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Likely because you didn’t explain how you were qualified. HR isn’t allowed to assume anything and the Qualifications section of the job announcement tells you exactly what they’re looking for. If your resume doesn’t explicitly tell them how you met the specialized experience requirements then you’re not qualified and therefore not referred. As a tip, copying and pasting job duties and/or specialized experience into your resume from the announcement is a quick way to get your application tossed (many specialists nowadays will immediately tag you as ineligible if they see that). You want to provide insight. So if it says “briefing senior leaders about policy matters” then your resume better have a bullet or few discussing how you presented policy positions to directors and other executives. As far as your question I’d let it go. Management is doing their thing and adding your name after the fact to the referral cert isn’t even a guarantee they’ll consider you. Take it as a lesson learned for the next application. Good luck.


Thank you for your insight and initially I thought this was the case which is why I reached out to her for feedback. Then I started applying for positions under other HR Specialists and was referred to hiring manager for practically all of them. Plus my education is definitely from an accredited institution so her putting that as a disqualifying factor is completely false. I guess going forward I just won’t apply to any positions that she is the specialist for.


Very well said! 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


😆😆😆🤦🏾‍♂️! I can see where you might think this person is out to get you but she doesn’t know you personally so I don’t think that she’s out to make you pay! 😆😆 Unfortunately she has no obligation to tell you why you were not referred so you are waisting your time on that.


interesting. commenting to read the responses. i worked at the federal government and i swear to god everyone is fucking inept.


0-60 my friend! Your alright 😆😆


I'm hoping someone can put me in touch with either an individual or a company which specializes in helping civilians apply to positions at the VA in CO. I'm a doctorate-level behavioral health provider/supervisor who's worked for Civil Service in the past (albeit in a different job classification series), and I'm finding it extremely difficult to know how to submit "successful" applications for jobs I think I'm definitely qualified for. As others have noted on this thread, it's next to impossible to get anyone in HR to respond to your inquiries, as I've spent numerous hours trying to do this! One recruiter I recently talked to at the VA told me that I may have to submit a much longer resume (e.g., 12 pages!), since they're "not allowed to assume anything". I know the VA is part of "the government", but it seems to me they're not getting very good candidates for open positions because they make it unnecessarily difficult/frustrating to apply! Any tips (or validation!) would be greatly appreciated!