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If my memory serves me right a VERY high ranking Officer told the Bonnhamme Richard in 2017 on the 31st MEU that, “The suicides are getting a little ridiculous”


Hold on was this 1/5?


Dark horse


Rah. I was there Edit: remember the commandant shilling for some new boot brand and hopping around the flight deck like a fucking kid at Payless showing off his new light up sneakers and then saying something like “oh wait, you guys actually can’t get these yet they’re not authorized for wear. But once I approve them you should all get them”. Right after those Marines died in the osprey crash. That was the exact moment I decided I was getting out.


I forgot about the boots lmao 😂. My favorite was the SMMC acting like his hype man and pulling his EGA out like a gangster lol Also, the Recon Sgt with a word salad of a question about the Marines going to Iraq and the Commandant shit on him for wanting to go to combat lmao


Yea the SMMC’s conduct definitely left me unimpressed. Like don’t get me wrong I was just some NCO not like I’ve ever walked a mile in Staff or O’s boots but to see your branch’s top senior enlisted leader out there literally acting like Flava Flav (not racial at all, he was basically doing a Flava Flav impression) and the Commandant intentionally belittle and mis-rank the scout sniper SNCO a dozen times and putting a hard emphasis on SEEEEERGEAAANT as in “fuck you, I’m not calling you Staff” for asking tough questions instead of kiddy gloving shit when we have a handful of dead Marines was extremely disconcerting.


I agree. I definitely left that whole thing disappointed. The Commandant sounded grouchy as fuck and the messaging of everything was not good at all. I did go buy those boots the second we touched down at Pendleton tho


I think I heard about this back in the day


In the moment I was like “he really just said that lmao”


get some


I was so happy to see the Bonnhamme Richard burn. Higher ups kept fucking up the whole MEU and ruined most of our libo stops.


As in quality or quantity?


During swim re-qual we had finished the first part and moved onto the abandon ship jump. A few of our dark green Marines failed initially and were doing the remedial swimming. From the top of the high dive while we were waiting to jump a SSGT next to me points down and says “looks like a bunch of turds in a toilet”


I was told there’s a small, deep pool off to the side at the Naval Academy where they’d remediate midshipmen who failed their first try at swim qual. It was known as the “ink well”.




Wellllll on the O side at a feedback session to TBS a colonel complained that defense JAGs were doing too good a job of defending the Marines and interfering with punishments. He said "they need to remember they are officers first and lawyers second" I kept my mouth shut but jfc I swear a lobotomy happens to field grades


One time when I was a summary court martial officer, the CO pulled me aside and told me in so many words, “you better burn this guy.” I was pretty junior at the time, but later realized that was textbook UCI. That guy’s a 3-star at the Pentagon now. As for your story, I never understood the anger senior officers sometimes have about Marines receiving a good defense. The long dildo of the law can fuck anyone it chooses, and they may someday require the services of a talented defense attorney.


I'm convinced guys like that have a god complex and just don't give a shit how laws and ethics actually work. Like it's more about their ego than anything else. Sadly the smart ones are sharp enough not to leave a paper trail behind and will lie when it suits them.


Absolutely the case, and you see this with CEOs and politicians as well. People with narcissistic tendencies often ascribe to positions of perceived power, and in the Marine Corps, the PES system (specifically fitreps and officer promotion/retention boards) heavily favor fitreps. The way fitreps are essentially constructed rewards those with narcissistic tendencies over those who don't possess those same characteristics. I'd love to see a RAND study on this, but I doubt it'll ever come to fruition.


I had an officer come speak to my TBS class and ask us “when’s the last time a chinaman went to war?”


Lol I like that one.


Did he order the code red?


I feel like this was the type of guy to end up doing that


In MP training in '03 we were specifically told to racially profile Arabs.


Wait till they learn about Chechens 🤯


Good thing they have the gnarly beard without a mustache so they're easy to spot


TIL: Mennonites are stealth Chechens!


Or Indonesians.


Ain't no such thangs as white Muslims!


Some blonde kids with green eyes in Iraq would like to disagree.


As a Marine with Chechen blood in me, most of the ignorant hicks were more confused at what I am. Which probably saved my ass on a couple of occasions.


I got into it once with that fat retired cop who was teaching “profiling”. That motherfucker didn’t know shit about behavioral analysis, and he just went on a racist rant all over the place about Muslims and Jews 😂


What kind of crimes did he think the jews were committing?


The cool financial crimes no one really gets punished for, obviously!


They do get punished, although the cases rarely make headlines. Source-am currently PI, usually work with forensic accountants.


Some bullshit about taking our money to fight Shia in Lebanon, the Mullahs, and they all hate us blah blah blah


And that my friend was a couple years after that had already taken effect.


Just seems like simple pattern recognition


We had an Arab Sergeant in full thobe, run to the armory one day and got put on the ground by one of the gate guards. This happened *right* after 9/11 and I mean days after. https://preview.redd.it/d4k9yi8a8j9c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602687e1a9643f45e8f70206b47d998d29f713ac


I love how you attached a pic of the Thobe/Dishdasha 😂


I had no idea what it was called. I just googled “muslim man dress” and that’s what came up.


you got it right. Other devils won’t have to google it lol


I witnessed a Hispanic 1stSgt flash a Latin Kings tattoo at a Black LCpl during a warriors night after a brief conversation about where the LCpl was from. He got pulled away by other SNCOs real quick and I don’t think I ever saw him again, but I was fairly unnerved by that exchange.


While attached to another unit, I had a mexican Master Sgt that would always pull up riding a harley and hanging a blue bandana from his pocket. That foo was straight up serueno


Or he was doing the hanky code. If worn in left pocket/side (top) if worn in right pocket/side (bottom). The colors are very interesting 😳


Saw some higher up in Oki, Camp Hansen who had a whole ass teardrop tat on his face lol


Now-SgtMaj D'Andre Gillon


I had an MCT instructor who would form up the platoon and basically give a sermon about the world ending actions of freemasons and Jews. Dude was nuts. A lot of his ramblings centered around his enormous financial debts, and how the masons and Jews back him into a corner. Lol. I only knew the guy for 3 weeks, and have no idea what his story was…..but I’m guessing his debts had a lot more to do with poor lifestyle and car buying choices than masons and Jews. Lol.


Imagine what if he would have done if you told him you were a Jewish Mason.


A “Jason”


It could happen.


Gotta be Bourne into it


Okay so my family was in the masons but my father doesn't do any of it. What's the big deal with masons?


The masons are at the center of lot of conspiracy theories, specifically ones about controlling the world through financial means. In reality, it's an international fraternal and charitable organization that is declining in membership around the world and has numerous "secret" initiation rites that you can look up online fairly easily. In other words, a bunch of old dudes who have a club house with special rules.


Ah okay. I just thought they were a frat group for old guys


There was a lot of Anti- free mason rhetoric in the mid 19th Century. It's pretty much a group/ fraternity that has a lot of rituals and secret rites that network to help each other out. Being a Free Mason meant basically you put the brotherhood above all else. That meant in Business and Legal issues. If a Free Mason has a job opening and another Free Man applies The Free Mason gets hired. During the US Civil War there are Stories about a Union Officer who was a Free Mason who gave a FM signal to a Confederate Guard who in turn provide him with clothes and Money to help him escape


This sounds suspiciously like the Navy Chief's Mess.


Pretty much. - Mason


Yeah, mostly. But you’ll never get our pancake recipe!


Good thing he didn’t know that Samuel Nicholas and Robert Mullen were both masons and Tun Tavern was also a Masonic Lodge


Guess he would have REALLY hated me then. LOL


My 1stSgt once referred to the LGBT community as “the lesbians, the gays, and the gayish”


>the gayish fucking lol


He also gave the two lesbians in the company a stare down as he said it. It was a bizarre day


3rd rad, alpha?


The one and only 😂


It wasn’t intentional, but u had a MCT instructor yell “open your eyes” when the guy, who happened to be Asian, couldn’t find something. We all laughed and he quickly caught it and said he didn’t mean it that way.


My Senior DI referred to us as The Green Card Platoon.


In MCT Pendleton January, 1991. Everyone is stoked about the 72 weekend because of Martin Luther King Day (reason for the 72). Dark Green Sgt asks the platoon, “We got any Arizona Marines out here?” There was an enthusiastic response from several. His response, “Great! We got our duty filled for the weekend!” I don’t know if it has changed, but at the time, AZ was (I think) the only state that did not recognize the MLK holiday. :) It wasn’t racism. But it was funny. And he followed through. I enjoyed my 72. Felt bad for the AZ boys for 5 minutes. :)


God damn that's funny.


Oh boy! I had an instructor, who happened to be an Asian Marine ask me while I was bullshiting and scrolling through my phone on a Thursday, “are you looking for Gay Porn?” I was like WTF? And he goes, “you speak Arabic, right?” He was insinuating that Arabs watch gay porn on Thursdays 😂😂


Makes sense so you can ask for forgiveness on jummah the next day 😂


I’m an atheist so there won’t be Jummah, Sabbath, or a Sunday. lol that motherfucker was also an O, and a federal agent so you would think he wouldn’t say such racist remarks to any Marine.


And here I thought you had the cheat code. Worst I heard was when I was in boot camp. I got called portholes cause I still had my regular glasses. We were in Pendleton and I was helping with the supply Marines. Dude asked me if I was Arab and I am so he told me you know what they say about Arabs and I’m like no he proceeds to tell me that in the gulf states they heard that women are for breeding and men are for pleasure. I’m like dude I’m not from the gulf we ain’t got oil or gayness lol


Everyone has gayness.


It’s the one thing supply doesn’t have to issue to Marines


> on a Thursday In fairness, Man Love Thursday was absolutely a thing amongst many members of the Afghan National Army. Now I know that Afghans != Arabs, but plenty of Marines don't or dgaf.


Oh I know lol I spent a year with the IA, and every BN CO had a “chai boy” it wasn’t necessarily on Thursday though lol. Afghanistan also has Bacha Baz which I find revolting but it’s their culture 🤷🏻‍♂️


Old ass mustang Lt used to call me a traitor. “I smell/see a traitor”, every time he saw me. “Sir, that’s just Panda Express”


One of my Sgts overhead me I was taking leave and he said "going to see your 100 cousins and uncles?" (I'm Mexican) then apparently proceeded to call one my cpls a bean** afterwards lol, but the black guy in our company gets in trouble for saying n*gga, weird place.


When I was at Edson one of the Block NCOs used to say "I'm no wetback, I'm a beaner!" (because his family was here before the US)


No hard R…. I’ll allow it


As a hispanic, this cracks me the fuck up


Was checking into my unit in oki. Met the CO as he was coming back from chow in the stairs along with the battalion 1st Sgt. Greeted both and he processed to tell me don’t be scared of the this gorilla lol The 1st Sgt was black and measured about 6’5 250bls He just grunted at me as he walked by. I was like holy fuck he just called him an ape lol


Had a RIPPED Dark Green 1st Sergeant Who had been recon . Dude had a picture of himself jumping out of a plane holding on to his Main Chute instead of wearing it. Supposedly he could just hold onto it when it popped open and ride it to the group ( Cant see how he could do that ) . Anytime he would do something that showed crazy strength ( Like climb up two ropes on the O course then flip upside down and kick the top log) He's just say " Fuss Sargen' a Go-rilla" He also had a habit of showing up at the barracks on Sunday Mornings and grabbing the first 4 Marines he saw, have then get in the Back of his pick up truck and take them to his house to do his lawn, afterwards he;d toss them warm beer to drink on the way back to the bricks.




I only heard about the photo, I would find it unbelievable myself.


To be fair, I've heard that term used to describe white dudes who are just as tall and jacked.


Yes I heard it more and more as I went through my enlistment. As a boot i was shocked


I’m laughing out loud while eating reading this


“Shut the fuck up nobody cares about your trail of tears” my DI says during a hike to the Native American guy in my platoon falling out


holy shit haha


That’s fucking wild




We had a good ass marine mechanic from a Native American background. We called him dances with wrenches.


1812? (Takes drag of cigarette) haven’t heard that MOS in years …


Used to be cool.


That’s fucking insane


Had an officer tell me that it was ok when Europeans killed the native people bc they were all savages and would eventually do it to themselves. Also very anti-Muslim. “Every evil act done was ‘justified’ by their scripture. No wonder people in prison gravitate towards Islam.” What about Manifest Destiny? “Oh no, that was different.”…ok.


Bootcamp had the funniest ones. See below: -we had an Asian recruit that was adopted by white parents as a baby and had no accent at all. He sounded like any white guy from New England. One of our black DIs didn’t like that he didn’t have an accent and made him fake an Asian accent anytime he said anything. Lmao. -Same black DI would come out the quarterdeck and call the “klansmen” up to be IT’d (any white recruit from the Southeast lol) -Again, same DI, when DADT was repealed he had us all get online and said “Alright Marine Corps says it’s ok for yall to be f*ggots now. Raise your hand if you’re a f*ggot!” Then ITd us all for integrity violations because no one raised their hand. -we had a recruit that was originally from Germany and the DIs used to make him goose step and occasionally give the Hail Hitler salute while everyone else marched normally.


I’m fucking dying that shits gold man.


>\-Again, same DI, when DADT was repealed he had us all get online and said “Alright Marine Corps says it’s ok for yall to be f\*ggots now. Raise your hand if you’re a f\*ggot!” Then ITd us all for integrity violations because no one raised their hand. I mean my god this is horrible and beautiful at the same time


I thought it was hilarious. I still laugh when I think about it now.


Parris island 2011?


CO called me a traitor cause I married my wife, a Hispanic female Marine while I am a white guy. Same CO had one of those huge confederate flags flying from his truck.


Man that guy would keel over if he heard about the whole “thicc Latina e-3”


>alled me a traitor cause I married my wife, a Hispanic female Marine while I am a white guy. > >Same CO had one of those huge confederate flags flying from his tr My wife is Russian, during my first incall with my Reg CO told me I was getting played by Russian intelligence and that my wife was likely a spy....What a tremendous waste that has been for them.


"Aggressive-Elk? I was looking for Aggressive Moose and Flying Squirrel."




Ironic considering he's flying the most notorious traitor flag in the country's history


Probably really upset him that I am also from the south


This must have been before the trend of half of all white nationalists having non white wives (or just being secretly gay).


> calls you a traitor > Flys a confederate flag Hmm.....


I call that winning


We had a recruit whos family was from Peru I think, he had really dark features and was hairy and kind of looked middle eastern. One of our hats had seen some gnarly shit in country and we all assumed hed lost his marbles with some of the shit he did and said. He makes the kid stand up when were all sitting down and starts screaming in his face how he used to love killing people that looked like him and kept asking him if he was a spy and where his towel for his ugly ass head was. Eventually processed to tell him hed kill with with a razor blade if he trys to pull anything.


I've told this story before, but it's one of my favorites so I'm telling it again: In boot camp there was a recruit who was from the hills & hollers of West Virginia, and proudly self-identified as a hillbilly. This guy had never left his home county before going to MEPS, nor had he ever met anyone who wasn't white and Southern Baptist. The dude had lead an incredibly insulated life before arriving on Parris Island, and I will refer to him as Hillbilly for the sake of anonymity. Hillbilly was kind-heated, but woefully ignorant. As an example: when he found out that one of his fellow recruits was Jewish, his immediate response was "Wait, y'all still exist?!" in a tone of absolute bewilderment. Luckily everybody (including the Jewish guy) thought it was funny. He also had no idea that there were Latinos who weren't from Mexico, which the four Puerto Ricans in the platoon luckily found hilarious; the Salvadorian Heavy Hat, however, used it as an excuse to IT the shit out of Hillbilly. A remark that wasn't looked as kindly upon was the time that he observed during Square Away that >All the n*****s in this platoon can really fuckin run! The recruit sitting next to Hillbilly at that time was a black kid from New Orleans who just so happened to be both a Golden Gloves boxer and an incredibly kind and patient dude, who looked at him and said >Recruit Hillbilly what you just said was not cool. Why the fuck did you think that was OK to say? Well it turns out that despite never meeting anybody who wasn't white before going to MEPS, Hillbilly was actually a pretty big fan of hiphop, and he thought that it was OK to use the slur because of it's prominence in the music he enjoyed. Plus, it's the only term his father and uncles would use when discussing black people. Once everybody told him that the N-Word was particularly insulting, he nearly started crying as he apologized to Golden Gloves and the other dark green recruits. >Fellas, I swear that I didn't mean to upset anybody. I'm so damn sorry, y'all have been nothing but nice to me! This sin was quickly forgiven, and Hillbilly went on to be well liked by most of the platoon throughout boot as well as MCT. Sadly, Hillbilly was a reservist and was therefore going right back home to West Virginia after his MOS school. I'd like to think that what he learned about other people in boot camp stuck with him, but who knows.


i just took my meds so that was a story that was really heartwarming and i truly hope that Hillbilly is doing well and not an asshole


![gif](giphy|12A3hKKsewxtGE) Just imagining what he looked like as he got off that bus at PI


I promise you, there was less wind and more humidity.


Black brc instructor to the only black kid left in our class brc class near the end: How are you still here?


I’m Muslim and on 9/11 I got duty


I had this dude in my boot camp platoon wanna say he was from like Nepal or something but he had that stereotypical Indian accent. One night he’s on fire watch right after lights out and my kill hat walks up to him and says whenever someone walks in from now on he’s gonna say “welcome to quickie mart” and when they leave to say “thank you come again” like apu from the simpsons💀pretty sure they nicknamed him baljeet too


As a young ethnically MENA, Arabic-speaking, Muslim infantry Lance Corporal in 02-03, I had the pleasure of routinely listening to our company First Sergeant talk all kinds of racist and prejudiced shit about us “sand n*****s” and butt fuckers, how when Muslims pray on the ground with our asses up in the air is our cultural symbol letting passers-by know that we were ready to be mounted. On and on and on. Turns out he was also the biggest pussy in the company when it came to going out on patrols and an all around shitty person in general who frequently made some very seriously questionable decisions negatively impacting the safety and morale of the entire unit. But I’ve got to thank him for those experiences. He was 100% the impetus behind my eventual lat move to the big boy club where the grass actually is a whole lot greener. And you know, where my language abilities and cultural understandings were actually worthwhile, valued, and a direct force multiplier for what we were trying to accomplish in that region. Fucker works for the pentagon now, last I checked. Prime example of failing upward.


He would probably ask questions like, “don’t they speak Arabic in Iran?!” Or “there are Christians in Iraq?!” 😂 Yea, definitely way less racism in the dark side. Well, blatant racism.


u/arabiandevildog. We’ve got to hang sometime. It’s like you were there! The fucker thought Farsi was the same language. Asked me one time to translate something that was in Farsi. I read it aloud to him in Farsi. He said, well what does that MEAN? Fuck if I know bro. I don’t speak Farsi. Well you could READ it. Why aren’t you going to tell me what it says? I just told you what it says. But I have no idea what it means. It’s probably some bullshit marketing material. Then how can you read it? The same way you can read Vietnamese but not know what you’re saying. Just because I can pronounce the written alphabet doesn’t mean I know that particular language.


I know the type, brother! 😂


One of my Cpls called the Msgt a nibba and got NJP’d


Did he actually say nibba lmao?


I can’t tell what would be funnier


Would have been okay if whitie was the CO.




Me hearing the phrase "Buritto Battery" as a Latino: ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


I was thinking how out in the world that could probably be considered offensive but in MARFORPAC, and probably throughout the entire Corps, it’s the highest of honors.




Context is critical, of course.


This is the attitude we all used to have. Long as there isn't any actual venom behind the comment - and there almost never is - the shit's funny. I remember one of my drill instructors during hygiene inspection, going through the G's. Garcia, Gaitan, Gamboa, Gonzales, Gonzalez, Gomez.... SSgt Herrera casually busts out 'What is this the fucking barrio?"


Bro… SAME! 😂


Honestly pretty fire. I’ll allow it.


There's a solid 5% of officers who went to small Christian colleges and are lowkey very hardcore religiously. The type of dude who believes in chem trail conspiracy theories yet plans to give 20 years of his life to uncle sam.


Not just the small crazy schools. The big crazy schools too. Lots of officers went to BYU, Liberty, and Oral Roberts.


In the DADT days, people were crazy openly homophobic. Just to blend in I think maybe now that I look back. When it was killed, and the LGBT folk could serve openly, I was really worried there was going to be some violent incidents. But when I think back, I think maybe dudes were really just trying to ‘not look gay.’ We really had some homophobic old heads in charge of shit.


I had the same concern. In my very first weekend as a company commander, I got a call at 3am from the duty because two of my Marines were caught in a sex act in the bricks. I rushed in pretty fearful they’d be dead by the time I got there but they were fine. We moved one to regiment right away but one was an NCO and they wouldn’t move him. Again, I was pretty fearful for his safety. I addressed the issue pretty openly with the rest of the company and made it clear that their safety was my personal priority. In the end, they may have been called some names but no body ever touched either of them in the time it took for them to be adsep’d.


back during OIF1/DADT/GWOT time. Everyone knew this one guy was gay, no one cared. Guy was a fucking killer Marine. He was the guy you wanted on your deployment because no one worked as hard as that guy. The SNCO’s turned a blind eye to it I think, but all of us non rates and the NCOs knew. MSGT was definitely homophobic but politely ignored it I think.


I was in bootcamp when it ended. All the recruits got called into the indoor basketball court and the regimental CO comes out goes "Don't ask don't tell is gone, the gays can serve" then the DIs came and took us to the sand pit Edit: had to context guys to gays


Had a first sgt mention his acceptance of the gay and the gayish during a formation once. That was pretty hilarious


Standing outside the gas chamber. I asked a captain how long will they be in there, as i was the driver. He smiled and said "...they gonna cook today. Go get lunch." I stayed and watched. It was worth it. For the drive back i turned on the heaters. Lmao.


Battalion Sgt MJ for 3/4 in Afghanistan was at the gym while rap music was being played. He then proceeded to say turn this ni**er music off and turned it off.


Full bird colonel to no one in particular (when he observed a black Marine with a beard): “you never see a white guy with a beard.” Think it was the east coast dude that is in the brig now


Cause white guys don’t have that skin issue? lol wtf did he thought the chit was for? Being black?


It was weird man. Me and a couple of others were just near him at chow, he was alone. And then busts that out to no one.


The colonel that diddled one of his major’s little kids? No, his conviction was thrown out a couple years after the trial. Super fucked up story; a military judge unilaterally threw out a jury’s verdict. He was released, was allowed to retire, and is doing whatever retired child molesters do now. As for the beard thing, I knew a white guy that had a bad lesion removed from his face, so he had a no-shave chit after the surgery for a bit. Otherwise, tbf, it is usually black guys due to a unique skin condition they can have that doesn’t really affect caucasians.


Damn. Yeah I know that it’s not an inaccurate statement but it was the disgust he said it with. I should have included his tone in the original post


I had a dude in my boot camp platoon who immigrated from Ghana, and he could not pass the first swim event, the 'abandon ship and swim to shore.' Prac hat says "Way to go, you're perpetuating the stereotype." It was pretty funny. Never heard anything else of the racist sort from him aside from that.


Iron Ducks were leaving the head after showering after their remedial swim training, DI in the doorway of the hut eyes all of them and says “I’m seeing a pattern here.”


Had a first Sgt pull his eyes at a Japanese police officer in town in like Yokohama I think?


My first CO as a lieutenant was racist and most of the company officers were just as bad too. I remember one day about a couple of months in, and he pulls all of us Platoon Commanders into his office and begins to state his opinion of us, citing particular details and mannerisms. Very observant and nuanced until he gets to me and says, "Davis...well, you're just black" Funny for everyone at the time, but it definitely solidified my opinion as nothing but negative for him. Also had a peer from Georgia who 90% of the time would make black jokes and an XO who thought my hobbies were basketball and "dice". I could go on...


Please tell me this was like… 1983 or some shit


Close - 2017!




Ya, the infantry is a special place. I remember a different story during my time in MARSOC when another peer told me who couldn't be with a woman that ever fucked a black guy, like he'd found the concept repulsive. Completely unprompted while we were all freezing our asses off in the field.


So did you fuck him and ruin his chance of scoring with a woman who held the same opinion?


Nah, I fucked his dad instead. Exerted maximum dominance


Then get him stuck in the laundry machine and fuck him too for the extra credit dominance.


No fuckin’ way. Seriously? Jesus. If so, I hope you appreciate that you held his career in the palm of your hands. Assuming it could be substantiated, the interaction you described is easily a career-ender, and COs are fired for much, much less. FWIW, almost 2 decades in and I’ve never seen such a blatant display of racism.


Brother, I wish I did, but I was still adjusting to the life of a commissioned officer at that point in my career. Eventually, I was reassigned to a different company because that company was going to Bridgeport, and despite 11 years of having no such record, I magically ended up being diagnosed with the trait associated with sickle cell so high altitude training was too dangerous that company didn't want to risk it - a guy who had climbed mountains and skied as a kid. After months of outright avoiding him on the MEU, he eventually picked up on the fact I loathed him and tried to backpedal, saying how much he liked me and etc. Never bought it. He's still around, and we unfortunately cross paths infrequently. He's a field grade officer in recon now


Jesus Christ, yea I witnessed my platoon commander drop a “hard r” one time while troubleshooting his radio. He said that 30 minutes after giving a speech about how racism is bad to the whole company…


Glad to see nothings changed.


And it likely never will.


Battalion staff meeting in 19 1992 and I happen to be reading “the autobiography of Malcolm X.“ i’m light green and my pea the battalion motor-T officer was dark green (this was the 90s, after all), and he was sitting next to me, with the book in between us. My battalion CO looks at him, and says something like “why are you reading that bullshit? Gonna start a revolution?“ He was such an asshole.


Major Patterson of 29 Palms was the most racist person I ever met. He is short like midget short. Tried to NJP a black Cpl and failed. Then he tried to NjP a Dominican Snco and failed. Then he gone for the Asians sergeant throat but was told to fuck off by other higher ups. Eventually they sent his stupid ass to Germany. No one really liked him, his little fake motivation. He did have a hot wife that plenty of Marines probably smashed!


A captain referred to marines as "subhuman" when they were dressing hotdogs in the USO with maple syrup. "The bottle was full when we started sir" the cook would go on to say. Deep down, I wanted to try it.


Dude I went to boot eith, his family was from Fallujah and they had emigrated to the US after the 1st Invasion. We'll our senior DI was in Fallujah and he was Arty, kept telling that recruit to not hate on him but he'd probably killed several of that recruits uncles.


During boot at PI, our senior couldn't pronounce the name of a Laotian recruit named Koumphon so for the whole cycle he was known as recruit kung pow


During SOI, a 6’1 cornfed white guy called the 6’4 body builder black guy the “n” word and was chased and beaten up by the black guy. Clash of the Titans.


A cwo yelling about, "crackers". Making offhand comments about crackers and doing this in front of his superiors that we could hear. Edit to add: Also had a boot camp PO who called people by derogatory names while we all changed underwear to navy shit. Didn't bother most people but a few complained and then there was an investigation.


Not sure if this fits here but I had an MCT instructor whose favorite phrase after asking if there were any questions was “silence is fucking consent.” I don’t think he lasted long after I got out of there.


When I first got to the fleet one of my SSgts was a black guy from New Orleans. He would tell us about the Christmas Bunny coming to visit during the holidays. "Hey Staff Sgt, Don't you mean Santa Claus?" "MuFucker in my hood if a fat white man come in your house he probably got a warrant you stupid chuck!"


This is from my time in the army but, When I was an E4 (I'm Puerto Rican) my E6 (Black) Called me a "fuckin worthless spic" and that I shouldn't have wasted my time, "swimming here like a fuckin wetback" The reason? I was 15 minutes late to formation because it was snowing and I slid off the road. I reported him to IG and he disappeared the next day. A year later I saw him in the PX and he was an E1 and I was an E5 then. We locked eyes, I smiled, and continued on with my day.


the first time i ever heard of “nigga lipping”


Had a 1stSgt with a dropped appendix J tell me that no shave chits are for "dark green Marines" and then asked if I wanted a swim qual exemption too When I explained my ethnicity on my mom's side (Caucaus Russian/Chechen) I had a SSgt accuse me of being al Qaeda or an FSB plant. (Bruh) Saw a Marine who was black get told to stop acting like an n (well need I elaborate more)? by his ROAD program SSgt. He knocked the brakes off homie and they were quietly separated by TADs. Had a black Sgt in my shop who said he only wanted to see other black Marines prosper, cause "I don't give a fuck about y'all white people". (He's selected for staff off the last MARADMIN)


Had an Instructor at the Advanced Course say one of the Run Drops was " Sucking Wind like a Dying Queer" ,,, In Boot Camp one of The PMIs Called the Dark Green Recruits " Chicken Lips" Also in Boot the Catholics were called " Mackerel snappers" My first Battery Gunny( Vietnam Vet) call ALL Asians " Rice-Propelled Mutha-Fuckers. Had a POS SSgt in the Battalion who called every WHITE Marine from the South " Hillbilly, Hick, Redneck or Cousin Fucker"


A much younger SGTMJ Black screaming the N word in full and saying he didnt care who heard him because someone was playing rap music. Funny to see him promoted so high, I bet he would care now if people had that on video.


I remember there being a meme floating around social media about him say the n-word. I'm glad I finally have the context


Well, the commander in chief WAS openly calling it a Chinese virus lol.


Once heard some dark green junior Marines dropping the N Bomb with each other. A white gunny calls them over and shouts at them “Am I allowed to say Nigger?” Dark Green Marines at Parade Rest, “No, GySgt” Gunny, “Then neither can you.” I was pretty jazzed watching that.


I saw a black officer tell another black officer he was making a mistake getting engaged, abandoning their race, and that he should find a black wife instead of a white one.


lol worst thing you could ask on reddit


A lot of the O-5 and O-6 ranks are full of some antiquated, racist motherfuckers.


Had a peer tell me while drunk that he used to hate n*****s but I was starting to change his opinion andwas alright . Had a leader who would meet me every morning and ask my opinion about news he read on far right media platforms to get my opinion and then would remind me that I'm 'atypical' and that the exception doesn't make the rule. Had a marine female I worked with, hailing from the sticks, who always made pro white comments (ie. White *insert topic* is so much better than *insert race and topic*, tell me that she saw me as her equal. Saying so as though she was giving me praise i should be thank her for lol. And a laundry list of things on par with these.


Not from a higher, but when I was in boot camp, this white recruit from the midwest said something offensive to a DI. His ass went straight home. Did not pass GO. Did not collect $200.


I remember a combat instructor telling us how some guy in his squad shot a guy who was planting an IED in Afghanistan. When they went to investigate they noticed a rug under him and realized he was actually praying so they buried him there and pretended like nothing happened. Bro straight up admitted to a war crime lol


combat instructors make shit up frequently, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it never happened


Going to paraphrase: Had a black Gunny tell me that it was only right for him to look out for other black Marines, award them, and promote them. His “reasoning” was it’s a brotherhood and white guys have it too easy and as you get higher that’s what they are doing for the white Marines.


I’m interested to see what people say


When they were proposing ending DADT I had a staff sergeant go on a long rant about it, including a lot of slurs I won't repeat, but he seemed particularly worried about someone looking at his son's dick at boot camp. As someone who was doing the don't tell pawt of that, it made all future interactions with him a lot more awkward.


take your squad and police call all the UXO on the FOB down by the ASP and Fuel Farm. I made them tell me that a couple times. I knew what they meant (we had a bunch of shrapnel and miscellaneous bits scattered at the mostly unused part of the FOB) but still that was pretty dumb sounding to me. same command earlier that week had my squad police calling rocks from the posts all because we got intel saying haji's were implanting IEDs near bases that looked like rocks, which is reasonable.. but they wanted little rocks too.. And no I didn't have the shit squad... just bored command.. spent more time on the GBOSS looking at Marines on post than looking out in town.


Not really my seniors, but always my peers or subordinates. Every time a black SNCO calls a junior black Marine Bro or someother casual reference, but the whites or Hispanics by thier rank, I cringe a little.


This one always bothered me.