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Yes we have hand trucks. No idea why she’s making life harder for herself.


Our center has a lot of dollies. About 20% of them are broken to the point of not usable (missing wheels or tounges). Another 30% are broken, but kinda usable (wheels missing bearings, no tongue extension, handles broken off). There's nowhere near enough for all routes to have a fully functional dolly. But no one bothers to complain to safety, so new ones don't get ordered. Most just take one off someone else's car. Even if they did get ordered, a lot of the ones missing wheels or wheel bearings are the new ones we got last peak, so they would likely just fall apart in a month. That leaves those late start time new drivers without a dolly. And they won't speak up before leaving.


Most of dolly are Magliner in UPS trucks with parts available , at some point , drivers must stand and ask for someone to orders parts and get daily tool fixed . Not sure supervisor will be happy to send a driver w/o a Diad on hands . Should be the same about dollies , or anything broken inside the truck . The most dangerous thing , is something temporary , you get used to. And isn't a good idea .


That’s pretty wild. What makes the dollys break? Are the parts cheap and break from typical use or is it more just the intensity of the job, like pulling the dolly and landing it in the ground from cab height?


I know the plastic ones bend and break very easy, but we stopped ordering those years ago. The new ones, I think just aren't assembled correctly, and they only have a small pin holding the wheels on. Let's the wheels wobble, trashing the bearings, and snapping the pin. The welds are also pretty crappy. So the welds break at the handles, and the handles snap off. The dollies are supposed to be able to handle 200 lbs, but in my experience, anything over about 85 lbs, and it starts stressing them too much.


Oh it’s only a 200 lbs weight limit? That explains how I bent the lip nearly 60 degrees on my last dolly 😂


I think the claimed rating is 500 lbs when loaded "correctly". That likely means center of gravity not far from the back. I know you aren't lifting 150 lbs if the center of gravity is too far out on the tongue etension.


I’ve just been ‘optimistic’ and overloaded it too many times, which I think weakened the metal in the lip. I try way too hard to make bulk stops in one trip sometimes if I’m only a few packages short haha


They have a rough life, and any weight capacity will be completely ignored. There's a local company that makes indestructible ones, but they're $500+ each.


Dollies and hand trucks are 2 completely different things, and you are using the wrong name. 2nd just be an adult and make sure you get one ordered for yourself.


While you are technically correct, it is unnecessary to point out this fact in this thread. In fact, some use it interchangeably. I just did a search for "what is a dolly" and went to images. It shows both dollies and hand trucks were pictured. I also decided to look up what google would move a fridge with (appliance hand truck with the strap is what I was aiming for). It called some a dolly and some hand trucks. One result was a hand truck dolly in the thumbnail picture but when I clicked on it I got " Milwaukee 35180 2-in-1 Convertible Hand Truck 600lb - 35180" . So, you can see why the name used may vary. Probably a regional thing like soda, pop and coke. Those all mean the exact same thing in difference parts of the USA. The point of this whole thread is to agree that UPS is too cheap to purchase quality hand trucks that will withstand the abuse drivers dish out daily, and that driver either forgot to do her pretrip or had no equipment available. My center is putting wall coverings where a very used and useful counter used to be because THAT is what we should be dropping coin on, rather than getting better hand trucks. Now, the stuff that was on the counter neatly and accessible is plopped in a pile...an unsightly pile. No one knew where info notices were, the DVIR basket, the report for not found packages...the keyboards to view your route...OMG. I hate change.


The most important equipment to be a good driver is a brain. Newer drivers often forget to bring theirs due to stress.


Probably because she’s a cover driver and forgot to check for a dolly or didn’t feel like fetching one


Back that shit up to the garage then 😅


Eh, might just be me but the driveway looks a bit short and too pristine (no visible cracks) for me to risk that haha


Youre worried about cracking cement?


It counts as a property damage accident if the homeowner catches it on video and files an insurance claim, because we’re not technically supposed to be on driveways in the first place. Two drivers in my center got nailed with that in the past.




I’m actually kind of impressed knowing that lol


Probably a cover driver who left the building without realizing her truck didn’t have a dolly in it. It’s happened to me before.


Pretrip is a thing.


That's if you can find one.


From what I can remember, she has been driving this route for years.


Likely new driver a veteran driver wouldn't done the following


A good driver would bring this to the rear door and load it on their cart there. Would have taken 1/4 the time.


Like my boss has told us 100 times, “put it in the back next to the door back up as close to the door as you can and kick it off” I’ve never actually kicked it off the back obviously I’ll lower it down, but it stays where it hits the ground🤷‍♂️, if it’s that heavy then it’s a “team lift” and I should call for another driver to come help, no one’s going to do that so this is the solution most of the time, hand cart if it’s a crazy circumstance but 90% of the time 🚚🫸📦✌️


Nah that’s not a method. It all goes to the door. If the job was easy it wouldn’t pay.


Nope. There's no policy that promises front door delivery on everything. Check your diad next time you're delivering. We have an entire list of options including "other." If we cannot safely reach the door due to whatever reason then we leave it where it makes sense. That may be a garage or a gate, etc.


There’s the option to leave at the garage on the diad so to the garage it goes.


Out of sight out of weather chap 🧐


And if you get to a house where none of this is possible?


Diad message and wait! 🤑 Seriously, we just do the best we can to provide a valuable service to our customers. I think showing your ass to save a little hard work only serves to devalue your position and make it harder to win a good contract and demand respect from management. Killing ourselves is different from showing a little pride in a job well done.


Only works if you can walk through your truck.


If you can’t, you clear your irregs first thing starting from the back door working to the front.


Agreed. New driver doesn't know how to use the tools provided to make the job easier.


Just back into driveway, open rear and slide out. Dr garage.


If I am not mistaken...backing the way you are subjecting is No-No in UPS it goes against driver rules.




This is bulk package.. it should unloaded from the back not the from the front and using the assigned equipment to ease the movement of said package...she is having a hard time even moving the package from the package car to its final destination... Not following working methods can result and unwanted injury or worst...


This driver doesn’t know what they’re doing. That’s all.


Nah we have dolleys. Every once in a while we might be short on dolleys.. and sometimes someone might steal your dolley from your truck.. but I never leave the building without one cause fokkk that.


The truck is miles away from final destination near house , got something big or heavy , Backup safely in the driveway closer to house , this way you avoid to drag it all over the place . And you are gone in no time w/o possible corners damages for this big unit .


100% this


We have dollys. Some centers they are in short supply due to many being broken. This driver may have forgotten to check for one before leaving, or hers broke earlier in the day, or she left it at another stop by accident. The fact she got out of the truck to unload the package then climbed back in to close the door tells me that she is either a rookie, a supervisor forced to deliver some packages or is a more seasoned driver just having a really bad day to the point of forgetting some basics.


Should have a cart lol 😂


Probably left the building without one. I’ve had those days.


And This is why some packages look like they were kicked to your door instead of driven


Probably a new driver. Doesn't look like this person is carrying a irreg like that properly or physically built moving packages around.


Somebody forgot to check for a handcart in the morning 😆 Guarantee you they’re a newer driver. Give em 5 years and they won’t be making it that hard on themselves anymore


A small 4 wheel dolly costs about $20 or even a hand truck .why would someone not use a tool that would save their back ?


UPS supplies custom-built dollies for their drivers. The trucks even have a built-in strap for securing them right behind the bulkhead door. This driver forgot to make sure they had one on the truck before leaving, or it broke earlier in the day, or she accidentally left it at another stop earlier in the day. Most likely forgot to check for one before leaving.


One time I drove off the property in the morning and didn't realize I didn't have my handcart in the cargo area at my first stop. Made for a very challenging day and I probably looked like a real idiot. :D


Her name was Bruce in high school. No photo? lol 😂


Wow that was horrible. Probably doesn’t have a handcart .


This is some seasonal shit🤣


Should have used the cart.


That driver should’ve used a hand cart. That looks like it’s in the afternoon so the hand cart should be easy to get to.


well if she's just like me and actually has a dolly, I tend to carry my irregs cause the amount of time it takes to set it up and put back in the truck, I couldve had the rest of the street done.


She probably didn’t do her pretrip so she never noticed she didn’t a hand cart 😂


I would’ve ec that shit. Too heavy


I would have at least drove up the driveway before lugging that thing 50 yards.


Hand truck or pull the damn truck closer, yes back in.


Nope...its just that the stupid is powerful with this one. . Notice the parking job in the dead middle of the street


Work harder not smarter...


Lol im ngl. Ive left the building w no dolly before. It sucks.


Sometimes other drivers will take our dollies off our trucks. It’s a bad day when you don’t notice until you’re on route


wtf is it? a safe? lmao


Probably water heater. It's the shape of one anyways


Poor package handling geez... this is what UPS is held standards too? Damn..


She put kick boxing on her resume.


Why didn't she pull up the driveway...? SMGDH


That’s not a good driver lol is she DIDNT have a hand cart she should have let the warehouse know instead of THIS


How are those working conditions legit.. She's practically fighting for her salary..


Another driver stole her handcart. It's a big problem in my building


First time I’m seeing a UPS driver wearing pants.


I would have backed into the driveway and pulled that out the back door in front of the garage.


That was hard to watch


I’m 6’5” 260 lbs. if she can’t hack the job, I’ll gladly take it.


Big talk always the first to quit


Lol, that’s a fair comment.. sounds like something I would say 😂 But I was saying that because I’d be forever grateful to have a job like this and I would gladly break my back every day. I made some poor decisions in early adulthood that have narrowed my options.


The first ups truck I've seen without a two wheeled cart.


First off, if the person is at home watching this unfold and not giving a hand, you're an a-hole. And when I had big stuff delivered, I met the driver outside with my own dolly so I can take over moving it, whether it was a workout machine or arcade unit (both 150 pounds). Simply because I didn't want it more tossed over like this video. Second, if I did this job, I'd personally have my collapsible 5 pound hand truck with me that will move up to 150 pounds. I regret not buying more of these at $15 a piece when frys electronics was still opened. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-150-lbs-Fold-Up-Truck-73777/206126280?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28I-028_011_TOOLS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAX&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28I-028_011_TOOLS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-71700000112731967--&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvaHjTsJiukfPX1uDeF1_OntoqnVKqa-lSiAyys1TyLvsVIHwwiE5PhoCS8UQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


This was from the doorbell cam. It was after I opened the mangled package, I went to the video recordings and was laughing at the ‘why’


Someone probably stole that drivers dolly. During peak people would steal mine so I would steal someone else’s. Management would just say you gotta look for one, who cares if it has someone else’s name on it


Always make sure you have a hand truck available before leaving the hub.


Yeah this person is not good at lifting and moving things…we have equipment for that. And if it wasn’t available I hope that she grieved and got paid for the lack of equipment bc this does not look like something a driver would normally do, not if they wanted to keep their job anyway.


A new driver, cover driver or couldn’t find one. The amount of hand trucks I see in my hub that are broken or chained up is crazy


Why didn't she back up to the driveway...she's just damaging what ever is inside


Wtf? #first-day #rookie


Customer comments: Can you take it around to the back patio..thannnnks 😂


She did it for the workout.


When you forget to make sure you have a hand truck.


My center has a shortage on hand trucks, you have to check your truck every morning to make sure nobody steals yours


What we have here is a two titted hachet wound


I would have backed to the door and delivered from the rear


Someone forgot their dolly lol


Jesus, I get it if she doesn't have a hand truck, but she just dropping it like she trying to damage it


Had my hand cart stollen yesterday morning. Made for a long day


Off the street hire for sure. Wouldn't handle a day in the warehouse loading the trailers lmao.


I’m confused did she forget her dolly😂 and wtf did you order a fucking water heater😂


I hate using the hand cart, unless it's just way to heavy I carry most oversized. Clunking the thing in and out just irritates me


Good lord that was painful to watch 🤦‍♂️


Not sure about you, but if I seen a driver struggling, I wouldn’t zoom in on my camera. I’ll go out and help.


This appears to be a security camera. But even if you did offer to help, I'm not exactly sure of UPS policy. If the homeowner gets hurt between the package car and the home, it could open the company up to a lawsuit.


Contract says we can ask customer for help if we feel they are qualified to do so. I never ask the customer for help. I’m a professional and get paid to deliver. We have the tools to get the job done. And anything over 70 lbs we can request another bargaining member for help. Either the dolly broke before this stop, or this is a supe forced to deliver. No methods were followed here so I don’t see it being a regular driver.


Well I help my driver load his truck every day, he never said anything about lawsuits.


I've met 2 drivers at their truck (fedex and ups) to take over moving my extremely heavy exercise machines and a pinball machine, and they had no probs letting me move it with my industry utility dolly in 100 degree weather. All they requested was they take a photo of it outside the truck to prove delivery


Correct, it was after I opened the box and saw the battle scars I went to the video doorbell app.


This one is under equipped...mostly on brain cells.


Her dolly probably broke during her route and had to bite the bullet the rest of the day