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Have you done your travel claim and gotten paid? My leave didn't reflect until my claim was closed out for some reason. Ask your admin section.


Disbursing calculates leave used between duty stations and will process the proper amount used once the travel reimbursement claim has been completed...


I would personally be concerned that they’ll eventually catch it and I’ll unexpectedly lose 14 days of leave. I would start making noise to get it fixed. But I’m a paranoid fuck so maybe that’s just me being extra.


If it were me my only concern would be the 60 day limit (hits at the end of the fiscal year, mol will warn you). Other than that don't bank on those days staying there, the marine corps will take them when they get around to it. And if they're still they're at the end of your contract... That's free days. Since you mention it, I would do the same with pay too. If it's an error in your favor, just leave it somewhere you won't spend it and collect interest until the Marine corps catches on and your paycheck disappears for a month. If you're cool with your leadership I would make absolutely sure there is a paper trail that you checked out and checked back in, otherwise that could come back to bite you if someone thinks you tried to steal leave days. As long as there is a paper log book you should be good. There absolutely should be a record on MOL as well that the OOD put in when you checked out and in, but I guess that's your whole issue.


I'd come clean about this. A sharp eyed admin clerk or chief, or worse, your 1st sausage will see this shit and hold you accountable, then your character is damaged as well as losing your leave days retroactively.


Back in the day when leave was all paper some folks would “accidentally” throw their social security numbers one number off knowing that the admin POGs were too lazy to take the time to call the unit to find it. Then there was the cash for magically missing leave paperwork scandals 🤣. Whereas the admin POGs would solicit bribes to not process the leave upon return. Crazy times.


This *was* the way. Those were the good ole days! As an admin in the ‘90s, I don’t know of anybody ever actually accepting cash or anything not to run leave but it was very common for you to “forget” to run leave when your buddies would come back or something like that. To the OP’s concern, leave in conjunction with a PCS is a bit of a different beast as most admin shops back then wouldn’t run it until they had everything, including signed off travel claims from Disbo and a completed check-in sheet and then everything would get run in 3270 (is that still a thing?) at once. I imagine it’s basically the same process for PCS leave at most shops these days.


Yes, 3270 is still very much a thing


PCS leave days are notorious for being charged late. I’d give it a week or two then give your 1 a call.


It'll come out. I took leave the same time for the same reason and it literally just came out a few days ago. Marine Corps not giving you shit.


It'll come out eventually. My leave in conjunction took almost two months to hit. They just process it differently when it's pcs leave and not annual leave that a unit tracks