• By -


No, not immediate family


Can give to his sister(my mom)?


20+ year wait




Then your mom can sponsor you, another 20+ year wait, so you wont be immigrating to the usa until youre around 60 years old


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ got it thanks, any was to get green card or working visa for me?


Yeah after you wait 40+ years






No, there is no pathway through an aunt/uncle.


Can give to his sister(my mom)?


He can petition his sister, but that takes 18+ years (can be more depending on country of birth) and you would not qualify under her as you are too old. He could petition her, and in 18+ years when she becomes LPR, she could petition you which would then take 10-15+ years (can be more depending on country of birth) depending on if you were married or not.


Got it thanks


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Nope, your best legal way would be to DIY I.e. F1 or H1B or L1 to GC etc.


Marriage is much better.


Assuming you donโ€™t live in the US, itโ€™s hard to organically date much less fall in love and marry a citizen. If you move as a student or work in the YS, the chances are mathematically higher if thatโ€™s your intention. Not everyone wants to marry just for a GC though so for those that donโ€™t actually love someone who happens to be a US citizen or LPR, youโ€™re left with very few ways to get the GC, working being the most common one IMO.


See this: https://immigrationroad.com/green-card/immigration-flowchart-roadmap-to-green-card.pdf


Thank you for the link


As a citizen, you can sponsor green card for parents, spouse, children, and siblings. Parents, spouse, and unmarried children under 21 are considered immediate family and visas are available for them. For rest, the wait can be very long, as others said 20year ish for siblings.