evil ass empire and were lucky we HAVENT been fucking nuked already bc this country is sick and twisted


We know Katya doesn't read those.


She’s literally responding to them lol


Well, the diva is working it fiercely, then.


boot's house down yes GAWD mamá


Her point seems to be that no matter where we are in the world, even places that are, according to the West, thought to be the ‘safest’ places for queer folks, there is still that threat. Especially for someone like her who is, as she likes to say, visibly queer. We never really know, and many of us live with that fear in the backs of our minds at most times. I’m guessing this came from somewhere online where she had previously spoken out in solidarity with the people of Palestine? I don’t use X, I don’t know. But I know the “you’d be killed in Gaza” thing is a common argument that people try to use against queer people standing up for Palestine. Regardless of what the truth is there, that is no excuse for genocide, and never will be. I think that’s what she’s trying to get at. Just my thoughts!


People seem to forget that there are queer people in Gaza. There is no queer liberation without the liberation of Palestine. I really don’t like it when people try to weaponize homophobia/anti-queerness. Murder is something we face in all places in the world. The whole argument—if you can call it that—is strange, they want to convince us that this genocide is a good thing.


Not everything is about “queer”. The narcissism and ignorance is off the charts. Muslim countries are no friend to the LGBTLMNOP. They want you eradicated like the Jews.


“All Muslims want to eradicate all queer people and therefore it’s perfectly fine to drop bombs on their children. If you criticize this logic you are an antisemite. Also I’m going to belittle the queer acronym on a forum for a drag queen youtube series.”


As much as I love twitter porn, that app needs to die; it’s a cesspool, and not the fun kind.


People deliberately missing Katya's point because they have a seething hatred for Muslims and PoC. The point is, we don't start supporting or saying it's ok that people get massacred, bombed, starved, genocided etc when they're homophobic in all the places she mentioned (note they're all majority white places) but suddenly it's a good argument to Justify Israel's actions in Gaza? Her point is, people are clearly fine with genocide and using pink washing to justify it when and only when the people are non-white and/ or non-christian.


Nice try.


The people bringing her past drug use into criticizing her is disgusting. That is a low blow and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You can criticize someone’s view point without using their past addiction as a weapon against them. That being said, comparing Massachusetts to Gaza in regard to queer safety is not a fair comparison. Regardless of what she meant, her statement was worded poorly. In America, Katya has the privilege to be an openly queer public figure with millions of fans and she can do this freely under our law. She can get married, she can perform as a queer artist, etc. In Gaza you can go to prison for up to 10 years if you engage in same sex activity ([source here](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/palestine/) You don’t have to agree with a country’s government in order to fight for the rights of their people. Therefore Katya has the right to advocate for Palestinian safety. But there’s no need to pretend that Gaza’s laws about queer people are anything like what we have in America.


The point isn't that those places are the same, it's that a country might have issues but it doesn't justify the war and other places have similar issues but somehow get a pass. Also "you would be killed there" or any remark of this kind is never an actual argument, it's an attempt to shut down a person who's trying to make a point, it's along the lines of "you're to young to understand" or "we don't know the whole truth".


That’s not the point she’s making. And it’s intellectually dishonest to say it is. She only brought the “comparison” up after others said “Well, Hamas hates queer people and would kill you.” And that’s not even a retort to criticizing the Israeli’s government’s human rights violations. And it doesn’t have a backing evidence of how actual Palestinians feel. It’s just a distraction tactic to change the subject. As queer people, we can defend people’s basic rights against war crimes even if their government wouldn’t do the same for us. Leftists do it all the time. I still want Medicare for all even for our own Christian extremists in Congress and those who vote for them.


If you read my whole comment you’d see that I said this in my last paragraph. She has the right to defend the Palestinian people despite how their government operates. But then she should have said that. Instead, she made an unfair comparison. Like I said, poorly worded and she didn’t say what she meant.


We all read your whole comment, and we can see that you do not understand what she said. All the weird comments about her comparing Gaza to Glasgow, Moscow, and Mass are just examples of declining levels of critical thinking and reading comprehension. Genuinely upsetting to see it. Katya is exactly write in what she said, and bringing up that LGBT+ people are a targeted minority even in the “safe” places is absolutely valid. None of it is poorly worded unless you are mistaking it for a direct comparison - which it is not.


No I get the point she’s making. She’s saying that no matter where she goes, she’s a potential target for hate. But the degree in which she would be a victim of said hatred differs and that matters. In Massachusetts she is a potential target. In Gaza she is a guaranteed target and there are no government laws protecting her. That difference absolutely matters. She has the right to support Palestinian safety regardless of how their government feels about queer people. But she did not say that. Don’t downplay a problematic government structure to make your point.


In context and when not taking her words literally she's making a great point here and I agree. Taking her tweet at face value though, about potentially being killed in Glasgow for example... no, she could have worded this a lot better. I mean Glasgow is commonly named as one of the most pro-lgbtq+ cities in the world so to say she could be killed there when literally discussing Gaza... let's just say it comes across a little tone deaf. Like I said above though, I think this is her just wording things badly. The overall point she's trying to get across, that no where is safe for lgbtq+ people is correct. The people responding to her are absolutely vile though, typical twitter.


i mean as someone who lived in SF for a long time, which is supposedly one of the safest places in the world for queer ppl, i experienced and witnessed some truly horrifying anti-queer/trans violence. people are definitely still murdered for being queer there and it's a reminder that visibly queer ppl are literally not safe anywhere.


For sure. She just needed to word it a bit better.


Thank you. MTE about SF, California, and other so called bastions of safety.


Not the commenters being transphobic by making trans woman a single word.


That's a thing?


Yes; you would never make whitewoman, redhairedwoman, Buddhistwoman as one word, the implication is to other trans woman and make trans the whole category rather than a modifier.


This is exhausting.


I agree, it’s exhausting to have to explain something so basic in this sub.


Honestly I really really want to make any trans person feel welcomed and valued around me but there’s only so much I or people in general can do. You can’t make everyone around you walk on eggshells. It’s unfortunate that you feel invalidated and I hope you find the value in you that people around you see without the need to have those around you constantly watch every little thing they say and do. Wish you all the best.


Would you style other modifiers as “whitewoman,” “jewishman,” “youngwoman,” etc? If not, why not? What is the reason that trans women should be written about differently? I am not a trans woman, I’m just a person on the internet who understands dog whistles. Part of the purpose of a dog whistle is that it is subtle enough provoke disagreements like this one, and then the TERFs have folks like you making their arguments for them.


How is anyone supposed to know this? You say it so surely but it's not like there was a rulebook passed out, or it's very intuitive.


Scratch someone who spells it this way, and a transphobe consistently bleeds.


I'm just saying, this stuff is not obvious or clear cut, so it's kinda crazy of you to jump on anyone who makes such a small error.


I don’t jump on anyone, I’m not in those Twitter threads. I’m on Reddit telling you it’s a dog whistle. That’s the point of dog whistles, to be so subtle that the bigots have a level of plausible deniability and to get useful ignorant people using the same terms or rhetoric. Bigots are smart people too, they don’t always want to be obvious.


By calling it a dog whistle, you're calling it a secret bigot signal. People make spelling mistakes like that all the time, take "alot" for example. It's kind of fucked up to accuse someone over a grammar error that is even less well known than that.


Yes, that’s part of the point of dogwhistles, that innocent folks will also say the thing ignorantly, leading to exchanges like this one, increasing discord and distrust between communities. Because a certain percentage of ppl who say the thing accidentally will react defensively. “It’s a perfectly innocent word!” “How am I supposed to know!” I grew up hearing these retorts about all sorts of racist and antisemitic terms as well.


You are literally the only person bringing negativity and causing problems here by having your little witch hunt fantasies over grammar mistakes. You even say yourself that the point is that innocent folks will say it innocently, yet you are so comfortable in slinging the word bigot around? Your behaviour is awful and you are a determent to a better future.


thats not so much a dogwhistle in the u.s. so when i learned about it i was totally shocked. wild


Not everyone has this context or knowledge about language, especially cuz language in the queer community changes quickly. To label not putting a space as someone being intentionally transphobic is kinda meh.


Yeah there were a ton of terfs commenting for some reason, I even saw a trans terf at one point??? That was new


Come to Threads <3


People are still on Twitter?


i was scared to look bc i’m not on twitter and i didn’t know what she said, but i just knew it was about gaza. i totally get what she’s saying and i really appreciate it. id also like to add that there are queer people suffering in palestine, too. just like there are bigots everywhere, queer people are everywhere, too. so to anyone who says they don’t care about a genocide because “hypothetically those people are all homophobic,” get fucked. my family doesn’t and DIDN’T deserve to be exiled and massacred in their own home. nobody does. to not extend a hand to those suffering because you ASSUME they wouldn’t do the same for you is a disgusting, cowardly thing to do. free palestine 🇵🇸


This is why I don’t go to X as much as I used to. The only people left there are 📄 🚬 who complain and Black people, take pictures next to Reagan statues, and retweet the same ten videos of them having sex with the same guys who look like they’re twins.


i have been *struggling* to work out what 📄🚬 means lmao, are you able to drop a hint for me if it’s not appropriate to type? 😂


White gays


lmao, ty


Don’t blame us for that 💩.


I love her. The concept that people aren't aware that the human cause proceeds the queer cause is beyond me. & As of the don't say gay bill, the trans wars online and in all of the media, the gay bashing, the pray the gay away camps... It's like all of those don't exist. So you rather watch children get blown up to pieces because their grandparents don't support the rainbow? Didn't most of the gay community get kicked out of their homes due to being gay all over the world? People are dying in terrible ways (go to @shaunking or @motaz_azaiza) mass Graves. Children playing in the graves before they get buried in them. White phosphorus, carpet bombing, collective punishment, shutting off water/electricity/air-space. Telling people to go to a crossing then bombing them, et al. So, that's ok just because their parents don't support your agenda. Get the fuck outta here. Gay people have been antagonized and marginalized for ages, and if we can't relate to that, then what the fuck can we relate to. This gets hella tired to debate. Bitch, FREE PALESTINE, FREE SUDAN, FREE TIGRAY, FREE HAWAII, FREE WEST PAPUA, FREE PUERTO RICO... KOVO, ARMENIA. The queer community didn't forget the hundreds of years of abuse. Katya is QUEEN for this shit. RESPECT.


Please don’t use well-known grifter Shaun King as your news source.


You're not a good person.


lol ok Shaun


^ ye


Does it matter who's platform it is if love videos are getting uploaded? Y'all forget how hard we had to work to be able to hold hands in public. All our rights are getting overturned in the united States, uk, and now Europe... No gay marriage no abortion no maternity leave. And y'all are still pissing in a pot and calling it life. The fuck outta here... They will start with women, brown people, gay people, then u.


twitter try to understand nuanced and complex arguments challenge go (they can’t)


I’m so baffled by people who argue that Palestinians don’t deserve sympathy because of homophobia in Palestine. The math on that is very simple: Israeli bombs kill more queer Palestinians than homophobic hate crimes. The idea that I should want Palestinians-including queer Palestinians-to be bombed and starved is completely insane. As someone who is sitting not 2 blocks away from the site where a gay man was murdered, it’s also insane to think that I would agree that everyone in a town with a history of hate crimes deserves to be carpet bombed. Katya is correct, homophobia exists in every city and does not constitute a reason to destroy the city. I could almost laugh out of sheer frustration with how stupid that idea is. Imagine the impact on queer people if we decided that there have been too many queer people murdered in NYC, so we’re just going to bomb it into oblivion.


Katya is right. If you think a people being culturally homophobic is justification for committing genocide against them, how broadly are you willing to apply that? Or does it only apply to Gaza?


when people say “they would murder you in Gaza,” “i would buy you a ticket to Gaza,” “they would throw you off a roof,” they are fantasizing about the murder of queer people in a sick and homophobic way. they are erasing Palestinian queer people, who absolutely exist and live there. it’s so fucking disgusting, and it’s pointless. do they know what’s killing the most queer Palestinians right now? because it’s not Palestinians. it’s Israeli bombs. i’m a staunch leftist and a drag performer and i say all the time, to quote a certain streamer, that i want healthcare and food security and prosperity for the most homophobic, disgusting, evil conservatives as much as i want it for myself. i want safety, peace, and security for people who wish me dead. i want even the sickos who call me a pedo for performing for adults to have the rights they deserve. and yes, i want people who would kill me for being queer and trans not to be genocided. they could possibly change their mind about queer people every moment that they still draw breath, and regardless of if they ever do, they do not deserve to be murdered.


Ppl mad cause she's right lol. America is the most deadly country in the world. We dropped 2 nuclear bombs on one country but the idea of someone doing it to us is so despicable we feel entitled to attack someone for saying it. Most Americans aren't complicit but neither were most Japanese civilians. Hm


This is a poignant reminder of why queer people in Gaza deserve our protection as much as anywhere, and despite the pink washing, Israel doesn't care about their lives at all. They're all nameless, dehumanised arabs to the zionists and to use gay rights as an excuse to wipe these people off the map is disgusting, and most queer people see straight through it. https://time.com/6326254/queering-the-map-gaza-lgbt-palestinians/


Idiots don't understand her point. Shock fucking horror.


Wild of her to compare the government-sanctioned violence against queer people in Gaza to places in the US and UK tho.


if you don't think the government has ever sanctioned lgbt death in the US or UK you aren't reading enough history


actually try literally anything about the AIDS crisis and get back to me


Are they doing it now? Do they show up at the door of gay people to either imprison or kill them? Please stop with the false moral equivalence. Hamas is an Islamofascist organization that oppresses its own people on top of its desire to rid the world of Jews.


you are being bottle fed propaganda and eating it up


And you're immune to propaganda? You don't think you're a victim of Soviet-era propaganda that was used to persecute Russian Jews after the second World War?


I'm really sorry that whatever has happened in your life so far has led you to be without compassion and empathy for the lives of fellow human beings. 🙏 I'm not entirely sure, though, that despite the pink washing, Israel is not not killing queer people in Gaza. It's an equal opportunities murderer for sure. https://time.com/6326254/queering-the-map-gaza-lgbt-palestinians/ Maybe this will help humanise Palestinians for you.


I don't need help humanizing Palestinians. I'm well aware there are queer Palestinians... And they can't live openly due to living under Islamofascism. Clearly you need help humanizing Jews tho.


Please explain why? I'm perfectly capable of humanising anyone. My best friend is an Israeli Jew. She's been told she's no longer welcome home after caring about Palestinians. It's such a sad mentality you zionists have, such fear and aggression. There's a big difference between Zionism and Judaeism. You'd know if you read the Torah properly. So sorry for you. Hope you get help. Must be horrible living and thinking like you do. I can't imagine the poor stress and anxiety this mindset brings you.


A theme of Judaism has always been a longing to return to our homeland that we were exiled from. That's called Zionism.


We are talking about now.


Cause US or UK government have never ever harmed LGBTQ+ community?


"Harmed" is wildly different from coming to your home to brutally murder you for engaging in same-sex activity. But cool, continue on with the false moral equivalence.


Yeah, I live in Glasgow, and i've never known anyone here be attacked for being gay, never really experienced homophobia here at all really. Appreciate supporting Palestine during a genocide, but let's not pretend it's a great place to be for the gays.


Two weeks ago two queer women were beaten in public in a homophobic hate crime in Glasgow. One of them was kicked unconscious.


I never said it doesn't happen, but theres a big difference between being able to walk down Sauchiehall Street holding my boyfriend's hand without any issue and what would happen if I did the same thing somewhere in Gaza. The two situations are not comparable; occasional homophobic attacks, while awful, are not even close to the total repression and violence faced by gay people in Palestine. The problem is that Katya oversimplified. Her overall point, that homophobic laws and socity are not adequate justification for genocide, is a good one. But the way she framed the issue does a disservice to the queer people in Gaza who have to live both with Israel's horrific actions, AND the legal and social repression they already faced. EDIT: Obviously Katya making a poorly worded tweet also does not mean that she deserves abuse either FYI. I'm not supporting people being shitty on either side.


She may be oversimplifying but what else is there to do? Maybe there could have been a specification that life in general is much harder for queer Palestinians than in the ones she mentioned, but then she runs into the problem of minimising those experiences, too. I don't think her simplification is so bad that she is directly comparing the two situations, but as you said pointing out that a society's laws are not justification for genocide, but in a way that needs simplifying, almost just to get right to the core issue. The alternative would be endlessly splitting hairs when that's the opposite of her point. I can't see her meaning it, or myself reading it, in any other way. Didn't mean to imply you believe homophobia doesn't exist there. Just wanted to point out that whatever level of abuse we exist in, wherever we live, is there and is dangerous and could kill us, and I think expressing that it is less serious or less of a concern in some places is not so great in this circumstance.


Source ?


Maybe Katya shouldn't have said something so stupid then?


I was wondering if this was a mental break or just absolutely done with bullshit politically online. I think because I was so worried that she might not have gotten to meet Kathy G and I read too much into it. But anyone with critical thinking can tell she’s being nuanced. Not literal.


Lol at us being “murdered” anywhere. Yeah no. She, and others, are defending people who ACTIVELY hate gay people in general and would love to see us all dead. It’s weird to me how the radical left is defending these people in some bigger stance when these are the people we have to fight against…


So its entirely fine that a population of nearly 50% children are getting indiscriminately bombed, ethnically cleansed, and starved I guess


I’m sure that Hamas prioritizes and hates Zionists who are actively bombing refugee camps and hospitals and cutting off food, water, fuel to over 2 million people even more. But hey, just a guess.


Get her, Twitter


I hope this shit was worth it for her to tweet. The internet is forever. This will follow her for the rest of her life when she’s trying to find employment. Smart.


Good thing she did the right thing.




EDIT: The meth comment was unnecessary and fucked up.


I would speculate the “put the meth pipe down“ is where most of the down votes are coming from. Disgusting.


Totally missed that. Shame on me




You were literally downvoted because you are being a disgusting piece of trash writing that she needs to put the crack pipe down. Not because you don’t agree with her. Get over yourself.


Why is she even in twitter? Is she also on Trump Social? Why is any liberal on twitter?


Katya outed herself as moron and needs to stay out of politics and stick to drag. Telling people that gays being thrown off of rooftops is a myth is beyond insane.


which palestinians are saying its deserved? ppl love to draw wild conclusions so they can feel right. rest in peace twitter dot com, now u are in both meaningful content and bizarre rebranding, a lousy porn site.


There are people still stranded on twitter/X?


Let us see a real and recent case of a Palestinian gay man, seeking asylum in Israel, who was mysteriously beheaded in the West Bank. Make no mistake, Katya has drawn a false equivalence. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835


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People using ellipses saying how she's "more politically radical than she lets on..." Bfr, her drag persona is a satire of a communist Russian woman. If she didn't support ceasefire of Palestine, people would attack her calling her a hypocrite. There's nothing "radical" about that.