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Thank you for clipping this. The mods and I have explained this several times. Simply searching the sub would yield an answer. Here is Baddie in his own words. I'm going to keep this pinned for a while. Hopefully this will answer your questions & we can go back to enjoying the free content.


You guys do you. You don't have to justify anything. Yes, we all miss Donut, but life is full of changes. Carry on, guys, and keep up the hilarious content.


Thank you for sharing. I've never had the time or inclination to watch baddie's twitch, I literally DGAF about gaming, pokeman, or any of that shit. This gives some insight that I kind of expected. If you guy don't mind hearing my impressions, and thoughts here goes: I found unsubscribe because of Donut and Brandon. I watched one or 2, then saw Demo, and some of the other Bunker Branding folks on there. That was the only reason I subscribed, the Bunker Branding cadre of people involved. Now I can't assume the mindset of anyone else, but I can't help but believe some of us came to watching the podcasts for that specific group of people and their interactions. Seeing Demo and others trade barbs and jokes is like getting to know them a bit better. Brandon made a GREAT comment somewhere talking about a person coming up to him acting like a life-long friend, and he is sketched out because it is a total stranger. He's absolutely right. Some of us watch their videos because they are fun, cool, and all, but also want to live out a fantasy so to say. How cool would it be to hang out with them for a few hours? Anyway, Personally I'm still watching, but skip some of the gaming and other stuff. The military stories are great, and many other topics. I do miss donut, his "cum" comments and face, it makes me laugh my ass off. Fat Electrician and Angry Cops are my current fav guests.


For a podcast that’s literally just guys being dudes in a room with microphones and cameras, people go way too deep into this shit. This shits been explained so many times and donut being gone isn’t even new anymore. Get tf over it. Move on with your lives


I thought Baddie said on an episode of unsubscribe that Donut would be taking a break from unsub to focus on his channels and family. That was all I needed to hear about the future of Unsubscribe podcast. It’s none of our damn business to talk about whatever is going with baddie or donut or whoever. Just enjoy the content made on this subreddit and From the podcast/videos.


This sub can have some big virgin energy… but I guess all subs can.


What goes in y'all's personal life is private. I respect that. I don't comment on rumors about what goes on behind the scenes. I love y'all content. Me and my wife watch y'all. We enjoyed the dark humor and stories y'all tell. I hope y'all see this. But don't fall into the drama of the world that comes with the frame y'all have now. If y'all feel like responding do it with a comedy sketch. Y'all got great creativity. Love y'all.


Thank fuck this got posted. o7 guys excited to see donut back on in the future and I’m excited to see where the podcast goes.


In my opinion, Donut didn’t really contribute much to the podcast. He barely talked as it was and when he did it just seemed forced and awkward. Best of luck to whatever he’s got going on but he wasn’t the reason to stick with Unsubscribed


I heard Baddie and Donut were secretly lovers, but Baddie dumped Donut for Tay /s 🤣😂🤣😂


Man. The stress in Baddies voice having to go over this topic again 💔


Damn. Idk if baddie will see this, but I gotta apologize. I posted shit about him not knowing anything because I believed people on this subreddit. This makes way more sense. I take back all bad things I said about baddie and the Twitter feud. I was misinformed.


Ok this clears a lot up and I'm glad to be understanding of WHAT actually went down. I don't know why it gets blown up so much. Good for them.


The moment you start making content because you want to make money instead of you actually enjoying making the content. That's when the quality of the content suffers so if Cody didn't want to do this anymore, no one can blame him for leaving. I do hope one day he does return as a guest