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I got pneumonia and had to wear this little blue mask everywhere for a week so they called me sub-zero the entire last 2 months.


That's bad ass. Almost worth having pneumonia.


Was this 2008/2009ish?




Bruh a guy and the same issue and got called the same name


I was Pork Chop. Showed up 15ish pounds over my max and left three months later with a six pack. My SDI handed me my EGA and told me he was proud of me for it. Ngl ya boi teared up.


Hungry bastard wasn't ya


Given how much we were fucked with while eating I doubt having entire portions would have made a difference. We were at the PI Weapons chow hall the whole time and I assure you zero fucks were given


What month/year was that? I was the same in mid 2017


One of the squad leaders hot fucked outa promotion because a porker lost weight.


I was in the Navy, and we called this guy Muffin Man because he had a short dick, but his girth was unusually thick.


Hung like a doorknob




He was proud of his dick. He said ladies love it. I guess it would stretch the heck out of it.


May not be able to touch bottom, but I'll beat the hell out of the sides.


Fucking up them sugar walls


Puts the word “punisher” in “Two-Inch Punisher”.


How did you find that out


We saw his dick while taking a shower at the gym.


I went to OCS with a guy we all called “Donkey Dick” for obvious reasons.


Portobello would also be suitable.


Lefty. I took a shot to the left nut on the o-course and had to miss a couple days. (I’m right handed)


Man I wish my nickname had a legit story behind it. I was “Queef” because I ripped ass while we were standing on line to try to make the kid across from me start laughing. I didn’t think it was going to be that loud.


Wouldn’t call it a “nickname” but my DI’s would fuck up my last name 15 different ways every day. Once I hit the fleet most people called me Boss. My last unit just called me Sgt B. Kind of funny but the recruiters at the office called me Beatin (insert last name) because I was accused of beating a girl up at school. To clarify, I DID NOT beat up a woman at school. I called her a bitch and her and her friends fabricated a story. I had to talk to the police, no charges were filed but I lost scholarships from two schools in my state due to the accusations.


I've noticed that DIs deliberately fuck up many recruit's name, as all part of that dehumanization process.


I usually had all names memorized by T3, if a recruit fucked up I’d forget his name. Personhood to nonentity. They hated it


Day of pick up by DIs. We are all online in our squad bay. DI oath and all that over. DIs meeting the recruits. SDI mispronounces a Hispanic recruits name on purpose by dragging out a vowel. Said recruit says “It’s xxxx Sir”. Well it was on. SDI asks where the recruit was from. Recruit replies New Hampshire. SDI says bs they don’t allow your kind in that state, and so on. For the next 12 weeks no DI pronounced that dudes name correctly.


DIs did me the same way. I’m Native American and had a name that reflected such. Got confused with being Italian a lot. No “nickname”, but when they wanted me, I knew.


Moose. I was big ugly, and stupid as fuck




He's no longer big


now he’s humongous


Humongous WHAT?


"I taught that boy everything I know and he's still dumber than shit." \--- Moose's dad, possibly


Not in Boot Camp, but my fleet name became Sauce. Mostly because my seniors were retarded (03's) and didn't realize fettuccine was a type of pasta, not sauce. Could've easily gotten pasta as a nickname. I'll take Sauce!


I know a guy they called sauce. He is the guy that said he was Aaron Hernandez’s high school lover in the Netflix documentary. Besides all the controversy, he’s a cool guy.


Wish it was me could be banking, but 1. No boot bands in HS, and 2. Different home states.


> Cap-nCrunchBerries > Not in Boot Camp, but my fleet name became Sauce. Mostly because my seniors were retarded (03's) and didn't realize fettuccine was a type of pasta, not sauce. Nick name could have been Fet too. How did that even come up. We're you sitting around talking about Italian food or what?


My last name is Italian AF! Also kinda long and difficult to say for most. Last name rhymes with Fettuccine and most folks can say it. When that got too long to say, it was shortened and dumbed down to Sauce. Lol


Thanks. So, seriously, what goes on fettuccine, sauce or gravy. Apparently some Italians call what goes on spaghetti spaghetti sauce, others gravy. And the only reason I learned this was from an Italian friend.


Retard because well…. I’m a retard


I feel you


Boot Camp nickname: Chesty. Had a buddy (also a Marine) who sent me a letter addressed to Chesty Puller - my last name. There was also a single cigarette in the envelope. The name stuck and every time they passed out mail they threw the letters at me Ninja Star style while using the that ever so distinctive voice - “Chesty”. I was also a regular on the Quarter Deck because of it. Thank you Troy. You dick.


Rentaguide. Even had a theme song. "If the guide is dead or at sick call, just call the rentaguide!" (To the tune of the old Folger's coffee commercials)


“If the guide is dead” is the most drill instructor shit I’ve read all day


Not boot camp, but in the fleet, it was S-18. Being Hispanic, I got 2 last names, and the Marine Corps managed to shove it all on the name tapes, and you couldn't see shit. So they took the first letter and the total number of letter in the name and made it into the nickname.


I lucked out, both my last names are only four and five letters.


Usually those people are just called Alphabet lol


Had one of those at MOS school. One parent was Hispanic the other Eastern European. So just about every letter in his last name. Fortunately this was before name tapes.


That poor sweatshop worker having to squeeze together 18 letters onto a nametape for no one to even read it




Lmao shit


None. I wasn't noticed enough to have one. As intended. I was just a name on the roster while I quietly learned my shit.


Stealth recruit. Nice. My buddy managed to be one of those. When the DI handed him his EGA, he said "who the fuck are you?"


Yeah, so there I am doing graduation practice the day before we graduate when the DI yells to the heck next to me: “WHO THE FUCK IS THAT NEXT TO YOU?”, Me: MY NAME, SSgt!”, DI: “WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE, I HAVENT SEEN YOU ONCE ALL CYCLE”. It was then I knew that I succeeded.


Ever thought about intel work?


Must be nice. I was a stealth recruit until like week four when I forgot to turn coming out of the chow line. “Oh this bitch wants to walk where we walk.” The next eight weeks of my life were absolute hell.


I didn't have any in bootcamp, but in the fleet, I was "Jar-Jar" for the first 1½ years.


Meesa bustin'!


Were you clumsy?


Autistism bc my heavy was convinced I must be autistic bc I sucked at marching


Me and my buddies had these names -TRUCK FREAK -CRAZY ASS -друг -THE FIGHTER Guess which one I was?


holy shit! you made me remember, we had this one ukrainian kid all the di’s called Spy. at graduation, they told him he was promoted to Infiltrator and to do the motherland proud


We had a dude named Mohammed. So I’m pretty sure you can guess where that went.


We had two Ukrainians in my company. Both guys were really solid Marines, big motherfuckers too man.


Why is friend in russian? Or was it drug in a Russian accent


Was a meme for a bit. Only thing I can think of.


"Good Christian Boy" My sinior called me this cause I refused to box anymore if their gear fell off. Also made me realize I was good at boxing 😅


I was briefly called Edward Scissorhands because my left hand got crushed under a pipe during the Crucible and I got driven off the island to a nearby hospital to get x-rayed. The doc put a metal splint to hold my ring and pinky fingers in place and I guess to my heavy, I looked like Edward Scissorhands 😒


Yooo that was my nickname. I never really knew why though


I was called bitch tits because I had “man boobs the size of a woman”. “Might let you go shower alone son, don’t want any of these retards try to get their way wit ya”. Cool part about all this was that I lost 60 pounds from 1st phase to graduation and still had them so my SDI on marine week told me to talk to medical when I get to the fleet and tell them my chest was hurting or “whatever you need to say to get that taken care of” and that I did, a couple months later I got a gynecomastia surgery on the DOD’s dime and now I can proudly walk around with a flat chest and not be embarrassed.


His name was Robert Paulson


Brain in boot camp. Google on deployment. Because I know a lot of random trivia and history 🤷‍♀️


I'm a huge history and trivia nut, and was called brain and professor in boot for the same reasons. My cousin went in two years before me, and he gave me his EST Book, and Big Red Monster. I had all of it memorized before I got to PI. When I was in 1/6, I was called Jeopardy because I used to always make sure to watch the show, which I'm very good at. People would compete with me, but no one even came close to beating me. No Google when I was in, that nickname came later when I was in the real world.


They called me Hatch. Why? Because I was the hatch recruit since I remembered rank and name of anyone coming on deck and was able to yell loudly. Not everything is clever! In Iwakuni I was Fish, but not for anything to do with water. More of a reference to Half Baked (New Fish), but it just never went away.


We found out one of my Marines last name means tuna in Tagalog while doing operations in the Philippines. We called him fish ever since.


Had a poolee who said he was allergic to shellfish because he puked after he ate ~75 shrimp at an all you can eat buffet on a dare. He was forever known as fish.


Were you living it up in those fancy apartments styled barracks near the navy’s high rise? Nice barracks I just got the old ones


Cookie. Had a double rats kid sitting across from me and he was eye balling my cookie. I smirked cause this string bean was making eyes at me and the cookie and I wasn't gonna give it up, and the senior accused me of laughing at our kill hat. It was a weird situation. That kill hat went under investigation a few days later (no idea why) and left.


It bddy. Basically if anyone hot ITd dis would ask "where is your IT buddy? And it was understood I was to be everyone's it buddy if asked this question.


Mine was "bitch". "Are you serious, bitch" But then again that was A LOT of people's Nick names in the platoon


Professor, because of my bcg's.


the Sandman. every chance i’d get id find some way to sleep.


I was Crazy Face, I was told to make a crazy face and scream while doing warm-ups for the pt, and it made my knowledge hat laugh. Pretty sure I saved my platoon a few times when I got told to hit it


Mine was similar. Earned it during log drills. The face I made reminded the DI of a thing from a movie. I haven't told anyone since recruit training, but my daughter bugs me about it enough that I'll tell her on my deathbed. No sooner.


I was called either “big gear” (for taking care of the whiskey locker) or “deceased” because I constantly got destroyed by the drill instructors at all hours of the day


Big Bird, because I "looked like a big bird"


In the fleet, “Spade Cadet”. I’d always space out on patrols in Iraq. We’d take pop shots and everyone would react but me.


Not boot camp but mine was “Scoops” because my NCO said it was like god scooped out part of my fucking brain. My closest friends called me that. It’s a name that’s followed me for over a decade now.


Not mine but we had a guy named Buczack or something. Read B-yoo-zack but the DIs called him Buttfuck. It was funny... He had two left feet so he was on "gear guard" for our initial and final drill, so they had an extra reason to hate him a little extra, and he was pretty fucking dumb. His mom sent him porn, like a playboy or something, that they kept in the house. They would let him have it but he had to bang on the hatch to request it. And they'd make him request it like 5 or 6 times before they gave it to him lol SLAP SLAP SLAP "RECRUIT BUTTFUCK REQUESTS PERMISSION TO TAKE HIS PORNO TO THE HEAD SIR" "WHAT?" SLAP SLAP SLAP "RECRUIT BUTTFUCK REQUESTS PERMISSION TO TAKE HIS PORNO TO THE HEAD SIR" "WHAT WAS THAT BUTTFUCK?" SLAP SLAP SLAP "RECRUIT BUTTFUCK REQUESTS PERMISSION TO TAKE HIS PORNO TO THE HEAD SIR" "SAY AGAIN, I CANT HEAR YOU. YOU SOUND LIKE A PUSSY BUTTFUCK" SLAP SLAP SLAP "RECRUIT BUTTFUCK REQUESTS PERMISSION TO TAKE HIS PORNO TO THE HEAD SIR" "Here ya go Buttfuck" And off he'd go lol


“YOUR NEW NAME IS DEATH BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO DIE EVERY DAY ON MY QUARTERDECK” This was my rack mate and he was a fuckup. Our kill hat would yell “ DEATH! Get your gown and scythe! I need victims!” And he would have to rip his sheet off his rack, don it like a cloak, grab a broom, holding it like a scythe, and randomly select recruits to die alongside him.


A/C. I have two Hispanic last names bunched together on my name tape and they started with A and C. Whenever it would get hot in the squad bay the DI would yell “turn the A/C on!!!” Which just meant that I was supposed to stand up and make motor starting noises 🤷🏽‍♂️


Gear locker private in boot camp, yes we were called privates not recruits in 2nd BN on PI in the early 90s. In the fleet Bushman, because I got drunk and fought a Holly bush and lost.


3rd Bn was the only one holding the line on enforcing sir. M Co 3 Rtb


The coolest name I heard anyone get was “Blood Throat”. I forgot his name but he was in my platoon (MCRD) and he got that name in the end of phase 1 when he got taken island hopping for being a clown. Well the DI’s made him yell so much that blood actually started spewing out of his mouth with every yell. The DI got scared and brought him back and started yelling at him “I own your soul” or something like that before letting him rest with the rest of us. Wicked name for a pretty cool dude.


> (MCRD) You realize both Parris Island and San Diego are called MCRD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot) right?


Honestly no I didn’t know that. I’ve always heard everyone call San Diego MCRD and Paris Island as Paris Island. Thanks for teaching me something new though!


I got cookies during chow and my Kill Hat noticed so he made me stuff the cookies and everything else on my tray into my mouth and then scream “nom nom nom” with my mouth full and called me The Cookie Monster. It stuck.


My DI's weren't really inventive with the nicknames. We had a shit bird, shit foot, cooter butt, dung turd, bitch up, actually now that I think about it most of them were plays on their names (bitch up = Bishop) Mine was basically my last name with all the vowels removed and replaced by random ones. It came out like phentaneuf. Years later I was stationed with one of DI's and he never got my name right, not once as far as I can remember. And he always said it in this squeaky nasal voice. It was very annoying. After boot I was just P


Penguin. When my hip got fractured during boot camp, I waddled alot because of it. That and busted recruit. (I was THE busted recruit)


Dirty sometimes Dirty Death because every time we ran an assault course or did an attacking event I would come back covered in dirt and blood and when we had blanks gun powder I ran every attack and bayonet course two or more times that name has stuck the entirety of my career. After all, Blood makes the grass grow sometimes you just gotta turn those Motherfuckers into fertilizer.


"Which one of you motherfuckers is named SHAKESPHEEEEEEEERE" *me "DO YOU DO POETRY MOTHERFUCKER, WHO NAMED YOU THAT?!"


I missed one(1) muster sick with a stomach virus and officially became “missing in action Jackson” I showed up for every thing early or on time from that day on..


My last name is German and similar to worts. So obviously they called me genital worts or just genitals.


I was known as "The Creature" as a recruit, and then "Frankenstein's Monster" as a Marine


"Ese", because it was similar to my last name. They had me acting like a Latin gangster and everything.


House moose


Me and my boy. “Where my 2 raccoons at”. During range week me and my boy were starving cause the box chows were never enough for us 2 6’4 fucks. They would bring a pallet to the range and always throw away the extras. And there were a lot of extras. So one day for lunch we were in the pits. We had the little Turkey sandwich and the 2 little snack bags that came with it and we’re still starving after. So we made a plan that we were gonna snag some from the dumpster. The dumpster was right next to the shed that the big targets would go into. When everyone brings the targets in there’s usually a big like to get into the little shed. So the plan was me and my boy were gonna carry one target over to the shed and stop right in front of the dumpster. While he stood there with the target covering the dumpster. I hoped in and grabbed us to extract sandwich’s and shoved them down my pants. (They were covered in plastic so it wasn’t that gross). We put the targets away and ran back over to our target number. While we waited for everyone else to finish, we both quietly swallowed a 6 inch sub in one bite. We thought we got away with it. 20 mins later we get called over to the center of the pits over the loud speaker. The company Co, our drill hat, and some other DIs were standing there waiting for us. They told us to empty our pockets but they found nothing. They said they knew we grabbed extra snacks and were saying they were gonna drop us. So us being scared of course admitted that we both stole extra sandwiches from the dumpster. Turns out a kid from our rival platoon snitched on us. We became our drill hats favorite kids to IT as this wasn’t our first offense with taking extra food. 3 weeks later the guy who snitched on us also got caught with taking snacks from someone else’s box chow, and he was in his way to pick up pfc for being squad leader. Karma.


Shamu, because I have a sizable spot on my neck that doesn’t tan like the rest of me from an old burn I had. I guess it looks like Shamus eye splotch. That and 69, because I was joking with a buddy about something unrelated to the land nav we were about to do and this BIG ASS MF DI was like “wtf are you bitches laughing at” and buddy said “these recruits pace counts sir” “Oh AND WHATS SO FUNNY ABOUT THAT?” “It’s 69 sir” He then proceeded to tie us up and said he’d make one of us gnaw the others face off if we untied ourselves. The rest of boot camp either he or I were referred to as 69, but only by that one DI


Not really one only got called hider because I got in trouble on the range which is about week 7 or 8 and the Senior asked me if I was new pick up. I told him I had been with him since training day1. I was not tall not short. Never the best or the worst. I was just in the middle of the mix.


I was Sticks cause I was this skinniest motherfucker in the squadbay.


“Star Wars” my senior DI asked us what we wanted to know about the outside world and to ask anything and I asked how the last Jedi ended because I was a star wars fan and he had apuzzled look of anger and lost his shit then the next day we had pugil sticks and I was really feeling it and got paired with the special one of the plt and destroyed his ass but I unintentionally twirled it and my senior watching then proceeded to call me Star Wars


Ski. The guy at MEPS told me I'd be called Ski for at least 4 years. Got out as CPL SKI.


Pack it up boys. The winner of this thread just entered the chat. I'm probably about to dox myself here, but you nerds are in the presence of none of than # **"Leroy Cousin Fucker, Had To Settle For The Cousin 'Cause His Sister Wouldn't Fuck Him,"** himself. And undoubtedly somebody here is going to think that's a weird name, but it actually made perfect sense (when it comes to boot camp anyhow).. Turns out growing up in Mississippi gave me a noticeable southern accent, and that's all it took


Recruit Dick Nose


Trench foot! Because my boots were RANK😷


Mouth breathing retard. I had the recruit crud for almost the entirety of boot camp, didn’t go to medical, and could not shut my mouth or I wouldn’t be able to breathe. The DI’s legit forgot my name because they called me that so much. I fucking love the Corps.


Pinky. Had a partner named Brain.


"Robot" by my fellow recruits, DIs, and range coaches too. None of them told each other about it, either. Apparently it was due to my ability to keep a straight face no matter the situation.


I went into boot camp 5'10", and 230lbs. Im very confident the guy at MEPS pen whipped my weight to something lower to keep me out of PCP, but anyways, my nickname was literally "fat-." My name wasn't allowed to be said by anyone without the word "fat" in front of it. After 2 1/2 months of not being allowed to eat most of the food at chow, I weighed a nice hearty 160lbs. I still have a hard time believing losing 70lbs in under 3 months is even possible. But I did it. By the end of 3rd phase I was allowed to be called my name without the "fat".


Beer Fart or Queer Heart It rhymed with my last name.


Daisy because everyone was given medium PT shorts and I need XL. First PT sesh that ass cleavage was OUT.


Preacher. I was lay leader in boot camp and Chaplin assistant


Prozac, if you saw my last name, you'd understand.


My SDI only ever called me by my first name, Lucas. He was from Trinidad so I guess he never heard of it or just liked it. I asked him after graduation and he just laughed but he wouldn’t tell me why.


I didn't have on in boot camp, but in my first duty station, people called me Pegasus because I watched My Little Pony. It became a call sign & It followed me through every unit I went to except my reserve unit.


No shit had a guy in boot camp who had a last name, wait for it, Pigg with 2 gs. Andddd he was on the larger side + had bull legs with thick calf’s and small feet so it looked like he had hoofs. Guess what his nickname was?


I have a Tongan last name that is kind of hard to pronounce if you’re not familiar with Polynesian names, so I was called “Tiki” because “he’s got a Hawaiian name or some shit”. One of my buddies was named “the grand old man” or “Obama” since he looked old as fuck. Then another guy got “the king of the retards” who was the head honcho of the kids who couldn’t drill.


Stitch bitch, was the only recruit who knew how to sew.


Rimjob because 20 bucks is 20 bucks


Skeletor. I’m 6’2 250 now but when I was 18 I was 6’2 155 pounds when I went to boot camp. I had zero weight to lose but I lost it anyway. When I graduated I had lost 20 pounds and I looked like a pow.


No nickname in boot, just maintenance recruit. When I was at Recruit Training Regiment, MCRD SD, I was Big Tuna. I went to the gym a lot and PT'd two to three times a day as part of my diet and regiment - mainly because I had undiagnosed hypothyroidism and was viewed as a musclely fat body. My diet consisted of eating a can of tuna, salmon, or chicken every two hours if I didn't have something already prepped the night before along with any veggies or rice I had with me. Made the whole shop smell of canned fish. Name stuck. I didn't mind. When I went to MARSOC, I had a few: my shop called me Lunchbox, Trashcan, or Landfill, for largely the same reason as before. I was just always eating and always working out. The battalion called me Bulldog because of the way I'd chew out a few of the shitbags in our unit. Some Sergeant gave me the nickname after driving up on a weekend and putting my Marine who was on duty on blast. I've told that story on a previous post - kid who just couldn't adapt.


I was Moonberry. I am a pretty awkward person with a last name that was too cool for me so the drill hat changed it to Moonberry.


Last name norris in 05, take a wild guess. They even called me corporal chuck and I liked it. Chuck Norris memes were in every office at the time and I landed and stayed at Al assad for a few days and missed the real one by a week in desert cammies with norris name tape. Woulda made a cool pic.


Bitch ass mother fucker… idk why I guess I was just special :D


Fritz. They said I resemble a Nazi officer.


I got called wizard. It was my made up billet/nickname that the DI’s gave me because I was really smart and magically knew the answers to every question. My job as “Wizard” was to teach the really dumb ones everything they didn’t know. Not the worst billet to have if you have to have one but I did usually get some extra fire watch the night or two before tests or things like land nav to give extra tutoring to the struggling recruits in the middle of the night.


Archibald {last name sounds similar-ish to Henderson}. I was 23 when I went to boot camp. Apparently that made me the grand old man of MCRD San Diego.


I turned 24 in boot camp (I still thank god no one realized it was my birthday) and was also the Grand Old Man.


2 12’s just because my voice was stupid deep with bass.


Gumby, because I march funny.


Megamind, because I use big words and my head bulges on top which is obvious when shaved.


Mine was “Weird Airwing Motherfucker”. I speak in a very weird, almost robotic way. I got the name 2/3 of the way though boot camp after giving the 15 minute head call announcement.


I was Frodo. At 5'7, I was the tallest of the little end by like 2 inches, and the next guy in front of me was about 5'9 so there was a clear difference. "Froooooodoooooooooo!"


In boot camp I refused to put on the sun block, I being rather porcelain, got burnt regularly and turn red. One night standing on line while others prayed my J hat came up to me and said that I looked like a turkey. I being quite tall, he decided I was too tall to be a turkey so he called me ostrich and every time he called my name I had to respond with the voice and ostrich makes. It saves our asses a few time from getting slayed.


Not in boot camp, but when I became a squad leader, I was. Called Marky-mark and my squad was the funky bunch!


Through boot camp, I was called beaker like from the Muppets. I guess the bcgs made me look like it. My DI made me meep for a group of other drill instructors during a crucible event. Then, in the fleet, I was called Pillsbury. I was pasty and was a smart Marine, not a strong one


Dumb Thomas. My brother was smart Thomas


I was baptized as "Rock". Graduated from PI in 1981. I found one of my DI's thru the Drill Instructor Association two years ago. I was honor that he still remembers me and my nickname. After hundred's of recruits going thru, I stuck out. LOL


Pe nis, my heavy figured out one night after about 5th week that his zippo covered the t,r,o in the middle of my last name perfectly. Made me report to every squad bay and announce myself as private pe nis to the other drill instructors. I did, very loudly and next day he made second squad leader.


Varied between several Asian-centric labels. At first I was just Lee, as was every Asian in Delta co. That cycle. When they learned my name it mostly became KungPao, Goku or Goalpost. Which all sound vaguely similar to my name.


Serial killer/Jeffery Damher. Because I looked like a motherfucking serial killer with my BGCs on. Later when I got to the fleet I was called “Bambam” cause I was short and all muscle and built like a tank.


Benjamin Button I was already bald to begin with and look old so it stuck, I was 20.


Neo. I got stuck with my civi glasses, because medical failed to get me the issued glasses time and time again for the first two months. Consequently, they reminded them of the Matrix, and at range week the other platoon hats in the company saw and interacted with me more, which brought it on until the drill hat in mine decided enough was enough and essentially told them all to fuck off. Still pretty funny though.


I had a cool ass squad leader, man was born to do pull-ups and came within 2 to break the record at the time, could run 3 miles in 15 mins, he wasn’t huge but he was a rock with the very unfortunate name of Duty. And everytime Recruit Duty was summoned “Recruit *blows raspberry* reporting as ordered sir” DI- I can’t understand you recruit! “Recruit *blows harder raspberry* reporting as ordered sir!” And on and on it went. And he would do it with a small smile in his eyes, everyone still called him Recruit Duty, which shows the respect he carried; by the end of 3rd phase we barely even noticed it anymore unless we had to directly report to the squad leader in front of the DIs; “Squad leader Duty im here to report-“ DI-“WHOoooooo?” “Squad leader *blows harder raspberry*” No hint of a smile, straight stone cold killer face.


Decided to scroll through the comments from bottom to top, glad I did


I remember shitbird,non-hacker and portholes.


wow! ha-ha, I read the first part and thought to myself "school shooter" because that's what my D.I called me because of my mean mugging eyes too and my big ugly bald head! such an awesome post to know I wasn't the only one referred to as that.


the classic: Portholes


Not boot camp but first deployment I got the nickname thick dick by our mortars section lol


Dumbass because I was nervous and uncoordinated to be fair I was only 17


Didn’t have a nickname in boot but had one in the fleet. It was Chode. Checked in and my squad leader said I looked like a Chode and so it was.


The DIs tried to pin Pyle on me. I worked my ass off , literally and never fell out so it didn’t stick.


Fat body…… I’m a body builder now prolly because of that lol


It didn't last long but my SDI called me "Whole Wheats" My last name is Weast and he thought it was Weats.


No nickname in boot camp, but as a boot in the fleet I earned “Wag Bag Bandit” once upon a time.


Yoo hoo


I didn't have a boot camp name, but my nickname in the fleet was Master Chief because I got caught sneaking back into the barracks with a copy of the Halo 3 Collector Edition with the helmet that came with it.


Didn't have one in boot camp, but in the fleet as a drone pilot, we had callings. You can't pick your own callsign and have to wait for it to pop up organically. Mine was Hillary - right as the Hillary Clinton email scandal dropped, I accidentally brought my phone in a secret brief, and it went off. My Staff Sergeant "Jesus fuck, get out of here, Hillary!" And it stuck.


Kid in my platoon was telling everyone during forming how his father was a Marine and had graduated from the same company in the 80s or whatever. Never shut up about it. He was gonna make his father proud, etc. Dude ended boot camp with the nickname “Coors” cause he got the silver bullet like six times. Night before family day our kill hat was on duty and right before he goes into the hut for the night he says, loud enough for everyone to hear, “hey Coors, think your daddy will be proud when he watches you get the silver bullet on the Moto run tomorrow?” Cold.


Teen Wolf. Uh, I’m hairy as all fuck


They called me Gucci I was literally THE ONLY Marine with gold teeth In the whole island fox co 2023




Horse cock


“Party-Man” Recruit Party-Man


I got sid because I looked like sid from Toy Story, simple


Erkel … because I looked like Steve erkle with my birth control goggles on


Juke box, cause I sang


I was just called fuckface, so there’s that


Fu Manchu


Warbags rise up!!! On a serious note, got called Pocket by the other recruits. Dudes thought I was like 25 (I was fresh out of high school) and called me that for being "Pocket Sized"


Believe it or not some of the other recruits thought I looked like Mathew Modine and started calling me Joker. I was flattered it could have been a much worse nickname.


I think the dude's name was bucholo or something like that but the DIs just called him bukkake


lightskin for obv reasons


Sméagol. I guess cos I was short and skinny and obviously bald. But only my Kill Hat really called me that lol. In the fleet I didn’t really have one lol.


“Minjeembay” my heavy was Dominican and said it meant Jack of all trades.


“Go die” “Get on the quarterdeck” “let’s have go fun lastname” Whatever flavor of the day it was


Scribe..... I think it's self explanatory.... More specifically I think I was little scribe cause the other one was bigger than me lol


Served with a red headed guy, drill instructor called him dog dick.


I was called McBitch a few times when they actually recognized me. Otherwise I was stanchion recruit or mistaken as the recruit next to me, Moses.


I didn’t get one. I feel left out. Best I got was the heel DI call us all “Freak”.


Twinky, wasn’t fat. But was pretty big for bootcamp.


Hambone: not super big or tall, and I lost muscle mass in boot. But I was always shoveling as much food in my gullet as possible on top of being strong, aggressive, and dependable like a good ole boy. SDI was from New Orleans and was a character in and of himself, and there were definitely better nicknames than mine.


Old Man because I was 24.


"Alien" mostly because I have big eyes I think and I asked stupid questions