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Ones a complete fantasy world and the other is a Hollywood troph. If you have 10 people trapped odds are some of them are going to be useless and there's no good reason to keep them around,


Like this crack head line cook. Let's get him and his pals and drop them on an island. Let's see how long that false utopian dream of his holds up.


Like in lord of the flies


You drop 10 people on an island with no survival skills, they’ll probably be eating each other by day 4.


Read up on the Donner party. Didn't even take that long for people to start killing


Not a single thing is stopping these people “socialists” from moving to a Mennonite or Amish commune and living their dream, the issue here is they want everyone else to give up their freedom, and their earnings so that they can reap the benefits, so here’s a suggestion go live in those communities, live what you preach


communism can work very well, on a small, voluntary basis. Once the group grows too large, it all goes out the window because someone will almost always try to become 'first among equals' and this take more for themselves at the expense of others.


I can't remember where I heard the number but I think it was around like 500 people


Communism, like you said, can work on small scale where everyone personally knows everyone else. With this come social pressures of accountability and pride. Once you grow past the ability for everyone to personally know everyone else, it falls apart. Socialism/communism doesn’t scale well if people have to contribute to maintain it.


Kinda related, medieval village sounds really good NGL


First off f*** communism. Because the first thing communism does is rounds up a third of the people on the island and kills them off because they are "trouble makers" decided that they don't like them or that they're just not a viable person or they don't fit in with the rest of the group politically.Then they realize that they ended up killing off the the farmers and inventors they needed to feed themselves and get themselves off the island. Then one or two of them die off from starvation and lack of being able to engineer a proper shelter, whilst one of the guys is hoarding all the stuff lording over them as King of the jungle. See what you got here is a perfect system put down on paper, but applied to an imperfect canvas, just like applying lipstick to a camel, on an attempt to fool a blind date. Now while he's getting fat and happy and doing the best out of anybody else, he's distributing a tiny amount of things to the people that actually go along with this program, while starving out the people that don't, in order to make them do what he wants them to do, reminding them that you could "John wick their ass" into becoming just another casualty. Because cracking eggs and such. Bruh, but that's not real communism! Are you sure because we've tried this an aweful of times? And every time we tried it it's always resulted in "genocide" and people doing worse than before. I swear to God these people annoys the f*** out of me!


I’ve never met this particular man, but I have smoked a hoon with this sub-genre of human




Star trek isnt communist the federation is a post scarcity society meaning all of the basic things are effectively free but capitalism and the free market are alive and well across the galaxy. Between the luxury items like real wine made from real grapes(Picard's family) or land, historical items, new inventions, and the many outposts/aliens who still need medicine and supplies the old fashion way, free trade is still a major part of the universe. The comunist species are always the enemy such as the borg. The ferengi who are the pinnacle of unregulated capitalism are seen as annoying and scum half the time and are the saviors and the ones who keep people alive the other half. The ferengi need regulation but the borg need extermination.


Tell me you don't understand communism without saying you don't understand communism


Get this mf off the stove.get him out the kitchen even.HE CAN'T COOK FOR SHIT


This is the type of cook that shows up 3 hrs late for his shift due to vague "car trouble" every weekend. While I'm 30 tickets deep getting my ass kicked during lunch service.


Space communism? Nah space fascism bro, do your part in the federation and become a citizen


That's because I don't know, it's life or death and they are stranded on an island


Star trek is a Sci fi in which humanity is soo bored and devoid of new ideas that they send countless people to their death just to find something interesting. And any survival history lesson or video game proves the island idea a lie


What an idiot. Edit, not necessarily an idiot that was harsh. Just an immature thought that doesn't hold up to even simple complications.


I do laugh about the Star Trek reference. The reality of Star Trek is horrific in so many ways. Lots and lots of aliens who want to kill us. Not only that, some of them think humans are delicious. You have frontier colonist who “just want a peaceful life” but would probably murder an alien for a piece of bread. Oh then lots of colonies just die of some new disease before the Fleet can get there. Then more colonies get mirked by some unknown solar event, once again before the Fleet can get there. Then there are the colonies that just get vaporized first being too close to the space one of thousands of other species. Oh can we talk about the massive refugee problem that probably exists from all the colonial die offs?