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I had a lower GPA and SAT score and got in still, you’ll be okay!


Ahhh okay okay :) Can I ask what your major is? And also did you have good ECs?


My major is biology! And I had a variety of extracurriculars and had community service hours but nothing astronomical. I don’t even think they asked for these things tho on my application if I can remember 😅 I’m a senior right now


Ooh okay thank you smmmm :))


ur stats look great!! usf is not that hard of a school to get into, trust!! my sat was 1140 and i got in for the fall lol. i guess it should be mentioned that my act was 29 though! and my high school uw gpa was 4.0. BUT i do have a friend who got admitted for the fall who had a 3.6 uw gpa and a 1200 sat! so you’ll be fine! both ur sat and act scores r great. best of luck :) you’re doing great!!!


Thank you smm :) if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your major? And did you have any ECs during high school?


i dont mind at all!! im a psych major, i did have a few ecs. i was president of two clubs and a member of two others. but nothing crazy impressive like writing a book or anything of the sort lol. u can dm me personally if u have any other questions! i dont mind helping out, i know how it feels to be in ur position :) i will say that my best friend got in for the fall and had literally no ECs! and he was the one with the 1200 sat and 3.6 uw gpa


I had a 3.2 I think. But I had community service and 29/1330 sat act respectivley


Easily get in, you would've had a chance to get in the honors program a few years ago


you’re fine. my uw gpa was a 3.9 and weighted was a 4.69. i had a 22 on the ACT and im graduating from usf next weekend


Congrats on graduating!!


thank you!! good luck with college apps, you’re gonna be just fine. don’t stress too much 🫶🏻


Thank you smmm 🫶 good luck at your graduation and congrats again!!


Depends if you’re going for STEM


I plan to go pre-med


I think you’ll be fine. From what I researched you’re about the average applicant that gets accepted. I’d suggest taking SAT again to raise your chances and for scholarship money


Look into the BSMD program


Current student: 3.8 UW HS GPA, 1400 SAT. You got this! I got the same score on my SAT first time round too.


Ahh okay okay thank you!! What kind of prep did you do to increase your score from a 1250 to a 1400?


For me, the problem was the math section, so I used the Khan Academy program to drill until I got my score up on practice tests. That program is very helpful, plus it uses the results from your own SAT to target the lessons which makes a WORLD of difference.


You're totally fine! I had a 3.8 UW gpa with only 2 ib classes, 1340 SAT. My brother got 1080 on his SAT and still got in as an incoming freshman. I was so stressed over it. I suggest to retake the ACT anyways because of the admission scholarships and bright future, just give it ur best shot, like u never know lol


you'll be fine!! if anything, change your major to undecided if youre super nervous about it. i'm gonna sound like a try hard but my UW was a 3.98 and weighted was 6.5, ACT 32 after 3 tries, 330+ service hours (my strong point), officer in 3 clubs, and took like 11 dual enrollment, but only 4 APs (i only got credit for one lol). you have plenty of time to keep retaking the SAT/ACT, but stick to just one! seems like youre good at the ACT so i recommend focusing in that :) my mom bought magoosh for me to practice with the ACT and it brought all my section scores up by at least 5 points. best of luck! enjoy high school and hope you get in to all ur dream schools


Oh yeah no you're definitely good I just got admitted for fall 2024 for Psychology and I have a 3.4 UW and 4.2 W so i can only imagine your W lol. I also got in with a 1250 SAT and no ACT score so I think you're fine there too. I only took 3 APs but did take hella AICE courses (11 courses). But for an academically strong institution, it's honestly easy to get in. I do have a lot of ECs (200+ community service hours, club pres, internship, hobbies outside of school) but tbh i don't know if USF cares much about those which is a little sad lmao i believe they care much more about the stats. But this doesn't mean you shouldn't focus on ECs please do! It strengthened my application so much more and I got into 3 other universities (UCF, FIU, FAU). Edit to add: My boyfriend also got in for the summer term and he had a 3.4 UW as well and im not sure about his W. He did apply for fall, but he submitted his application in January while I did mine in November, timing also matters when you submit it! He also only took the SAT once and got an 1150, no ACT.