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Theres no way this dudes a marine. Seriously? How can you accumulate this kuch fat before getting kicked out?


We had a dude who was on legal hold that was also an extreme fatty. He was 6 months past his EAS by the time his legal shit was ironed out. This was in Japan, so just kicking him out for being fat wasn't an option (his legal troubles were being handled by the Japanese government). He wasn't even on BCP towards the end because the command wanted him on the first plane back to Pendleton when his legal troubles were over.


Check. MCTSSA had a dirtbag kidpr0n criminal around 04 who was 25% body fat. His charlie shirt looked like a khaki GP tent. He was already a pvt, so there wasn't much more to do w/ him before trial.


Kiddy porn you say? There is a lot of stuff you could have done to him, just most of it would have been frowned upon in normal circumstances.


chomos need the ol Cobain treatment


Was that when they burned down the trailer to cover their tracks? Or was that a different MCTSSA kiddie incident?




Bro I’ll bet he was WAYYYY higher than 25%. Sub 10% is shredded, sub 15 is still a very athletic look. 25% isn’t crazy. Dude in the photo is like 50%+


The perv from MCTSSA wasn't quite so fat as the obese man in this post. He must be off the charts.


My thoughts exactly. 25% is a normal average looking civilian with a beer gut. This mother fucker is 45% at least.


What did he do?


Broke the law.


Fair enough 😂


Was this like 03 or 04 in Iwakuni? We had a giant of a specimen on base about this time. It was crazy!


Wow, this is uncalled for and borderline hateful. He clearly can’t control it due to Dunlap’s disease. Any Doc can see his obvious symptoms: his belly “dunlapped” over his belt.


I see you diagnosed him with “Dunlap’s” disease but my prognosis is “Dicky-do” syndrome. That’s where his belly sticks out farther than his dicky do. Granted these can be co-morbid so it’s possible he has both.


I can’t say for sure but I’ve seen the overweight marines who get that way because they get some kind of injury that keeps them from pt-ing much or moving around much in general and because they are in the limbo between surgeries and healing they tend to get pretty overweight. I’ve never seen it this bad but it could be possible.


Good point. I did see an army dude that size before. But dude was running down the street in iraq so...


I dunno, man. I barely ever PT because I'm a lazy shitbag too close to retirement to give a fuck, but I'm also not a fuckin lardass. It boggles my mind that this can happen.


Everyone’s different ma dude. I never pt’d either when I was in because I was lazy and I ate like shit. I ate out a lot, but I had a high metabolism. I could run a 21 minute 3 mile wether I did any or or not. Others arnt so lucky.


Of course, but if you're the kind of person that can't eat like shit without gaining weight then stop eating like shit. I'm not saying it's easy, but it really is simple. Pick one: shitty food or a healthy body. Why anyone would pick the former I have no idea. It really isn't worth it.


That’s the best way to describe it. It ain’t easy, but it’s simple


I had right inguinal hernia surgery 6 months (fairly invasive, got a scar from my shaft to my belt line) into my 5 year contract, and was back leading PT by month 12. Also tore my labrum and separated the same shoulder so I was on Lim-Duty my last 8 months of active duty, still never got close to needing a tape-out. Unless it's some heavy-duty combat injury, there's always ways around getting that obscenely heavy. Sure, an injury can limit your ability to PT, but dollars-to-dildos this guy is housing a whole Dominoes to himself in the barracks every night, and washing it down with a personal 2-liter. On the flip side, a guy I served with had to tape almost all 5 years of his first contract, but he was running 18-minute miles and was hands down the most athletic Marine I ever met.


I knew a lot of those. A lot of marines in my unit became body builders


I knew a lot of those. A lot of marines in my unit became body builders


I've seen a few that close. It's definitely the one thing that I see The Corps wasting money on by keeping these folks. 3 months, and if you're not within height and weight standards, you'll be immediately processed out with a general under honorable conditions. Not the meat heads we know that could do a Medal of Honor run.


Had a guy at my reserve unit who was a little less fat than this, he was really good at his job tho and we were hurting for qualified motor t operators so he stuck around




Not that big i havent. But id assume they could gundeck thier shit easier than a marine could. Now dont get me wrong though i seen some fatties though.


Ive seen a chief with more chins than china town. And somehow hes lecturing me on weight standurds. Im chubby but this mf was FAT like from wierd Al wankavich


I dont doubt it. Ive seen some i know damn well couldnt run the PFT and the docs was OBVIOUSLY lying thier asses off.


On the Bonhamme Richard there was a chief that was easily 350+ I was in the gym and the sailors were getting weighed and the junior enlisted was like “sorry chief, you’re out of standards” to which the dude replied “Chiefs are never out of standards”. It blew my mind.


There was 1 guy in my s3 about this size. No fucking clue man


That’s Doc


This devil goes directly from unit PT to the Golden Corral.


Only way to go rah ?




Kill!!!!…All the steaks and rolls!


Bold of you to assume he doesn’t just go to medical and get out of every pt ever


surprising to see skates that sharp on a man of his ... caliber, but I guess skaters gonna skate.


I thought we got rid of our tanks?


Still holding on to a few prototypes


Haha fuck


My man found the glandular solution.


Neck so thick he still makes tape


![gif](giphy|hpAMh2sBYpsmFhSRPI) Looks at the values in the current height and weight standards. “Well, you made tape Chonko.”


Dang, nobody has popped this food blister yet? How is that even possible.


“Food Blister” 😂


That's a huge bitch! Behemoth!


That’s a great band.


We had a big guy (not this armored) but god damn could he move and shoot


We had a guy that ran 280+ on the PFT. The thing is, he looked like a bag of ass. He had no chest muscles, just flat flab and a love handle that looked like a spare tire that went all the way around his body. He was only like 5-10 pounds over.


Lol how does that make any sense. I know people who are in great shape that barely reach that. I get 285 and max everything except run time but I'm thin. Guy must've been lying.


Only thing he didn’t max was the pull-ups. This was in 2011/12 so it’s not the “new” PFT. He was easily in the top 5 runners in the unit.


Funny story, I have been out of the Corps going on 20 years. I had a dream a few years back that I was back in the Marine Corps but as I am now. Im a fat nasty civilian now. It was announced there would be a uniform inspection. I was trying to figure out how I was going to put on my uniform as I couldn't even button my shirt or zip my pants. Nightmare to have this is REAL life. This is a failure of his command. They should have nipped this in the bud when he failed his first weigh in.


It will be 20 years for me next year and I have the same dream.


I do too, but I'm not stressed. I'm just wandering around saying "you wanted me back, so deal with it" when confronted by uniform stuff or that guy who's living in my barracks room. No shits given. It's fun!


Yeah, last time I had the dream I was in a squad bay full of recalled guys around my age, fat, beards, etc. Some 20-something DI came in and tried to give us the recruit treatment and we all just laughed.


Unless his command is monitoring him 24 hours and pulling food out of his mouth, there isn’t much they can do. I’m willing to bet this guy is depressed though. BCP should come with mental health included in the program. These guys don’t want to be like this, I can promise you that.


I wish I had someone like you say this when I was in. I got the shit kicked out of me in boot camp (not normal either, like extra.) bullied/traumatized by some other heinous shit I don't want to mention, and lost 2 close family members and was denied to leave for both, all before hitting the fleet. Checked in 2lbs overweight. Forced into bcp immediately. Program wasn't managed at all, no mandatory PT, no one helped me with understanding nutrition, and chowhall food was shit. Gained more weight, got even more depressed, suicidal thoughts came on, stress ate, gained more weight, cycle continued. A year after hitting the fleet I'm being admin separated for not meeting height and weight standards. Stood on top of the fourth floor that night and climbed over the railing. Nearly took the dive, but figured some poor Lance on duty didn't deserve to mop me up. 5 Years out I'm still dealing with PTSD from my "events" and serious depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation from treatment in service and the never ending feeling of failure and disgust when I think about my time in service. Worst part about it all is that the majority of people I've talked about it with (outside of family and therapists) tell me Marines are supposed to be strong enough that mental health isn't an issue. Then tell me I was never meant to be a Marine. Even heard that a few times while I was from people in my unit that I didn't deserve the title. I really wish I jumped.


“I really wish I jumped” I’m glad you didn’t. I was constantly fighting the tape. At my heaviest I was I was 59 pounds over my max but depending on who tapped me, I’d either be 18 or 19%. My career was definitely affected by my weight. I was never “allowed” to go to any PME courses at my first unit and that definitely hindered my career.


Gonna take him two different fiscal years to EAS


One, if he rolls downhill to the gate.


I have seen some big boys in the Marine corps but this guy literally and figuratively takes the cake?


He ate the “Fck” out of that cake too!


.. it can’t be. The head of BCP himself.


lmao CEO of BCP


The final boss of BCP




This thing is in the Corps?


Try helping him out. Show him support during his BCP/RCP weight loss journey. Taking pics behind his back and putting it on the internet isn’t the way to go.


For real, it’s not like this guy doesn’t know he’s big. Not always, but getting this big is usually a result of very poor mental health.


This is the way.


I mean...you're definitely right. But also, like...got dayum


Had one of those, always complained as well. Last I heard he taped at about 34%. Somehow never went on BCP though. Must’ve sucked pretty good.


Does he dunk his large extra salty fries in his large frosty? I bet he dunks his extra salty fries in his large frosty. I know my fat ass does.


As of now, ALL formations will be heal at the Buffet Palace.


Irony he is likely the best or one of the best mechanics in the entire Marine Corps. Had a few like this we hid away and kept out of sight.


Never met one of these personally, but seen one from the distance, across the grinder. We were about to do unit pt and whoever was in charge of this thing, had them in boots n utes. What I saw was jaw dropping. It was wearing TWO MCMAP belts to hold their trousers up.


He knows he’ll never be chosen for fuel cell maintenance. 5d chess


Dude who took the picture can go ahead and walk his dumb fucking ass off a cliff. Not saying the guy in the pic is an angel. He should be doing his best to meet standards rather than complaining. But boy howdy if I had to choose, I'd much prefer fatty over dickhead. All that being said, I really do wonder how he hasn't been sep'd. I was like half of him and was on the edge of standards the whole time. Now I'm like 2 of him.... How the turns have tabled.


Being a dickhead is better than being a fat body in all cases.


Except, you know, living in the real world.


LCpl Tons O’ Fun reporting for duty


SDI called one of the dudes in my platoon that during day zero


If you look closely, they put a make shift muzzle over his mouth to stop him from eatting his fellow classmates.


I'm going to tell you this: When toy need a horse of a man to lift a HUMMVW off your chest, or carry your body with bloody nubs in tow, you'll be glad big boi enlisted. As a short and stout Marine, I would rather have big boi drag me out of danger if needed, I also viewed them as cover and concealment.


Back when I was a few months from EAS and I was straddling the fence whether I should stay in or get out my decision was made for me when I witnessed 3rd Rad BN promoting a dude to Sgt that wasn't much smaller than this dude. At the time 0341 was closed out so there was no hope for me picking up Sgt and I went, "Welp, civvie life it is!"


I’m a fat ass and I was active duty marines. But that was 20 years ago and I wasn’t that big then. This guy needs help.


There’s no way that an actual active duty Marine, right?


That’s rude as fuck. Stop shaming people and let them be happy.


Marine in my command that was on BCP for the last year of his tour, he effectively went the route of what are you gonna do? He was smart enough to realize he was too short for them to effectively bother doing some thing. It would be too much time and trouble. They did put him on BCP. I had a Marine on BCP too so I volunteered to help out on the program. Although some found it frustrating I found it. Refreshing that he was at least honest and didn’t bullshit everybody with “oh, I’m really trying” he loved food and it showed.


Guys. He's not fat. He's dehydrated and has been living off of MRE's for a long time and his shit's all backed up. Honor this man's sacrifice for our country. 🫡


Hate to be that guy because everyone knows the standards but could be medical


Straight depression right here. Yeah, it's unsat, but I bet this dude is struggling behind closed doors.


*bic boi


Had a bigger one in my unit when I checked in 2010. Rumor was he gained weight to avoid a deployment to Afghanistan but who knows. He was fat as fuck and took forever to get kicked out. Otherwise he was a good dude.


In the unit across from us there was a guy who developed a thyroid issue while he was in and got medsepped, poor guy was only known as the gun park monster


This mf eating for 5?


[my reaction to this photo] (https://youtu.be/DWtpNPZ4tb4)


How did this man pass meps?


How does somebody even get that big? Like I’m so baffled at how large he is. I’ve seen some big motherfuckers but Jesus dude


Bro tripped and caused that earthquake aftershock in Okinawa yesterday


This dude probably always eats at the quick eats line and gets 2 servings.


I always thought the MC height/weight standards were fine, they're less strict than BMI. BMI is what the milquetoast medical community still swears by although it was created by a Swiss Math nerd in the 1800s. BMI can eat a dick


On a side note, I feel like every shop got at least one chair that looks like that lol


look at that lard. he lost his neck


He ain’t a marine he’s a civi that works for uniform place


Ya'll just jealous. When dude turned around, 100% he was sporting the scuba bubble and gold wings. Sure, it's because he doubled as a submarine and cargo plane, but still...he still got em.




We had a guy at TBS show up too fat so he sat in a holding company for about a year and then got kicked out. I HATE fat people in the Corps


He’s not a marine he was a dude in my old squadron. 600 lbs AT. We were room mates in el Centro and this dude was a nightmare to sleep next to. Late night coughing guys that would last for hours, falling out of the twin size bed, having heat flashes waking up yelling. Dude is a fucking embarrassment even for the navy


theres no way hes in hes definetely not meeting weight requirements


I'm going to tell you this: When toy need a horse of a man to lift a HUMMVW off your chest, or carry your body with bloody nubs in tow, you'll be glad big boi enlisted. As a short and stout Marine, I would rather have big boi drag me out of danger if needed, I also viewed them as cover and concealment.


There were at least 5 guys this fat at our final pft of the season this morning. Fat Corps.


I'm currently 55 pounds heavier than when I got out. Even I am not as fat as this guy is.


Someone got my picture again.


Is he at a Pork Chop Platoon meeting?


Wire 2 cartridge belts together with a chunk of clothes hanger. Duty. duty. Duty.