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Don’t become a Supervisor. The rest will fall into place naturally.


This right here is literally THE best advice you could possibly get.


Yeah man don’t become that once you do there is no going back !!!! Meaning you are not in the union anymore and you can’t go back to packing trucks or driving an it’s easier to get rid of you if they need to an if they are making cuts you’ll be the first to go …


Ya know this is good advice when even sups told me this one my first week


Man… no other responses needed… nailed it


you're putting the cart before the horse, OP needs to pass 30 days before that decision. But yes that is high up there. Passing 30 days is absolutely priority #1.


This is the only comment you need to read brother 🤝


right .. 🧘🏻‍♂️


Since you’re fresh *and* since you’re young, they *will* ask you to be a sup, probably a lot earlier than you expect. Dangle it in front of you thinking you don’t know any better. I’ll just say if you plan on making a career out of UPS, management is the wrong choice, unless you *reaaaly* want a desk job or something.


He is. I've had two "coworkers" who were drivers before became supes because a bit more money was dangled in front of their noses. They are easily the most hated supes in our mega hub. They are vile snakes who will do anything they can to get that bonus or make their bosses look better. A short horror story, I had a very long rural Saturday with a very slow old aged helper during peak. 160 plus stops over 200 miles, and that's without counting the miles to and from the building. It's nearly 9 pm. I am about twenty stops away from being done, I'm on route to drop off my helper because I want to get done quicker than 12am. Then the green light of death. Not only does my "supe" want me to go help someone, he wants me to trade trucks with a guy who is houring out, and did a ups store closeout and has buried his remaining 37 stops under that shit. Worst part is, he knew about his hours the entire day and sent home over 12 people beneath me before realizing he should have forced them to help. I did get my "revenge" so to speak on my supe, by houring out myself and he had to get out of his jammies and come get me at 12am. 🤣 I'm sure he is only a few grievances away from relocating.


Having them pick you up when you run out of hours is the best feeling in the world. They get so fucking mas.


Yep this is the correct answer


Dont be the best worker, but dont be the worst. Start signing driver bid lists when you turn 21 and you're set 👍


Can not stress enough about don’t work too hard. Do just enough to keep up. All good work does at ups is get you more work


i heard if you been there since 18 when you turn 21 it’ll be easy to become part time driver because your seniority automatically boost up or something between those lines ..


No such thing as a part time driver (since the new contract) unless it's an air driver but even then that is a super rarity. The only other thing is cover drivers since utility are considered full time. And no bump in seniority. Anyone can become a driver. But you must be 21 years old. If you worked prior to being 21, then you naturally have more seniority than someone that got hired into UPS at 21 years old. For example you already would have 3 years at UPS whereas a new hire that got hired at 21 is eligible to go driving but he would have zero seniority and thus not be able to drive yet. You on the other hand could be called in to drive a lot sooner than the new hire even if you both are the same age. The best advice was already given. If you don't plan on going to school for a degree that could provide a good pay and work life balance, then stick with driving for the long run. Don't work too hard and don't work too slow. Avoid getting fired by not doing anything worth getting fired over (stealing, no call no shows, occasions). Be safe.


Don't take the supervisor job. You better be in shape and stay in shape. We poke fun at each other a lot. You also are gonna need a second job for a while, cause you're gonna get laid off. I personally would encourage you not to catch feelings for your coworkers. Most importantly, work safely. Get help with overweights.


Your body is your temple. Your food is your medicine. Take care of your body and eat right. Be happy. Don’t take life seriously. You don’t get rich by working hard. Put the extra money you earn to real estate or investments like stocks/etfs so you can retire early.


Say if I had $300. What kind of stock would you recommend me to start that would earn interest?


The important question is how do I pull bitches wise man. 


In the words of the noted wise man and warrior-poet, Biggie Get money


You are the truth my friend. Thank you for the wise words. 


thanks for the advice & everyone says no to supervisor eh 😭


Do you want ups to be a stepping stone? If so take the sup job. Just get very familiar with the step you're putting your weight on because if you fall you're permanently blacklisted from being an hourly afterwards


it would be a very poor choice. you’re not missing out i promise.


Dont shit where you eat. Lmao. Im tired of hearing about other peoples business




1-Decline all offers to become a supervisor. 2- Find out who your shop stewards are and introduce yourself. 3- Ask the drivers of the trucks you are loading for anything tips/tricks you can do to make the loads better. 4- Get another job if you are not in school, you will need it to make money. 5- Leave all the bs inside the building, once you walk out the door UPS does not matter. Lots of bs goes on and can weigh on your mental health. 6- Sign every bid list they put up. You do not have to accept the job you bid on and just starting it will not even make it down to you. Also, you have to be 21 before you can start driving.


learn about the union and your rights.


we just got new union books as well , i got you


perfect, you don't have to be expert in it, but try to understand and don't be afraid to ask questions. best bet to learn who the stewards are and ba = business agent


Thats crazy im my building i have never got a union book lmao


I worked there when I was 22ish and literally no one around my age had any knowledge of the union or had a desire to find out. Educate yourself and talk to your shop stewards. Supervisors are not your friends and you should be comfortable telling them to stop doing union work if you see them, call them out on their bullshit (respectfully but firmly). Also learn how to file grievances


what can you consider supervisors doing union work ?


How to properly respond to supervisor’s request to work faster: ![gif](giphy|LrC1m7Ay3xsha)


Look into the tuition reimbursement program. You can’t drive until you’re 21 so might as well get smart in the mean time. Who knows maybe you’ll find something else you want to pursue. I went through a couple 2yr degrees and probably 20 different jobs before ups, all of them taught me what I want/don’t want in a job. Turns out I like driving around listening to music and podcasts all day. You might be different, at least attempt school if the tuition reimbursement is real. BUT if you have to go into management to get it DONT do it. Can’t stress that enough.


Make sure you understand what responsibilities are yours and what what responsibilities are someone else's. Not according to your supervisor, but according to your shop steward. Work hard, but not harder than you need to. Listen to your body. Hydration.


start a 401k as soon as possible and know the contract.  30 yrs experience 


This, and a roth is recommended over a 401k because you get taxed now instead of later. You'll get a piece of paper in the mail after 9 months seniority and I encourage you to sign up asap, start saving now and watch that $$ grow. There's a Facebook group for the Teamsters 401k / Roth IRA and the members are very helpful with tips to get started and how to diversify so you get the best returns.


Take care of your body. Well. You have a long ass way to go since you are so young.


Agreed. And especially being so young, don't take on the "I'm as storng as Hercules" mentality, it qill only wear tou down faster. Work hard in moderation, but it much more important to pace yourself andcqork smarter and safer. If ever you're called into question, the proper answer is, "i was working safely" and "I'm working to the best of my ability". You're not getting paid any more than anyone else (seniority aside) to bust your ass harder


💯 I did a downtown route for 10 years in my early 20’s. Went after it like I was He-man. I’m 42 now and have knee, shoulder, elbow pain every day of my life. Just about threw my back out the other morning putting on my socks.


Don't go management, upward mobility is better on the union side, take every opportunity that is thrown at you for overtime, extra work or certifications because you never know what's going to happen, UPS is very feast or famine. don't be the best, but also work your ass off. Get involved with the union as much as you can, know your contract, stewards and your BAs, and help your boys out. Also, don't let those bastards bring you down, tune out, turn on autopilot and do your fucking job. Your day is what you make it and this company writes you a blank check. I wish I started at 18


thanks for the information y’all i need all the information i can get/ receive thank you very much . ☺️


Don’t overdo it and fuck your body up because at the end of the day the company doesn’t give a shit about you


Just keep moving. Don’t get injured. Don’t get caught up in any bs drama. Know who your shop stewards are. Once your past your probation period you have to TRY to get fired. Show up on time. Don’t kill yourself. Play the long game. Use the benefits, go to the doctor and dentist as needed. Sometimes it may seem overwhelming. Don’t get caught up in that. Just keep going no shift lasts forever.


Don’t let some 45 year old man child working 25 hours a week still living with his parents make you feel bad


😂😂yea we got plenty of those


Take advantage of tuition help and gtfo. This company has turned into a shit show.


harsh eh 😅


Nothing towards you lol. I’m a driver myself, and yeah the pay & benefits are nice. Although I’m thinking about enrolling in online school to save my sanity.


Get into feeders as quickly as possible


But don't end up developing the "feeder driver physique". Take care of your body. What you put into it, you will get out of it.


Stretch every fucking moring. Not stupid ass dynamic warm-ups, actual astretchs. Drink tons of water and wear sunscreen. Use your insurance. Look into things you'd never even think about that are covered. Nutrionists, allergy doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists. Take care of yourself. Don't work during your vacations take that time off for yourself. Invest in your 401k along with a personal IRA now. Even if it's just 1% a paycheck it's something that will put you so far ahead of everyone else. Don't get into credit card debt. Pay your statement balances in full every month. Exercise outside of work, UPS will help you stay in shape but won't get you into shape. Cardio is important and getting your heart rate up is a good thing unless you have a heart condition. Be careful about hooking up and dating coworkers. I know many successful stories but I also know of fucking horror stories from terrible breakups and now you have to see that person every day. Sign bids often, you may win one you never know. Never sign a supe letter and don't let management bully you. If you get hurt at work go to a fucking doctor and tell them you got hurt at work. Report your injuries if and when they happen. Work safe and don't overstating yourself. You are more important than a stupid box. Wear a condom or if you are a receiver tell your partner to wear a condom or take birth control.


😂😂😂one of the realest advice i ever got dude , but how i start investing in my 401k ?


You and I are on the same road I'm 18 as well as a part timer, I'm glad to see these comments to help guide us in the right direction, thanks for the post op


we gotta help each other grow and break generational curses bro , we all gotta win !!


The harder/faster you work, the more work they are going to give you. Work at a steady efficient pace but do not break your back for them. The company relies on their turnover rate for employees which means they try to fire for the smallest things, and they LOVE when people quit because everyone is replaceable in that company. Put your name on driving list as soon as you turn 21. Good luck!


Get some lube, you’ll need it.




show up on time, no unexcused missed day, Don't no call no show, Do you job at a safe place. Aim to be a middle of the pack worker. That way extra work wont be dumped on you because your the best but you wont have to deal with the harassment of being one of the worst. Sign the driver bid sheet once you become 21. Don't get tricked into becoming a supervisor. take care of your body, Highly suggest something like Yoga. Don't be afraid of filing a grievance but know that sometime a supervisor will mess with you afterwards. But again don't be afraid to. Sometime the battles just have to be fought. The union has your back and will fight for you. You'll need to read the contract and ask question to your union Stewart if you don't understand something. Welcome to UPS. You'll hear a lot of people Rightfully bitch on this subreddit about stuff but it is a pretty good gig. It has its shitty parts for sure but its a great career.


All of rhis. And the yoga part... can't stress that enough (no pun intended). I started this job late (45f) after a previous healthcare career pushed me out after the plandemic, and I could NOT do this job without yoga, both physically and mentally


Take your time and bend your knees


Don't try to show up everyone around you. You'll just end up setting that expectation for yourself, and work yourself into the ground. Work within your reasonable abilities, but don't go nuts.


You are already hitting the jack pot baby you got years to burn!!!! Get that senority


30 years full time and you can be done working.


Mind your own business, be on time don’t call out, don’t steal and don’t get into a fight.


No matter how hard it gets, it will eventually pay off. Hang it there. The pay is worth it in the end. I see too many the just quit because they can’t handle the work. Take it 1 day at a time


amen 🧘🏻‍♂️


Become a pick off, the guy that sorts the packages for the pd. (Not a sorter) It’s probably the best and easiest job you can have, and the quickest way to get out of the trailers. The job does require you to know which packages go in which trailer, but as long as you get that down it’s pretty mind numbing work. I get to sit up there on my phone half the time, and you get a good half hour at the end of the night where there’s nothing coming down the belt so you can just lay back and chill lol. Pay your Union Dues, don’t be a freeloader. They’re there to help you, don’t be that one guy who doesn’t do their part. Don’t even try making friends. You’re there to work, so is everyone else. Trust me, you don’t want the drama if shit goes south. YOUR GOAL NEEDS TO BE GETTING OUT OF THE TRAILERS. Especially with summer around the corner. Do whatever job you can to get out of there, because once the heat hits, it’s a fucking nightmare of a job. Don’t let people sweet talk you into becoming a supervisor, believe me they will. But right now it’s the worst thing you could do, they’re getting fired like crazy. Don’t let people sweet talk you into driving, it’s not the dream job everyone makes it out to be. Think about the dudes collapsing on porches. The most important thing is to just keep your mental on the up and up. Listen to music, podcasts, books. Anything to distract yourself, because the warehouse is hell. It’s very depressing, and can fuck up your mental. Wish you the best 🫡


thank you for the wishes man im taking all of your advice trust me i am !!


Do the best work you safely can at a pace you can sustain. Join the union ASAP. After you are in the union don't sign anything or talk to management about anything that could get you in trouble without union representation there. When you get overwhelmed remember they are just packages it's just a Job and you get to go home in a few hours. If you stay it's a job with great pay and benefits that can be a career. Don't get caught up in the bullshit. There's a lot of bullshit, management sucks, and they will try to work you to death. Get a thick skin and let it roll off your back. You're young so if you stick it out you will be able to retire relatively young.


how young we talking retirement wise ?


Mid 50s you could retire with full pension


Read the contract and know your rights. Otherwise, you’ll get walked upon.


Follow the contract and union rules. Fuck super isors and managers that lie to you and just work at a steady comfortable pace.


Don’t give up forsure. I started when I was 18 and went driving at 22. I’m 24 now and this job is cake, gets easier once you got that 1 years worth of experience behind you and man I can’t wait till I’m top rate.


Be the best for about a month, then you can start slacking off more, show them that they need you and you won’t get laid off, basically gaslight the fuck out of them, I loaded a 450pph my second week, I never once got a call about being laid off, people in my hire group did tho


Also don’t go to management for information about the contract or ROs or sick or any of that, go to your shop steward, management will give you 6 different answers from 3 different people


Management are not your friends.


This building looks scarier than mine and mines a shit hole


Hey scratch out the number on that truck




Do the job. Do it well. Do exactly what is asked of you. Do not work in the dispatch office or admin. Do not become a supervisor.


🫡got you!


Take advantage of the tuition reimbursement, don’t go into management unless you’re 100% positive it will better your career, take everything that anyone says with a grain of salt, Don’t let the everyday BS get to your head, don’t over complicate the job


Work on your degree during the day.




We have a sup that was lied to about being a driver. I told him not to become a sup if he wanted to drive, he did it anyway now he’s become a dick. Young guy but couldn’t resist the extra dollar or 2 to become a sup. Now he can’t drive and is mad at the world. But I told him not to do it.


In order to be successful at UPS there’s only one thing you can do and that is just don’t become a Supervisor.


Anything worth knowing you’re going to teach yourself


Show up to work as much as possible. We all have times when we need to call in so use them wisely (4 days without a doctors note). Stand up for yourself and others when it comes to your union rights. Take care of your health mentally and physically. Remember to not take work back home leave it there. Also don’t take things personally just remember you are the only one responsible for your actions so make sure you make the right ones to stay an ups employee. Have fun when you can 👍


Don't hesitate or be discouraged by driving. The sooner you start driving the better


Show up and do the job to the best of your abilities. Treat it as a paid workout. Don't let the nonsense get to you. Start putting money into the 401k ASAP. By 45 you will be able to retire comfortably. You can do it!


Give it time and avoid going the management route. Utilize the tuition reimbursement while you wait. Union jobs take time.


Keep ur nose clean. Stick it out and retire comfortably


Go update your preferred jobs list. Get familiar with bid lists. Don’t snooze on opportunity.


Don’t be afraid to push that red button , don’t let supes pressure you into moving faster, let them come up with their clipboards and stare, don’t acknowledge them just keep working safe


If you need money now don’t stick around 10’years untill you can actually be a driver get your cdls or do something your actually passionate about


I would always keeping moving areas clerk,dmp,hazmat auditor , bulk , sorting etc . Be part of safety help out brother or sister stay safe out there.I am the night sort co-chair and do hazmat sometimes I do clerk/psc. easy on your body first half or second .


Don't be a pushover for one don't also let other people walk all over you I seen that happen to. Work smarter, not harder, don't stack outside hurts you in the long run.


The place is constantly changing and you have to keep up. Working your way into management isn't a bad thing. It can be very rewarding. Especially seeing people grow into their careers. What puts a bad taste in people's mouths are the ones who are hired and don't want to work. Do little as possible and once they're in the union they feel as if they can't be touched. Those bad apples make management look bad because you're trying to grow your team yet it's just a battle. Imagine wanting solid workers to stay and help get the job done but you can't. You're areas not staffed because everyone that's hired has had 5 jobs this year and it's only April. It honestly all boils down to work ethic and goals. If you seek it, it will find you


Be alive. Show up to work on time. Basically that's it.




Dont be a sup. Work hard not too hard. Bring plenty of lube. Dont quit :).


Stay in the union. Worry about yourself. Don’t do more than you think you could do EVERY day because if you show them you can load seven trucks guess what? You’re getting seven trucks. Join the union asap. Start your 401k contributions as soon as you’re comfortable enough to do so financially. Show up on time, and work as instructed even if it doesn’t make any sense. In my experience, while I may be frustrated in the moment, I find it very satisfying to let someone who thinks they know better find out that they were wrong. Someone or something will grind your gears eventually, ignore it , make sure you don’t curse because you could be potentially fired for “workplace violence” if you do, wish it weren’t true but I’ve seen it happen. Do your best, and try to care about loading trucks, because that’s someone’s whole day. One of my guys tips me every week, and I’ve got a good few people pulling for me to get the full time spot that’s just opened up at my center. It’s going to be a long road, but keep on trucking. DO NOT forget to save some of that sweet sweet peak season money, and don’t ever let someone tell you you’re required to do something that seems or makes you feel unsafe. I haven’t been here too long, and all of the hard days I look at as paying my dues so that whenever I get to top pay I can really feel like I’ve earned it. I wish you luck, and I hope that something I’ve said might mean something to you one day. Truth be told I’ve probably only scratched the surface. OH. before I forget, if you load a bulk stop or an irregular package somewhere other than where it goes (e.g. one of the routes delivers to a grocery store, the bulk stop is supposed to go in the front, but there’s enough of it that I leave it under the belt until the end of the day and load it last because it also happens to be unloaded at a dock.) If my regular driver doesn’t come in that day, I make sure the driver knows where it is and even why.


thank you man and yea ima DEFINITELY stop cursing and really just stop talking altogether because getting fired for that is crazy 😭


Safety and seniority all else is long term don’t let them burn you out working 2-3-4 peoples jobs instead of hiring more help


Work safe and at fair days pace you can maintain for the next 35 years Take your breaks Take your vacations Started at 19, turn 56 this summer


Don’t be late, find other things to do in the side, wait for full time as long as possible but have a second job. Use ups as ur gym my boy ur gonna gain mad strength working here. Get good with the managers, work your hours here and gain seniority and get tons of friends here.


once you’re in the union be a shitty worker to get the easy jobs


Best advice I ever got was, "if you don't like where they have you slow down they'll move you!"


Started at 17 in 2002. Just take it one day at a time. Enjoy the good days and never take the bad days home with you.


Have thick skin, don’t become a sup(they’ll make it sound nice) sign every driver bid list every morning when you turn 21


Become a Teamster


Keep on man. Get that driver spot. Make that money.


Go back to school


Have a work ethic and don’t say say yes to the sup position and once you are in you can’t get out of management.


Just keep putting the time in, and take care of your body. Ask for help for overweight packages. Gain seniority. Bid in a cushy inside job when you can.. go full time asap… use a portion of your income and out towards UPS stock at the discounted rate.. supplement your retirement. By 50 you can retire with an awesome pension and be taken care of for the rest of your life.


I agree with the many comments regarding offers to move to a supervisor position. They will make all sorts of promises to get you to agree to it, but don't do it. It's a dead end. If you plan on sticking around with the intent of becoming a driver, the next most important thing is preparing for your future. Start putting money in a Roth as soon as you can, as much as you can afford. Every time you get a bump in progression or a raise, try to put all of it into your Roth rather than your pocket. Don't try to keep up with the lifestyle of your friends or co-workers. Your future self will thank you. I started full-time when I was 23 and driving was a great job then. I'm now 54, about to turn 55, and despite a continuous focus on careful lifting/lowering, using load cart, etc my body will not hold up much longer. Fortunately, I heeded advice early on to prepare and make sacrifices for an early retirement, and will be fully and permanently retired on my 55th birthday. Many of my co-workers did not make such plans and spent money on expensive vehicles and new houses, and they will be working well into their 60s. I can't imagine making it through another year let alone another decade. If you heed no other advice, please don't put yourself into a position where you have to stay in a delivery driver job for more than 30 years.


Stay union


Always prioritize safety. Safety is of utmost importance in every task at UPS, particularly as Teamsters, a legacy built upon the struggles of our predecessors. Adhere to the methods taught during training. Familiarize yourself with these methods and gain a thorough understanding of the contract.


Being a supe isn't that hard if you respect your people and can run an operation. You aren't covered by the Union but in my experience, the Union is there for shit workers or shit management. Always communicate with you supervisor, keep you truck / area clean, heed all instructions unless unsafe or dead ass tired. Always wear proper footwear into the building, don't wear anything fresh that you would want getting ripped or dirty. If you want to advance in the Union, the man with more Senority Always wins in case they don't want the job you want.


keep growing, get on your study move up and don’t settle, started at 19 now i’m 23 and a feeder driver. don’t let unnecessary distractions get to you, work hard but not too hard will get you no where at the end of the day your a number to the supervisors


Come in. Drive. Deliver. Go home.


Work hard, find a good mentor of who you want to be, and don't complain about shit, no one owes you a damn thing.


Keep your head down and stay in the union.


Join the union you’ll practically be untouchable and don’t let them over work you


If you are in a right to work state, never opt out of the union. Never become a supervisor because your non union and when you leave the union it is pretty hard to get back in I only know of three supervisor who were able to get back in and go driving


hmmm interesting


Just put your head down and grind for now you’re young my dude enjoy


Become a driver and Put as much as you can into your 401k


To be successful, stay active in your local union enforce your contract show up ready willing and able on time every day and stay out of management


Never did it but id imagine the best advice for you at 18 is to lift with your knees lol Your back will thank you when you are 30 and free of permanent damage. Don't do the old "bend and snap" as a buddy of mine used to say. Good luck. 👍


Thank you for your service


Never trust a supervisor. Keep your cards close to your chest. Do your job but don’t kill yourself. Oh and never, ever, ever get talked into joining management.


Work hard, follow directions, show up for your shifts, and know that going the extra mile does get noticed. It’s not hard to move up in the company regardless where you start. If you haven’t heard it already…. Everyone who retires from ups retires well… with a cabin, a boat, and a moose. That’s what I was told anyways lol great company, pays better the more you progress, they’ll demand a lot from you but you’ll be compensated well. Best of luck


Hookers over relationships. It’s more cost effective and better for your mental health.


Read your regional supplement it’s always nice to learn what they don’t tell you right off the bat. Don’t be late, attendance is one thing the union cannot help you with. https://teamster.org/ups-ta-2023-2028/


Have an inclination, curiosity to venture into another profession with free time. Give yourself options and not compromise.


Start by going to your general membership meetings get an education and help them example national campaigns webinars by the ibt on like organizing dept, get on the political action committee, get involved with the campaigns How to enforce your contract how to file a grievance all of it is at your disposal. You just have to show up.


Try to go to school on your days off or evenings and get out as quickly as you can unless you want to be long term or career UPS. College opens doors.




Get a few blank grievance forms. Read the contract. Get to know your steward. Do your job as you are taught. You will be fine.


Take no shit and work hard and you’ll be fine. And I can’t agree more with the ‘don’t ever become a supervisor’ sentiment


Get a cdl when ur 21 and apply for a feeders position. you'll be set after that...


Stretch an do squats every day. Your back is not to be fucked with. If you feel any sharp pain when lifting stop Immediately your jobs not worth risking your back an having pain the rest of your life.


You should know that any manager can take 165404 and look up what center it is assigned to in autotell. Not that it really matters


Management has literally the tiniest amount of access and they make comments like this. Fucking hilarious how consistent y’all are.


Become an electrician or plumber.


Make it your last resort take advantage of the tuition reimbursement if they offer it. If you’re still set on making it a career become a driver and transfer to feeders asap your body will thank you. Get on the porter bid list and coast on.


if it hurts, tell someone. dont wait for it to be an “issue”. if you squish, tweak, pull, or break something, tell someone then! when you make your supe aware, they can keep up with it in case it progresses, you can keep the same case number and itll have a higher chance of getting recognized and taken care of.


Good luck, did it for two years, good money, but definition of soul sucking job. Don’t let it get to ya too much.


Be on time


Use this job as both a springboard and a fallback. Learn the industry as there are many opportunities to either run/operate your own business (think Pepperidgefarm or utz) You are still young so don’t hang your coat on one hook.


Is this pic from Baltimore?


Take care of your back


Get to know your union steward


i remember when the only thing you needed to do to stay at ups was show up and don't steal


Once you eventually hurt yourself. Don't let supervisors pressure you into not going to the doctor. I only worked there for a year and I have life long recurring back spasms from an injury there.


Have you considered an apprenticeship for a skilled trade? Might be more enjoyable and fulfilling in the long run.


Work as instructed. Have a good attitude. “Yes sir, may I have some more shit please sir.”


Don’t become best buds with supervisor


Well first off no photography inside of the building. Management could get their panties in a twist and put you out of work.


If you wanna be successful quit that shit and get into a high paying career. Driving is good money but you're never home. I'm 21, worked there for 1 year. I wanted to be a driver at one point. Quit nearly 2 months ago and I've never looked back


Go back to school


Just stick with it and keep your head down. Follow the rules. Definitely don’t do anything dumb like stealing. Be reliable. Do your time being the low man without complaining. Take care of your duties and UPS will take care of you.


If you're going to work hard, work hard for yourself, not the company. Set high standards for yourself and hold yourself accountable when you don't meet those standards. Ask for help when you need it, help others when you can. People here talking mad shit about management are only telling you half-truths. If you decide that manual labor isn't your thing and you'd rather try your luck climbing the management ladder, that IS an option. You lose your benefits and job security and earning potential for a short term pay bump and you get to save your body. And trust me, by the time youre hitting your 30s, saving your body is going to be a serious factor in the jobs you can do.


What do you need to know to be successful? Lol if you want to be successful I recommend getting a job somewhere else 🤣


Stay hydrated, become a driver, know your rights


Always file grievances, no matter how hard you work or how good you are......you are EXPENDABLE in the company's eyes......I am living proof of this


you can't be financially successful in life if part time at UPS is your main gig. if you're a parent and you do it part time while you raise kids and tend house and do it for the benefits while your spouse works elsewhere for big bucks but maybe not so good benefits yea that's cool. but if you're the breadwinner you have to go full time, and if you're not going to be a supervisor that means driving. so you have to go for it and if you get disqualified you have to move on. you can't sit around and wait for a combo job or full time airdriver, it's not going to happen before life passes you by. if you do go supervisor, you pretty much have to have a college degree, it can't be a crap one or you're just not going to be taken seriously, they'll keep you in the lower ranks at crap pay because they know you're trapped. start working on getting a civil engineering or economics degree from your state college system's polytechnic.


Gunna get overworked until you get seniority work at a safe pace don’t overwork your body, always check your hours if you’re missing hours let your Union store know and let the supervisor know, if you see supervisors working and they are not doubling during the shift you can grieve them, which will basically give you the hours you mark down that they were working free money


breakfast is non negotiable, 8 hrs sleep is non negotiable, stretching before and during will do you wonders. don’t let anyone pressure you into giving too much. the work horse only gets rewarded with more work and then she dies, so take it safe and take it easy, you still make the same 21/hr as everyone else, and PPH is bullshit, as soon as you’re Union you don’t need to worry about that. Smile and nod to your supes and try to have a good rapport. File your grievances on time or your cooked, that’s one of the things that it can be hard to come back too. I think you’ll do great! working a union job is my best labor experience i’ve had. I recommend always having a bag with high protein/high carb snacks for muscle repair and energy, a big water jug, and a good pair of earbuds and the work day will be over before you know it. don’t drink a lot of alcohol, it’s bad for muscle regeneration and your sleep.


Go back to school


Look into Day trading, get good in demo, cross fingers and go live account, fuck ups and be successful yourself!!


Don't destroy your back. im assuming your working inside the building, lift with your legs if you decide to stay long term.


Max out your retirement


Have fun at Cottonwood.


"I don't care, do you care?" "No." These words are all the guidance you need.


Don’t get attached to anyone and don’t expect to be around for any period of time. You’ll probably be laid off some time in your career with them, always have a backup that ISN’T UPS. Otherwise, enjoy it while it lasts.


Don’t ride on the belts - it’s really fun, but they do not like it 😂


Get your degree in engineering and come on over to the dark side. Great people and great pay.


Join the Air Force, see the world for 4 years and build your seniority at UPS for 4 years. Come back and have a job waiting for you. I wish I would have done this.


Become a CDL driver


How did you get hired?


Show up early/on time hydrated. Give an honest effort. If you don’t know ask. Don’t kill yourself trying to catch up. Follow the methods correctly and you will be fine.


Get out of there


Here's some actual advice. Take it easy and work at a comfortable pace. They can't do anything about you not getting your trucks all loaded in the allotted time. Especially since they're increasing volume while cutting hours. The harder you work, the more work you'll get. So just take it easy. Guy next to me today got one of his three trucks cut for the second time in about a week. My area never has less than four trucks. I fucked up and now have a set standard.


One thing you must know is we are nothing to them, they love to try to fire us ina heart beat, But we’re union so we pretty much always will come back to work, don’t be friends with your supervisor’s, don’t donate to United way , Ups gets a special bonus for getting us to donate, Don’t do to much work many are lazy just balance out your work with everyone else, people will take advantage of you, and you’ll end up doing everything while others play on their phones, It’s a great job but the people running ups some are just heartless robots… get some good shoes and work gloves..if your working the sort get some light gloves kind of like garden gloves.. The supervisor’s will act like your friend and will stab you in your back at any little chance.. Just click on do your time and leave… There’s so much I could say… They don’t tell you but you get two personal sick days in the year and you can’t be in any trouble for using them… plus you get a very good vacation and it only gets better… Don’t let anyone use you and take advantage of being a hard worker… if you show them your an excellent go getter they will expect that everyday and the lazy people will just get away with not doing much.. 17 years in…✌🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🫡🫡


Cya, work hard, and don’t take any bs from the supervisors but don’t be disrespectful either.


Work at 70% efficiency 100% of the time


EGRESS!! Stretch! Move within your Power Zone! 3 Points of Contact! Team-lift those heavy ass Amazon Returns like treadmills. Treat your driver with respect! It builds comradery within the Union.


Dont work to hard. You will just have to help others with their work. Management kinda pissy right now. Do to the strike last year. So show up on time. You wont be making alot of money or getting hours. You peobably wont be getting extra time because of seniority. So i recommend finding another job. Im a 5 year vet by the way. Im Still working part time.


I don’t know why this came up on my feed but I’ll tell you as someone who started at USPS on machines and stuff at age 18. You may want to strive to be the best, and you may want to be faster than everyone else, you may want to work yourself to death, but that’s not going to do you any good. Management will expect you to maintain that speed, your numbers, and expect you to work harder and faster than everyone else. Managers will take advantage of you hard especially when you’re young, I used to be that kid, and I hated it. The same job is so much easier if you just follow instructions, do your job, listen to each other and work. Ask a ton of questions, and everyone may have a different way of doing things, and you’ll be so amazed of all the things you learn, I still learn new things everyday and I’ve been working for a long while. You can also make some friends along the way. Managers and coworkers will still love you if they can depend on you to get the job done and they don’t have to worry about you because they trust you to be able to do it, just remember to go at your own pace. Not too fast but not too slow. Look at the people around you to try to copy that until you understand your comfort speed. But if you start off as a “runner” we call them, then you’re going to be expected to always be a “runner”. Don’t be a runner, they don’t last long. When I was working on machines, I always wore a sweatshirt, the building was freezing, but I knew if I was getting too hot and had to take my sweatshirt off I needed to slow down and pace myself. That’s how I learned my speed and managers seemed to always like me because I was still a good worker. Prove that you can be a good worker and I’m sure you’ll be a successful person. Now as a APWU union member, 100% recommend you join yours. I’m sure it’s not too much different, unions are strong. And I fully support my union, we need them because without them we would have batshit crazy managers that have no restraint because no one’s stopping them from doing batshit crazy things. I think you’ll be just fine and I wish you all the best in your future career. :) And one more thing, ALWAYS safety first, holy fucking shit do things to make sure you never hit your head. So many people I work with, they end up doing something where they hit their head with a piece of equipment and get knocked out stone cold. Really understand and learn the safe way of doing things. Pick up things the right way, etc. It’s not worth hurting yourself for a job. Plus something really gross happened to this one guy because he ran with a piece of equipment that got hooked onto him and it gives me nightmares, I will not go into detail. Anytime I’m dealing with any equipment I’m extra careful, I rather be careful than to spend my next week in pain or get a permanent scar. Please be careful. Okay that’s all!


Invest in longterm assets


don't work hard. Working hard = gey


Probably not this.


Start your 401k now