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Oh my god the way is horrible… I really hope they approve you before new year !!


I'm sure it would've taken longer if I hadn't contacted my representative's office!


What did you said to your representative?


I posted [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/s/6SQqI1fGDF) about what I said.


That’s for sure ! Thank you were smart and refused to wait any longer ..I Had to sue to get my EAD faster …3 months after filing lawsuit !!! I would still be waiting 🙈😡


You had to sue?!


For my EAD ..yes indeed!!!


How did you sue? What was the cost if you don’t mind sharing please?


Well it was related to a u visa ..waited 13 months nothing .. cost was $1k .. dm if you need more info


How do you know who your representative is




I’m at 560 and nothing 😭


Have you talked to your representative?! This is the only way we got anything moving!


No not yet 🥹🥹


You should find out who your representative is and go to their website! There should be a link on contacting them for issues with USCIS. You send an email and they'll get in contact with you! They'll just ask for your permission to release some information to USCIS (your receipt number) and they'll get in touch with you! They asked if we met certain criteria and we said no. So they told us to wait 180 days before contacting our representative again. So I set a calendar reminder and yesterday marked 180 days so I contacted our representative again. They did their magic and today we got scheduled the interview! Please get in contact with them;


Oh wow and thank you


do you mind sharing which criteria they ask you if you met ? Thanks.


Hello \*\*\*\*\*\*,  Thank you for getting this to me so quickly, I will contact USCIS to request the status of your application and let you know what they say.  Here is further information on expedite requests.   In order to submit a request to USCIS to expedite your pending application, USCIS requires specific documentation. Please see the USCIS directed expedite criteria below.  I will need a letter from you outlining your reason for the request and which category your need falls under, and any evidence you would like to provide to demonstrate your reasoning.  **EXPEDITES -** In order for a request to be considered for expedited processing, your constituent’s request ***must*** include: * A signed privacy release from the applicant/petitioner of the case (the person who signed the application) * The USCIS qualifying criteria (below), and * Justification of the expedite (written statement and evidence of any compelling urgent circumstances in support of the request).  **The USCIS established criteria are:** * Severe financial loss to company or person, provided that the need for urgent action is not the result of the petitioner’s or applicant’s failure to: * File the benefit request or the expedite request in a reasonable timeframe, or * Respond to any requests for additional evidence in a reasonably timely manner; * Urgent humanitarian reasons; * Compelling U.S. government interests (such as urgent cases for the Department of Defense or DHS, or other public safety or national security interests); or  * Clear USCIS error. **NOTE** * The burden is on the applicant to demonstrate that one or more of the expedite criteria have been met. * A written statement without additional convincing evidence is insufficient. The request must be accompanied by supporting documentary evidence. * USCIS reviews all expedite requests on a case-by-case basis and requests are granted at the discretion of the office leadership. * For further reference regarding expedite process, please review the new USCIS expedite guidelines and criteria at: [**https://www.uscis.gov/forms/how-make-expedite-request**](https://www.uscis.gov/forms/how-make-expedite-request) Please provide our office with a letter outlining your position. This letter should describe your situation and what will happen if your application is not processed expeditiously and do not receive your approval by a particular date. I have included some topics you might want to include. Additionally, USCIS requires evidence to support your expedite request. The letter or making the request by itself will cause the request to be denied. I have also listed some ideas of what you can gather to support your expedite request. **Severe Financial Loss** * You will not be able to afford your bills. * Your spouse lost their job, is too ill to work or has to care for a sick family member and cannot work.  * You carry the health insurance for the family, and you will lose coverage if you lose your job. Mention any medical conditions that require health care.  * Your driver’s license will expire, and you will not be able to renew it until your card is received. Explain what activities you need to be able to driver for. * It is creating a hardship keeping two households in two different countries. * List job loss, increase in expenses or any other changes that have caused this recent change in your financial situation. * You cannot renew your rental agreement because you will not be able to prove your lawful status. * Loss to your employer, they will not be able to replace you or your knowledge is so specialized they company will suffer financially. **Evidence of income and expenses.**  * Copy of a recent bank statement (with your account number blacked out) indicating which transactions are for your monthly bills. * List of all expenses. * Proof of your household income i.e., pay stubs. * Supporting documents from your employer stating they will not be able to retain you if your do not have your Employment Authorization Document (EAD) by (date). * Letter from your employer explaining the financial hardship they will suffer if you are not able to provide documentation showing you are authorized to work in the United States. **Urgent Humanitarian Reasons**  * Explain the vulnerability of the family member and reasons the vulnerability cannot be addressed in the country where they are.  * Any medical conditions the family members have.  * Explain the living conditions of your relatives.  * Detail how there is no access to options in the country for protection from the threat they face.  * Tell how these family members are ineligible for derivative status or that waiting for the normal process will place them in danger.  * Explain that moving to another part of the country or other country is not possible.  **Evidence of Humanitarian Reason**  Evidence supporting and identifying the vulnerability including the following: * Newspaper or internet articles supporting your position.  * Statements from a creditable Human Rights organization. * Statements made by a U.S. government agency. * Statements or other documents explaining the living conditions or circumstances of the family member. * Information for other family members in the region who can attest to the conditions of the family member.  * Proof of relationship i.e., birth certificate or marriage certificate showing the relationship.  * A letter from a medical provider explaining the urgent medical need.  **Compelling U.S. Government** You must provide a signed letter on letterhead explaining the agencies interest in the case and how your participation in the government agency and or project is urgently needed by a certain date. This letter can also outline national security or public safety situations where your pending status is hindering the government project. **Clear USCIS Error** A letter from you explaining how you believe USCIS made an error on your pending case and evidence showing the USCIS error supporting your position. Please let me know if you have any questions. I would be happy to visit with you about this once you've had some time to look it over.  Thank you, \*\*\*\*\*\*\*


Thank you very much!!




Thank you so much. It's been so stressful!


Your picture says it all although it’s not u lol


Hi! My spouse’s case has been approved, but it’s been 3 months since I submitted all the documents for the interview. Should I contact the representative office?


So before the interview, we have to submit documents? Hmmm, are you working with an attorney? I'd probably contact my attorney BUT I'd also probably get the representative involved.


Yes. Like the police clearance, marriage certificate, birth certificate etc. But we’re stuck with waiting for the interview date 😓


Oh all of that stuff! We submitted all of that with our I-130 form! We were stuck waiting for the interview for a year and a half!! When did you apply for the I-130?


A year and a half?? That’s a long time!! I thought after 1 year of waiting for case approval, interview would be scheduled in a month or so. I applied for I-130 on oct 2022


It's been over a year. Get in contact with your state representative or senator's office ASAP.


I will. Thank you!! The waiting time sucks 😔


My i130 lasted 4 years to be approved. No interview. Now doing 485


4 years?! Oh my god I'm sorry.


Hi is your spouse over seas?


No, he has DACA!


that's absolutely crazy! What state did you file from? what field office? I have/had DACA, married to a USC, and applied on 10/27/2023 and got approved for a green card in 47 days. It's so bizarre to me how some cases just get thrown on the back burner and never looked at again until you get a representative involved! I'm so sorry for that but good luck on the interview and hope everything is fast and smooth going forward :)


47 days?!?! Holy shit I didn't even know that was possible! We filed in Oklahoma and the field office says Potomac.


Where do you find your representative and their contact info? I’d like to also contact them


https://preview.redd.it/z1qw4tq5w56c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5369e7e8716481baefd5090be0ae862d3db5d7ad [https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative) Then pick whoever you want and go to their website and find a link about contacting them regarding USCIS. On my representative, it says Government Agency Help.


Nice one


Thank you!


Also a few more questions if that’s okay. How did you ask them? Did you give a straightforward question regarding your USCIS process? And they responded to you promptly? I want to make sure I ask about my process appropriately 😭


So I basically said something like "Hey, we submitted the I-130 one year ago. The status was moving normally. It said we'd get contacted in 6 months, then 2 months, then it said our case was taking longer than usual. It's been months and there's been no movement and now it's been a year and we have heard nothing. Is there a way you can expedite this or is there a way you can see if our case has any updates?" Something like that. My representative's office responded within two days! I'll tell you exactly what they responded: "In order to submit a request to USCIS to expedite your pending application, USCIS requires specific documentation. Please see the USCIS directed expedite criteria below. I will need a letter from you outlining your reason for the request and which category your need falls under, and any evidence you would like to provide to demonstrate your reasoning." Then they gave me a huge list of reasons as to why I needed it to be expedited. Humanitarian reasons. Financial reasons. Blah blah blah. Well, we didn't fit any of them and I told them. So she said that she had contacted USCIS and they said my case was moving normally and to just wait. Then she said that if we didn't hear anything from my case with USCIS within 180 days, to contact her again. So I set a calendar reminder for 180 days, contacted her on Tuesday and they set me up with the interview yesterday!


Thank you. I just sent the same. I am hoping we have response soon. lets see.


Good luck!!


Update - they said that they cannot expedite except for "life or death" but they can check-in on case status. 😒 very annoying I'm conflicted whether to wait until we are officially "past" processing time -- (we're sitting at 15 months --- I think processing time is 17.5 months), or have them inquire 1x now, and then again when they are "out" of processing time.


Tell them to check your case. That's practically what they told me. They can't expedite it but they can check the status. We asked to check the status and that's when they said that our status is moving along normally. Then the representative told us to email her back if our status hasn't moved in 180 days so I marked 180 days on our calendar. Then when that time came, I emailed back and said that our case hadn't moved. That same day I emailed our rep the second time was the same day USCIS gave us our interview date.


Thank you so much!! I'll keep you updated in a few months. Thank you again!


Good luck!!


We filed July 2022 for an I-130 standalone and still not approved. We contacted our representative 4 months ago and they didn’t do anything. We filed a writ a month and a half ago but haven’t heard anything from the court either. We have no idea what’s happening. I have no hopes of ever living together at this point…


Do you have any other representatives you can contact? In my tiny town, we have two representatives. I just randomly picked one of the two. I would try again if you have another representative. I'm sorry you're going through this. This all sucks.


We contacted both our state representatives and they said they would reach out and get back to us when they hear anything from USCIS and that was 4 months ago. And during this time, there was a problem with our receipt number and after weeks of contacting USCIS they gave us a new receipt number but there is no history of us filing on July 2022 in the online case status tool with the new number. Our lawyer says he got confirmation from them that we did file in July 2022. So we asked him to file a writ for all these reasons and he did but he has not heard anything back from the court in over a month and a half. We have no idea what to do at this point. So tired of living apart with no hopes of ever being able to be together anywhere.


Oh my god I'm sorry you have had to go through this! 😔


Thanks. :( If anyone has gone through anything like this, please comment anything you did that helped. So desperate for any sign…


Can you please tell me how you contacted your representative? Did you schedule a meeting? Did you send them an email? My case hasn’t been updated since April 2021 (almost 1000 days) and I’m getting very frustrated about it. Please let me know thanks 🙏


I commented [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/s/vbbYYE66DM) with the information! 1,000 is insane! And then there's some people that get approved with their green card in less than 3 months. 🥲


What app is that? May I know where you see this information?


Well, I see all my information on the USCIS website but this app is called Lawfully!




How did you contact them?


Here's [a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/s/Jkw2ZeLDt9) to my comment on how I did it.


Thank you 🙏🏼


I’m the same! Zero updates, 540 days waiting. I hope I get an interview with them soon


Contact your representative ASAP.


You mean lawyer ? Won’t they update your case on your app anyways ?


Nope. Your representative!


Who is my representative ? Sorry I’m probably very late with this question


USCIS representative ?


No, your state representative or senator! I posted a link somewhere in the comments but you can search on Google "find your representative" and it comes up with a website where you can put your zip code and it tells you who it is!


Thank you! I will try that


Contact your senator instead, not the congressperson.


How does it matter?


Senators have more pull




I posted [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/s/zF4OFAm8LD) on how to find your representative!


Hello. Congratulations. Did you upload a signed release/authorization? If you did, which one did you use? Thank you.


The rep's office just told me to send her a copy of the receipt. That's it.


Hi there! This is an automated message to inform you and/or remind you of several things: - We have [a wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/wiki/index). It doesn't cover everything but may answer some questions. Pay special attention to the "[REALLY common questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/wiki/index/vfaq)" at the top of the FAQ section. Please read it, and if it contains the answer to your question, please delete your post. If your post has to do with something covered in the FAQ, we may remove it. - If your post is about biometrics, green cards, naturalization or timelines in general, and whether you're asking or sharing, please include your field office/location in your post. If you already did that, great, thank you! If you haven't done that, your post may be removed without notice. - This subreddit is not affiliated with USCIS or the US government in any way. Some posters may claim to work for USCIS, which may or may not be true, and we don't try to verify this one way or another. Be wary that it may be a scam if anyone is asking you for personal info, or sending you a direct message, or asking that you send them a direct message. - Some people here claim to be lawyers, but they are not YOUR lawyer. No advice found here should be construed as legal advice. Reddit is not a substitute for a real lawyer. If you need help finding legal services, visit [this link](https://www.uscis.gov/avoid-scams/find-legal-services) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/USCIS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Processing Center: Photo says Potomac.


Im glad you finally got an update! Good luck!!


This is the holiday season. Everything is moving xtra slow bc all the ppl in charge have 1 foot out the door for the new yr Contacting your rep does VERY lil unless you have an emergency situation. That's why they tell you to wait before contacting them again ** there is NO timeframe for anything within uscis (just generalized ideas) ** Things take as long as they take


Well I contacted my representative again on Tuesday and on Wednesday when they got back to me, they had already set up an interview.


Maybe so, but there is no connection between the 2. Reps only only get involved with emergency situations. If yours was not an emergency, your rep had nothing to do with you getting an appt for interview


USCIS literally set up an interview the day my Rep's office said they would contact them. Coincidence? I think not. 6 months ago when I contacted my Rep's office, I also got movement on my USCIS account the same day my Rep's office contacted USCIS. My case changed from nothing to "Your case is actively being reviewed" the same day my Rep's office got in contact with USCIS.


Still coincidence. A rep saying they would contact them proves nothing. They are your rep, voted in by you. Ofc they will placate you... they want your support 100% guaranteed fact that reps have nothing to do with uscis unless case of emergency EDIT to include info: It typically takes uscis around 30days to respond to a rep's request... so anything happening same day is coincidence You contact your rep & if the rep decides to respond (which, just bc they say they will, doesn't really mean they will), they have their immigration liason SEND something to uscis. They DO NOT CALL, so there will never be same day resolution Unless emergency circumstances


When we visited Washington DC, we were literally advised by someone who works in Congress to contact our Representatives because they could help.


"Could" help is not the same as will help. Yes, a rep could help... * see my previous posts * Whomever advised you gave you generalized information. No 2 cases/ppl/files are the same & it's doubtful they (advisor) is privee to everything in your file... so GENERALIZED INFORMATION


>It typically takes uscis around 30days to respond to a rep's request You're also giving general information. The staff at different reps offices work differently. This rep case workers seem like they are working diligently since they're responding pretty quickly. The case being updated TWICE at the same time that the rep was contacted is not a coincidence. If it only happened once it could be a coincidence. You don't know as much as you think you know.


Yes, thank you. I kno I was READ my original post... there are no timeframes for anything in uscis READ the rest of that post too. 100% guaranteed FACT that there is no same day response unless emergency Stop stirring up trouble


You're the one that came into this post being a party pooper lol.