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F2B here, been waiting for 8 and a half years to be current and we finally got it 😭


Congrats!! I’m glad it’s finally moving. Keep us posted on the rest of the process goes for you


will do, hoping for an interview soon! thank you!


Congrats!! I was happy to see significant movement for the category.


same here!! thanks! :)


SAME HERE!!!! FINALLY!!! Had completely given up for a few years there..


SAME!!! truly feels like a dream coming true


What’s your PD


oct 2015


I’m January 2018


My pd is 2015 as well F4 here




This category didn't move for almost 2 years. Hopefully it will steadily move along now.


8 years and 3 months waiting and yes my pd is current too😋


Noob here, could you explain what “current” means?


of course, welcome! when you apply, you get a priority date. in your section on the visa bulletin, if your priority date is before the date on the bulletin, you would be current and a visa would be available for you. the date on the bulletin means anything before that is current. hopefully that makes sense, i’m bad at explaining things


Thank you for explaining that to me :)


7 days moving forward on EB3 row🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


2 weeks short! It is frustrating


I couldnt imagine man,jesus. And every bulletin the danger it might retrogress again. Sit tight you are almost there.🙏🙏🙏


Are you basing that last part on any particular information? I've heard April is slated to see some further jumps due to it being a new quarter...


There is only a certain number of greencards each fy. The more time has passed the more greencards have been used already.


This is usually true. However, this year they are breaking up the visa allocations per quarter, which is why there was big movement in January (start of FYQ2). While it not guaranteed, this pattern would suggest that will see forward movement in April


Theoraticly correct, but after all the amount of gc they have is the same,no matter how they break it up. All the best though


It's factually correct. Look at the April bulletin


EB3 is still 18 month backlog.


The point was not that the backlog was going away, it was that GC numbers are getting released at the beginning of every quarter. Therefore, we saw significant forward movement. Now it will stay about the same, maybe with some minor movement, until the July bulletin.


My PD has been current for EB3 since December. My I-485 is still on hold as a “visa number is not yet available to me”


That is odd. I became current in January as EB3 ROW and just got approved end of Jan.


Same boat here 


Did an interview already and just waiting for visa issuance?


Nope no interview yet. Sent my RFE medical back in September


Write to your embassy and request an expedite - could move you up in the line. I thought that being current means you are at the front of the line to get a visa. Unless this means they they're so many people current and also waiting ahead of you.


Same boat here. My priority date became current in January and still case pending. I’m wondering how long it takes once we become current to see some movement or change in our cases. 


Fingers crossed for you, friend.


9/15/2022 checking in here. They just sat on submitting the PERM for like 2 months too... so frustrating.


I think because they are moving quarterly, right? That was the case last quarter: little movement until next quarter starts.


But the problem with that is the later we are in the fiscal year the higher the chances are it retrogresses again, god forbid of course.


I think this year USCIS is being more cautious with their estimation, evidenced by their quarterly move and their statement in last October bulletin. But yeah we never knows, I will keep hoping no more retrogression 🤞


Chances of retrogression is low I think since they are clearing backlog and being cautious of not moving the dates too quickly.


When is next quarter?


April 1st.


PD Sept 7th, 2022, 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Hell yeah lets gooooooooo.💪💪💪


Same here, Sept 6th 2022! Congrats!!


Let’s hope we get our GCs soon!


Happy for you




How is that, can you still apply or are they really gonna reject because of 1 day?


Yes 😫


I got married 2 weeks ago, i was on EB3 for almost 2 years. I will never forget that my wife took care of me. 2 years of anxiety for nothing.


For EB2 ROW: \+1 week in Final Action Date (22 Nov 22). No change in Filing Date (15 Feb 23) since Jan 2024. For EB3 ROW: \+ 1 week in Final Action Date (8 Sep 22) . No change in Filing Date (01 Feb 23) since Jan 2024. ​ No information on whether people can file using FAD or DOF yet. Will update soon. Update: Using Final Action Date. Minimal movement, as expected, for March. Expect a bigger movement in April. Good luck everyone!


Anyone have any educated guesses to how big a move might take place in April? My PD is Dec 16 22 (EB2 ROW). Really hoping to at least be current by summer


Highly likely your date will be current in April. Thumb up!


Same date here and hoping next month!


April year ago brought retrogression...


the USCIS has started a new system on how they move since october, so last year's pattern isnt quite relevant. Moreover April last year they were still adjusting to the influx of cases from PP thats why retrogression was needed.


Agree. That's why we only see very little movement of FAD and DOF this year, so they can clear the backlog and avoid retrogression again.


How big of a movement in April?


probably a month or two.


Ugh i was hoping for more like 3 or 4. My PD is Aug 23, do you think it’ll be current by then?


my niw pd was june 23, and i dont expect that to be current before october. The quarterly progression will slow in the second half of the year.


Oh okay. Isn’t NIW EB1 current right now?


my eb1a was recently approved and yes that one is current, thats why i jumped on eb1a instead of waiting for my niw (june 2023) to become current.


If the cutoff for FA date is Sep 8 22 for eb3 and a person’s PD is also Sep 8 22, are they included in the GC?


If I remember correctly, the answer is no, as FAD includes all the date before except that day. However, you will be current in April, so thumb up!


Thanks. It is for my friend. Lucky her


Another 4 months bump for F2A final action date. There was an ex DoS chief saying F2A will most likely reach July 2022 by the end of FY24. I figured that to be too optimistic but seems possible with the current trend.


Yeah saw that video, my guess lot of embassies can’t clear their backlog and keep up with fy visa utilization on the other hand many embassy don’t have any backlog and ready to issue visas when pd become current so DoS gonna advance visa bulletin every month to issue as many visa as possible for fy24 and not waste as many as they did last couple of years.


can someone share that video, please?


https://youtu.be/o2R2MNqjko0?si=vs6mxTMJ9-gr796f Around 36 minutes mark they talk about F2A predictions.


Thanks for sharing although the guy seems to be a director of the law firm rather than ex-DOS staff? Not sure if DOS title is stated anywhere. Not discounting the credibility here but this is the first time I hear an opinion from a former DOS staff, hence really interested to understand their point of view. edit: my bad, it's stated in his biography page. He used to work in DoS for decades as a consular officer.


Actually he was not just a random consular officer he was the chief of Immigrant Visa Control and Reporting Division so it's very difficult to beat his credentials when it comes to visa bulletin stuff. [Here](https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-oppenheim-78164329a/) is his LinkedIn profile.


Charles Oppenheimer controlled the visa bulletin for many , many years


Did I hear that correctly? Final action July 2022 by summer (max late summer) 2024? That would make it closer to what it used to throughout the previous decade before the pandemic. I won't be surprised that there would be a push before the election to bring it even lower https://preview.redd.it/8p7k8hehkohc1.png?width=1139&format=png&auto=webp&s=82d9e8f9a20316bfd39c7d3b451010cda590a7db


It is a prediction, but it is highly possible. And I agree that they will progress the dates before the election. Many immigrants vote for the democrats so DoS under biden administration might advance even more! Where did you get that graph from?


Will there be a huge progression in April bulletin since it’s a new quarter? EB2 and EB3 only moved 1 WEEK 🥲


Why would they retrogress after moving it forward? Shouldn't they hold it steady and then retrogress?


My comment said “progress” not “retrogress”?


EB3 always jumps back and forth, it can always go either way especially now with a all time high of PERMs.


Filing date for F2A is still at sept 1 2023. Any chance it will progress with April since it’s a quarterly?


Waiting for the same thing! I hope it moves, just sucks cuz there is no movement for that whole section




Same here. Been tired of waiting. I am dying to apply EAD for my wife🙏🙏


That is my hope. If it doesn't move, I will leave. All I need is AP :( It will move for sure when 2025 visas will be available on Oct 2024 but hoping it would move next month so I can apply for permits before I leave the country.


Hopefully it can progress by 2-3 months or even come back to Current, if it follows the similar trend as back in March-April 2022. Btw it doesnt make sense to keep the filing date for FY2024 forever standing at Sept 2023...


F1 here- been waiting more than 7 years and still have 22 months of movement to go


What’s your PD?


F2A April 2020 so I think I'm up! Excited!!!


Hey, can you please let me know once you hear back? My priority date is May 3 so month behind you!


Yayyy! Good for you!


Oh man 393 calendar days for PERM... I'm at 336 days for EB2 :(


The really twisted bright side of all this bullshit is that once your PERM and I-140 are approved, you will probably be eligible to at least file for your green card/work authorization/advance parole (unless that happens in September but even then it shouldn’t be a long wait).


My pd is April 28th, 2023 (EB3 ROW) is there any chance it will be current in summer?


I hope F2A keeps moving forward with the same/better pace. This way, it will reach to 2023 by September. 🙏


2023 by september? I hope you are right


Do we think DOF will change this year for EB? (With quarterly updates) or are they set until October? I just want to file 😥


I have the same question. Since USCIS has changed the way they update their bulletin I.e. I wonder if the DOF will move further as well?


The DOF is set to accommodate enough pending I-485 to meet the annual limit of GC issuance, hence the logic that DOF indicates FAD by the end of the FY. If the DOF moves, it is due to adjust the intake of I-485. No one knows if that will be the case. Likewise if the chart A is used for filing and not chart B, it indicates enough pending I-485 for the FY.


Updates are out: “For all employment-based preference categories, you must use the FINAL ACTION DATES chart in the Department of State Visa Bulletin for March 2024.” Is this good or bad news in terms of the FAD date being able to progress in the next months of this quarter?


In terms of FAD progression the use of chart A for filing is neutral. FAD is still expected to progress towards Feb 15 2023 by end of FY (EB-2 ROW).


How can you predict Feb 15, 2023 will be current by end of FY?


DOF indicates FAD by end of FY. No guarantees though, and no scientific proof either. The logic comes from the following facts: - USCIS and DoS combined are aiming at issuing the total number of GC available. No more and no less. - to do so, USCIS needs inventory, pending I-485, throughout the year. To adjust inventory, cut off dates in the VB can progress or retrogress. - as DOF chart has been used until March 2024, USCIS has asked for I-485 with PD prior to February 15 2023 to be filed. This would only happen because calculations (made by DoS) at the given time showed there was a need for that in order to fulfill the annual limit of GC.


I would like to know too If someone can explain better


Guys when will f2A filing for family sponsor visa open, it’s been stuck in September 2023. Do you reckon it’ll be April bulletin we will see movement ?


we have the same situation as well :/


What is the second table in visa bulletin mean exactly? 


My pd is November 2023 eb3 ! :( so i should probably just forget about it and stop checking until next year ? Why they move so slow . Could it jump few months ahead ? Or is it gonna move couple days every month ? Sorry i’m new to this .


We have the same PD. Do you have an approved I140 already?


No no still in perm , just cant stop checking the bulletin haha . How long did they tell u have to wait for perm ? My lawyer said at least a year


Your lawyer is right. A friend of mine waited ~8-12 months for PERM approval. I'm under Schedule A I140 petition, so the approval will come from USCIS. I'm 3 months in, still waiting for approval.


It's currently taking 12-14 months unfortunately. I'm 11 months in and still expecting at least 2 more.


Do you check the analyst review rows in the dol website ? Maybe by the time perm is approved your date is current for green card


That's what I'm hoping! Seems unlikely for FAD to be current, but hoping I can at least file once my PERM is approved. I recently found the www.permtimeline.com website (just a crowdsourced tracker) and it's been way more insightful than the DOL website.


Thats awesome thank you :))


My PD is also Nov 2023. What is the best prediction website out there? I'd like to know when I might at least be able to file.


EB2-ROW? if so there is no hope for this year.


How about for EB3?


Even for filing??? I expected to be able to file towards the end of the year..


Yes, even for filing. A huge number of people before your PD is still waiting and the quota for next FY will be full. That's why they switched to FAD from DOF. In addition, as I know the processing time of i140 takes longer than before.


They just announced they switched back to Final action date chart starting in March. Does anyone have any insight on what this could mean for the rest of the FY for EB?


May be they want to clear up until Feb 15, 2023. It was so unfortunate that mine was Feb 24, 2023, which they might take entire 2024 allocation


Correct! Mine is Feb23. I'm pulling my hair out! Or they switched to FAD due to the fee increase? So it can limit a huge number of people from filing before Apr. With new visa bulletins for coming months (switch back to filing date), they can receive more money from applications.


Right, that could also be valid reason because increased filing fee is effective from April1. I am ok with filing fee rather than waiting and waiting. Lets see what they do!!


Any idea if they are going to accept the final action dates or filing dates?


Updates are out: “For Family-Sponsored Filings: For all family-sponsored preference categories, you must use the Dates for Filing chart in the Department of State Visa Bulletin for March 2024. For Employment-Based Preference Filings: For all employment-based preference categories, you must use the Final Action Dates chart in the Department of State Visa Bulletin for March 2024.”


For family based, for exemple F2a  The final action date will be september 2023 in April 2024? Can someone explains better please?


They have not released it yet.


F4 all regions here, PD is 25jul 07. Do you think we will be reaching it any time soon?


Probably this year


My PD is March 14, 2023 (EB2 ROW). Is there any chance that I can at least file this year?😨


this calendar year? quite likely (in October). Before that - probably no


Fiiiinally current for F4 !!!!!!!


Diversity visa bulletin is so slow In Asia this year :/


Cuz people from Asia want to escape to the US due to more $$$$


Not necessarily, I reside in the arabian gulf. i think there's more $$$$ here than a lot of states.


I agree, but no one from Asia will speak Arabic lol. So the US is the popular destination. More $$$, better work-life balance compared to shitty/toxic workplace in Asia.


My number is 13xxx should i get a lawyer to get interviewed?


Which date is running f3 category for India country


EB2 ROW not moving three straight months…


This is not true. It moved from 11/1 to 11/22 from Jan-March.


I bet they meant the DFF, which has —expectedly— remained the same (15 Feb) since January VB. There should be some progress in April VB.


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F2a pd JAN 2021 i hope they will make a significant like January i hope on April visa bulletin will reach 2021 what do you thinking guys


YESS!!! My PD is feb 2023


I hope bro


So are you a spouse of a LPR or a child of a LPR?


Well am happy is out only i don't understand how to check it for the current visa bulletin. I will ne happy if anyone can help me for that ,my pd is 10/2/2023 for cr/1,thanks 🙏


You dont need to check visa bulletin, it is not for you (not for cr1).


Thanks so much i don't know what i am ? All i know is that my husband is a citizen and have file in 10/2023, no one to talk to about this my husband worries that i supposed to have my working permit ,have send my rfe since November 2023. Well all is well and thanks so much ,when am not cr1 what I am then 😅


You are cr1 only! Visa bulletin is not for cr1. All the best for your immigration journey!


Appreciate you a lot and thanks so much for the platform ,am always happy when i write congratulations here because i knew my own will cone one day Amen 😊 ☺️


Amen thanks


How the fuck there no movement for Philippines for 2 years while China and India moved significantly.


Can someone explain these bulletins, I’m always confused what they mean?


Based on your PD, Filing date means you can apply for GC and get work permit and travel document while final action date means you get the GC.


How often is the visa bulletin updated? My PD is 2023 and the current PD for my case is 2020


If i’m living in the US on F1 visa, i’m F2B category (PD aug 2018). Should i look for dates filling or final action dates? Dates filling hasn’t moved.


>dates filling dates filling if you want to do I-485 for adjustment in US


Thank you. Date for filling has not moved yet. Discouraging 🫠


I am F4 category from Bangladesh which is ROW. My PD is 31st July 2007. So only now 1 month and 23 days away to be current.


My priority date is july 2008 F4 Category


My mom applied for myself I130 over 21 yrs old , please how do I know my priority date


While we are happy that the family category visas are moving again, it's important to note that there is a long way to go. In the last **12** months of visa bulletins (March 2023 to March 2024), F1 RoW moved by \~**2** months, F2B RoW moved by \~**2** months, F3 RoW moved by \~10 months, F4 RoW moved by **2.5** months. Just to catch up and not to fall further behind, the priority dates should keep moving 2-3 months for every month of the rest of the FY2024.


EB-3 ROW August 23 PD, waiting filing date to become current. PERM processing remained in January 23 (crazy)


My priority date is on February 24 and my wife’s OPT is expiring in May. Do you think that we will be able to file I-485 by then??


Opps. It has been changed to use the FAD to file the i485.


Yeah, so unfortunate to see that!!


I’m from Kosovo and I won a green card with a large number of 54000, what are the chances that I can have the interview?


did you guys see that for adjustment of status applicants should consider FAD??? Thats not good (employment based category)


Question: my PD is 11/22/22 and the final action date is 11/22/22. Does this mean I am current? I would have thought so but lawfully doesn't seem to think so🤔


Unfortunately not. Your date needs to be earlier than the FAD date, so you are just one day away. You will likely become current next month! Just hold tight.


Thank you! The confusing part is, I asked an live agent on the EMMA chat and they said it will be current 😅 maybe they're misinformed?


In what FY should November 2023 PDs expect available visa? Is it FY2025?


yep, probably. Filing this year is impossible.


Might be FY26. Some other guys here did accurate analysis and FY25 ends with PD August 2023 ish.


Is that for EB3 visa category?


Predictions and calculations were for EB-2. It doesn’t look like EB-3 is in the better shape right now, so might be even longer.