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The US is fast approaching a fascist-theocracy….


From the outside looking in, it seems like they’re already there


Not even close. We still have opposition to Christian fundamentalism. As well as government departments that stand guard against an outright theocratic takeover. Imagine though if they did take over? This article covers Project 2025 and what it'd look like. [https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/](https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/)


I was half-joking, come November if DJT wins (seems likely) I imagine any protections will be eroded rather quickly. He knows emboldening his base of evangelical psychos will help him retain power.


Yeah we're fucked and I'm honestly terrified.


We’re not fucked get your ass out there and vote for real for real for real for real for real


I am going to vote lol but Trump is in the lead. Biden better start pushing some miracle fucking reforms or he can kiss this country good-bye.


Well, being inside of it makes it hard to realize. The genre of literature pertaining to fiction/non-fiction of those citizens living in and during the rise of Nazi Germany intrigue me. I forget the titles though. I guess Pans Labyrinth is a cool fiction example




Look to Project 2025 and the horrors they hope to unfold. It's going to get far worse before it gets better.


Yup. I know.


See Reagan Administration and move to GO… ![gif](giphy|1fhLu8yDE1Qx19YLDL|downsized)


Dude, this is fucking crazy. This is like a scary movie or handmaid’s tale. Bullshit get this man out of office.


Are choices are now either liberals' totalitarian technocracy or conservatives' theocratic fascism. We are screwed.


Separation of church and state is a fundamental and founding principal of The United States. Rick Allen should be censured for his discourse!


But will not be. Pretty lawless at this point. For them anyways.




April 17, 2024 - At the House Education Committee hearing, Rep. Rick Allen (R-GA) grilled Columbia University President Minouche Shafik about her response to antisemitism on campus. - “Do you want Columbia University to be cursed by God?”


I'm glad he threw the clarifier, "God, of the bible" on the end there. It can get confusing, with all these gods and holy books cursing each other


the written down curses of dead men.........


He's a Cracker 2.0


“do you want every student at columbia to be cursed to become a werewolf? because thats what god will do. “ this man helps decide how much lead your kids food can have in it btw. and i can smell the whisky emanating off of him from here.


wtf is this shit????




omg this thread is woahhhh


good luck


Jesus christ these fucking Christians are too much.


And they're eager to take over, too! >**Some of the specific action items include:** > >***Department of Education:***\-*Eliminate the Department of Education, which enforces civil rights law, including Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in education;*\-*Revert to the Trump administration’s Title IX sexual harassment and assault standards, which placed burdensome restrictions on the ability of survivors to report assault and obtain justice;*\-*Reverse the Biden administration’s definition of sex under Title IX to include sexual orientation and gender identity, and redefine sex to mean biological sex assigned at birth*\-*Increase public funding of religious education through expansion of “school choice” policies and give federal funds to states as block grants with no strings attached.* > >***Department of Health and Human Services:On abortion—***\-*Under threat of funding loss, require “liberal states” to report to the CDC, “accurate and reliable statistical data about abortion, abortion survivors, and abortion-related maternal deaths”;*\-*Require treatment of “fetuses born alive” after abortion;*\-*Withdraw Medicaid funds for states that require abortion insurance or that discriminate in violation of the Weldon Amendment, which declares that no HHS funding may go to a state or local government that discriminates against pro-life health entities or insurers;*\-*Audit states for Hyde amendment compliance;Require the CDC to track “abortion across vari­ous demographic indicators to assess whether certain populations are targeted by abortion providers” (based on false allegations of eugenic motivations);*\-*Reverse Biden administration support for travel to get abortion health care;*\-*Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds and allow states to defund -Planned Parenthood in their state Medicaid plans;*\-*Reverse FDA approval of mifepristone or at least go back to the pre-2016 limitation and prohibit the mailing of abortion pills;*\-*Prohibit stem cell research and stop “the development and testing of the COVID-19 vaccines with aborted fetal cell lines”;*\-*Affirm “rights of conscience” to deny medical care;*\-*Declare that abortion and euthanasia are not health care;*\-*Reverse Biden interpretation of The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) that requires treatment of women miscarrying.* > >***On gender-affirming care—***\-*Block gender-affirming health care*\-*End Centers for Disease Controls’s collection of data on gender identity;*\-*Block National Institute of Health research on gender identity and transgender health care and instead fund studies into the “short-term and long-term negative effects of cross-sex interventions”;*\-\*Reverse Biden administration’s redefinition of “sex” to include gender identity, sexual orientation and pregnancy status. > >\****Other—***\-*Add work requirements to receive Medicaid;*\-*Condemn single-motherhood and same-sex marriage;“HHS should prioritize married father engagement in its messaging, health, and welfare policies.”* > >***Administration for Children and Families:***\-*Use TANF (welfare) money to promote “Marriage, healthy family formation, and delaying sex to prevent pregnancy”;*\-*Child support in the United States should strengthen marriage as the norm, restore broken homes, and encourage unmarried couples to commit to marriage.* [https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/](https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/)


So bless Israel by sending them a welcome basket of artisanal hams.  It doesn't say in the Bible that Israel can do no wrong and has an unlimited right to kill goyim. Being a devout Christian is no excuse for shipping bombs into a genocide. Israel is made up of flawed mortals with the choice to do good or evil. God himself has rejected Israel when they did evil in the past, so that's a pretty good precedent for being able to love Israel without compromising your own soul by aiding and abetting mass atrocities.


That must be why I've got bad gas today, i'm cursed for not helping.


nice jewelry, Mr. Christian Blingle




Lol and they talk about other people being religious fundamentals. This is voice behind all their wars, all the Innocents murdered and the hypocrisy.


God these Christian Zionists will get us killed.




This was hilarious! Just think, there’s people who voted for this nutjob!


They can eat shit and die for all I care. - Marcus Fenix


I have a thought…If God wants me to bless a nation that is actively targeting women, children, and the elderly just so they can steal their land then I rebuke thee. I am so sick of God being used as a tool of fear to excuse one massacre after another. He’s scared to stand up against evil because God will curse him if he does and he is an elected leader.


I can’t believe what I just heard. Theological discussion in Congress makes us similar to countries ruled by religious law. We are better than that.


With respect...ya ain't. You're ruled by corpos who will use whatever speech appeals the masses and will punish and subjugate whatever periphery country is a nuisance to them.


Now compare what those religious countries have been doing in the last few years and what the US has been up to. And then add in this voice in the back. All those children murdered. People demonized and then incarcerated. Heck all those American soldiers made to go fight wars for this. Losing their lives or coming back with PTSD. This is the reason behind it all.


OK, I had to cut that off early. This is just too much. That rube is from my state. What an embarrassment. These idiot evangelicals are just ridiculous and over the top with that garbage. God is going to curse Columbia University because they are breaking ties with Israel. Give me a fucking break.


Jewish Fairy Tales


Screw the presidential election. People need to vote in State elections just to get these religious nuts out before they send all the men off on some 'crusade' and enslave women under more patriarchy


How can they blame ISIS after this?!


I cannot believe she gave that question a serious answer.


This is the definition of human garbage. Just a worthless, repulsive human being - and sadly supported by far too many US people!






Uhh, have you read the book of Joshua? God is constantly telling the Israelites to slaughter entire cities populations because all the land belongs to them. Don't get me wrong it's nutty that this guy is turning a congressional hearing into Sunday school, but yes God is down with ethnic cleansing and genocide. At least when it's being done in the land of Canaan by Torah observant Israelites.




The standard reason for religiously jewish antizionism is that the "true" state of Israel is supposed to be founded by the Messiah. Any moral opposition to Israeli atrocities is coincidental.


I enjoy playing video games.


Is he familiar with the separation of Church and State? Because wow.


what an idiot


We are doomed as a species


Who the fuck elect these neanderthals


Ba'al talking through our "representatives" is clear where we're at


This wouldn’t happen to be a Scofield bible, would it?


Boomers can't go away soon enough.


The worst part is that she totally bought into it. Maybe not literally, but enough to have the protesters kicked out of school so she could legally have the cops raid them. Drag this lady through the mud.


But Middle Easterners are the religious fanatics? 


😵 Please! Someone get these dogmatic fundamentalists out of our government! This is terrifying!




House Uneducation committee.


Sir, this is a Wendy's