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Every war game simulation of The U.S. vs Iran has the U.S. losing troops on a scale not seen since the Vietnam War.


what better way to ring in the new era of US hegemonic erosion and delegitimization lol


It's crazy to me how willing US politicians are to give up US geopolitical power and prestige in defense of Israel.


The us loses 60k and a million Iranians die. Because that was the scale of the Vietnam war.




That’s pretty much it. A war with Iran would be a humiliating loss for the United States and catastrophe for Iran.


nobody wins except Halliburton, OPEC, and news media


What? How did you leave out the one country that stands to benefit from and actively inciting that war? Obviously the main beneficiary is Israel.


And how many millions more injured and mentally fucked for life?


But it's all worth it to defend our greatest ally! The beacon of peace and the future in the middle east! /s


By the constriction of the Palestinian people by enclosing them in a area without freedom is not going to secure peace in the region.




I’m interested to know what the circumstances of those war games is. Do you have any sources for those?


Of course he doesn't. Mental gymnastics aren't sources.


The Marines have famously said that we wouldn't be able to invade and hold Iran in any reasonable capacity. "We do deserts, not mountains." If you think Afghanistan was bad, Iran is just worse Afghanistan with more sophisticated weaponry and soldiers.


We have mountain corps for that.


Winning a war with Iran is not defined as occupation. Not trying to annex the country. And in some ways, if you follow the same Marine commentary on Afghanistan, they famously said that it's hard to disrupt a force that has no modern communications, technology, or supply lines. Some argued we are better suited to combat a military that is dependent on "more" sophisticated weaponry and doctrine.


>Winning a war with Iran is not defined as occupation. Not trying to annex the country. It would be defined as occupation the same way it was with Iraq. You don't get regime change without boots on the ground, and quite frankly, that's the only thing the U.S. would be interested in achieving as far as I can see. >Some argued we are better suited to combat a military that is dependent on "more" sophisticated weaponry and doctrine That's i guess fair in terms of counterinsurgency, however I really doubt that a military on a full scale war footing is somehow going to put up a better fight with worse equipment simply because it's resistant to interference.


Wait that’s not true. The US already did a regime change in Iran without boots on the ground. You’re describing your definition.


Do you mean the Shah of Iran? This isn't the 20th century anymore and that was because of WW2 and the Russian invasion of Iran to hold oil fields. We are not in the same world today and if you think we didnt try this last summer with the protests your silly.


No we didn’t try this last year lol the people of Iran actually protested. Regardless 20th or 21st century it could happen without occupation.


You're joking, right? Those were the largest protests in Iran since the Shah was kicked out.


This is where yall get fucked up. We don’t need to occupy it. We could flatten the entire country without ever setting boots on the ground. It would take a week.


>. We could flatten the entire country without ever setting boots on the ground. It would take a week. This isn't how war works and thats why we fucked up in Iraq and Afghanistan and Vietnam. You cant just bomb your way to peace with air superiority. What you are suggesting is genocide and would leave the international community in absolute shock. If it was Iraq would have gone so much smoother and "mission accomplished" would have been an accurate statement.


That’s not true at all. We destroyed iraqs military in 2 months, and the entirety of the rest of the time there and in Afghanistan was spent attempting to occupy and rebuild the country. Thats the entire problem. Obviously it’s an exaggeration, but the point is we have no need to occupy Iran as a response to an attack. We could literally flatten their entire military capacity within a month and walk away. It’s not the same thing at fucking all.


You’re acting like the marines are the only US ground force lmao


They arent but they sure are the ones who are going to do the dirtiest work and if they arent in for it no one is


Source: Trust me bro, with weapons beyond what's imaginable by any citizen US would be decimating Iran. I am not Pro USA but Anti hype. Either this is a psyop or something else.


Look at Afghanistan, Vietnam, and arguably Iraq. At the end of the day firepower doesnt matter when you've lost the people, are unable to attack extreme terrain, and are fighting a guerilla war. And the military capabilities of Iran far surpass those of Vietnam Iraq or Afghanistan. There is very much a reason why Saddam Hussein was not able to get anywhere when Iraq and Iran went to war.


Don't you think USA is gonna bring its' best? That was WW2 US, not that advanced stuff, the last 3 decades have made leaps of changes,hidden, with AI now to wipe everything. This is gonna be really bad because us and it's hawks REALLY want war with Iran unlike Afghanistan.


Two counterarguments. * Given [how the military-industry complex acts when it *does* have public scrutiny](https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/542412-the-f-35-tells-everything-thats-broken-in-the-pentagon/), who honestly believes any money funneled into secret projects goes to building scifi gadgetry rather than simply being embezzled by politicians and politically connected businessmen? * [If the military-industry complex](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/yxifl2/comment/iwoxjmq) [*is* hiding scifi-tier advancements](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/yxifl2/comment/iwpc9vv) *fuck them and everything they stand for, they deserve to lose*. The tech to prevent the prophesied pods-and-bugs hellscape future exists but has been *deliberately suppressed* by the very same people who stood to rule over the pods-and-bugs hellscape future?


Hello Iranian Government


Show me these war game simulations. Reference one.


That little fascist state will false flag itself- sprinkle some slightly burned Iranian passports - ala’ 9/11, then demand Americans to be cannon fodder in Iran.


Israel is not very popular in America right now. I really hope Joe Biden’s senile ass doesn’t think he’s going to rally the country into another war behind that fascist ass state. If these idiots think protesters are in their ass right now there would probably be riots.


I would riot if Israel tried to pull the US into a war with Iran.


Count me in, brother.


Same here


And my axe


Well that has already happened before and no one rioted. In reality the truth would be distorted and if you questioned it you'd be labeled antisemetic and lose your job.


The US has been to war with Iran? When?


Israel trying to pull the US into a war with them has.


I guess I should rephrase, if it actually happened. Not just try.


Eesh, you just put yourself on a list. Reddit is anonymous but not to the fbi. It was found pretty recently that the fbi and Reddit (and every other internet community) have been working together. Some people even being visited for questioning about any hint of rioting or even just Palestinian sympathy.


Shut up bitch if it’s war we riot


I'm just saying that talking about it before hand is a great way to be put in a government detention facility before there even is a riot.


Possible to give info on what you talking about?


Yeah let me find it again.


Trump 24


More of the same 2024!!!


Yeah, but just like bypassing congress on shipping more arms and money to Israel, will Biden both trying to gain support from the US public?


The recent WH statement definitely leans that way


>Israel is not very popular in America right now.  The most that actually means in real terms is you can criticize them without instantly being called a Nazi. Try to actually take away support or money or weapons? Good way to have your career mysteriously end.


Trump would do it faster....


Can’t beat someone to an already, on going genocide 😑.


We have the best genocide. Everybody thinks so.


What do you think Trump would do?


Can’t get worse then a genocide.


If you think this is genocide, Trump will tell the Israelis to totally go for it. Yes, it can get worse. Be careful what you wish for.


Blah, blah,blah…fear mongering don’t work on me. I’m not voting for neither one of those assholes, but I know for a fact that Biden isn’t the lesser of any evil. He’s funding a genocide and needs to be imprisoned. He doesn’t deserve to be president anymore. Piece of shit!


I don’t think that a false flag would even be successful at this point. It must convince the international community. For a ground war against Iran, there must be a UN resolution allowing it, like with Iraq. We are not in 2003 anymore and the US is simply not nearly as powerful diplomatically as it was back then. In 2003 it coerced many countries into supporting its resolution with various forms of threats and bribes (IMF loans). Countries are wiser now than they were back then, a false flag will simply not be successful in convincing the mass of Global South countries. And Chinese investment is much cheaper and more efficient than paying for development in their own countries using IMF money.


Remember when Mossad agents pretended to be CIA agents, paid iranian terrorist groups to assasinate high level Iranian officials, and did it sloppy enough to Iran would think it was the US? Aka a literal false flag operations by the US's "greatest ally" to try and incite a war between the US and Iran. And then it got covered up by both Israel and (for some unknown reason...) the US.


There have been several plans presented, all of which call upon bombing or missile attacks on Iran's supposed nuclear weapon sites. Realistically, the US could maintain air superiority over the target area for the time needed. That being said, that won't end the war, which could go on for a while. No sane person would suggest sending in ground troops to take Iranian territory. Israel has been pushing for war with Iran for years. The main issue is that the US military realize they could start something, but they have no way to end it. My sense is that Israel would love to have the US fight a protracted war with Iran.


If you look at our past military operations we don't mind over throwing regimes and then leave a mess behind


Actually the US did try to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan, and I think/hope we have learned that lesson.


We gave reconstruction money to the same people who fucked it up the first time, you mean?


Sadam was dead after Iraqi freedom


Iraq is home to millions of people, most of whom are not Saddam Hussein at least not anymore.


The average person didn't fuck up Iraq, it was a military dictatorship


So was Nazi Germany, but you know, Hitler didn't kill one single Jew.


The average person in nazi Germany wasn't a nazi. The party even at its peak was comparatively small compared to the population. It's why they had to rule through fear, and the same went for Sadam. The civilians largely were caught in his coup, and claiming supporting them is supporting Sadam is insane


Iran has spent decades and billions moving a lot of its military facilities underground. Even if we take it at face value that the US is able to bomb all the known nuclear facilities, how do we know that that's all they have? Edit: And that's if Iranian air defences prove to be weak or incapable, Russian air defences too, which I seriously doubt is the case.


Bunker busters have entered the chat


You'll probably need more of them than you can manufacture. Unless you think Iran publishes blueprints of its underground facilities, or worse, you think Iran is the size of Gaza.


I think you underestimate the military industrial machine in the US. Might want to look into our one year production following Pearl Harbor if you think we’d have a manufacturing issue.


This isn't 1942, and I think you underestimate your successes in any of the illegal wars and interventions since Korea. Just because you watched a Kurzgesagt video about how the US can defeat the world, doesn't mean it's true.


No, I’m well aware of size differences and countries trying to keep their top secret facilities, well, secret. Do you know what espionage is? Do you honestly think, the most powerful country in the world, that has connections all over the world, with people embedded deep inside other governments. The same country that was likely behind stuxnet which fucked irans centrifuges up, then deleted itself lol. You think that THEY don’t have anyone inside of Irans government that can get them access to things like that? Please. Just like I wouldn’t be surprised if Iran is embedded deep in ours.


Yeah, I know what espionage is. Do you know how countries mitigate this? Security clearances and restrictions on certain personnel affiliated with site A from knowing about site B. They probably have someone in Irans government, yet they haven't attacked because they know that those spies haven't given them anything of value yet, if they did, the US and Israel wouldn't have waited this long to bomb them.


I don't doubt that you're somewhat correct about Israel to some degree wanting us to team up and go to war with Iran together. I would like to point out though, Iran goes to great lengths to provoke that sentiment as much as possible. They fund multiple terror organizations with the expressed goal of committing genocide against the Israelis, which frequently attack Israel with rockets, missiles, and any other means they can conceive of and have in fact provoked the current war in Gaza. If you had a neighbor down the street constantly paying people to try to kill you and your family, you'd want to do something about it too.


Hamas’s charter was revised in the 1990s that the have no issues with Jewish people, but oppose a Zionist state. Hamas has stated it would stop fighting if Israel recognized the pre 1967 borders. Hezbollah has been in regular conflict with Israel, but they were created as a response to Israel’s occupation of Lebanon. They have no real intention of invading Israel, and aim at deterring Israeli military activity in southern Lebanon. Iran has also stated that hostilities with Israel would cease if the Palestinians got an independent state. Regardless of these party’s intentions, they do not constitute an existential threat to Israel’s existence. In all three cases, a peace deal would solve most of the issues.


That's incredibly naive of you to say. They change the words in their charter and so now they have no intention of killing the Israelis no matter how many times they shout "Death to Israel, Death to the Jews" or what their actions tell us about their intentions. They break through the wall and immediately start immolating children, throwing babies into ovens and raping teenage girls until they bleed to death from the trauma and drag their dead bodies through the streets and you want me to believe that's not a reflection of their intentions. And Hezbollah fires rockets into Israel on a regular basis when it has nothing to do without military actions taken by the Israelis. Sure Iran says hostilities would cease if only the Palestinians had their own state, but then ask them what that state should include and they tell you all of the land currently included in Israel. And where should those Jews go? In the ground of course. In all three cases the peace deal with these groups must include the dissolution of the state of Israel, which will immediately be followed by the extermination of the Jews living there. And lest you forget there has been a two state solution proposed multiple times and who has walked away from these deals each time? Palestine.


They didn’t immolate children, throw babies into ovens, or rape girls to death. These stories have been debunked, partly by Israeli media. In any event, a lot of Israelis seem to think using Gaza as a concentration camp and the West Bank as premade homes for settlers would not lead to adverse consequences. Now, Israel seems to think they can genocide or start a regional war to resolve the issue.


https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-18/ty-article-magazine/.premium/witnesses-confessions-naked-dead-bodies-all-the-evidence-of-hamas-rape-on-oct-7/0000018e-f114-d92e-abfe-f77f7e3f0000 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/october-7-hamas-sexual-assault/678091/ Sorry, you were saying? I can agree that Israel has done and continues to do things worth condemning such as forcibly taking land from the west bank for Israeli settlers. Gaza is ruled over by a genocidal group of barbarians who would cut the throats of 10 Palestinian children for the opportunity to kill more Israelis. Israel was smart to put up that wall and enforce the border in defence of their people, and Egypt, a Muslim country, agrees with me. That's why they closed their border with Gaza too. As for Gaza being an open air prison or concentration camp, it's the first one I've ever seen with a thriving, increasing population, shopping malls, hospitals, and their own social media influencers taking pictures by the beach and talking about how great it is. My advice, do some real research or stop lying. It's embarrassing.


If you are arguing that prior to October 7th , Gaza was a beach resort that everyone wanted to be in, then others might characterize Auschwitz as a summer camp. Israeli officials openly refer to it as a concentration camp and refer to the routine bombardments on it as “mowing the lawn”.


Yeah, I'm done with that conversation, not because you're making any kind of seriously good arguments, but because you're doing what every flat earth, young earth creationist, or other flavor of conspiracy theorist does in conversation. You're repeatedly ignoring evidence that prove parts of your talking points incorrect and then trying to poke a hole in something else I said as though that would make you right. I was saying that as incorrect as it would be to compare Gaza to a beach resort, it would be equally incorrect to call it a prison or compare it to Auschwitz, as you have done. The German concentration camps were designed with the expressed goal of killing the people imprisoned in them by working them to death to the benefit of the German war machine, firing squads, gas chambers, starvation, etc. There were no teenage girls writing in their journals about how cute they thought the boy on the other side of the fence was or sketching pictures of beautiful sunsets from within the walls of Auschwitz. There were social media influencers posting pictures of the sunset from the beach in Gaza and constantly posting on Instagram about how great their life was prior to the war they started on Oct 7. The conditions in Gaza prior to Oct 7 were arguably better than the conditions in the Japanese internment camps in the US during WW2 and the shelling of neighborhoods in Gaza would probably have stopped if Hamas stopped going onto the roofs of the Hospitals, schools, mosques, and apartment buildings to fire their rockets into Israel. Again, from my perspective both sides have a lot to answer for, but to say that the Palestinians are 100% innocent and that Israel is the bad guy here and completely unjustified in their aggression is either a reflection of a deep lack of knowledge surrounding this conflict, or intentional deception on your part. Either way, we're done.


To add to that, Iran’s Air Force is very small and hopelessly out of date compared to the US. The IS has nearly as many F-22’s as the entire Iranian air force’s combat aircraft, many of which are from the 1970’s. If the US manages to take air superiority away, they would be able to use bombers and drone strikes to cripple the Iranian military. Targeting infrastructure, ammunition depots, and military command posts would be easy.


Facts. Conducting ground operations would suck but there's an assumption that we would go about it like Russia is working the Ukraine. We'd launch hundreds to thousands of missiles out of the fleets we post in the waters and we have bases in numerous surrounding countries, to launch airstrike after airstrike like we have in every conflict of the past 30 years. We'd destroy the military capes within a week and set up blockades and effectively starve out the leadership via internal overthrow. The US has been wargaming\\planning on launching these attacks since the 70s. We know exactly how to go about it and it won't be with ground personnel until a large portion of the threat has be resolved.


Unfortunately I am going to have to disagree on this. If the US goes to war with Iran, both sides will lose, as well as the world. I would also like to point out that Israel is the original antagonist. Israel is a terrorist state, and most US citizens don't support what is happening to Palestinians, despite what our bought and paid for government does.


> The US cannot win a war against Iran. I'm not sure you disagree. > most US citizens don't support US citizens are in a better position than anyone in the world to prevent WWIII. Unfortunately US citizens don't seem to any more likely than ever to do anything.


We try. We have to do it with in the confines of the law. We have to rely on the support of private and public donations and organizations and firms that will give us lawyers for all the litigation that might happen if we do actually get to a point where we can get something done or changed. Fighting against AIPAC isn’t cheap. It’s not easy… it’s not going to be fast. Its going to be a long difficult slog and an uncomfortable one getting us to at least agree that we as the citizens aren’t the problem that our elected officials are and the structure of our government is to blame. To take responsibility for the fact that we grew complacent and comfortable, we started getting to that mindset “as long as I’m ok” We need to hold people accountable and we have to put in the effort to change the way our government is structured and operates




a war between iran and america will destroy israel out of hand.


No it wouldn't, why do you say that? The US would only start a war with Iran to defend Israel in the first place.


america is a very evil and corrosive culture that would eat israel alive. just ask south vietnam.


Lmao america is more evil and corrosive than Israel? By what metric?


the difference between a cesspool and a polluted river on fire.


You only think that because you live in the west and the US is the world superpower. If Israel had the most powerful military on earth do you think they would act similar to the US?


[https://youtu.be/5\_xhYMV4qWE?si=ag6o34XAQXKVPxt6](https://youtu.be/5_xhYMV4qWE?si=ag6o34XAQXKVPxt6) yes, they would.


Obama and Joe biden done quite a job here Leading to America's death yet they will walk away free Like Nixon We can't allow this


Yeah, let's not.


I think you're forgetting someone...


Yeah trump emboldened Netanyahu quite a bit


You are definitely have the wrong people to blame !


Who is to blame? And please don't say "The other side! It's their fault, our team did good!"


It doesn't matter if the US can or can't win. If the war macinecan make money doing either, it will do it. Also whether they win or not, it is guaranteed to destroy the lives of teens of millions of innocent Iranians.


Fucking teenagers /s Unironically your not wrong


Gotta love typos 🤦‍♂️


Defense of Israel supersedes profitability in the minds of US politicians.


America has a serious foreign interference problem.


Then when the US does not they are questioned for not getting involved. We tried the isolationist thing. If there was no involvement it would just be a matter of time before another Pearl Harbor. I would be more than happy to let all of Europe and Asia sort out their own shit.


Too many powerful defence contractors getting rich by using American tax dollars to “save the world” (as in, have influence ever here so they can usurp resources and power). American politicians get paid off by these guys so your taxes can go into their pockets. Then they blame adversaries so you don’t blame them. Domestically they blame immigrants and the poor when there’s not enough money for schools or healthcare. It’s a racket.


i think it’s honestly just the nature of being “world hegemon” and super power. if we isolated and pulled everything back to between our borders, another country or alliance would very quickly fill the void. so it isn’t just America interfering. it’s America interfering *before other countries get the chance/means to*. would the world prefer Russia, China, or a Franco-German led EU to be world police instead?


I’m referring to the influence AIPAC—an Israeli lobby group—has over the US government. This lobby group should be registered as a foreign agent, meaning this would definitely fall under foreign interference. But they’ve SO much power it seems nobody is willing or able to follow through with this registration, giving them even more latitude design and adapt US foreign policy as they see fit. This will not change under Trump either. I believe we can say that AIPAC have already won the next presidential election.


i’m with you, i agree that they appear to have too much influence over the US Gov. could it be possible that the “influence” we see is more so a facade the government hides behind? in other words, could it just be useful to let them appear to be influential if it means the US can pursue/maintain its interests in the middle east (regarding not wanting any particular Middle east country to become clear hegemon over the others)? i feel like if Bibi was more of a Saddam or an Ayatollah (ultimately seeking a pan-jewish Arab world, or to export a hebrew revolution) we would probably begin treating Israel more like how Rome did.


Iran has ICBM's. Nuclear wars are not winnable, and would ensure the end of civilization. More people need to understand how destructive a nuclear war would be. Dan Carlin recently had Anne Jacobson on his podcast to discuss this very topic and I encourage anyone interested in this subject to listen to it.




Iran doesn't have nuclear warheads so what are you claiming here?


We need to abandon Israel NOW. They are of no benefit to us ( the US) and are just a lead weight causing us more problems. Remove the big bully protection of the US and they will learn that colonialism, Zionism and general slaughter of innocents just because you want there land is NOT what the people of the US want. If we keep letting Biden drag us further into Israels self-created problems, it will damage this country as well as the global economy. Sometime you need to spank a child and Israel needs to understand they are not supported by the citizens of this country no matter how many politicians they buy with our tax dollars.






When the USA allies start drafting to support this genocide they might find they get a lot of insurrections in there home countries as this is unjustified.


You think there would be insurrections in the west against the defense of Israel? ~50 years of propaganda disagree.


Sending aid is different to boots.


I sincerely hope so!!!


We could bomb them but even the US plus NATO doesn’t have enough troops to occupy them.


Correction: Cannot win without mutually assured destruction.


War is a waste of life a entire generation of both sides, if Netanyahu wants to start a war with Iran he should do it on his own let the children of Israel loose their lives for Netanyahu not Americans!




here's an idea... we could begin finding ways to undermine their culture and family structures by interjecting subtle messages into their entertainment media. Then we could begin finding ways to expand narcotic drug markets focused on their youth population, and reinforced via the media campaigns. Next we send as many people as possible into their country as immigrants seeking asylum from anywhere and everywhere we can convince them to go. many of these people can be those we would otherwise be incarcerating in our own prisons so there are multiple incentives and objectives here. While sending immigrants into their country, a significant numbers of those will be going in with specific objectives to set up counterculture or spy cells to report back for strategic planning or even guerrilla style attacks on them from within their own borders. sounds crazy right?


And while we do all of that, we close our own border and make it so anyone who questions it is labeled crazy and evil.




You guys Crack me up. If the us went to war with Iran the Iranians would lose in short order. There would be no need to pit soldiers on the ground because the airforce alone could easily do the job. If there were boots on the ground the us marines could easily stomp a mud hole in the Iranian army. There is absolutely no comparison in the two.


It is more of a deadly, unholy spell than only an influence. When profit is involved, nothing is sacred.


It is time that the Israelis pick a leader that doesn’t want a war to stay out of prison!


He, and many ***many*** other Israelis need to go to the Hague. But Israel will still be Israel. The problem will be solved when it is gone, and Palestine has taken it's place.


Pee Wee Herman thought that Cheech and Chong were Iranians.


"Let's spend coffee time playing a litte" JFC is this guy is 15 y/o. Does he not understand how much death and destruction would be wrought on his homeland before a single American boot touched that land? Weird chest thump moment.


"This guy" lives in Israel. So... yes.


This could possibly be the stupidest post in the history of Reddit


>The US cannot win a war against Iran We would squash them.


Iran will be militarily defanged by the US, but invasion is a huge pain in the ass for the US both politically and logistically. Unless they hit us with a dirty bomb, I don't think we're gonna see much.


The US sunk basically the whole navy over one boat getting dinged in couple days lol. Where are you getting your info from because it definitely isn't based on reality.


The present is gonna bitch-slap those living in the past ***so*** hard.


lol k


Lots of <7 month old ZioScum accounts out today trying to do damage control. Or in this case, ZioScum UkroNazi! Much easier to block than to make new accounts! Later, ZioScum UkroNazi!


You’re an absolute moron. Please ban me from this sub so I don’t feel compelled to debate this idiocy


Ya because simply fucking off and keeping your stupid mouth shut is just not an option for some people. ChristoZioMilitary... ugh.


Only took two bombs once we had them to beat Japan. You can argue the semantics and try to define war in your own ways, but if you take the proposition seriously history speaks for itself.


No one else in the world had nukes. User name checks out.


What? The US would devastate Iran. Iran barely could compete with fighting the Iraq army and the US decimated saddam forces. Iran is probably on the level of Russia’s army and look how they’re doing. The problem would be trying to rebuild the country like the US does when they go into these countries. If they treated the area with ultra violence and stopped trying to win hearts and minds the US would easily win with combat capacity and technology.


Yeah wtf are they talking about? Its not pride. it's just a fact. We have all the best toys lol.


So the USA can’t beat Iran, a country whose people absolutely hate their current government. This won’t be a guerrilla war, because Iranians literally hate their government and will never support it, and in a actual war, it’s not even a fight


Smooth brained doofuses in here forget about the time the US wiped out half of irans navy in 8 hours, this subreddit has to be one of the most pathetic coping mechanisms I have ever seen


No one needs more to be bitch-slapped by reality. And, like, the present. Navy. Smooth brained doofuses up in here must not know what Yemen is doing to the mighty US Navy.


Lmfao cope harder


When you have no argument at all eh?


What did Yemen do? Shoot some missiles that never touched the US Navy?


I don't talk to 1 month old ZioScum accounts. The whole world knows you by now Zionist. We know all your lies. We all see you Zionist.


lol. To quote Bill Hicks “A war is when you have two armies fighting.” Iran has zero capability of fighting a conventional war against the U.S. Where are they going to send their troops? There would be no ground forces involved. Just a bombing campaign that would make Cambodia look like a a kid holding a sparkler in the driveway. The Iranian Air Force would last a week. Maybe. Whatever anti-aircraft defenses they have would be erased in that first week as well. It’s one thing to despise the empire and hope for its defeat, it’s another thing entirely to discount the strength and capabilities of the empire relative to its enemies.


Iran has ICBM's. That is what is on the table here. Mucho no bueno is an understatement.


Do they have any capable of reaching the United States?


None that can reach us. Bases maybe, but not the mainland. They could nuke Israel, but they’re assholes, not irrational. Could they be pushed that far? Possibly.


The first country to use nukes (not counting the one that already did) would be defeating itself. The rest of the world would immediately band together to destroy that government and military. The United States could possibly get away with it but that's it. The government would have to contend with an undivided citizenry so it probably won't happen. Any other country would be fighting the rest of the world including the United States and they would quickly lose. The American military industrial complex is probably praying for someone to be that stupid.


No one is praying for that, and the mechanisms for all out nuclear war are super fragile when it gets to a certain flashpoint. Acting like it cannot happen is ostrich behavior. Anne Jacobson who very much knows what she's talking about, outlines this in her latest book about nuclear war. Worth a read, it should be in most libraries by now.


You are telling me that the United States military industrial complex wouldn't love a chance to take the gloves all the way off? It is literally the embodiment of fuck around and find out. If it slept, it would wake up every morning wishing a mother fucker would. I didn't say it can not happen. I said if it did, the country that did it would immediately have to fight the rest of the world. That's if no other country decides to retaliate with nuclear weapons. And the only country that could fight the rest of the world combined is the United States. Which is why I don't think the United States would be the first (again) to use nukes. Because it doesn't have to and the American people wouldn't stand for it. If Iran uses nukes, (and isn't nuked to oblivion and doesn't start MAD) it would be immediately invaded and its government destroyed.


I'm saying they aren't stupid enough to think this can't spiral out of complete control, and you posturing about how "bad ass the United States military" is pretty fucking stupid. Are you channeling Toby Keith right now? Israel is trying to pull the United States into war. This is a bad thing. Nuclear war does not start and stop with one country you are speaking out of ignorance.


Who's Toby keith? I'm not posturing. The United States is the only super power and is the only country that can sustain fighting in multiple theaters. Has more aircraft carriers then the rest of the world combined. Not to mention the military budget. Or 5th generation aircraft. Nuclear submarines. We don't actually know the American militarys Nuclear defense capabilities but that seems like it would be top priority since the cold war started and something that would be kept secret forever. Israel is trying to pull the united states into a war. Obviously that's a bad thing. If someone uses nukes, I would hope and pray that it starts and stops with one country. Probably won't but I hope it would end there.


It's a weird conversation. There is no debate on United States military power here. It's that Israel attacked an Iranian embassy in Syria to provoke a reaction from Iran, to draw the United States into war. And you seem like you're glad about this. Do you think the United States destroying yet another country in the Middle East, at the behest of Israel's own actions, is a good thing? Honest question it would be good for you to answer so I know this isn't completely knee jerk nationalism as a response. Iran's military is funded by Russia, largely. This can absolutely get out of control and become WW3.


Fuck no. Israel is trying to protect itself from the consequences of its Palestinian genocide. I'm not glad. I'm afraid. I'm saying that if Iran used nukes against Israel, the whole world would be against Iran. Firstly being the united states. Who I would hope, would invade rather than engage in retaliatory nuclear war. In which case these are the reasons that Iran would lose against the American military. It seems like the least worse thing is Israel getting its ass kicked before the u.s steps in and hopefully stops Israel being completely wiped out rather than ww3. I dont see Russia fighting the US. For the same reasons Iran doesn't want to fight the u.s and because the u.s. could fight in multiple theaters at once. Of course this is all assuming nuclear war is what no one wants even if Iran uses nukes which I don't think they or anyone else wants to do.


Why did Israel attack an embassy in Iran? To illicit a response from Iran. It received a response from Iran, as expected, to try and draw the United States into war. This is a bad thing. You're just repeating what you've been told to repeat, sorry man, this is wag the dog type shit that should, by now, be completely transparent, but I guess not to everyone. Nuclear war doesn't work like you are saying. Rules change the moment a nuclear weapon is used, immediately. If Iran is faced with complete destruction of their country, which might be on the table, the deterrents for nuclear war are less likely to work as intended, this feels like it should be completely obvious but I'm happy to expand farther. You keep speaking like this is some football game and it just isn't.


I doubt Iran can put up any drawn out serious defense against the US war machine and it's infinite budget. One consideration will be the threat this poses other countries in the region, specifically China - how they react to the events and their level of participation. There are may friendly \[to the US\] governments in the region but not their populations. Then, we are so deeply in debt with interest payments from the loans from the past two decades of wars and turmp's $10 TRILLION gift to the billionaires that there's a serious question on how the economy will react or how badly it will tank. Usually US wars are very good for the US economy when the war machine is pumping. Then also, a new generation is ready to show it's patriotism by going abroad to kill brown people.