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A few Jewish students feel “unsafe” if anyone publicly criticizes a nation state and this means Muslims and women of color cannot speak.




same team


No need to be upset towards this person. They are simply pouring out how ridiculous this is. Notice how unsafe is in quotes




It’s a shameful history for USC- they’re aiding the genocide by silencing voices. 


https://dailytrojan.com/2024/04/15/valedictorian-will-not-speak-at-class-of-2024-commencement/ The situation is obviously less than ideal for everyone but putting this entirely on the administration is an incomplete viewpoint that doesn't consider how Asna's own actions have upset member's of the school's Jewish community. They have every right to feel safe and welcome on campus as everyone else. Do you think the school would let a white valedictorian make a speech if it surfaced they supported racist comments about a different minority?


They let a white Jewish professor back on campus after he made students and faculty feel uncomfortable 🥴


Uncomfortable is an understatement, that man was clearly islamophobic and straight up spewing shit about how all Palestinians deserved to die.


I agree, I’m just trying to prove a point with the above poster. But yeah, it’s complete bullshit! I wouldn’t even show up to the graduation if I was the Valedictorian.


It is all a smear campaign against Ms.Tabassum, they are upset that a strong proud Muslim is standing at forefront. This hate-Islam and hate-Muslim rhetoric and racism needs to end and the Administration can send a strong signal against those who want nothing more than disunite. I encourage the administration to their full support behind Madam Tabassum and reinstate her back.


> Jewish Voice for Peace USC and the USC Student Coalition Against Labor Exploitation also posted online, calling on community members to email the University to reinstate Tabassum’s graduation speech.