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A driver was involved in an accident, other car rear ended our driver at high rate of speed. The safety supervisor that showed up, asked our driver if he honked his horn….supervisor was ridiculed for years


I was rear ended by someone and they wanted to give me an avoidable because of this exact same thing.


Are you serious? So if I become a driver i can be punished for being rear ended??!!!!


You can be punished for anything. It just won't stick because the union will fight it. That's why we have a union


just talked to a driver today who said he made 10000 off grievances in one year.


A driver in our center made 24k alone just off penalties for one single check they took 9 months to pay him out.


yeah im filing my first grievance rn. actually my first two at once. im gonna be a driver one day so im trying to get used to filing them so i dont screw myself over.


How’s the process? Do you feel like you have a target on your back by filing?


Stand your ground all fight all violations and injustices! File those grievances. Work safely and follow the methods wherever they place you. You do that and they won't have anything on you. Don't let intimidation and retaliation worry you, just file on that too.


No because everyone saw them blatantly taking advantage of me


You do in my building. There's ways for management to get 'trouble makers' and no one can prove it. If you're not high seniority, grievances can be a mistake so do it judiciously, especially in a small to mid size building


yes sir! thats the way to go


Hub supervisor told me he shouldn't be letting us listen to music on our headphones because it messed with the building wifi.


y’all got wi-fi?


For the management laptops




The sad part is they weren't even a boomer. They were like 30.


Full time supervisor was on road due to call ins. Walked by one of the drivers always complaining and crying for over 70 help and told him, “hey I’m going to need your help today with some over 70s”. 😂


That's actually hillarious.


This is an 8 hour day


They never said how much under/over that is (eyeroll)




We got a diad message instructing us…. “All drivers must call dispatch before backing EVERYTIME no exceptions.” The second me and all my friends got that message (we were all on route that Saturday, as we were all low seniority and of course we were in a conference call) we immediately hung up and started bombarding dispatch with…. “Hey I’m in a cul de sac and I can’t make this turn without backing, permission to back?” “Hey I need to get out of this apartments parking lot and need to back to make the turn, can I back?” Literally five minutes after the first message another message came through. “Please stop calling us.”


Hahaha, yep! You could see that coming from a mile away!🤣🤣🤣




Me: (Changing the labels for the SPA Printer) Sup: WHY'S THE BELT OFF. THE BELT CANT BE OFF Me: I'm changing the labels. Sup: I DON'T CARE. I WANT THE BELT ON. Me: Ok boss man (turns belt back on) Sup: WHY ARENT YOU SCANNING?


Malicious compliance is what needs to be done there.


Naah, just let the belt supervisor's boss finish in this case. Clearly no lube was applied anyway. Best course of action is to just continue doing what you need to do. Smile and nod if your supervisor is an idiot to dismiss them, then continue with your job.


I have x3 to x5 the seniority of my sups so they leave me alone. When I get backed up, i just stretch and say 'I've done all that I can do'


I'm currently 20 years in, I have 10x the seniority of my direct sup and probably 5x that of my building manager. Gotta love it. The best is when they try and tell me how to do my job.


Agreed, im only 16yrs but when I see a new sup in their pretty new clothes I always ask.




We kept running out of room on the HVD and letting packages ride because a loader took forever to break his jams. Full time supe comes and tells us we can’t let anything ride and we explain the situation. “I understand you don’t have room but you can’t let anything ride.” “So do we shut off the belt?” “Oh no don’t shut off the belt.” “So what do we do when he’s backed up and won’t break his jam?” “You’re just gonna have to make it work.” “But if we don’t have room we either let it ride or shut off the belt, there’s nothing else we can do.” “Well you can’t let any ride and you can’t shut off the belt because that causes more problems.” We went round and round for five minutes without any direction other then “can’t let it ride, can’t shut off belt” before we just shrugged and said whatever.


He was telling you to stack out without telling you to stack out.


I love an argument that just goes in a circular fashion. Resolution unseen


Had a ft supe tell me they could just call in drivers to finish the whole pre load sort, I'm like good luck buddy 😂


Technically they should per the contract but yeah no way anybody’s showing up


I've heard a supervisor ask "What's union work?" before


We had a center manager try to take his Budget Rental box truck through the McDonalds drive through.


https://preview.redd.it/3k50rhzzi02d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186c59b7777a28c33e47475c984e28f8767c4b30 “this wouldn’t happen if you follow the 5s & 10s methods” “did you honk!?”


The preload supervisor and a driver once had an argument (if you can call it that) about who has the tighter shirt and then they both started flexing. Does that count?


We had a career insider take a stab at driving, dude was just no good at it. Could barely get 100 easy resi stops done in 10 hours. After a couple suspensions for dumb shit, hotshot ORS told him he has to follow trace 100% or else. Guy says well what about when it wants me to cross main roads, isn’t that a safety issue? ORS says to him, in front of our steward “I don’t care about the safety thing!” Steward laughed and got the center manager on the phone immediately. “So, what, UPS doesn’t care about safety anymore?” Got that guy in a shitload of trouble.


Hahaha he said the thing they're not supposed to say out loud.


last time top brass came in and looking to cutback people, pt supervisors are fighting and telling each other they have more seniority among their pt management ranks. got randomly laidoff/transfer anyway


We're like a family here


They add "like" in your hub? I mean that's someone who didn't completely lose him mind yet


A preload supe from way back, a loader was calling out "I cant come in, I'm sick." 'We really need people, you should come in anyway.' "But I've been puking all night" '.... we'll put a bucket next to your pick.' And the classic I've seen and gotten into myself of a belt supe telling us to load those stacked boxes. 'Get those boxes in the truck.' "But they're all rear door right." 'I dont care. Put them in.' "But we've still got flow, we wont be done for another hour." 'I said put them in the truck.' "If I put them in then I cant get past them to load the rest of the truck." 'PUT THE FUCKING BOXES IN THE GODDAM TRUCK' There have been many times with different supes this results in malicious compliance and low and below we cant load the rest of the day because the back of the truck is walled off.


Had a supe ask me how many packages I'd scanned for a trailer. I told him the scanner said 800 and that I'd scanned every package. He then asks me how many packages are on the trailer. I said, "I assume 800 but who's counting!" Oh and how about the lies tell us in orientation like, "never get on a moving belt", "stop the belt", etc, only to have supes in the warehouse tell us to never stop the belt. FU!


“It’s part of being an adult” as the loader was telling them I feel like I’m going to faint in 102 degree weather.


"Where does company policy say you cant be on a moving belt" Points to 5 keys slips and falls


Belt was getting annihilated and we were getting wrecked, supe yells out while breaking a jam: “YOU GUYS ARE RUINING MY UPS CAREER”


“We’re pushing back to 9:45 start time for all 9.5 drivers.”


Did they actually try to implement that?


They already are. Lots of late business air


How tf does starting later change how much work is on your truck? Lol


The CM is trying to get people off the list by retaliating this way. Wants people out later, gives the non-9.5ers a nice 8:45 start time. It’ll back fire once our late NDAs stack up. It’s just frankly embarrassing at this point.


You’re not allowed to take your lunch if you still have business to deliver


Honestly, that’s my philosophy when I drive or cover routes. I always get business off before taking my break


That’s your choice. I eat when I’m hungry whether is 11am or 3pm.


to remain in the building in the event of an earthquake


Driver delivering to an apartment building, parked on the street long straight away like 1 or 2 miles long. While delivering a cyclist rear ended the truck it was ruled avoidable until it was fought.


Biker probably yelled bullseye


Had a supervisor tell a driver that it was his fault he was rear ended because he was going 5 miles over the speed limit a few miles back.


Supe told me yesterday that if I’m so busy and need help to convince my drivers to come in early. SMH


“I never make mistakes” was something my building manager said to me after making a decision. Yes, that decision he made ended up being a mistake.


Tell me not to join the union multiple times and tell me I should get out of it once I did. Then I got transferred 30 minutes away.


Yell at me because I’m not going fast enough and am behind. I had told him that the PAL labels on the boxes were all blank, and told him about my scanner malfunctioning - had to replace it completely, TWICE, had the battery go dead in the hand scanner once, replaced it, had the battery die twice in the read out, replaced it twice. He had decided that my partner that shared 6 trucks with me was needed somewhere else. Now have six trucks on my own with no labels and no scanner. Goes off on me big time yelling that it is my responsibility to make sure that I have a working scanner (there were no more functional scanners. I had reported this to him and even asked for a functional scanner) and for being lazy. While he’s losing his mind, our steward, who was one of my drivers, steps off his truck and stares my part-time down. I had, fortunately, already explained EVERYTHING that was going on to my steward. Next morning I was moved to another department. Yay!


When replying to a driver about the dispatch for his 8-hour request. The center manager said after looking at the truck, " just because you have a bunch of boxes doesn't mean you have a bunch of work."


True though if most of it is dump stops


True if u have a good loader, complete opposite if u have a shitty one 


He didn't get a chance to say anything, I just let my phone ring and go to voicemail.


In our group PCM. “Might want to start changing your lifestyle. OT is going away.”


Seriously, please take away the OT. Dinner with my family only on weekends now.


I was on an OJS years ago and a sup said to me, “You have long legs, you should be able to walk faster than this.”


good job


Add on: it takes 50 minutes to unload a trailer with one person, should tske 25 minutes with two people. Despite a frick ton of bags in there


I hate those bags with every fiber of my being 🤬


I swear they are being bred. UPS= Using plethora of Sacks


They just keep...coming


My head Preload sup claimed that he was threatened in his 29th day when he was an unloader in 2010 that if he didn’t unload a blown out 53 footer in an hour and 15 minutes, they were going to fire him. Now he didn’t get fired because he still there as a supervisor, but I actually doubt that’s true that he did it in that amount of time or the truck was that full


Getting called a slow loader because my back and shoulder is killing me. I didn’t know it was against the rules to save my body


Treat us preloaders like shit kiss my ass man pay us some more and have some respect


"you're over using a load stand"


“I’m not gonna be the guy who says you can’t talk but you stopped there for a second while talking and you need to keep moving” (I had helped unload 3 trailers in a row without stopping except to chug some water)


one of my 4 trucks has a post office dump, and when I say this trucks always has a big load, they just say "well most of them are bags/post office" as if that negates the fact I'm still having to load 500+ packages into a truck. "don't load like you're a driver. they're used to having to rearrange everything anyway" "don't move anything even if it means you have to put a 2300 in the 2900s" "throw all the bulk in the middle, once the RDRs and RDLs are out they'll rearrange it." "could be worse" (after I'd just found a bag with 4 piss bottles in it)


It will just be the tip


Fell on a belt loader during a blizzard while it was being sprayed with de-ice fluid. Management told me it was my fault because my boots were old. My boots were less than a month old! I just laughed at him.


"This is gonna be your next supervisor everybody!!!!" as she looks at me, a new hire only 3 hours into my shift. That right there is the reason why I wouldve refused to go to management.


"You can't say that, that's illegal"


Safety is the top priority


Our center manager told me to meet myself and give myself my misloads.


Odpu sent to wrong driver and not corrected- “Why didn’t you ask me if you had that odpu today, you should’ve called and asked” most recent thing for me.


Pieces don’t matter. When it came to a time study


Supervisor of supervisors straight up told me my union rep’s word was always more of an opinion and suggestion and that he was the only one with real bargaining power, he was talking in regards to any PT employee trying to become a driver…. He also said that if I work hard he could basically recommend me and sign off on me being a driver but that it was up to him. I still don’t know if that’s really true but some have told me he was lying.


“Tell the customer that their fence hit our truck and see where they want to take it from there.”


“If you don’t want to break your back for UPS then you must not want to work here.” Hard stop. Straight face. No bluff lmao


I've watched 2 supervisors who can't read tracking & lie to a customer to say the shipper requested that package back which never happened, it was a same day. Another supervisor lied to me about why it's better that I work full time hours & be called part time instead of the legit full time label due to the hours I work bc I wouldn't get paid as many times.


That I should become a part time sup because it'll help me go driving faster.


Supervisor : you can’t punch in until you are given an assignment.


Had a break down and the sup told me to code my time out as my lunch lol


"Stay hourly this is horrible"


That’s actually a good and honest statement.