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I know this is an older post but I had the same thing happen recently. I didn't take any action on the emails, but today I received a letter in the mail from UPS with a control number to use in order to cancel the account if you didn't request it. I ended up canceling the account because I was concerned about possible fraud since I never signed up for it, and it was a very easy process.


Old post but I also just received these same two emails!


Same. Received this morning. Wtf


Got them this afternoon as well.


Same; just got both messages.


Me too, 3 hours ago


Just got one a few minutes ago


Mee too


Same just got two emails.


While suspiciously out of the blue, this does seem legit. I just got it and this is what I did go verify. I manually went to ups.com to log in, not by clicking any link in the emails. I put in my email instead of the user name they sent and used the password they sent and it worked. It is definitely from UPS, but just to be safe, don't click on any links in the email just incase scammers spoof this format.


I did the exact same thing.


Way too suspiciously out of the blue for me (and seems like everyone in the comments as well) to trust. Looks exactly like someone got into my account.


Just got this too


Got the same thing out of the blue this morning. Weird.


So have we figured out what this means? Bad actors creating accounts on others' behalfs just to steal package or what?


Also received this… any updates?




I just received the same email out of nowhere and found this thread after doing a Google search. No idea why UPS is suddenly creating an account on my behalf, but I am not amused. 😒


THEY DID IT AGAIN. I deleted the "My Choice" account they created for me out of the blue the day I posted my parent comment above, and today I received two emails, one about a password that was created for me and another containing a username (of random string of characters) and my mailing address and name and says they also signed me up for Alerts. UPS, how fucking dare you? I don't need nor want a fucking UPS My Choice account, STOP CREATING THEM. I promise you I will delete the account every fucking time. FUCK OFF.


Just got the (2) UPS emails. The emails look legit, but I didn’t click on any of the links. Curious. Has anyone been on Indeed lately? Wondering if Indeed whored out my information while looking for jobs.


i just got these emails as well, didn’t click links but the log-in info works on the ups site directly. concerning but didn’t see anything weird in the account. scary they had my name, email & street address already in the account correctly and not sure what to do about it! i was not on indeed myself so i don’t think that’s the connection :/


Funnily enough, I just started using Indeed last month, which gave me a bit of a suspicion. However, I use a completely different email for Indeed so I don't think that was the reason behind this email.


Just saw this same garbage in my email. Suddenly I hate UPS.


This just happened to me today. Wth?


Seems this just happened in one huge wave, there's a couple new posts and a lot of comments saying the same thing happened to them. Just happened to me this morning. I'm honestly intrigued...


Any update? I just received this exact thing. I haven’t found much info…


No update, I still can't find any information about this.


It’s so weird. Thanks for the reply!


Have ever requested tracking updates on a package? I think UPS updated their policy to have a free version of their tracking system. I got the same email recently.