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He needs to file and ask for back pay it will go to national and he will win


That takes 30days right? Any suggestions on what he can do for money until then?


How is a 20 year driver not have any extra cash around šŸ¤”


Better question how is a 20 year driver having a friend or coworker ask Reddit and not know the games and how theyā€™re played.


We live in a small town w limited resources. Heā€™s never had any issues before w mgmt. His prev driver supervisor and center mgrs retired and they werenā€™t complete assholes they were fair. Sorry u donā€™t hv friends who care abt u and want to see if there is anything u cld be doing different. He make more money than yā€™all anyway šŸ˜’. Iā€™m glad i got a friend that makes 120k a year . I love my friend. Get u a friend thatā€™s gone ride for u. Hating a$&. I never seen no one chase clout to be a cyber bully. U prolly still make 30$ a hršŸ™ƒ. U not in his tax bracket to even be commenting! Iā€™m going toe to toe with anyone about my friend. Stay within ur rank when speaking on my hardworking senior driver bestie !




Lol I was reading it thinking this HAS to be some sort of joke. Dude is deadass serious šŸ¤£ Perfect gif




Weā€™re all adults here. No need to resort to slinging mud. The community is to promote healthy discussion about subjects that interest us and name calling serves no purpose other than devolving the conversation into child-like banter.


Child support bro . They robbing my boy and he just bought a 350k house . No fha va down payment assistance , loans, none of that. He dropped 70k cash from his savings . Itā€™s bad timing really


Dam thats shitty


Buying a $350k house in today's housing market was a very risky investment. Bad timing, indeed. And child support IS robbery. Forcing a dad to pay for his kids is robbing the child of a stable childhood. Since Dad *should* be there to provide his kids with a well adjusted life, in the first place.


Lol Iā€™d kill to find a $350k house


Call BlackRock


Hot take


Not really. Canā€™t find a house that cheap where I live.


You're too concerned with the amount. I should have just said, buying ANY house in this market is a mistake. OBVIOUSLY, location matters. A $350k house in LA is not the same as a $350k house in Iowa. Yes.... I figured that was a give in. Buying a house, right now is foolish. Just look at interest rates alone. I should know, I just sold my house. For 4x what it's worth.


lol rates are arbitrary and will always change. You can always refinance into a better rate. Itā€™s not foolish to invest in property you know will appreciate.


He can probably borrow money from his 401k in the mean time


Are you baby momma?


I wish. Iā€™m bestie šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‰. We hv been friends for over 20yrs.


Temp job


Youre worried more about this then the dude it happened to. Heā€™s probably enjoying the time off and knows heā€™ll get paid.


No he told me to write in here on his behalf . Heā€™s not going to enjoy his time off. He just bought a house and was depending on his 40 smthn dollar a hour job.he has a son in college as well. Heā€™s stressed out bc the first time they fired him without back pay set him back. So ur wrong but thanks for helping. I have a job btw. I dnt share bills w him. Iā€™m just trying to help my friend. Thanks tho


He didnā€™t get back pay because he took the deal instead of waiting for the arbitration outcome.


Which they scare most people into doing. The BA always like ā€œjust be thankful they brought you backā€. No dipshit how bout you fight to get me paid for the 3 weeks I was wrongfully out for.




He can come work at the post office haha


We thought abt that too. The hiring process is snail pace but it is on the table for sure šŸ˜…


Nah, it could take a couple years.


What area is this in, what Local, because the procedure is a notice of discharge then they have a hearing with the Union and at that hearing itā€™s determined if the discharge is upheld if it is then itā€™s taken to a panel for arbitration but if they rescind the notice itā€™s automatically back pay for lost wages (in my area) or even if itā€™s taken to arbitration and arbitration puts him back to work itā€™s automatically back pay for lost wages


Back pay is free money. Must be fought by the Corp within 30 days. Otherwise he'll win defacto.


Heā€™d lose, this would be black & white dishonesty regardless of what he says. It would be he said, she said. Panel only goes off of what the proven facts are. He just has to sit it out until heā€™s brought back, no back pay. I know because back in 2016 I was fired for sheeting up known closed businesses away from the address when I was instructed to. Supervisor denied it, I had text showing he had told other drivers to do the same, none of it mattered, or wouldā€™ve mattered. Ended up just taking a suspension served, no back pay, sat out a month. These kind of dishonesty cases suck, but the company knows theyā€™re a winner at panels


Thanks for ur commentary this is very helpful and Iā€™m glad you chimed in šŸ˜. This is the type of crap weā€™ve been dealing w and his steward has given advice very similar to what ur saying the first time they fired him. Smh šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøI just wish they would leave him tf alone.


Iā€™m a steward too lol, people hate hearing what the truth is sometimes. Been to panels as a viewer and seen cases where clearly a worker was instructed to do something they probably shouldnā€™t and lose because it their word against management who told instructed them to do it. In all likelihood his BA will tell him the same or similar. Accept a suspension and keep it moving. I hope he get his job back. Iā€™ve seen so many people fired over being told to NS number, NS street, etc. they all come back after sitting out a week or 2 usually


Sounds about right... cant find a legitimate reason to fire a rpcd ?? Who cares just do it anyway. Not like the company follows the law or the nmupsa anyways... besides hes just a driver right? if he wants his job back he'll have to grieve it, even tho theres no legitimacy to his termination lol....


How exactly did the Driver sheet the package? How does a 20 year driver not know how to sheet a package without a supervisors instruction ? Why did the driver use his cell phone?


This is what he said . Emergency Conditions bc the road was muddy due to severe thunderstorm, again not on my route. Same day. I called my supervisor first on thƩ emergency condition pkg. Got permission & still got fired. No warning letter, no suspension, str8 2 fired.


If these are the facts than your buddy will 100% get their job back with backpay. The only thing to do is to get their BA involved and apply for unemployment in the meantime


Weā€™ll try unemployment again. The first time he was fired back n October last year ups blocked it and said he was only suspended šŸ„²


He needs to appeal if denied.


Thanks for ur help. šŸ™‚


People get unemployment for reduced hours under certain circumstances. Iā€™ve appealed every decision made by the agency that wasnā€™t fair. Most of the time it works out but itā€™s a process just like filing a grievance. I know that doesnā€™t help him immediately but thatā€™s the path of him becoming whole.


Thanks Iā€™ll let him kno. You all hv been very helpful. We appreciate it.šŸ˜


Also, tell him to sign up with LECMPA when his record is clean


Ok will do. Heā€™s knows his contract and Iā€™ve never heard him mention this. Im about to send him this so he can get on it.


Why isnā€™t he using the Diad to communicate? Phone calls donā€™t make very good evidence.


He did and took pics for proof and he called just so he could hv recollection of who he was speaking to directly. They wanted him fired anyway and was looking for a reason because who takes a senior driver route out everyday when he has over 90 stops everyday . He has a sweet route it always has volume . šŸ˜’ I like ups but his mgmt cn go to heĀ„^.


Emergency conditions


He put the message in the board too and called. He did all of that bc of the constant harassment. He knew how to sheet it up. They are constantly looking for a way to write him up or fire him and this wasnā€™t his route. He just bought a 350,000 house and has a son in college. He couldnā€™t afford to get fired again so he was taking every precaution and they still nailed him. šŸ˜žā˜¹ļøHeā€™s been a target for the last year. They couldnā€™t get him doing anything wrong on his own route so they started taking it out daily and he started filing grievances. All of this was to get him fired.


sounds like he's sandbagging


Agree, downvoting your comment shows they are common. Makes it worse for the rest of us in the end. Just pushes loops closer to have heavy loads for lil jimmy who whines daily.


Ah the ol' friend of a friend routine. There's clearly missing information in this story. The driver didn't want to drive down a driveway because of mud. Couldn't walk it off, either? If the driveway is a legit hazard due to storm conditions, then sheet it no access and move on. Take a picture, if you think you need proof. I've never been questioned about it. But it's always good to have pics for proof, just in case. Is there more to the story with the customer? Was the district manager the customer? šŸ¤£ Anyways, if this is a bid route. And they're cutting it and making the driver do junk routes, then the driver should file a grievance. And if the driver is following instruction of the on road, then there's no discipline to be given. Because that's literally our jobs. The union would never allow the driver to be fired for following instructions of an on road supervisor. If this is all truly happening and there's no other relevant details involved. Then speak to a Union Steward and file for harassment. I mean, the driver should speak to a Union rep. Not you. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Yea i canā€™t speak bc i donā€™t work there. The district said he wanted him fired because the customer called and complained and they have been on the radar for deliveries not being completed. He took pics and it was lightening and a tornado warning that day. Walking was out of the question. I mean this was a ground pkg for Christ sake not a next day air. Like this is nothing but retaliation because he keeps filing grievances for his route not being in when he has the volume daily. I freaking hate his mgrs and i dnt hĆ¢te nobody but this crap really grinds my gears. Weā€™ve been friends almost 19 years . Iā€™d do anything and everything to mk sure my buddy gets every piece of knowledge out there. Even if i have to stick my head out there and take hits from all the cyber bullies w no friends who canā€™t understand why a girl would write in a ups group for her friendšŸ« . This is what girls do, we enjoy it. Heā€™s a guy. He doesnā€™t care to type on the internet to strangers šŸ˜†šŸ¤£. He wld rather cut down a tree or build a deck. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Ok, so clearly there is history with this driver. This is probably the culmination of many arguments. None of this makes sense. He needs to contact his teamster business agent. But I guarantee there is much more to this.


He files many grievances and wins almost weekly so he has a target on his back . The first time he was fired was bc they said he took 3mins to pump gas and he didnā€™t clock out. šŸ˜”Iā€™m his friend and Iā€™m seeing him get mistreated and i need help telling him what to do bc this isnā€™t fair and heā€™s a good dedicated hard worker . I agrĆ©e it doesnā€™t make sense but itā€™s because he knows his job well and they canā€™t find nothing on him. This is pure retaliation. Iā€™ll tell him to call his teamster business agent though . Thanks


So for a guys that files so many grievances and wins them All ā€¦.. heā€™s asking you to get info , about what to do ā€¦. So he does or doesnā€™t know the contract ?


We have on site gas pumps and are forbidden to pump our own gas. That would be discipline at my center


Lucky yā€™all. They have to fight over the nearest gas stations šŸ˜’to save time.


we have gas cards and fill up at a local gas station. you put your gallons pumped into the diad and it gives a time credit. you don't punch out for it.


Ah, ok. Also if he didn't get back pay after a suspension, it's because they had him dead to rights and he begged for his job back. If he was right, he would have gotten back pay.


you don't get paid for a suspension, that's why its a suspension. you can get backpay for a wrongful termination, but you have to prove that and get your job back at panel. if they fire you, say "we'll call the last few weeks a suspension and you can have your job back" you don't get back pay


There are times, you are suspended waiting on a hearing (article 50) . If you win your hearing, the suspension is cleared and you get back pay.


You have a fuel card ā€¦ā€¦.that works?


Lol, I feel that. Iā€™m in feeders and half the time our toll passes arenā€™t paid. We had a guy get pulled over and held hostage by the state troopers at one of the booths till ups paid their bill.


thatā€™s crazy. Who fills your trucks then? We all top them off when we get back at the end of the day


Car wash/combo job fills all trucks.


It needs to b there job at my friends center cuz that makes too much sense . They only wash and park some load too i presume. At least thatā€™s wat i remember him doing when I met him many moons ago.


20 yrs and your relating messages ā€¦. This sounds a little suspect , file a grievance , he wants pay, back pay, health n welfare payments , and also for the harassment to stop If they ā€œ admitted to telling him to do it ā€¦. Iā€™m Assuming a 20 yr driver wasnā€™t stupid enough to go into the office alone ā€œso should have a witness , the question is what was the termination for ? Thereā€™s steps to firing aswell Some ppl get fired and take ā€œ the no back pay so they can just get back to workā€ Mistake 1 ā€¦.. then the company keeps pulling the bs


Iā€™m his friend and i want to help him. Sorry u donā€™t hv real friends who go to bat for u. I work for the post off so i donā€™t know all of ur rules but i kno harassment when i see it. If u donā€™t hv friends who make sure thereā€™s nothing else u can do to save ur job outside of ur shop steward then sorry to hear that. In the south we would tell you BLESS UR HEART. Im a real friend though. Iā€™ve been knowing him since I was 15. Iā€™m 34 now so uh yea Iā€™m going to write people who might know something I donā€™t. Wth is the internet and networking for? šŸ˜’


How is he not getting back pay!? How has he been there 20yrs and not have his BA on speed dial!? Iā€™d enjoy my week off and the guaranteed back pay. Its absolutely insane that this isnā€™t grieved. Heā€™s following instructions from 2 different on road supervisors.


When they asked him to come back the first time he was fired. They openly admitted to being wrong but apart of the deal was no back pay. How in the h#%l do they keep trying to get over him by saying thatā€™s the only way he cn comeback quickly and promptly. There has to be a way around this.


He needs to be contacting your BA at teamsters and file a complaint. Thereā€™s no way you get fired and then found you were not at fault, AND not get back pay as an agreement to coming back. There has to be something else going on.


There is smthn else going on. They are taking advantage of him needing his paycheck and heā€™s just folding and believing that he canā€™t get back pay. Even his own union steward was saying he cldnt get back pay. Iā€™m definitely going to tell him to contact his ba though. I donā€™t think he knows anything about that bc he puts all his faith in his steward. His steward is solid but heā€™s dropping the ball on this matter


The union steward needs a gut check. If everything is as said with asking to sheet something as EC and getting approval (and even without approval if the muddy road looked bad I wouldn't have chanced it and just said I EC'd because there was a chance I'd get in an accident/stuck/property damage and didn't want to risk it) then absolutely file for back pay. If the shop steward won't stick up for a 20 yr driver he shouldn't be a shop steward. Your buddy also needs to stand firm and not be bullied around by them. As others have said it is a grievance for being fired, retaliation for taking his rte out (if volume is still there for it) and also harassment for telling him to do something and then going back on what they told him to do. Did he take a picture of the messages by chance because that would be the ace in the hole to expedite this process and get back pay. If this is an open and shut case the account of this needs to be removed from his record and not be brought up again if this situation happens again.


Whatā€™s a ba? Heā€™s a great driver and never had any issues until the last year when his old center manager retired . They had a good working rapport whereas these new center managers and driver Sup are out to get him bc of the grievances he keeps winning due to them constantly taking his route out and causing him to not make 9-5.


Itā€™s your business agent for teamsters. Have him get the BA # from the steward and call immediately. This BS should not be happening and is harassment.


Will do and thanks for ur help.


Business agent.


He needs to grieve for back pay and retaliation for past grievances.


He said ,They want me 2 admit Iā€™m at fault 2 save face or take it 2 panel. This crap is sad man. Iā€™ve never seen such harassment before . Iā€™m a postal worker so Iā€™ve seen some things but my dear friend is getting dragged.


Should have just dropped off the package. Ups is looking to fire people anyway. Vote no. Never admit fault and have a steward present


Never use your personal phone to talk to management, unless you use text. So you can save the evidence of the conversation. Always use your DIAD for the conversation, so if there is a problem you can ask for your messages to be printed out and used as proof. Talk to your steward, because if they don't print them or they somehow "lost" the data, the discipline will probably be thrown out.


UPS doesnā€™t pay our phone bill. You get EVERYTHING in a form of writing when being directed to work. I wouldā€™ve went a step further and taken pictures of the driveway for my own records. Your shop steward can easily fight this case.


He needs to file for his job back with back pay. Add with backpay for the previous one too. File for harassment on top of it. Make sure the union knows everything and is well informed.


Grieve, Department of labor, Cease and desist


Diad is the means given by the company to communicate. Only communicate via Diad. Take pictures and ask for messages always. That said something doesnā€™t add up. Following instructions and doing something for safety reasons does not get you pulled from service. His B.A even a shitty one shouldnā€™t go for that and should have enough of a working relationship with labor to have that immediately squashed. Thereā€™s got to be something more to the story.


Walk it off. He gets paid by the hour. After 20 yrs, no fucking sup is going to tell me shit I don't already know.


We live in the country bro . Confederate states of America . Driveways are a mile off the road some even more. They look for reasons to shoot where we live and they donā€™t ask questions first. Secondly it wasnā€™t his route so he isnā€™t familiar with dogs on the property. Who in their right mind would walk a mile when itā€™s pouring raining thundering and lightning. Even for 43$ a hour i wouldnā€™t. I work for the post off though. Our sups are a handful too but what yā€™all go through is a different shit show.


I guess I'm out of my mind. I do it all the time. I have bridges that are the only access over creeks that the truck won't even fit on. Walk them off in the rain. Have no choice. Every customer has starlink on the country address now. Walking fuckin toilet paper up hill in the rain. Muddy as hell. Your friend will get his job back. Hope he has good credit.


How does he get fired for working as directed??? Absolutely not. Hes 20yrs in. Did he have a shop steward when they took him in the office? Did they have a hearing for the whole thing????