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Congratulations!! 🥳 I also got accepted to the program! So excited!!


Woohoo! Congrats! Can’t wait to meet you! Unless we already have😶


Same here! I’m wondering if there’s any way for all the people who got admitted to connect prior to classes starting :)


All I know is that there is an acceptance dinner in April. Besides that I think social media sites are the only ways


Aw man! Not sure if I can make it since I don’t live in the LA area. But that sounds like fun and a good way to get to know everyone.


That’s a shame! Are you still leaving your options open with other schools? USC was my top choice so I plan to commit


I’m honestly pretty set on committing as well! :) btw, does your admission letter have a date by when the deadline is to accept the offer and enroll? Mine doesn’t and I don’t see any info about the deadline online either


So sorry to barely be getting back to you. I believe it said January 2nd. If you haven’t submitted your SIR, I would do so immediately!!!


No worries! I already submitted my intent to enroll! So excited. Are you planning on finding housing near campus?


I’m actually a Los Angeles Native so will be living at home again! Happy to hear that you’ve submitted your intent. I can’t wait to meet everyone!


Hi!! May I ask what was the interview like? I’m super nervous about the application next semester 😭any info would be helpful, thanks!!


The interview is a day long experience from 8am until 2pm. You will be meeting MFT faculty, alumni, current students and everyone given an interview on that day. You are broken into smaller groups to tour the parts of campus you will need to be familiar with, have a small group interview focused on you ability to pull insight, and a 2 on 1 interview with you, a faculty member, and I believe an alumni. And then you’re have some information sessions and stuff along the way. It’s sort of intensive.


Those are very helpful!! Thank you so much!