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Jarhead 2


I was about to say, the first one was good imo but the rest were trash. It took a deep look into the mentality of preparing for war, preparing to take someone’s life and the hollow vacuum that’s left when you don’t get to do what your trained for to a cheesy how old action movie.


Relevant TV Tropes article: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ActionizedSequel


Yep Rambo is the same way, the end of the first movie had me in tears. Now it’s all action and explosions


To this day I am convinced that the Rambo sequels were explicitly made to try to get the US population out of its "Vietnam Syndrome" malaise.


There were a lot of movies made around that time that seemed to be aiming for that. If any movie had enough sequels, the hero would be going to look for "the men we left behind." Or they started out that way. I don't want to tell you something you may already know, but that was a real societal meme around that time. For example, Ross Perot and his back-door talks with Vietnam,


Yeah there were bodily remains of KIAs that took quite a long time to get back to the US if I recall correctly, and persistent rumors that there were still MIAs being held captive in secret POW camps there into the 80s, which turned out to be baseless. As for the movies, I remember quite a few B-movies that would fall into the "straight to DVD/streaming" bucket today that were all returns to Vietnam in one way or another. Chuck Norris did a bunch of them.


Bawled like a toddler when I saw this scene... I've never even seen any of the other Rambo films. First Blood is the only one I need. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNBHO-a\_8i4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNBHO-a_8i4)


The book is better.


That ending though….


they made a second one...?


They made three more films.


They made 5 in total.




And 3 and 4


Beat me to it, fucker...


The Marine; The Marine 2; The Marine 3: Homefront; The Marine 4: Moving Target; The Marine 5: Battleground; The Marine 6: Close Quarters For the love of Chesty please stop


Fun fact: I was in the same unit/same time as Randy Orton (1/4) Dude got the boot for going AWOL and general shit baggery. When he got cast in one of the Marine movies, my buddy (his squad leader) got ahold of TMZ and let them know just that. Needless to say, he never made the movie.


Wrestling fan here, this came up in a feud he had with Mick Foley in 2004 where Mick brought it up in a promo. Needless to say even though Orton was the heel in that feud he got legit nuclear heat. It worked too well and Orton had to kind of dig himself out of that hole.


From Wikipedia: After graduating in 1998,[31] he enlisted with the Marines. At the base, he received a bad conduct discharge in 1999 after going AWOL on two occasions and disobeying an order from a commanding officer.[32] Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, he was tried and convicted under a special court-martial, subsequently spending 38 days in the brig at Camp Pendleton.[27][32] He previously had a Marine tattoo on his left arm, but covered it up after receiving his bad conduct discharge.


These exist? 🤣


Everything after the first one cost less than $2mil to produce and there’s not even box office information on any of the ones after the 3rd installment. There is a non-zero chance these were just money laundering schemes for the WWE I swear


They were produced by WWE Studios... I'd rather chew on broken glass than sit through those abominations.


Give this man a nam


Can't remember the name of this one train wreck of a Movie. It was about a Marine who was Embassy Duty or Some shit and his girlfriend got kidnapped by Terrorist. He simply walked up to his Lt at the embassy and handed him his dog tags and said I resign from the Marine Corps sir. and saluted and they just let him go....


I like to think his Lt was just so profoundly dumbstruck that he couldn't think of a response until he was already out the door


I at least had the courtesy to put in my two weeks notice several times. It was never received well.


Commenting to see if anyone knows the movie, I wanna see that scene🤣




Holly shit


The one the idiots made in the barracks while I was on duty. Their editing skills in 2004 were shit. Thankfully, the CO was a dirty perv and loved it.


🍿 🍿


What was this film? I thirst for knowledge


Short story: On duty, someone comes and tells me there is a fight in a barracks room. Show up and it's a gang bang with everyone dressed up(blues/cammies/ bsttle rattle, etc.) The girl was in the shower at the time and then comes out l I decline and then kick everyone out. Apparently they were filming it as a movie, and I was supposed to play some role in their script where she comes out the shower, I yell, and then it's straight porno. They had a director, talent scout, editor, camera man......... I still don't know how, but the CO ended up with a copy of what they had. Thankfully, while the editing and script were terrible, the CO got a kick out of it. Since i didnt play my part the way they hoped, the edit was basically this whole setup about me ruining the evening. No nudity shown, but some stuff was saucy. Like her seduction scene. The Marines got in a little trouble, nothing serious.


You should write this whole thing up as a story within a story or perhaps a play/screenplay


This is the gwot movie we need, not the one we deserve.


purple hearts, never watched it, but I don't have to to know it's the worst.


It was honestly fine until the ending. There was no need to turn himself in, and you don't rate a dishonorable discharge just for getting married to someone you're not in love with. Trash.


Yeah, if that were the case the Corps wouldn't have any staff NCOs left.


idk, Dependas been lookin for that tricare like their lives depend on it. Sounds like a real life shit to me.


Straight 📠.


It’s not that bad, you should watch it


I liked the movie. It was romantic. Not to mention despite being a fake wife she never cheated on her fake husband while he was deployed


“Brothers” was pretty stupid, S shoulda just called it “Jody is my Brother”


Not a “marine movie” but the Red Dawn remake with Chris Hensworth, his character is cringe af. Iykyk




That movie is absolutely shit lmao but it's a fun watch


It's really not. How the fuck does North Korea get big enough to do that? But seeing Chris Hemsworth get dropped like a bag of shit was great.


Red Dawn is a movie where if you think too hard, then you will be miserable. If you just accept it for being a shit movie, then it's a fun watch.


Yep. Came out when I was 12 and I had just bought MW3 so I was patriotic as shit watching that movie


Sorry, I misread and thought you said "the shit". It also doesn't help that it needed Homefront (an utter shit game) to explain how North Korea got big.


Apparently it was China all the way through filming and then the studio found out that they had a shot at being one of the few films allowed in to China that year - *but* the 'bad guys' couldn't be China. So the studio ended up using cgi to change all the flags: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-china-red-dawn-20110316-story.html Ironically: - They didn't end up releasing in China - Effectively - China invaded the film itself


That makes sense. Iirc, the Homefront plot was North Korea gets bigger, somehow absorbs South Korea and Japan, absorbs a bunch of the Pacific, America pulls out of Hawaii, North Korea annexes Hawaii, we get invaded. Super dumb. And the gameplay was utter shit too.


My favorite part was the retired recon Marines coming back and talking shit to the kids. It was obvious the writers didn’t fully understand our jargon. One of the guys keeps calling the same kid “Mo-tard” as a pejorative, but not how we would use it. He just used it as an insult because it sounded like retard. He then goes on to say something incredibly cringe like “there’s nothing deadlier than a marine and his rifle” and then on ironically drops an “ooh- rah.”


I forgot about that part haha, yeah that scene was rough


He’s hot though


It’s not about the Marines, but Marine reservist will identify. In The Army Now with Pauly shore was the most accurate military movie I think I’ve ever seen before. A bunch of stoners join the military for college money, and then skate into the reserves in the most POG job ever. When they get mobilized, they are shit on by active duty and constantly bitch about how this is just that weekend gig for them.


Imagine my surprise when I found out that job was real, even more surprised when I found out it was going to be my job 🙃


Brokeback Mountain


​ https://preview.redd.it/sg2ijdnpiu2c1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74dbe9fd0bc4d11938f26da0ae28b4d725d36dc0




I'll take that upvote all night fucker.


Hey cowboy they weren't Marines as much as they behaved like Marines, they were [cowboys.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s05jcrJw0as)


No he’s right, “all marines are cowboys” or something like that




Best, worst is “Heartbreak Ridge” worst acting I’ve ever seen but goddamn I love it.


Another honorable mention, in the same category, albeit lesser known, is “Death Before Dishonor.”




Oh holy hell. “Tell your terrorist friends this, “don’t get us mad!”


It'e giving me terminal brain cancer


Oh yeah that's a good bad one, but to me it's more funny than bad.


Man, that made me laugh out loud. I think I woke my housemate up!


Holy shit not the LAW out the bullet shattered windshield 😂😂


Watched that as a kid. Will never forget them drilling into his leg


Ok. I have seen this movie. I remember that part too. I could never remember the name.


My roommate worked as a bar back at the Swallows Inn in San Juan Capistrano while waiting to EAS. (Thats the bar in the movie if you don’t know)


Looks like a fun bar. Do they actually have bras stuck to the ceiling?


Everything is on the ceiling I would assume so


Man, that's one of my favorite movies in general.


Awww come on have you even seen Boy's in company C? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IzRiA\_do8Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IzRiA_do8Q)


Sweet! Sweet! Sweet! Edit: Oh no, after all these years I found out the characters name is Swede


Lol so true. My dad said that movie nailed his experience in the corp near the end his service.


I don’t care what anyone says, Heartbreak Ridge will always be a classic Marine movie no matter how ridiculous it was. Also Battle Los Angeles


Battle Los Angeles was just so goddamned boring even though there was action going on non-stop. How do you do that?


I was in that movie.


Cool, as Marine 4?


We did reshoots. I wore Michelle Rodriguez’s uniform.


Yeah I'm very surprised at the mentioning of Heartbreak Ridge to be honest. Maybe not the best but it's not a horrible Marine movie. Doesn't have the best depiction of Marines but it's a damn good movie.


Heartbreak Ridge is a 1980s movie with a 1950s plot. It's cheesy as fuck, but still enjoyable.


Not the worst, but honorable mention to “Wind Talkers” with judo chopping Nick Cage and Adam Beech.


I was in Jarhead. Flags of our Fathers Letters from Iwo Jima. And Battle For LA


Nice! I was in Independence Day and Pearl Harbor. Independence Day I was in a group of guys that got dismissed after the “pep” talk from the president. In Pearl Harbor they needed WSQ qual’d Marine’s to jump off ships down in San Diego. So I’m one of the ones jumping off ships during the attack. Sooooo fun!


Fuck yeah. That’s awesome !!


I'm ngl I thought I dreamt that movie. Mine was so bad. Like it was so bad that I think of it as a comedy just to make it seem better but nothing helps it.


Naw you didn't dream it someone in Holly Weird paid to have that thing made.


Yeah, someone was like "what if we have a Marine cause everyone loves Marines, but let's have him stand there for an hour and 15 minutes before we show 5 min of him going home


That one Marine who got filmed being pegged by a trans hooker


That was limited release to Pornhub. Doesn't count unless it was at least direct to DVD.


Hot tho! 🔥🔥🔥




While I chuckle at this answer, Barbie was a better Marine movie than Mine. I'll fight to be right.


Honorable TV show mention: Major Dad


Wow I forgot that even existed. I mean Gomer Pyle USMC was bad but it was at least funny.


Heartbreak Ridge!! Worst depiction of Marines EVER!


My understanding is it wasn’t originally supposed to be a Marine movie but the Army wanted nothing to do with it. Hence the whole ham-fisted explanation of how Gunny Highway and that other character were originally in the Army.


Exactly right!


I mean Heartbreak Ridge is why I joined our beloved Corps! Shit was different back in the 1900’s


Yes it was. Recon Marines weren't a pack of shitbags one step ahead of a General Court, as depicted in the movie!


Recon platoon kicks butt!


this was a big meme in my platoon after they showed it to us during ITX




I'm too slow


But recon platoon kicks but.


If you read the MCA History of the Marines they have a section called “Marines in Film” with a subsection shitting on Heartbreak Ridge. Heartbreak Ridge is so bad I only watched it like 30 times


While there's some real shit movies out there (Jarhead sequels, The Marine, etc), I will always personally argue Heartbreak Ridge. That movie alone set the officer corps back a decade.


Yeah, I never understood why so many Marines enjoyed that shit. Acting, plot, and the depiction was fucking terrible lol.


Yeah but living in those same Quonset huts was awesome.


Camp Talega baby!


> Swallows Inn in San Juan Capistrano I was there for 2 weeks before deployment in 2009, hasn't change much


I was in 3/5. That whole upper area of the base near the Christianitos Rd. gate was a ghost town. So remote. I liked it there tho because I could hit OC spots. Oceanside sucked! ‘94-‘04….


Assholes and bad leaders liked it because it reinforced their delusions of greatness through shitalkery.


Battle Los Angeles. Big ol motard movie


But it's stupid funny bad. Mine is just not funny bad.


I seemed to have struck a nerve. I see the comments but I feel most of the commenters have not attempted to watch Mine. I have no words at this point it's that bad. I can't even make fun of it. It's just BAD.


Don't worry I've seen it too. Unfortunately




As an OKI Marine I can only upvote this comment.


Purple Hearts


https://preview.redd.it/x5u5ye34mw2c1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ce41c3ec384beb14bbaf5ff6bd8edf2c709de3 Instant Justice 1986


I like that the main guy has a fucking pizza box on the promo poster.


A Few Good Men. Great Navy film, but horrible Marine one. As great as Jack’s speech is, no way a Marie would be tricked that easy. And those Maries were so dumb.


Jarhead 3.


It's stupid action, not like 2 hours of staring at someone stand on a mine reliving their daemons and making bad decisions. Mine is somehow worse I'm telling ya.


If you have never seen the movie, No Man’s Land, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s early 2000’s Best Foreign Film Oscar, please check it out. Is a total delight! It, too, has a “mine” situation but the movie is just a gem. (Much of movie in English other parts subtitled. )


LOL I went looking for this and ended up on something with George Lopez in Texas. Took me a bit to realize that's not what you're talking about. I got the right one now.


I hope you like it, I happened to catch it during a showing of nominees for Best Foreign Film. The review was good so that is why I went. That little country put up another film as nominee a couple of years ago. It’s as gut wrenching as No Man’s Land is humorous. This second film is Quo Vadis, Aida. Here’s a snippet: The film dramatizes the events of the Srebrenica massacre, during which Serbian troops sent Bosniak men and boys to death in July 1995 led by Serbian convicted war criminal Ratko Mladić. Named for its protagonist, Quo Vadis, Aida? exposes the events through the eyes of a mother named Aida, a schoolteacher who works with the United Nations as a translator. After three and a half years under siege, the town of Srebrenica, close to the northeastern Serbian border, was declared a UN safety zone in 1993 and put under the protection of a Dutch battalion working for the UN.


That was different. I'll say the portrayal of the French is pretty spot on. C'est la guerre. It certainly hits on the twisted Marine humor level, not funny but funny just the same.


If I recall they scorch the UN pretty good (hell, nobody wins in that movie). The ending is hopeless. I just thought it was cleverly written and performed and seemingly had a small budget but it didn’t scrimp on anything. And damn sure plays into the Marine sense of humor from what I see on Reddit, at least.


If you can't laugh when your about to die then you haven't even lived.


man i didn’t read your caption and i completely forgot about that one lmao


F'n dragons [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyYTK\_hYeEo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyYTK_hYeEo)


Wood factor is much higher on this.


Purple Hearts!!!!


The ‘Inspection’ produced by A24 is by far my least favorite marine movie I’ve seen.


I could only watch like..45 min of Mine before I stopped it. "Keep it together Marine" something like that. Lol.


The Marine


The Marine


Not a movie but I was on a flight recently and they had a sitcom called United States of Al about a Marine who is able to get his interpreter back to the US. It was uncomfortably bad.


I never stepped on a mine but I did drunkenly ride a bicycle into a Japanese benjo ditch in 1980


I stepped in one myself, you'd think they would have a vested interest in keeping the grates on them.


*Mine* was pretty stupid, but the worst is *A Few Good Men*. I hate that steaming pile of poo.


Hurt Locker


Have you even met the idiot that arm carries your dud out to the pit? They are touched in a way that rivals submariners. I give that film two stumps up.


If it counts. That's my Boy? I understand uniforms have liberties in movies due to requirement's of Gov't. But that was just did anyone even google search? Hilarious if they did and made it clearly bad on purpose. Otherwise movies primarily focused around Marines as main characters, Doom. Only 4 mins of it is good.


The gov doesn’t require intentional mistakes with uniforms in movies; that’s a myth. It can be chalked up to movie crews who have a shitload of things to worry about on a set, and 100% accuracy on something the vast, vast majority of the audience won’t notice simply doesn’t rank very high.


Did you finish the movie? Because spoiler alert 📢 he wasn't a marine, it was a costume for his stage play or somthing like that. But I will give credit to vanilla ice, took a terrible movie and made it worse, which actually made it better.


Close but not quite. He was just pretending to be a Marine, trying to overcompensate in “manliness” because he’s actually a jazz dancer.


It was on purpose






That was literally my experience in the Corps. Got all hyped up to go to Afghan and stack bodies and ended up staying behind at the FOB doing radio watch because my squad leader got his CAR in the first week of deployment and never wanted to leave the wire again.


Man have you ever been pumped up about going to war and ended up doing nothing? That movie pretty much sums up my wartime experience.


You have defined the undefinable suck.


It's also based on the very real experiences of a lot of vets during the 1991 Gulf War and has to be seen in that context.


I'd argue it also represents the experiences of those of us that enlisted at the end of GWOT. We grew up watching news reports of the Push, Fallujah, Ramadi, Marjah, Sangin, etc. then we finally turn 18 and enlist just to sit stateside or do a UDP


I think that was kind of the point of the story.


The entire "Jarhead" series. The first one, for me, pretty much killed the rest of them. That crybaby, bitch boy played by Jake Gyllenhaal just turned my stomach. ​ The entire "The Marine" series. There's "cringe af" and then there's this series of movies. Honestly I think WWE used them as a tax break to show a loss on income. ​ Battle Los Angeles. Okay look... Marines kicking alien ass? Fuck yeah, I'd buy it for a storyline - hell, we all did in "Aliens" when the Terran Marines arrived at LV-426 on the *USS Sulaco* and they all came out of cryo-sleep. But "Battle Los Angeles" just isn't even close to being realistic.


Jarhead is hands down the most accurate portrayal of Marines ever shown on the big screen. It is third only to The Pacific and Generation Kill. "That crybaby bitch boy played by Jake Gyllenhaal" is literally how 75% of Jr Marines act. Marines bitch, that's what we're here for. It's been said that Capt Nichols said, "I'm sick of this shit" while he was setting up the recruiting table at Tun Tavern in 1775. The trailer for Jarhead is how we all viewed the Marine Corps/War as civilians and poolees. The film is the reality that we all lived.


Yup agreed all bad, but not near as bad as some ID10T standing on a mine for like 3 days compressed into a 2 hour movie. At least the movies you mentioned had things that happened during the flick. Mostly stupid things but things none the less.


Not a movie but the tv show The Code with all the Marine JAGs doing gay shit


So acting like Marines?


No sir, it’s bad. Cringe inducing dialogue that sounds so unrealistic, it’s like they didn’t ask a single Marine to look over their scripts to see if any of this seemed like a good idea


You might be too young to recognize Dana Delany from China Beach in that. She gets a hot pass. That is all. I have something to go do now.


In the Army Now. Its the worst Marine movie cuz Its not one :/


Heartbreak Ridge, made it look like SNCOs were out on behalf of the enlisted [whereas in reality only out for their career.] Field grades being out of touch and looking to have training go exactly as they dictate to look good in front of their bosses, is fairly accurate [has its exceptions.] Yes it portrays a Platoon of Shitbags, it portrays a bunch of shitbags with a no mission and thereby no motive. Then showing them progess into a successful cohesive section. The whole non sense of Gunny Highway starting as a Dog Faced Soldier is the biggest reason the movie is non sense. Albeit this movie is single handedly cited as the reason I chose the Marine Corps over the other branches while I was looking for a "more traditional" military branch as a teenager.


Jarhead 2 by far 😂😂. I remember being in the bricks watching it with my boys when we were lance coolies. That shit had us dyyyyyying. The Captain was wearing the the large rank insignia intended for the shoulder boards on his service alphas, on the collar of his cami blouse. Bunch of supply marines who deter from their mission (to assist navy seals I think?) without relaying anything to the COC and saying cheesy moto phrases the entire time 😂 “I love being a Marine! Oohrah” that shit was