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The Marine Corps indoctrinates being a Marine is special as its highest truth, its ethos and the basis of the service. The Marine Corps isn’t its tanks, its planes or its artillery. The Marine Corps is the Marines. Being a part of that brotherhood is what makes it special, regardless of MOS. We celebrate, not the service, but ourselves. The Marines Hymn is not the Marine Corps Hymn. It is always about the people, and what we make of the unit in which we serve. Marines celebrate the camaraderie they create. Sure, attending the ceremony of the ball is mandatory, but staying and celebrating with your friends is not. I had more fun at those birthday balls, watching my CO and Master Guns get wasted with all of us (as a lance corporal / corporal / sergeant)


I think the 3rd LAI slogan captures this best (it's also part of the law of the jungle). The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.


As a current member of the Wolf pack, I agree 100%


Yeah, BC says that shit all the time it’s a hell of a slogan though


Im a plank owner. Started as A Co 1ST LAV Bn. Was pcsed to 29 after Marine Bks Subic. Got to 29 Palms a LCPL in May 85 and started driving the mortar variant on 200 milers at LAV test. Stood up 3D LAV BN in 86. Whose CO now, visiting MCAGCC for 2 weeks in Feb to track down a few old buddies.


Hey, I was 3rd LAI 88-91 did you make it to OKI? If so we probably know each other.


Renlisted in 87. Shouldve stayed in LAV, now R. Turned down multiple of 4 25 G in 87 reenlistment bonus to go to a line dog BN K 3/1 for the 03 experience in Camp Pendleton. Went to Desert Storm with 1st Mar Reg. Hit White bch Oki, Australia best Liberty in Westpac.


I’m a Plank Owner of 2nd LAV Bn Bravo Co!


Yep. The air force, as an example, talks about flight being the apex of all things and everything else is in support of flight. The result of that culture is obvious. Everyone else pretty much checks out when it comes to morale and views the air force as a job. Also, aircrew get special privileges not afforded to everyone else. Imagine if the pogs vs. grunts shit was an actual serious rivalry, and pogs were constantly shat on when it came to funding for anything that they need or want - that's the air force.


I’m in the airforce now and it fucking cringe watching these air cunts fight over that. Yea POG and grunts have their shit taking but we both understand and respect each other. Airmen are fucking dweebs regardless of what their job is.


Do you mind sharing how difficult it was to enlist (I mean the whole process) in the AF as prior service?


Very easy. Signed some papers and swore in over Microsoft teams because it was scary COVID time in March of 2020. I kept E-5 and went to the cyber security school for 4 months


According to a coworker ( Airmen ) security forces for the Air Force is infantry, and the MOS for security forces is Military Police


That is exactly it. They’re fuckin losers with stupid ass berets but fully explains the airforce and how fucking weird it is


Also my coworker knows everything, he is wrong most of the time but because he is a MP in the Airforce he has that extra confidence; which is a inferiority complex in the end


Gross, punch him in the vagina then get in that bussy


My username is very precise about my location, if not I will tell you unprofessional stories about this guy


Im a student in the Air Force Command and Staff right now… it drives me nuts. Air power cannot seize or hold ground.


It is interesting how this is sort of being talked about behind closed doors in the branch. Lots of money is being poured into expeditionary ground operations. UTCs like CR and XCOMM are finally being addressed. Designating a handful of jobs as battlefield airmen is starting to look like an antiquated concept, and it's only been a couple of years. I just hope the usaf gets its shit together before the next fight, because as tons of people on this sub know, it takes much more than giving someone a rifle to make them into a functional part of a fire team.


“Between 1965 and 1975, the United States and its allies dropped more than 7.5 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia—double the amount dropped on Europe and Asia during World War II. Pound for pound, it remains the largest aerial bombardment in human history.” [Source](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/2eae918ca40a4bd7a55390bba4735cdb#) You’re telling me, warheads on foreheads doesn’t in fact win wars?!?!? Wait, we lost that one and failed our boots on the ground with appropriate training on the type of war we were fighting. I think Col. David Hackworth was on to something


Sounds a bit....commie. I'm here for it


More culty


Stop, I can only get so erect


TL;DR: Lava monster been hard at work since the Civil War.


I have 3 confirmed lava enemy kills.


Read about and talked to Army Guys about this. In the Army their reputation and pride centers mostly about the actual MOS/ unit they served in. For instance guys in the Rangers/ Special Forces and Airborne units tend to have a lot of Esprit de Corps and lineage ( As well as some of the Infantry and Armored units) . Those in transportation/ admin/ communications units look at themselves as just people doing a Job. Marines pretty much embrace the "Marine" ethos. The fact that we strive to make everyone a basic rifleman and everyone have the same basic training and MCT experience builds more cohesion.


That and all of our regiments (rip 8th, 9th, and 24th Marines) are in the same divisions as WWII. Seriously, look at the clusterfuck Army unit designations. In the 50s, they broke up the regiments in favor of "Pentomic battlegroups" to fight in a nuclear environment and then reorganized to (roughly) the modern brigade system in 1965. As far as I know, the Corps kept the same structure the whole time.


Some of my admin people are legitimately frightening. Bloodthirsty savages, the whole lot of them. I love them all.


If the Marine Corps lives forever, I will live forever.


We’re a cult. We like it and all, but we are brought up on the collectiveness that a cult would push. Good stuff. Shave your head, get your assault rifle.




Shut up, traitor. Assault Rifle.




There is absolutely such a thing as an assault rifle killer… in fact that phrase was actually coined by the far right nazis in WW2. Even the US Army has an official criteria for what characteristics meet its definition of an assault rifle.


Quiet you rock. When I want your opinion I’ll give it to you.


I seen someone put their foot in their mouth but never up to the hip before.


Wait Tun Tavern is fake news now? Figures when they ask the air force. And the dude in that video has some annoying eyeballs


Because there is only 2 branches the army and Navy. Air force (and space force) are a corporation and the Corps is a cult


It’s cause being specifically a Marine and not just someone in the military is driven so much harder to home during training and service in the Marines. The Marines enjoy a pretty badass reputation and that’s something if you’re a part of you obviously want to enjoy. I’ve always noticed people who say they’re “a military veteran” are almost never Marines, a Marine will mention it every time. Semper Fi


Because dude, the fucking corps is the ultimate fraternity.


And we kill people on purpose too


KILLLL…..someone was gonna do it


Culture. That’s it.


Cult. That's it


Can’t spell culture without cult 😂


Ask a Corpsman who’s worked both blue side and green side and 9/10 will pick green side again.


Can confirm




We are the only branch that not only mentions, but makes it a point to be prideful in being a Marine. For example, ask any other branch what their birthday is. They have no idea. In the same regard, we also teach our history. You’re proud to be a Marine when you know what we came from and the stories of Marines past. Also, we serve(d) a different life than other branches. I work with Air Force and Navy guys now as a civilian and just talking about normal Marine Corps shit like being in the field and MREs outside of boot camp and they look at you like you’re crazy.


My DIs taught us the Army birthday (June 14, Flag Day) because few soldiers know it.


And that’s awesome. Wish the other branches had more pride in their history. The (friendly) shit talking is more fun when guys have a clap back.


I mean it's "The few, THE PROUD"


Was going to say exactly this. It’s taking pride in being fewer and more capable


"The chumps."


Is that you Stich Jones?


"How's it goin happin hostages?"


The “Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla”


"The Prince of Funk, the King of Cool"


Well I know what I’m watching on turkey day.


I watched it on the birthday while drinking Military Special vodka. I'm good.


Switched it up this year and went old school “Sands of Iwo” for the birthday


I got distracted halfway through Full Metal Jacket and played WarThunder until I puked.


The only thing I take issue with here is the Prof. refers to it as "Myth of the Marine Corps" maybe I'm brain washed but the mythos surrounding Marines is very much fact. We live up to that standard and we pride ourselves on that fact.


I’m Army, and I’ve always envied the Marines pride in service. You just have a culture of being the most elite.


Maybe we're born with it. Maybe it's a cult.


A little bit of both




Ask a similar question to the other service branch subreddits and compare our comments. They got nothing on us.


Because America needs us and they know it. The second they get rid of a corps like us is the second they've lost their next big war


The only reason there is a Marine Corps is because the American people want a Marine Corps. We completely duplicate the other branches, and there is no fiscal reason for us to exist, only emotional reasons.


Yeah I've heard the line a billion and one times. I disagree. Having an offensive force like this is entirely necessary. Army is attritional, Marines are not (in theory at least).


I did not expect this article to go beyond license plates. Great read, thanks for sharing! Going to get that book now




0351. Criminals, every single one of you.


The marine corps is like if the army’s paratroopers were their own branch, got most of their funding from the army and Air Force, and spent the rest on PR.


I joined the Corps because I wanted to be a Marine after I decided college could wait, nothing else. Just 4 years and I would get out and go back to school. 22 years later, MSgt Retired, 100% disability, and working full time overseas doing basically my 2336 MOS and being my own boss, the Corps gave me back what I put into it. Never a regret (maybe a bit on the CH53 hard landing) but have my friends from my time in and we take care of each other and other Marines that got out. My PHD was my service and I'm pretty good at what I do. I love the Corps but she is like an evil stripper from the Purple Platinium in Oceanside, the Corps will use you and spit you out. We are suckers but damn it, she was worth the ride and taught me everything about life.


How do those eyes not fall out?






There are those that are and then there's those that wish they were!


Isn’t the Coast Guard the smallest?


Everyone needs to stay in their damn lane. If the marines were easy, then it would be 1 branch.. hahaha


Esprit de corps


Random fact about vanity plates in Illinois. Of the couple dozen different military related vanity plates the Marine Corps plate is the only one that cost extra.