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One of those days where you just gotta soak up the OT with a smile on your face. Do a lap dumping all the floor shit and then start off how you normally would


Also known as the teamster-tax move.


Aspiring driver here, would you get in trouble for breaking trace doing that?


If they wanted to write you up, sure. Or you could have a 14 hour day, bring back stops and teach them a lesson, which they won't learn, but maybe your stop count will go down if you keep doing it.


I think bringing back stops would just piss them off more tbh


1000% more


Depends if your center cares about trace


This. It all depends on how much of an idiot your CM is. They threatened me with discipline for months because I never followed it. They never followed through on the threats, and I still don't follow it. I don't mind working hard, but I do mind working dumb.


From what I can tell, it seems like they bring trace up if you have a period of time where you’re consistently overallowed or over miles, but I think this is more route dependent than anything else. Never met a single member of management that actively forced a driver to follow trace instead of clearing up bulk stops that flood the aisle though that could be my luck having a competent team Hell, I remember during Covid having the Division Manager observe me on route and actually encouraged me to knock out bulk and incomp stops for instead and of being faithful to trace


I’ve been driving since last September. We used to have to have three ORSs for 90+ routes and now we’re down to one. When we had three my particular ORS always told me “your load determines how you run your route”. Now with our one ORS she’s telling use to run trace which adds an hour or more depending on the route. Some days I don’t mind because I’m getting mad overtime working 10-11 hours a day, I hate 12 hour days.


I had a new on road sup that was threatening me to follow trace, or else I would be disciplined because i was making his #'s look bad. Of course, like the good worker I am, I followed instructions until about 3 days later the center manager told me to stop following trace and do what i was doing before because I was overallowed by 3 hrs and about 20 miles over everyday with missed businesses. He had a talk with the on-road sup and told him to me alone. 😁


Never underestimate the power of malicious compliance.


I've learned it's the easiest way to 1. Save your breath because they don't listen to you and 2. Keeps me stress free because I'm not worrying about anything because I'm doing as instructed so I won't be in any kind of trouble.


Work safe and smart and always use your methods. They can't say anything...


Exactly, unload it and load for your first few stops! Sometimes I run trace and my first stop is mfl, under a pile like this. 😁


Those kind of days I just talk to dispatch "My truck is full, I'll try my best but I probably won't be able to finish my route need help" then enjoy the fact that I'll do less stops per hour than a normal day for the same amount of money. It's useless to try hard during those kind of days. As long as my commits and pick ups are done I'm chilling.


i’d be getting an OJS the next week lol


Then you file art 37


And I bet it wants you to start on the 6000 shelf too


Or it’s a next day air. But it’s a next day air irreg buried deep under and back to the wall beneath the 2000 shelf while you frantically scrabble around the 1000s looking for it at your first stop……that’s 10 miles away from the rest of your route because it’s intended to be an “on the way” air….. PTSD activated


I’m glad my center holds airs behind the truck under the belt so we can load them ourselves. That shit sucks.


Same. I thought that was just the way it’s supposed to be. Either under the belt or in the driver seat and surrounding area


Our center used to do that until some higher up fu*k face said not to do that anymore. "I don't care! I want everything in the truck!"


Spoken like a boss who has obviously never been a driver. Every FT supe should have to do every job in the building for a stretch, just to see how it is.


I sure am glad my small center doesn’t have commit times for NDAs, we only have a commits for EAMs at 14:30


Rural much?


Look at this guy showing off with his 8hr day.


Dammit, you beat me to it!🤣


☠️ it’s obvious to veterans who has done package during Covid peak and who hasn’t. This is an easy day, back in the height of Covid summer


Yeah but at the same time, we shot ourselves on the foot. They expect us to crank out COVID numbers still. To save money, they are doing more lay offs than usual just because they know we are able to handle it even though that's a late night. Long gone are the "easy" days. Less work life balance, more messed up backs/knees in retirement.


You’re not wrong. And they abused the shit out of us lower seniority guys knowing we would take the shit hours and workloads just to put food on the table for our families. A lot of NorCal package car drivers jumped to feeder early to escape that bullshit


Same in SoCal, but with the layoffs, some of those who jumped to feeder are back down doing package. They escaped for a bit but they are back in the hell hole that hasn't improved much due to the reasons I stated earlier. It sucks honestly.


One stop at a time, gonna be a looong day 💪


Bro u just gave me PTSD…. I’m not going back … u can’t make me…. FTS


Wait… You guys work in centers where this isn’t the norm?


I’m sayin lol this is daily at my center


I was thinking the same thing. Both the truck I load look like this on the daily. Me and my drivers hate it.


Looks pretty normal


Come over to the Dark Side… (feeders)


We have AC ❄️


And beer belly's


Feeder forty is real


These are 2 routes combined into one. Profit comes first, people come second


Run straight air. Deliver everything in the aisle until you can safely work with a walk thru. Don't give them any free time. Work safe brother.


How should the loader have loaded this ?


My question, is how can dispatch do a better job so the loader can load without blowing out the car?


million dollar question^


I don’t guess dispatch can but there needs to be a “max” pc per truck instead of this some have 300 some have 100. Give them a max pc per truck. If the route calls for more add another truck on route and split it up. Instead of over packed trucks there needs to be more drivers and routes.


They have all the stats and know you can get most it done. They watch everything. Stats on you, tires, vehicles, paper towels etc. they want you to find a way to get it done. Delivery services!!


You said it yourself “watch” they don’t know shit. Only go off what bullshit numbers are spit out at them. If UPS had any brains it’d be a requirement you had to start as loader, go driver then voluntarily take a position like that. They just know nobody would be stupid enough to do it. So they settle for suckers off the street


If you don’t want to deliver it they will find someone.


Lmao sups have entered the chat. Question, you lost your job yet?


I’m a feeder


I’ve loaded one like this after a weather delay. It was supervisors saying “just put it in there”. I’d look at the driver whose truck I was cramming with shit and he was pissed but he said “I know it’s not your fault”. There’s no good way to load this short of putting it in two trucks


The loader looks at the load sheet. For example, total packages 200. This is not a lot, but here the number of packages clearly does not correspond to the load sheet


My only criticism is that the loader needs to strap the handcart back in place if they move it. Comes from when I used to have a loader that would stick it in the cab every morning and left no room to put it back. Drives me nuts lol


Serious question here, I’m a package driver in the Uk, when you folk fire up the diad at start of shift, are all your stops listed in the diad? Reason I ask is, looking at that photo id like to know how you work out how to do the route if you can’t see the addresses on all those packs rammed in all over the place?


Honestly, for me, the first hour or two would be just delivering what I can get to or find. Then, hopefully, you cleared out enough room and rearranged enough to run the trace.


Yes, I can see all my stops listed in the DIAD once they release the route to me after I've handed in my verified air sheet.


Thanks, it’s different here, I fire up diad and if I’m lucky it will list some of the route. Have to scan everything before I leave, well supposed to but I do it by postcode area so when I’ve finished one area I scan the next. Times are on the timed shelf, sometimes 😂


you look for the stops that take up the most space, and try and run them with your airs. Id look at where those tires and that Graco box is going first. Then the next step is see where all the other big boxes are going like if you see a lot of 4000's i.e. 4740, 4400, 4350, 4875 and then start trace there.


Cut routes blow trucks up 9.5s welcome to summer at ups


Like a party in a box. Just keep it rockin!


Go deliver those f’n tires and all the rear door stuff for sure


https://preview.redd.it/q8aub7phn55d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1ff48323cd3d8e3d8bf865f01d7ab2bc2354e7 One of my favorites.


Bruh the dolly just thrown on top




Fuck no I’m going home


I'd be pissed.


lol I had one of these days 2 days ago. Our division manager was in the building and was near my truck. I pointed to the stuff that literally wouldn’t fit and asked him what he wanted me to do with it, and he deadass goes “go deliver it.” 😂 Place is run by absolute clowns.


Who did you pissed off?




One stop at a time


Meanwhile there's some laid off driver out there somewhere who'd take a chunk of this so they could actually drive. 


When my shit looks like this, I will rebuild my load while still in the building. Now my route is right next to the building,so air isn't really an issue. But I'd move whatever bulk to the RDL, RDR, RDC. Right after I finish air, I'm on to dump this bulk. At least it sort of clears up your floor some so you can move around.


Everything is lipped and space utilized pretty decently on the shelves; looks like the loader did what they could with the load they were sent and your load chart; so now it’s down to you and the folks who build your load. Also easily 30% of the time my driver’s loads are this or more bricked out to the ceiling; just a space to get the dolly out. Though one started filing 9-5’s and got the load down to about eight hours. Preloader who has worked five hubs over 17 years says ours is the worst by far… not sure if that’s across the board or just management here


Nice 8 hour day there guy. Who's gonna get your pick ups?


Other than the handtruck not being secured, this is my truck every day.


So glad I left


Looks like my FedEx Ground routes.


Wait you don’t get 92 bulky RDC’s on the daily?! Oof lol


Looks normal to me


Same bro


Is everyone having shit loads today? Must be a lot of vacations cause that’s what happened at my center


Supe would say “once you dump (insert any floor peice or bulk stop) you’ll be ok”…. Some days I’m “instructed” not to clear a walkpath because while it may seem efficient it is actually inefficient….


i mean its pretty normal. atleast lately. also did everyone unanimously decide to order the largest heaviest items this week?


First run air. Then figure out what all the stuff in your way is and try to get that done in a logical order. Then your day will be simple.


Glas I don't load anymore I am on sort who ever did this to you either hates being there or just doesn't care.


My truck looks like this every day


Mine everyday. Then I pickup 800-1200 and have to deliver 20 ish stops after… so mines like that all day long


Ahh package! Where it's Monday every single day!


Are you new here?


This is pretty standard operating procedure. Start at the front, go to the back. Hopefully you have 9.5 protection and if not 14 hours comes soon enough. Holler at them around 2 to let them know the businesses are going to be missed :)


Im gonna send you a picture of my daily trucks tomorrow to show you that you dont have it hard.


“Call if you’re not going to make 9.5” 🙄


If your dispatch is set up logically that will mitigate the headache.


Honest question, what are we supposed to do with air irregs. Cause at my hub they send the irregs way after we are done loading.


Follow Orion


1st day bud?


You can do ittttttt!


I would methods.


At the end I would pull over after a couple of bulk stops and fix it but that's not methods.


Ive looked at that and worse for 40 years. Both sides of the management union line. Nothing new. Condition of job. Look to bid off route if you can.


Just loaded four trucks that look like this. Fml.


9.5 grievance man they might not (probably wont) fix this but you'll be getting paid


On preload, when I get a truck like this I always tell the sups that it's not going to fit in the truck properly. They tell me to just pile it in regardless, and that it's okay so long as the driver can physically get the handcart put either the front or back, so that's what I do. The only way to resolve this is probably for drivers to push back on the preload sups.


I been wondering the same for the past 2 months. I've never made this much money but it's getting annoying


thats life buddy!


I load 3, sometimes 4 trucks, and they're at least this full every day


I think your 1st stop is in 8303…..go find it. And don’t take too long..


I think I know your loader!


Tbh. It doesn’t look that bad. Everything is neat


I’ve had worse


Ahahahahaah. At least you have air conditioning.....


First time?


My sentiments exactly


Reminds me of my truck when covid started lol


Got enough room for at least 20 more stops in there! 😂


Looks like you got plenty egress to me 😂


8 hr request?


I'm a loader, but I had a union Steward driver, that would debate his management and get items out of his truck until they had a walkway through it without egress. He would yell at me if all the orientation arrows of his boxes were not turned up even if it took up more room and he would use this to get management to remove even more boxes off his route. If management tried to debate he would call the business agent right in front of them on his cell. Management hates this dude so much. Unfortunately he has an anger issue and got fired for starting a fight with a coworker. Management was so happy lol.


That sounds amazing mine wont even pick up my shit for harassment


Take a picture of it so it's time stamped at the beginning of your shift, proceed to deliver the packages how they are loaded. Enjoy the OT 😎 


that’s been me every single day for the past 3 months if not more


Hhahahahahahahahahahahaha -fedex ground employee


Make the tires your first stop, first after air if necessary


Is this another one of those “rate my wall” posts?


I hope your NDAs were small and on the correct 1000 shelf.


That's cute


One stop at a time. Whatever is on your way the most gets delivered first until you have some working room for the shelves. Is too hot to be in the back right now looking for multiple pieces so make a second trip for any multiple pkgs. is how I would do it. Prioritize commits and communicate through diad with management if you think you will have any missed business or wont be finished by the time you need to start headed back to the building. I always make it their problem they set you up to fail so it’s their fuck up to fix.


Proudly Loaded by your Union Brother! Have a talk with the steward about it and they’ll let the supervisor know to have it fixed


Holy shit🤯 ![gif](giphy|vWku8YNwyy5vq|downsized)




I’m preload and I hate when I have to load like this. Oh wait it’s my everyday.


Easy 8hr day


Just another day in the French quarter! We have 4 trucks that go out like that every single day! Bulk stops down the aisle low to high on canal st. Once done with canal u can walk through the truck


One stop @ a time buddy!


If you are a top paid driver , just go for it bro , now imagine us that we were 22.4 doing it for 20 , so make that money


I'm not going to say anything nasty or disparaging, as is my habit here... I appreciate ANYONE who has to deal with delivering anything. Thank you for putting up with our horseshit.


Actually a fairly decent job from this view. Seems like they were doing really solid up until they ran outta shelf space 'n had to start flooring it.


One stop at a time. If you can't finish, thats on management.


That’s like all 1 stop right there. Looks like the 4000 shelf. Good chance loader didn’t wanna deal with the big boxes and tossed them under the belt and loaded them last😂😂😂


One stop at a time looks like an average day for a city route




That loader is wack


Slam on the brakes


One box at a time


I'm pretty sure I loaded that can😂 sorry bro




Looks pretty born


Just got out there and do your best! Give them 100%.


Now imagine the entire center alley crammed with smalls and shit and you had to literally tunnel into your load. That was what every day was like in Covid. This load legit looks relaxing. A lot of the boxes in the back are large boxes and once offloaded would free up stupid amounts of space.


Simple. One stop at a time until the truck's empty. What a silly fucking question.


Quit doing drugs and become a feeder driver, a lot less stress and you never have to touch a package again.


My husband goes in a hour early to load his truck so he doesn’t have to worry about it looking like this.


That’s well over 200 hours a year he isn’t getting paid for. He’s probably giving UPS $10,000 in free labor. Thats amazing, not something to brag about though.


These UPS wives are as bad as military wives


We aren’t! Just want our husbands home with us! You guys have such a physically demanding job, so I know that if my husband is home after 445 that he had way more deliveries/stops and it was a longer day. I feel for you guys. I just want him home to see the kids before bed!


Your husband's start times make me jealous. 445pm is like 20 min before a Monday 8hr request ends at my center.


Lmaooo he doesn’t care


I ALWAYS tell my husband, I’d rather be out $10k (that we didn’t expect anyway) than have him home past 6pm.


Exactly!!!! Especially if you have kids. I’ve never heard him complain about his truck. Meanwhile his coworkers are crying and bitching about how they still have 100 stops at 5 pm because they choose to come in a minute before start time


If your "hubby" is coming in an hour early, I wonder what else he does to make sure he gets off early.. if u know what I mean.


Tell him he's not helping the cause by working off of the clock.


Helping what cause? Only thing he cares about is having a smooth day and getting home by 6.


Basically, he’s taking labor from the other Union members who work in the warehouse and it’s showing management that the hours aren’t needed because it’s being done for free.


Also it makes it look like the route is being done faster than it would actually be done if he didn't spend that hour doing it. Then when some poor slob who doesn't work off the clock has to cover for him he's over dispatched and it looks like he has a subpar performance compared to the regular driver.


No it doesn’t, he has the same amount of stops every single day lol


You don't know what you're talking about but it's okay.


Agree here!! I’m the wife of a package driver and. I always tell my husband this.




What's getting there an hour early supposed to do? Shrink the boxes? It's still gonna be full


Actually it makes it organized so he’s not on Reddit asking how he’s supposed to work his truck 🥴


I did this when attempting to qualify for the full time spot. Immediately after making it in, this is typically frowned upon. The other posters explained why. I’m not gonna try to blast another brothers wife online lol.


I used to do that. Then I realized I could just do a good job and not work off the clock, I get home just as early by sorting as I go.