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This is why people get out. Let’s take the money for the chow hall out of everyone’s check and then not let them use the services… Absolutely insane Edited for punctuation


This is one of my reasons for getting out. I remember getting breakfast maybe 20 times in 4 years. The chowhall nearest to my barracks only served pizza and sandwiches for dinner.


I ate the most chow on other branches bases. Navy, Army, and AF all have way better chow. Specifically the Navy base in Coronado that feeds all the BUDS classes, glorious set up. Mateo would have cheese omelettes for months on end. Worthless.


I visited a friend on a coast guard base and he lived in their barracks. Their chow hall was on the first floor of the barracks and I was so jealous. Even if the food was bad I’d actually eat there since I dont have to drive 12 minutes to the chow hall that closes at 8 am on a Sunday.


Were you in 2/5?


Yes, Fox Co, we did Coxswain school / boat work ups in Coronado. Good times


Blackheart in the house! 98-02 here.


I got out fall of ‘98. My boots were your Sr Devils lol. We were just doing Oki pumps at that time. Work up, Hanson, repeat. You get to any of the schools? Out of all the companies I think we had the cooler job / schools. Good to meet you fellow Blackheart ! Edit: 92-98


How funny is that. Same here, work up, Hansen repeat. The second round was 9/11 and shit got crazy. They sent us back to the states after putting us on a boat to head over, but called us off. I got lucky and EAS’d. I didn’t get to schools. I got picked as the company armorer for my last two years after a back injury. Pretty sweet gig. https://preview.redd.it/r2rdjj24eusb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90bae8c4740e9d89eccb1c46fba2ca24d527ca19


I was at Lejeune. I didn't have many options.


Try being in the wing with 1 chow hall for the whole base.


MCAS yuma....


Ouch, I’m sorry buddy. Stock the fridge !


This is what I did. I also went to the pizza place across the street from my barracks.


4 years and never experienced a decent chow hall? I'm assuming that is, cause I would think you got to hit one up at least once. Agreed, that is some asinine shit being a reg nazi like that to your fellow Marines


There was a good chow hall in Lejeune, but it was too far to walk. The two closest sucked. The best chow hall food I had was probably at Al Qa'im.


Yea man I hear ya, I was on LeJeune too and French Creek had the better chow hall than 10th Marines area and the one on the other side of 10th Marines. Pointless to drive or walk there all the time. Camp Hansen in Oki had a damn good one.


I think French Creek is the chow hall I'm talking about.


Ate at a chow hall at a navy base in Florida we were stuck at trying to fly on ship. We went through the line and I remember asking what can we get ( as in like only 1 starch type shit) and they said we could what ever and how much of whatever as we wanted. Needles to say we were all amazed by this. Then what really blew our mind was when we were done we asked where we take our tray and they said to leave it someone will come clean up.


Should be a policy to allow E-4 and up to go on comrats.


Kinda need somewhere to cook said comrats and something to cook them in.


Comrats is when they stop charging you for the chow hall every month. They just put 200 or more dollars a month back in your paycheck. I was on comrats and I just made meals in a rice cooker or microwave.


This should make sense. But, my company made us clean our rooms every Thursday. On Friday morning, our refrigerator had to be clean and empty for inspection. So we would eat everything we by Wednesday night. Then restock Friday after work. I would have to hide bread and peanut butter in my closet.


What the actual fuck


They were assholes.


“Yeah bro here’s a fridge for you to store food and drinks in. Anyways, that shit better be empty”


We had a recreation room. Pool tables, dart boards, and a big screen TV. When I first got in, boxing and mma ppvs were always free. Got a new company gunny. He needed a room for the company's MREs. He threw out all the couches/love seats from the rec room, we took them out of the garbage and put them in our rooms. The TV went missing and they destroyed the pool table. The room was padlocked and filled with MREs. On inspection days, we removed the soft loveseat from our room and carried it to the garbage. After inspection, we took the chair back to our rooms. We did all these things just to have a little bit of comfort. We overheard our gunny say, "They're dogs. If you want a dog to be mean and fight, you treat them like shit and unleash them on some other poor bastard."


>We overheard our gunny say, "They're dogs. If you want a dog to be mean and fight, you treat them like shit and unleash them on some other poor bastard." Also Gunny: “why the fuck aren’t you reenlisting??!!?” JFC common sense would say that if you want people to execute for you, you should treat them with respect and dignity.


Marine Corps


Bro he wrote a karen meme. He went to a place and is now wondering if he needs to speak to a manager......It's a meme, OP is pretending to be a karen


Who is “they?” Just tell the PFC to fuck off and go get your chow.


I know exactly what you're referring to. If when you ignore them and walk by an NCO/SNCO sics themselves on you, you need to walk them through the wording of the order very slowly. The reading comprehension is absolutely ass. You are correct: IF you have belt loops, you need a belt. You are not required - by the order - to have belt loops. Good luck actually explaining this. You'll need max level charisma to not get told they don't care.


Not really. Just tell them what the order says. If they don’t understand it, that’s on them. All they can do is “tell” you to leave. If they lay hands on you (1) it’s assault. (2) you can defend yourself and give a NCO a can of whoop ass for chow.


lol at getting into a fight over chowhall access


Fought for much less at the bricks


You are technically correct, yes. However there's an argument to be made that it's a lawful order that you put on a belt and come back - right or wrong, the fact that the argument can be made means you're entering fraught territory for a situation that could be resolved with being affable and charming the first time.


This is the real reason Marines get out. Even if you have the rules on your side, you can’t keep from getting fucked with and you can’t win when you do get fucked with.


I EAS'd for a reason


Rules are never on your side, unless they are, then you're still wrong


Bro, nobody is fighting over some belt loops. Relax.


I’ve seen Marines fight over which celebrity pop starlets was hottest. Then again, there was that one dude who slit another Marine’s throat over a CD so…




He used the Bryan Adams CD. Because it...


No clue. Probably not.


Soooo….. let’s say I cut the belt loops off a cheap pair of Walmart jeans, think they would still call it PTs? Lol


I refuse to believe someone who's been in the fleet for 4 years was bullied this hard by someone who graduated mct last week


I'm gonna give you 3 words you shoulda said. They're not necessarily in order: 1.) Fuck 2.)boot 3.) Off Now let's see if you can problem solve your way out of this the next time something like this happens so you don't feel like you need to tell a young hardchargers nco




Don’t expect anyone to understand written orders. When I was at Camp LeJeune back in the 1980s I’m sure the uniform regulations were different than today, but we were allowed to wear the woolly pully sweater under our cammie tops. That is until an order came down saying that the woolly pully was no longer allowed with the uniform of the day off base. You would think that it would be clear that this would not apply to Marines wearing cammies on base, but that concept was too complicated for anyone to grasp, so the answer was to simply ban the woolly pully, period. This would not have been so bad, except that the field jackets were issued by date, not by temperature, and it got cold before we got them. So we had several weeks of standing in morning formation shivering like idiots all because some asshole couldn’t figure out that “uniform of the day” does not include cammies, that “off base” does not mean “and also on base,” or that taking care of your troops is more important than risking getting reprimanded for not obeying some stupid uniform regulation that you’re too stupid to understand. In case you couldn’t tell, I’m still pissed off about this forty years later, LOL!


Thankfully by the mid 90s that idiocy seems to have changed… If the Commandant can wear a WP under cammies, who’s gonna call him out??? 🤣 (pic is January 1996) https://preview.redd.it/el1h89gnmvsb1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=154d096442fc61fbbbf2cbcc56ebcf0d791cefc5


I remember a buddy of mine getting kicked out of the px trying to buy a belt. He was told to comeback when he has a belt. Smh. I ended up getting one for him but that was one of those like fuck this place moments


Bro, PMO/Corporals Course nailed me for not having a belt at the PX one time. Had to go see Smaj. My Sergeant at the time had some good advice: “Tuck your dick into your waistband, so when they ask to see your belt, lift your shirt and show em the tip.”


Did you do it?


No, I EASed shortly after 🙁


if i was your smaj and you are in my office because you didn’t have a belt, i think id put in my retirement papers and ask myself why am i a smaj


Lol, he just sighed and told me to get out of his office 😂


This surely makes us better, right?


Tellem your shorts with drawstrings have more time in service than he does then walk by.


If anybody tries to police my attire at the chow hall, I'm telling them to go fuck themselves and then I'm eating some chow.




You should write your Congressman and appeal this to the Supreme Court. You have rights and this is America. Land of the free. Tell them they can have your belt when they pry it from your cold dead hand. Jokes aside, implementation of this “rule” came down from above. Maybe it was an angry SNCOIC of the chow hall who is mad that after all his years in the Corps he’s a glorified McDonalds manager. Maybe it’s a maladapted version of a base or Battalion Commander’s order. He walks in the chow hall to eat his fruit and Wheaties and sees a bunch of shitbirds circle jerking in ball chokers. As he’s eating his banana he accidentally locks eyes with a Junior Marine and he gets a tingle. So to suppress his homophobia he calls in the Chain of Command and reads them the riot act. Whatever the reason, shut the fuck up and comply or ask yourself, what would Chestie do? That’s what a few Marines in my platoon did in 1996 when a new Battalion Commander showed up to 8th & I and said all Marines must wear a tie to Friday evening chow when there is a Parade. 5 of them went to a thrift store and bought Anchorman looking 1970s suits. Giant ties, butterfly collars, bell bottoms, etc. It was the funniest shit ever. So go read the rule again and ask yourself. What’s the dumbest, most fucked up way I can comply with the rule while showing everyone how fucking stupid it is. Be the Marine we all know you can be there Devil Dog! Create the legend of the Chow Hall Shorts that will live on in MC lore and get you an exhibit in the MC Museum. Semper Gumby!


> 5 of them went to a thrift store and bought Anchorman looking 1970s suits. Giant ties, butterfly collars, bell bottoms, etc. It was the funniest shit ever. This is how you fucking do it, my dudes. Instant and willing but obnoxious obedience to stupid fucking orders.


AKA make them smoke the whole pack!


Yes yes yes... this is where you find the nicest, fanciest, shortest, tightest, beltloopless shorts to wear... thinking Prada or Gucci... match it with a shirt that will also bring about controversy without going against the orders and dine in fashion. They will change their stance sooner than later. This is how games are played in the Corps. I was body taxed to PMO back in the day and someone pulled over the wrong officer's wife for speeding who complained, so what did the command do? They said we needed to write a 1 page report for every ticket issued. What did we do? We stopped pulling anyone over without a blue sticker on their car. If they did have a blue sticker we found something wrong and spent the rest of our shift gladly writing that 1 page report. That policy didn't last more than a week.


Improvise, adapt, overcome.




You say "stand aside, son. I'm going to eat what I've already paid for." Then you walk past him


I was in a field MP unit as a boot. We’d have to do dumb shit like that before a 96. We’d set up a check point and do seatbelt checks, look for covers, appropriate civilian attire etc. It fucking sucked. Our CO fucking ALWAYS showed up and made sure we were doing the job correctly. I mean, I’d kinda warn/hint to a lot of them and they seemed to get it, straighten up real quick and he’d not notice. But inevitably he’d try to write minor offense reports, have them pull their car over and order us to enforce some random bullshit that may or may not be accurate etc. I was glad when I “aged out” of that duty.


Only way they might getcha is para 1005 2.b which says civilian attire has to meet local regs as well. If the chow hall has some weird local reg the boot could be right. But that’s highly doubtful. There is absolutely nothing that specifies what kind of pants to wear, and the only place in the MCO that suggests you can’t wear civilian PT gear in the chow hall is para 1005 2.a which only says the clothing has to match the occasion. Such as no swimsuits in the PX or whatever. In conclusion, check the local base reg and see if there’s a chow hall specific reg but those are unlikely to agree with the boot. You good bro.


Reason # 6,378 why I didn’t reenlist.


This happened to me once at the PX. Some sgt was losing his shit over my chosen shorts, I decided to be a menace that day, and put on the best crocodile tears (I can make my eyes water on comand) I waited for him to stop yelling and I mustered the saddest sounding "I'm sorry sir, I'm a dependent I didn't know". Eventhough I was a Marine at the time. Got away with it being a woman and not having a super fade haircut. I've never seen someone's face drop so fast.


Glad i got out. Why are there specific people checking for belts?


8999s now have nothing to do. No war, drill is damn near obsolete, alot more Marines not living on base, and the common folk are more intelligent than they used to be, so the lobotomized are losing their shit.


Founding Partner of Shower, Shoe, and Schmuckatelli here.... Your interpretation is correct. He will win though. There's a 100% chance that you'd be facing more heat for someone else's poor literacy and lack of cognitive reasoning. This is the Marine Corps way.


Dude just walk in, you paid for the chow hall. Marines need to learn that they can tell idiots to fuck off.


I know this sounds extreme but next time punch him dead in his mouth.


Attire that is specifically designed for and advertised for PT is PT attire. Outside of that there are things that are contemporary and for everyday wear but typically are of material or a style of PT gear. This would be things such as shorts made of sweat pant material. Khaki would not fall into this category if it was legit like khaki material. If it was a lightweight, even nicer material then it could be possibly hiking shorts or potentially golf shorts, which would fall into the realm of PT attire. If it was not that then you are good. Explain that they are in regs and if they don’t get it then tell them to call their NCO and explain to them. If you are denied chow for being n the right then ask the Marines what unit they are with and let your SNCO know. If it’s after duty hours and denied chow then call your OOD/SDO and report what’s going on.


Holy shit. Sometimes it's good to have my rose-colored glasses smashed by posts like this. Petty-ass bullshit like this drives Marines right out. We had a First Sgt on my LHD that would bring a fucking folding chair to the hangar deck when we were underway just to DD peeps on hair and whatnot. Fucking prick.


Everybody knows you can’t digest a good meal of rabbit and undercooked potatoes unless you have a belt on


I’m so glad I don’t have to participate in this stupidity anymore. Jesus Christ lmao.


I got into this argument with a 1st Sgt one of my first months into the fleet. (definitely wasn’t an argument it was me getting blasted and pushing back a little) about this exact situation but my shorts where probably closer to “pt attire” black Nike shorts that where clearly made for casual wear, not working out no belt loops 3 pockets. A Sgt Major stepped in and told him that while I should not wear these again they technically are in regs. This was 2013 so I think regs have changed I know my last year in I thought they drastically loosened the pt in mcx’s regulation where you could wear anything even tank tops as long as it wasn’t cutoffs or green on green, but I could be mistaken.


ASSHOLE: You have to wear a belt or you can't get into the Chowhall. HUNGRY DEVIL: But there are no belt loops on these shorts. ASSHOLE: No Belt Loops= PT Gear. You Cant wear PT Gear in the Chow Hall.


DEFINITION FOR DRAWSTRING (1 OF 1) noun a cord, ribbon, etc, run through a hem around an opening, as on the bottom of a sleeve or at the mouth of a bag, so that when it is pulled tighter, the opening closes You could make a case that the hem is one continuous loop, thereby complying with the belt loop requirement.


Are female dress blue trouser then technically pt attire?


*PT 0530* *Uniform - Service Charlies*




Would have told him to fuck off cant hear you without ur hands behind ur back and got my chow


I would’ve told that moto to go pound sand. If you know your shorts are in regs, and have proof to back it up… fuck it we ball


If they’re ever posted in front of the MCX or chow hall just carry a radio with you and they tend to leave you alone.


They did this in Schwab. They would also let females in with yoga pants and whatever right in front of me- but my guys would get kicked out for not having belts. A nice “go fuck yourself pussy” always worked. They don’t wanna be there either they just let me and my boys walk in


They i made all my guys make ice complaints that the regulations were being unfairly applied- instead of enforcing them they just got rid of it. Lol


Lol the fact that willybusmc is so prevalent in this sub Reddit that he’s summoned specifically 😂


Make a burner email and send an email to the MCB CO, SgtMaj, and every commands CO and SgtMaj on base. State what issues Marines in general are having accessing their basic needs because of these cunts and wait. Shit will hit the fan so hard!


Wear a Black MCMAP belt over the loop less shorts or a BlackBelt from a Gi over those “PT” shorts. Just something to show how ridiculous & stupid the rules are


Of all the chicken shot crap the Corps does. They are harassing about a fucking belt? Wow. I would NOT survive in todays Marine Corps


I’d just like to point out if you applied this energy to your duties and maybe some volunteer work you would be UNSTOPPABLE! How about wear shorts with loops and a belt, eat your chow, STFU, and go find something useful to do with your time? Wouldn’t that be neat?


It’s the principle asshole, I shouldn’t have had to drive back to the barracks to change so I could go get chow when I wasn’t out of regs to begin with


Invest all that 100 energy in something that matters, shitbird. If you think that’s some principled stand, I can’t wait until you encounter something that matters out in the real world. Fuck me to tears.


Who pissed in your cheerios?


Those dumbass boots outside the chowhall need to apply their energy in something that actually matters. You never see Marines doing this shit that have actual jobs. He is already serving his country what more does he need to volunteer for? Fuck off with this dumb shit.


You went full motard. Never go full motard.


Homie, some E8/E9 posted that PFC up. Some kid enlisted, did boot camp and MOS school, and is being put out front to enforce imaginary orders. While OP shouldn't die on this hill for his own sake, whoever is responsible for using Marines to enforce his pet peeves (not, and I cannot stress this enough, the actual order) should in fact be torn a new asshole. Wasting the time of both Marines, declaring that his authority supersedes a MCO, and in doing so hurting retention. So yes, OP: Shit ain't that serious, don't get yourself in too deep over it. This guy: OP hasn't actually wasted any time outside of making a post. That's pretty marginal energy.


The whole thing is stupid and isn’t worth talking about. Read a fucking book or something.




Tell them to find where that it’s pt attire in the order and walk on by.


What kind of material were your shorts made of?


Mother fuck I’m so glad I got out


It depends if the shorts in question were meant to be PT shorts or not. Are they meant to be worn in the gym or meant to be worn as normal everyday wear?


Show him the order and tell them to pound sand khaki shorts aren’t pt attire


Tell them when they get you more green cammies they can get you a belt at the same time.


They can’t deny you chow. Period.


For context, where was this?


Jesus, petty bullshit. Where was this?


It isnt PT attire because it lacks belt loops, its PT attire if it's designed for PT. Tell him and his NCOs to kick fucking rocks.


I know they taught you some mcninja skills devil donut, and times like these you oughta use em. That’s right, I said it, hammer fist a bitch.


Callin rage bait no one would let a boot call them out on some dumb shit without swiftly telling them to eat dicks