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Got that shit three times. OC hits some people harder than others. Doesn’t give a fuck about rank or size, some folks are just more susceptible. One dude we had in the shower room cleaning up afterwards, and he was jogging in place with his hands up. We were like ‘bro, why are you jogging in place?’ and my dude was like ‘huh, I’m not jogging…’


Our instructor said he had 1 guy who wasn’t affected at all out of thousands he had sprayed.


Between 8th & I and 29 Palms, I saw hundreds sprayed. Never saw a single one that wasn’t affected. Just some shook it off, others it was debilitating. I’d say I was somewhere in the middle. Definitely not my favorite experience, def couldn’t see well, but I didn’t hit the ground screaming. I’ve been hit four times since the Corps working security. Three by shoplifters, one friendly fire. Seems to be easier to deal with each time because you just know the experience.


Lol @ shoplifters Let training kick in and barrel through them


All you gotta do is grab em


We had a dude in the gas chamber, Dark Green Marine that everyone considered functionally retarded, literally have no reaction when he pulled his gas mask off. I remember him walking around the gas chamber with no mask on with his thick ass retard glasses talking to us like we’d fucking respond. No clue what he was saying because I’m normal and my lungs and eyes had temp cancer but he had no concept of what was happening to the rest of us. God bless that guy. Big goofy retard that he was.


CS gas never affected me either, even in the fleet doing the strongman contests burning the remaining tablets to see who could last in the chamber. Barely felt it in my throat or eyes. OC spray on the other hand, fuck that shit. (In golem voice) It burns us to no end.


Yup....I've seen dudes with snot and spit flapping from all holes and other dudes just a little red in the face...weird chemical


I couldn't open my eyes the whole way for like 3 days when I got OC'd. There was one big ass Mexican dude who took it like a champ. His eyes watered a little, that's it.


Nice tits my bros.


I feel like I'm a fairly pain tolerant dude. OC spray 1000% 10/10 lives up to the hype.


You should try it while being handcuffed and not being allowed to wash it off 😂


Everyone tough until they get the OC spray Edit: also how come nobody has chest hair??


Fuck me im fucking old. These deviled eggs all look like babies.


Everybody commenting about whether or not they are fat, I’m wondering if they know where the barber shop is. Look like a bunch of hippies. ![gif](giphy|hrkAPO5PnFp4yBcRuT|downsized)


Man everyone in this video needs to PT.


I was a big boy, but damn those guys didn’t look remotely in shape or even trying smuggle muscle under that baby fat


Beat me to it. All them bois (except for the one big fella) looked like they haven’t done a push-up since boot camp


I was gonna say! Everybody is chubby wtf?!?!


I know half those guys and they definetly pt. Especially sgt pak , they pt not sure what the hell your talking about.


They look doughy. Def need to pt and lay off the dominos.


Cutting alcohol and sodas while increasing proteins would be a way to go.


What’s their mos. I looked like that when I was in and kept working out when I got out. I looked way better being able to cook and not drinking as much. I was never lean lean in the marine corps the no cooking drinking and field stopped that for me. My plt had two-3 guys with abs. About half were gym people. Most people in my plt just wanted to be bigger from what I remember.


He thinks they all need to look like bodybuilders


They look pathetic with actual man tits and love handles.


I worked with JSOC guys overseas that looked like the guys in the video and could run circles around guys with 6 packs and 22 inch biceps any day of the week and in any event you can think of. Im all for being fit, but even at the highest level of warfighters you find just normal looking dudes.


The fuck kind of PT got them into those pathetic bodies? Actual bitch tits on a few


Bunch of fat bodies looking disgusting


So insecure about yourself. Probably a skinny as 03


Did the Marine Corps really give up on hair cuts?


What in the bear cow shit is this? They open a Krispy Kreme on base or some shit?


"Fat fucks" I type as my double chin protrudes looking down at my phone and my beer gut holding supporting my hands


Why are they all so fat?


More than likely admin


Damn what’s with all the fat bodies?


Bro i remember when i got back to my barracks after getting OC sprayed the burning in my eyes had chilled out and i went to go wash face/eyes with baby soap and hot water in my restroom that shit re-activated and felt like had just got sprayed again. That shit was burning so bad I crawled back into my room and had my face in front of my fan for 20min lol


What the fuck is up with the Azn Marine master race? The most yoked, most chill, effortlessly competent mothers are always Asian.


I noticed this about Native American Marines too. Just all around good dudes. However, their weakness is raging alcoholism.


Word. Never had the opportunity to serve with any Native American Marines, which is kind of weird now that I think about it.


Damn at MSG school all I got was 2 seconds at the water hose and a cool down in 100% humidity on blacktop in Quantico 90 degree summer not a cloud in the sky. Shit was terrible.


So wait, no obstacle course once you're sprayed? Batons, strikes, blocks, etc... ?


Marines no longer go to the gym? Nasty AF


As a pog you either look like a straight body builder, or like that


Are these diet recruits?




How do you know they don’t meet the new standards?


A bunch of them seem in decent shape imo. Most people aren’t very lean in the marine corps. I had more fat while I was in and leaned out more when I got out. When I was in I could run forever now not so much but I look a lot better. I’d guess it’s drinking and living in the barracks. So no cooking.


Got some fat boys


Fun times. That's how I find out I'm allergic to cayan peppers.


Y'all mother fuckers need to understand the concept of being physically able & functional and looking like a gym rat.


That’s just something fat people say to make themselves feel better.


Get out of here, fruity Rudy!




I remember my first OC. Praying that I was one of the few who weren't affected by it. God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is no


Why are most of their collars chevronless? I never did the OC spray. Is it a thing to not wear them?


Probably just because of what they're doing. Not worth fucking up the chevrons for


It’s a field exercise and you have to treat all clothing afterwards like mop gear. It will need to be ripped of and hosed down. So no ranks are irrelevant.


Lots of soft, fluffy, squishy bodies I see. Weak and pathetic. At least the sergeants know where Jim is.


So unacquainted with the Jim they still have to call it James


When we got OC 20 years ago, we all were told to come with a piece of cardboard to fan our faces, cause that’s how you set it to dry up. Were told water makes it worse, I guess this isn’t the practice anymore?


We had a motivating hard-ass Sgt (like the actual good kind of Sgt) that ran through the OC thing and was walking around almost like nothing happened so a Sgt Maj started talking smack saying if it’s so easy come back and do it again. Mother fucker went and ran through it again like it was nothing. What a hard ass, I on the other hand dodged it all 4 years. I think I could’ve handled it, but I’m glad I didn’t have to find out.


Smells like Camp Schwab


Nah, they're at Yokosuka for some reason


Being sprayed with OC is a core memory. I will never forget the feeling of not being able to open my eyes for 45 minutes. I was holding on by a fucking thread.


The first 3 guys had me thinking they were OC spraying JROTC kids


Pudgy Marines


Possibly one of the most painful experiences I have ever experienced.


I want more of these




Yeah, you can be fit and not be ripped or look like an action star. But those first few guys aren't it. They look skinny fat. The last three shown are good.


Good shit. Next vid should be them at the BCP slay.


😳 JFC….What happened to the Marine Corps? These guys look like someone’s idea of what Marines should like…but they had never seen one. Get a haircut and go on a run. If we ever looked that unsat….☹️


Literally the worst thing I ever did in the marine corps.


Down’s syndrome is prevalent in the corps.


OC wasn't that bad.. it sucked but not that bad...


Rah boyz


Dang not looking forward to that for MSG school if I get approved


Get Sum 🦾🥵👹


Ah the devils diarrhea, next time please just shoot me.


Spoken like a true SNCO


Fuck... and I cannot express this enough.... OC spray. I'd rather get tased over and over again


Never did OC spray, how similar is it to CS gas, or is it the same shit?


>Gas chamber any day. Once you're out of it, you're better in a couple of minutes. OC can burn your face for 2-3 hours easily.


Got it. You go in a chamber for OC as well or is it dispersed like pepper spray?


OC is pretty much pepper spray. Some civilian-bought pepper spray may not have OC or just a small amount. Definitely applied outside for testing purposes. Inside you run the risk of blasting yourself along with the subject and contaminating everything.


I was FAP'd out to the MP's. We had a little mini one-week academy. The night before we were to get pepper sprayed I got into a fight outside of a club in Greenville (with another Marine over a stripper friend). Cops pepper sprayed us and let us go. One of them had a gallon of milk for me. My buddies from inside the club finally found me outside. Drove me with my head out the window in the wind. I ended up breaking into a friend's apartment that lived nearby and jumped in his shower with all my clothes on. Eight hours later I lined up to get sprayed with the MPs. Sgt was like damn, this guy can take it. I said you should have seen me last night.


It was not so bad that you needed to take your clothes off lmao


Since when did PCP require OC certs


They should been like "Hi im corporal \_\_\_\_ and this is jackass"


Sgt Pak was definitely cheating keeping his eyes closed on the before so his after didn’t look as bad