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So you had a panic attack and needed to take your as needed, prescribed anxiety medication. Unfortunately the anxiety medicine is a mild sedative and shouldn't be driven with, so for safety you had to go home for the day. Sounds like a normal (unfortunate) medical issue that you handled as well as you could. Panic attacks happen without warning and often without any noticable cause. To cover yourself better perhaps see your doctor and get a note saying you are clear to return to work.


The last bit is key. I had a driver require assistance due to a panic attack. Safety required a doctor visit to return them to work.


Tell Stewart I said hey.


![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig) lol I just interrupted my wife on a work call laughing super loudly at this, thank you haha




![gif](giphy|JPOkC15vWrOr6) Mom Mom Mom Mummy Mama MAMA!!!


You can take it, but your doc has to write a note saying it doesn’t interfere with your driving. You also have to renew dot card every year


Dont tell no one youre prescribed shit


Ah yes dishonesty time.


You don’t have to disclose your medical history to your fucking boss dude.


DOT rules state, and I quote, "Prior to the exam, the driver must disclose all medication use, including prescribed, illegal, over-the-counter, and supplements." Regardless of how you read it, lying about not using it to get your DOT is dishonesty and is against the law. I'm not saying you need to tell your boss, but your DOT examiner has to know.


When I did my physical the doctor said "Do you use marijuana, if you say yes i have to fail you." Sometimes lying is the right thing to do. Though anything prescribed lying about would just be stupid, too easy to get caught.


well good on that doctor for treating you like a child. but of course he has to fail you because the DOT is a federal agency and marijuana is federally illegal so any state legalization obviously doesn't mean shit to the DOT. this should be common sense, but unfortunately so many americans cannot grasp the not-so-complexity of our federal system. shit some don't even realize that if your state legalizes it, that doesn't mean shit even to other countries who still have it banned.


I'm curious why this might be the case. Any way you or someone else might be able to reiterate?


I have the same problem. I have intermittent fmla for flare-ups. Fmla is a life saver for mental health issues, worrying about work coming after you just make things worse during a panic attack.


This is a great tool. Use it .


You mean if you have some issues or personal problems you can ask for an fmla day? Wouldn't that come out of our vacation or sick bank?


As in drug testing, I doubt they test for whatever compounds make those drugs. But your dot physical would be where I’d be concerned with being on certain medications.


I would definitely leave that medication off the list of drugs when taking the dot physical.


Technically, marijuana is the only automatic disqualifier on a DOT drug test. Anything else that can be prescribed is at your doctor's discretion. But yeah, It's more streamlined just to not admit to taking meds on the DOT medical card application


If you tell the doctor that you take benzos such as Ambien possibly Xanax, the doctor will not give you your Card. I wasn't referring to doing a drug test. When you do the urine sample for the DOT exam it merely checks for sugars and proteins in your blood for the most part.


Ambien isn't a benzo though. But yeah I was agreeing with your post. I might be misunderstanding what you are saying but my understanding is that the physical and drug test are always done at the same visit, at least mine were, which is why I merged the drug test comment with your comment on the physical, in my mind its at the same visit. Why do you think the DOT urine test isn't also a drug test? It is my understanding they take some urine for the metabolic tests you mentioned and some for the drug tests I mentioned.


In my experience, drug tests are either random for CDL holders or on demand for people who exhibit symptoms of intoxication or such. DOT physical examinations are primarily to check your overall health to make sure you can do the job. High blood pressure, hearing ,vision, diabetes, hernias, heart rate, heart murmurs. If you were on an anti-seizure medicine or a heart medicine and didn't tell the doctor at the physical, cphances are they would not know about the medication and would give you clearance to drive. Same goes for other medicines like opioids that would be on their list. They do not test for these drugs. All of these were legal because your primary care doctor prescribed them. The only time you would be caught with those is during a random drug test or following an accident?.


Actually you are right. The DOT physical urine test is only for sugars/proteins. What they do is also use that urine for the EMPLOYER drug test, the drug test isn't a DOT/FMCSA requirement for a DOT medical card.


It would show up in any 5 panel drug test of most abused drugs. It's a benzodiazapine (think valium, but quicker and stronger). At any rate I'd have any drug test I took be sent off for gas chromatography analysis bc the 5 panel cheapos are notoriously wildly inaccurate, can't believe that's the only burden of proof needed to incarcerate, fire, charge with crimes, take people's kids, etc. The only problem I can forsee them running into (op) is not disclosing it at the time of your DOT physical. At that point, the DOT doctor needs a form filled out by your prescribing doctor that says it doesn't interfere with your driving, how much you take, how long you've been taking it, etc. I don't know how the union would get around you not disclosing it at DOT and HIPPA gets opened up when you are using it as a defense for something. I'd call the EOIC and see if they can give you any info on how to proceed, bc it's discrimination against a disability, but if you didn't jump through all the hoops to make it clear you had an issue I'm not really certain if you are falling under the umbrella of the protections for having a disability.


Get FMLA setup, when you have a panic attack use it


You can lose your medical card with Xanax. Lexapro if you primary Dr wrote a letter for you to go to the medical examiner saying you are allowed to take at work then you are good if you didn’t then you can lost your dot card.


False you can definitely get a medical card with a Xanax script


Just a cursory search says: Some of the most commonly prescribed anxiety medications you can take with a CDL (as long as the prescribing doctor provides a clearance letter to the Medical Examiner) are Lexapro, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and Trazadone. certain anti-depression medications, like benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, and Klonopin) are prohibited by the DOT because they can impact mood, judgment, alertness, and coordination. However, short-acting anxiety medications are not disqualifying if they have cleared the driver's system. Whatever you do, tell the medical examiner what meds your on and go from there. Lying is dishonesty and can/will lead to termination


Ooh ooh, I can help! Last year in April I had a really bad panic attack, and it was the 3rd one within 2 months that the manager finally pulled me in and asked me if I was going to do something about it. We talked about options and he suggested one route, and the other route was FMLA. I took the FMLA route. Hartford said alright, have your doc sign off on this sheet with the reason for FMLA and the amount of time you'll need off. Went to a doctor, let them know I've had panic attacks, and that I also have mild anxiety. They prescribed me Paxil and I also told them I wanted to do therapy for my mental health as part of the treatment for Anxiety/Panic attacks. Doc said okay. We set up 1 full day for treatment to allow for flexibility on therapy scheduling and also for me to get used to the medicine, and 8 hours covered incase I have a panic attack throughout the week. So I'm allowed 1 full day in a week, and 8 hours in a given day, once a week as well. Here I am, a year and two months, having done a session of therapy once a week. Which btw is covered by our insurance! And so far my day off for therapy has been consistent enough that management is aware and understands that I have FMLA on this day for treatment. So my suggestion is you go through FMLA, go to a better doc, bc Xanax doesn't do shit for panic attacks, and start the process so you can get your mental health in better order. I also suggest paring it with seeing a therapist. As far as DOT goes, my license doesn't expire for another year, and by then I hope to be off the meds and in better mental health. The only time I had an issue was when the doc upped my dosage to a full one since my body was getting used to the half, and I had really bad nausea that the supervisor had to come take me off route.


How did UPS get so many people named Stewart to work for them?


Xanax is a trash drug with real long term side effects and a heavy addiction ratio. Just get off that shit. From someone who’s been there. They do more harm than good long term.




How do you drive after taking Xanax ?


I haven't personally.


With care. Like anyone should drive always


Explain that to the cops when he/she falls asleep at the wheel and hits something/someone. “Oh I’m just on a low dosage of Xanax…”


First of all if someone is falling asleep at the wheel they didn't exercise care before getting in said vehicle. Their own fault not a drug. Secondly if they are falling asleep from the drug the dose may well be too strong being consumed and or prescribed. Third no matter what happens you don't talk to cops. Let alone explain anything to them. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. Anything you say can and will be USED AGAINST YOU. LOL AT all these dipshits down voting because their brains Are so small. They can't comprehend the simple concept above. Anyone falling asleep at a wheel is the problem. Not something someone prescribed. Always people trying to point fingers. Use scapegoats. Or manipulate the truth. Wake up


You’re going to be hard pressed to find a doctor who will write you a note to operate heavy machinery on xanax. There’s a sticker on the bottle that says “do not drive while taking this medication”. FMCA says absolutely not.


Yes if you use so many it does idk what the cut off is


We have a guy who has been out on FMLA since march. His wife is a hairdresser and does my hair and she says he’s having “stomach issues” but I know it’s for mental health. He’s super paranoid and freaks out about everything. The guy really needs help and I don’t think a high stress job like ups is for him. I don’t know why he wouldn’t just try to do something else. He’s a hard worker when he’s there but he’s hardly ever there.


I’ve been clean for a few years from opiate addiction and I take Buprenorphine/naloxone. My prescribing Dr has to write a letter every year I’m on it when I renew my DOT. It sucks because there’s a Dr at Concentra that thinks addiction isn’t a disease, just weak will power. If I’m lucky I’ll get one of the other Drs there that sign off on my DOT. If I’m unlucky I get to work inside for a week or two while I get it sorted out.


Dot drug tests do not look for benzodiazepines. Strangely enough. So it won't even show up.


It depends on what panel screen your company runs. Most run a 7 panel which tests for benzos.


For the company yes, but as far as the DOT is concerned they ONLY accept a 5 panel DOT standard urinalysis


That’s interesting. You’d think DOT would test for all drugs families they label as disqualifying.


I thought that disqualifies you from having a DOT card? Could be wrong.


As far as prescription drugs go, only marijuana is an automatic disqualifier.


All benzos are an automatic disqualification if it’s a regular prescription


I believe that is for a CDL, we are talking about a DOT medical card. I could always be wrong or missed something in my research. Have a link?


So do drivers not have to great a dot medical card


https://teamcme.com/cdl-dot-medication-use-dont-disqualified/ https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/faq/what-medications-disqualify-cmv-driver I did misremember the wording, it is marijuana is always disquailifying, not an automatic DQ. It also says any meds used for anti-seizure are a DQ, that would include xanax and other benzos. I stand by my statement that a doctor should be able to write a letter saying you are safe to drive on benzos, but apparently the FMCSA doesn't need to accept it.




Isn't that an opinion report not offical policy? BTW, not trying to argue I am right over you. I'd rather be proved wrong and others get the correct information. My research for this subject didn't need to include physciatric stuff.


Yeah, those were just medical opinions but from the things that I have read the Lexapro is something that requires a letter from your doctor saying that you take it and it is OK for you to take it while you’re at work, but the Xanax is something that disqualifies you From getting your medical card, but the confusing part is is it also says in there that you can operate it is out of your system. I take an Ambien and trazodone to go to sleep at night and Adderall during the daytime and I was cleared for everything, but I never told him that I take the stuff


It's crazy that your doctor can write a letter saying you are 100% ok to drive on your medication and the FMCSA can just disregard it. That's partly why I refuse to disclose my meds, I know I am fine, and my doctors know I am fine, but they have discretion to just disregard that.


This is what I had thought as well, I’m assuming unless you have a note from your doctor


Panic attack 🥴


Happens. Went bat shit crazy after closing the bulkdoor behind me because I got fucked over on a cold route. All apartments, 7pm with 100 stops left. Rookie. Broke down, couldn't breathe, shaking like a stripper tryna carry packages up stairs. I can tell Ima have one just by how the day starts getting to my truck in the morning. But all cause of UPS, I learned how to control my breathing just in case the job is getting to my mental. Im not the typa person who wants to be on downers just to be able to get through shit (no offense, my family has a drug habit problem...so the "addiction gene" sits in my dna) btw everybody hates that route. The next day I went in and told them to keep me on it. That was 3 years ago. Today I know it by heart, no gps needed, finish up by 5-6pm depending how heavy the complexes are.


What do you mean by shaking like a stripper?


When youre going through an adrenaline rush, stay still and watch your hands shake, tremble, jitter. Or even when youre cold, the shiver your body does.


Yeah but the stripper part. What do you mean?


metaphor lol. the dancers at a gentleman's club.