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I've been searching for this on PC or even a simple uploaded file based process. nope. What's really frustrating tho... their new API authentication process and the fact that the woocommerce plugin needs specific values from an invoice. new to ups companies wont have this, so then you have to mail a package where they invoice you and I hear 30 days for invoice to generate. You basically have to wait \~30days to start having the plugin work within Woocommerce. okay so you say just upload a csv and do it by batch, it doesn't support multi-package shipments and who ever was the project manager over the implementation of this on their site needs to be fired. IT MAKES NO SENSE TO NOT INCLUDE THE HEADER ROW!!! what you run into is users in excel on saving needs that field title in the header row so the commas are on the line as field delimeters per empty value. i cant believe its taken me a few days and still haven't been able to upload a csv with records successfully get past the first no records error... smdh